LHC Particle Masher thread... (Quest for "Theory of EVerything")

I know what it's like to be spaghettified. :(
I'm surprised not one superhero has been created yet. I wonder what would happpen to you if you where standing where the particles collide.
hahaha that would be sweeeeeeet. i would imagen they would end up like dr manhatten
I guess either it would make you a superhero and blow your body into a million tiny pieces and thus in theory created the worlds first death ray
How do you expect physicists to solve that problem? :huh: This is the most asinine point yet. The problem is that you're certainly not the first person to make it. So, I reiterate: you're saying that physicists should just quit.

Obviously, they're not studying anything worthwhile. :whatever:
You're completely going on the total negative possibility of what i'm saying.

the problem is there isn't a problem. They are trying to answer questions for the sake of it or to try and confirm some theories. THese theories are going to broaden the scope of human knowledge but aren't going to solve any of today's world problems.

I'm not saying physicists should quit, it's not about the physicists, its about the governing bodies that supply grant money on this scale.

Does the money spent justify the results obtained and does it justify money from other areas being cut for research and general aid funding for other more problematic issues of today.

If this experiement is done this year, next year or in 50 years, will it really hinder our way of life to have it postponed till the world is a better overall place.

Yes, I lack the ability to reason effectively. How superior you must be.

What are the physicists supposed to do? Sit on their thumbs while some microbiologists/bioengineers spend decades trying to cure AIDS? Why not make progress in other fields simultaneously?

Makes sense to me.
this comes down to simply business application of supply and demand, it works in all forms of life.

this is the biggest experiment of all time, do you honestly believe in our current climate, this should be the region of science where the biggest scale analysis should be in.

It's not simultaneous, nothing is simultaneous because certain sectors have bigger interests than others. Look at all the ozone stuff before, now it's talk about carbon footprints and responsibility, in the 80s, there was a push for AIDS.

everything gets their buzz time in the spotlight but is this something that deserves its spotlight now with everything else still going on?

They're looking for bits and pieces of information that can help us see the bigger picture. They're not looking for absolute and definite answers with respect to the origin of the universe.

This just happens to be the next step for physicists. There are already people with funding working on other problems. Let the physicists do their damn job. :huh:

I understand your bias and your point, but this research is far from useless. That's my stand.
I personally don't think this region of physics is going to enrich our way of life or better the way we live today.
At most it will just add to the literature that others can work on in the future until they get something out of it.

in the mean time, i just feel that there are more pressing issues with the world and funding for these large scale experiments are shortening their resources.

I have nothing against the work itself and what it can lead to, it's just a case of priority.
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does anyone here think we as a planet are wasting money and resources over this whole greenpeace crap? i mean the British government is spending billions on it when there is more important things to sort out like schooling, hospitals, lack of prisons, M.O.D and poverty
You're completely going on the total negative possibility of what i'm saying.

the problem is there isn't a problem. They are trying to answer questions for the sake of it or to try and confirm some theories. THese theories are going to broaden the scope of human knowledge but aren't going to solve any of today's world problems.

I'm not saying physicists should quit, it's not about the physicists, its about the governing bodies that supply grant money on this scale.

Does the money spent justify the results obtained and does it justify money from other areas being cut for research and general aid funding for other more problematic issues of today.

If this experiement is done this year, next year or in 50 years, will it really hinder our way of life to have it postponed till the world is a better overall place.

I understand what you are saying but here is where I have a problem...you don't know that this won't have some profound effect on the problems of today. Tons of discoveries have been made through experiments that weren't really looking for that particular discovery. Who knows what scientists can learn from this and how it can be applied. This research, among other things, may provide a better understanding of gravity, what particles exist in the universe and how they interact, as well as possibly an alternative source of energy. And that's just what they are "expecting" to get from this...you can bet they'll learn alot more in the process. It's a bit naive to think that no major world-changing discoveries could be made during these experiments.

I personally don't think this region of physics is going to enrich our way of life or better the way we live today.
At most it will just add to the literature that others can work on in the future until they get something out of it.

in the mean time, i just feel that there are more pressing issues with the world and funding for these large scale experiments are shortening their resources.

I have nothing against the work itself and what it can lead to, it's just a case of priority.

Are there other more priority issues out there? You bet. But that doesn't mean that all other research should cease or not be funded in the meantime. I assume that's what you are looking for to happen? Is there some documentation saying that AIDS research is being shortchanged because of this research...or is that just an assumption?
Turpentine was discovered by accident and is now a main component in tires....
It's not naiive, any discoveries made, especially energy ones are going to be carefully held on to and used to make profit rather than benefit others leaving a larger divide between the poverty line.

Again, I'm not saying that all research should cease, I made a comparison to a business budget and that R and D values should remain constant while real short term issues get the priority of budgets.

I'm certainly not an AIDS/HIV expert or anything of those sorts. I just know that a large percentage of research institutions get their grants from government bodies and it's at the early budget parts where everything is separated out. WHen research bodies make claims about new exciting discoveries, they are more likely to accept fundings rather than people going on about trying to fix something that's not going to go away easily. it's just human nature.

The fact it's the largest scaled experiment ever done with billions being chucked into it just gives the impression the money is being giving just to see 'what happens' and I personally don't think it will provide many more answers than previous experiments. Maybe with that in mind, calculating the cost of it all can show it would have been better used in maybe other research institutions on a wider scale or used for other government bodies to deal with the day to day grind.

When you hear of community centres being closed down due to a lack of government funding or hospital not being able to provide people with vaccinnes because they can't afford them, then the issue does raise up issues.

in short, limit experimentation or large scale costly experimentation until socio-economical problems have reached a controlled stability. Continue low key research, theory and analysis.
It's not naiive, any discoveries made, especially energy ones are going to be carefully held on to and used to make profit rather than benefit others leaving a larger divide between the poverty line.

Again, I'm not saying that all research should cease, I made a comparison to a business budget and that R and D values should remain constant while real short term issues get the priority of budgets.

I'm certainly not an AIDS/HIV expert or anything of those sorts. I just know that a large percentage of research institutions get their grants from government bodies and it's at the early budget parts where everything is separated out. WHen research bodies make claims about new exciting discoveries, they are more likely to accept fundings rather than people going on about trying to fix something that's not going to go away easily. it's just human nature.

The fact it's the largest scaled experiment ever done with billions being chucked into it just gives the impression the money is being giving just to see 'what happens' and I personally don't think it will provide many more answers than previous experiments. Maybe with that in mind, calculating the cost of it all can show it would have been better used in maybe other research institutions on a wider scale or used for other government bodies to deal with the day to day grind.

When you hear of community centres being closed down due to a lack of government funding or hospital not being able to provide people with vaccinnes because they can't afford them, then the issue does raise up issues.

in short, limit experimentation or large scale costly experimentation until socio-economical problems have reached a controlled stability. Continue low key research, theory and analysis.

I don't know where the funding for this project is coming from....but, for arguments sake, let's say it's all coming from a private company...any discoveries made are that companies property and they are free to do with as they wish....it's called the free market.....No one is obligated to be a humanitarian....
I don't know where the funding for this project is coming from....but, for arguments sake, let's say it's all coming from a private company...any discoveries made are that companies property and they are free to do with as they wish....it's called the free market.....No one is obligated to be a humanitarian....
That's all fine.

However, a large chunk of research usually comes from national states and governing bodies. Which ultimately translates to yours and my contribution to the tax budgets.

outside parties can contribute and what they do with their money is ultimately up to them. I have no problem with formulae one cars being privately sponsored with companies spending billions on advertising and maintence and improvements.
The government won't directly fund a project like this... the only funding they give is to the general research they have already been giving out to the fields along with a few loans and grants like everything else. Most of the money probably came from the special interests.
It's not naiive, any discoveries made, especially energy ones are going to be carefully held on to and used to make profit rather than benefit others leaving a larger divide between the poverty line.

Well why wouldn't we assume the same thing of AIDS or any other disease research? Aren't there special interest groups *cough* drug companies *cough* that might want to hold onto any vaccines and make a profit off them??

Again, I'm not saying that all research should cease, I made a comparison to a business budget and that R and D values should remain constant while real short term issues get the priority of budgets.

Not that AIDS research isn't important, but how is it considered "short term?" How many years have we been working on AIDS? How much money have we spent on it? Again, not saying it wasn't money/time well spent but I'd hardly call it a "short term issue."

I'm certainly not an AIDS/HIV expert or anything of those sorts. I just know that a large percentage of research institutions get their grants from government bodies and it's at the early budget parts where everything is separated out. WHen research bodies make claims about new exciting discoveries, they are more likely to accept fundings rather than people going on about trying to fix something that's not going to go away easily. it's just human nature.

The fact it's the largest scaled experiment ever done with billions being chucked into it just gives the impression the money is being giving just to see 'what happens' and I personally don't think it will provide many more answers than previous experiments. Maybe with that in mind, calculating the cost of it all can show it would have been better used in maybe other research institutions on a wider scale or used for other government bodies to deal with the day to day grind.

When you hear of community centres being closed down due to a lack of government funding or hospital not being able to provide people with vaccinnes because they can't afford them, then the issue does raise up issues.

in short, limit experimentation or large scale costly experimentation until socio-economical problems have reached a controlled stability. Continue low key research, theory and analysis.

This goes along with Fat Tonie's post below. And I don't have all the information here, but how much money was really given to this project by the government? And did the source of this money REALLY effect the money granted to those projects you deem more important? You seem to be implying that any shortfall in funds to "important Socio-econimical problems" is directly related to the misappropriation of funds to non-essential research? I just don't know that that is entirely the case.

Throwing all available cash at a problem isn't always the answer. If you shut down everything else and throw all the money you have at one problem your going to have wasted money and people either standing around or doing redundant work.

Hypothetically, if they run this experiment and discover a clean, cheap, renewable energy that would solve the worlds energy problems.....would your tune change or would it still be less important than AIDS research?

The government won't directly fund a project like this... the only funding they give is to the general research they have already been giving out to the fields along with a few loans and grants like everything else. Most of the money probably came from the special interests.

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