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Will we ever get a Marvel / DC Crossover DTV movie?


Jul 26, 2004
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DC and Marvel have been producing a lot of animated movies as of late, and I can't help but imagine how awesome it would be if they collaborated and did a crossover movie between the Marvel and DC universes. Whenever they did crossovers in the comics it was always a really big deal, so I'm sure a DTV animated movie would be huge as well. It would be like, the ultimate DTV event for either Marvel or DC, and the fans would go wild-- especially if it meant finally getting Bruce Timm to produce something with Marvel characters. I'd love to see that happen, and I'm sure many a fellow fanboy would as well.

Since no Marvel / DC crossover would be complete without the heroes from both worlds fighting each other at some point, what matchups would you like to see?

Superman vs. Thor
Superman vs. Hulk
Green Lantern vs. Iron Man
Batman vs. Daredevil
Batman vs. Wolverine
Wonder Woman vs. Thor
Wonder Woman vs. She Hulk
Flash vs. Quicksilver
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye
Black Canary vs. Black Widow
Deathstroke vs. Deadpool
They are doing a lot of adaptations of comics right now, so what I would want to see is an adaptation of the 2nd Superman/Spider-man crossover book. It had the Hulk and Wonder Woman guest starring, so you had Superman vs Hulk(which was just awesome), and Spider-man flirting with Wonder Woman. Doctor Doom and the Parasite were the villans, the conversations between Doom and Superman were great , especailly as they took place in the Latverian embassy where Superman could not touch Doom legally.

edit: Also, the Batman vs Hulk book was great as well, truly epic, great moments like the Joker persuading the Hulk they were 'two of a kind' due to them both having green hair and then turning him on Batman.
They should do the Kurt Busiek Avengers vs Justice League crossover:


I really liked how Busiek compared the two universes. In one, the citizens loved their heroes (DC) vs the Marvel Universe where heroes were seen with suspicion.
A Justice League vs. Avengers movie would probably be the ideal route to go. If they plan on doing more than one though they could start off with a Spider-Man / Superman crossover.
Wow I really hope so. That movie would be awesome beyond reason.

Batman vs The Punisher


Daredevil vs Batman are the ones I would like to see the most.

I also think that Bullseye vs Green Arrow would be a pretty incredible fight (and I hope Bullseye would win)
There are several characters who could be seen as analogs / antithesis to Batman in the Marvel universe:

Batman and Daredevil are both the victims of violent crime in the city, and they both stalk criminals under the dark of night using martial arts and stealth.

Tony Stark is like Bruce Wayne in some ways. He's a rich industrialist with lots of high tech goodies and a penchant for philanthropy.

The Punisher is like the opposite of Batman. Bruce Wayne saw his family gunned down, and later became a superhero with a strict policy of not using guns. The Frank Castle lost his family, and became a bloodthirsty anti-hero who ruthlessly guns down criminals.

It would be interesting to see Batman interact with all of them. Hopefully they'd have time for it, or at least maybe they could do a sequel where they can cover some of the more interesting crossover interactions that they wouldn't have time for in just one movie.
I really don't see this happening in the forseeable future. For one, Marvel is trying to establish themselves as the premier superhero movie company. Why dilute their brand and share profits for a movie when they can put out a 100% Marvel movie and reap more-or-less the same returns? I doubt a Marvel Vs DC movie would make significantly more than, say, a Secret Wars movie or a Kingdom Come movie.
I really don't see this happening in the forseeable future. For one, Marvel is trying to establish themselves as the premier superhero movie company. Why dilute their brand and share profits for a movie when they can put out a 100% Marvel movie and reap more-or-less the same returns? I doubt a Marvel Vs DC movie would make significantly more than, say, a Secret Wars movie or a Kingdom Come movie.

Bingo, right on target!
Maybe in 10-20 years...or 100.
I think it'd require more general awareness of the seperate universes to work.
I think it'd require more general awareness of the seperate universes to work.

How so? The target audience is aware that there are separate Marvel and DC universes that have their own heroes and mythologies. By the time it comes out, the Avengers movie will be around and it will be a household name. Justice League has had a whole TV series as well as several DTV animated films. If people see a DVD that says "Marvel and DC present: Justice League vs. the Avengers," people are going to talk about it, and that means people are going to want to watch it.
I'd love it, but it's not likely to happen. Best you'll get is an ep of Avengers with the Squadron Supreme.
I don't think so, Joe Quesada likes the idea of a rivalry. Like when he was growing up how Stan sort of promoted a rivalry between them.
He also stated that JLA-Avengers would be the only crossover for a long time.
But I would love to see that happen, a DC + Marvel animated direct to DVD movie. Could even be JLA vs the Avengers.
How so? The target audience is aware that there are separate Marvel and DC universes that have their own heroes and mythologies. By the time it comes out, the Avengers movie will be around and it will be a household name. Justice League has had a whole TV series as well as several DTV animated films. If people see a DVD that says "Marvel and DC present: Justice League vs. the Avengers," people are going to talk about it, and that means people are going to want to watch it.

That's assuming that the target audience is strictly comic fans, which I doubt.
I know a few psychics, they come round to my house for beers and vodka, and put their feet up and relax as they know i have no interest in the future predictions and all that. We sit, talk about music, jumblesales, and old B&W comedy karate detective shorts.
So what i do is tell them my toilet is broken and they have to pee in the big fish tank i have set up in the basement, so i have this fish tank of psychic pee, and i have emptied a few dozen magic eight balls in there too, along with a bunch of letters from a couple of scrabble board games that have been handled by the psychics.
So, what i do is ask a question about the future and then sit and fish with a net and place the letters in order that i fish out.
This morning i asked it about the possibility of Marvel/Dc crossover films in the future,...and this is what it said....


ok, so what that basically means is
....and this will happen, mark my words.....
After Marvel studios make 3 live action Avengers movies, and WB makes 3 live action justice League movies, they will be at a loss at what to do next to top them and collaborate on a JLA vs Avengers movie.
If anyone wants any other questions asked, please feel free to post them and i will get to it.
But i would make it quick, i am thinking of chucking the whole psychic fish tank out, it's actually got a bit reekin' and i'm a little tired of all the food in my house tasting of essence of pee.
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How so? The target audience is aware that there are separate Marvel and DC universes that have their own heroes and mythologies. By the time it comes out, the Avengers movie will be around and it will be a household name. Justice League has had a whole TV series as well as several DTV animated films. If people see a DVD that says "Marvel and DC present: Justice League vs. the Avengers," people are going to talk about it, and that means people are going to want to watch it.
No. The target audience, contrary to popular belief, is not us. Movie studios, by & large, know that they can't make any money by putting out movies that are aimed strictly at us, so they try to appeal to the GA, and the GA wouldn't know a crossover if it bit them. I know people who keep insisting that Batman should be in the Avengers movie.
I think they could work out a deal in which DC/Warner Brothers makes one Avengers/JLA Crossover movie, where the profits go mainly to one party developing it, and a sequel or an alternative movie can be made by Marvel Studios/Disney using DC Characters.

Furthermore, they don't have to have the same characters, they could be completely different stories.
No. The target audience, contrary to popular belief, is not us. Movie studios, by & large, know that they can't make any money by putting out movies that are aimed strictly at us, so they try to appeal to the GA, and the GA wouldn't know a crossover if it bit them. I know people who keep insisting that Batman should be in the Avengers movie.

Doom invading Gotham city would be fantastic.Magneto would be cool too.
From what I can tell, the profits on the successful DC DTV releases aren't enough that splitting them with another company makes any real sense. Not without any co-financing arrangements.
They are doing a lot of adaptations of comics right now, so what I would want to see is an adaptation of the 2nd Superman/Spider-man crossover book. It had the Hulk and Wonder Woman guest starring, so you had Superman vs Hulk(which was just awesome), and Spider-man flirting with Wonder Woman. Doctor Doom and the Parasite were the villans, the conversations between Doom and Superman were great , especailly as they took place in the Latverian embassy where Superman could not touch Doom legally.

edit: Also, the Batman vs Hulk book was great as well, truly epic, great moments like the Joker persuading the Hulk they were 'two of a kind' due to them both having green hair and then turning him on Batman.

Which kinda made no sense. I can see Doom using that as some kind of legal ground but in no way can I see him running like a chicken to get there. He would have either used a doom bot, used some kind of magic spell, and since he knows about kryptonite, he would have had some kind of kryptonite/magic based weapon in his armor. But I'd still like to see Doom and Luthor/Brianiac team up to go up against Spidey and Supes.

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