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Americans: What Would You Do If Trump Wins A Second Term?

Detective Conan

Dec 28, 2017
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With just eleven days until the election Biden is beating Trump in the polls, but even though Biden is polling well ahead of Trump, there’s still the possibility of Trump winning this election. Hilary Clinton’s colossal defeat reminded us that polls can be misleading and it’s still possible for a flailing campaign to pull off a surprise upset win. So Trump can still win this election, don’t use the current polling as this sure-fire prognosticator of what’s to come.

So in the scenario in which Trump wins re-election and stays in office for the next four years what would you do? Would you stay and fight for the country you love and become even more determined to make sure the Democratic Party gain control of the House and Senate, or would you flee to another country that is much more stable, and actually has a sane person in charge like Canada or France?

For me, if Trump wins re-election. I will stay in the country and fight like hell. What about you?
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What you do in Trump's second term shouldn't be anything different from what you do in Biden's first term.

Neither of these two candidates represent the working class. As happens every four years, you see a lot of leftists like Noam Chomsky and Angela Davis advocating people vote for the Democrat, then "hold their feet to the fire." But that rarely happens, because when a Democrat is elected president the same people then say that criticizing the Democratic president means helping Republicans.

The priority should be building a mass socialist party. People who think that Biden becoming president will mean the end of this rising far-right movement are sadly mistaken. We saw the growth of the Tea Party when Obama was president; if Biden is elected you will see the far right backed by Trump claiming that he is an illegitimate president. Biden's response will be to reach out to the far right while attacking the left.

There's a reason why the Democratic National Convention heavily featured Republican speakers while the likes of AOC received barely any speaking time. If you support policies like a Green New Deal, universal public health care, and free education, the Democrats have made it clear that they are not on your side. Hence the need to build a party that does support these policies.

To anyone who swears they will move to Canada if Trump wins: 1) people always say they'll do this if a Republican wins the presidential election but rarely do; and 2) the Canada-U.S. border remains closed for the time being.
I would honestly scream loudly, like Wesley in Princess Bride loudly, and then I'd gird my loins for what I've been talking about for a long time. Violence. And let's not pretend... There will be people on the Left as well as regular folk who will be feeling like that's there only alternative. It won't start there however. Trump in a second term would do everything to goad confrontation at every turn.
You ignore that Biden isn't a fascist.

I forgot that you can get rid of fascists just by voting them out. If only we'd known this in the 1940s! We could have avoided that whole silly World War II business.

Trump has openly said he won't respect the election results if he loses.
Who's being disingenuous?

No one here is addressing the fact that Trump has declared he will not recognize the result if he loses. What happens then?

The Rochester AFL-CIO has called for a general strike if Trump refuses to leave office. That's the kind of strategy we need to be talking about.
I'll be preparing for a Civil War.
If Trump wins, I have no idea how I’ll avoid physically attacking one of my white trash MAGA hat wearing regular customers at work the next day.
Anyone who wants to get rid of Trump can't rely on the Democrats. Trump is incredibly unpopular. The only reason Orange Man even has a fighting chance at this point is because of the anti-democratic Electoral College.

U.S. workers can bring down Trump with a general strike. The Cheeto can send as many armed supporters as he wants to the polls, but those numbers would be dwarfed by a workers' movement from coast to coast that shuts the country down.

Look at the Egyptian Revolution in 2011, where millions of people went into the streets to bring down a dictator. There's no reasons Americans can't do the same. We saw the biggest uprising in U.S. history this year with the George Floyd protests.
Ignoring, of course, the 40% of the people who want their theocratic autocracy.

You over estimate just how bad things are in the US. The type of revolution you are advocating for cannot happen in the current conditions, even in the bad conditions of the pandemic. If you look at Barr and Miller, and somehow think things are going to be the same under Biden, you have your head up your own ass.
Re-electing Trump to energize progressives is silly.

Progressives didn't even have the raw numbers to nominate Bernie Sanders and this was during Trump's first term.

Yes the far right will still exist but at least they won't control the executive branch and the senate which, in case you haven't noticed, was problematic.

Let's just pause the apocalypse for a minute and give people a breather. It might be the last chance we get to stop things like climate change and American fascism.
Re-electing Trump to energize progressives is silly.

Progressives didn't even have the raw numbers to nominate Bernie Sanders and this was during Trump's first term.

Yes the far right will still exist but at least they won't control the executive branch and the senate which, in case you haven't noticed, was problematic.

Let's just pause the apocalypse for a minute and give people a breather. It might be the last chance we get to stop things like climate change and American fascism.

I have to honestly ask how it is that any of us can be judged morally or otherwise by anyone that looks at the damage Trump's admin. has done and for "the greater good" wishes to continue that for four more years at the least.

My response is sell that **** to Susan Sarandon.
If Trump's re-elected I'm going to start planning a party for January 2025 when he's forced out.

That's all I can do. Convince myself that 4 years isn't too long or curl up in fetal position under my blanket for 3 weeks.
I have to honestly ask how it is that any of us can be judged morally or otherwise by anyone that looks at the damage Trump's admin. has done and for "the greater good" wishes to continue that for four more years at the least.


That judgment is worthless. Absolutely worthless.
Ignoring, of course, the 40% of the people who want their theocratic autocracy.

You over estimate just how bad things are in the US. The type of revolution you are advocating for cannot happen in the current conditions, even in the bad conditions of the pandemic. If you look at Barr and Miller, and somehow think things are going to be the same under Biden, you have your head up your own ass.

I'm not sure what the point of posts like this is supposed to be. The general attitude seems to be one of a learned helplessness and pessimism, which is exactly what encourages leftists like Chomsky and Davis to advocate voting for Biden because they see no alternative.

You suggest a revolution is impossible in the conditions of the current pandemic, and yet millions of people came onto the streets this year in exactly such circumstances, burning down police stations and facing down brutal violence from state security forces. Are you really trying to argue to me that Joe Biden, the architect of Black mass incarceration, will somehow fundamentally transform the racist and oppressive nature of the U.S. security state?
I'll do the same thing I've always done only more.

EDIT: Hell, I'm gonna do more anyway
What if Trump tries to change how long a president can serve and actually tries to go for 16 years (or did he say 16 more years)? What would it take to override the current maximum 2 term, 8 year limit?
I wouldn’t and couldn’t do anything if he is re-elected. It is entirely impossible for me to leave for another country because I’d have to do it illegally. I don’t have the money or documents to make it happen and would have no assistance here at home. If I were to leave, I’d be completely alone and homeless.

There really isn’t a damn thing that I can do. I’ve voted, that’s it. If Trump loses and refuses to concede, the authorities will remove him and put him on trial. Jail would be best but him fleeing the country would be fine too. Do you think we wouldn’t get him eventually? If he is to be tried for various crimes, we will get him. A high profile criminal like a disgraced president can’t be allowed to live on a tropical island somewhere. If we entered another country for bin Laden, we can do it again.

So I actually kind of want him to do it, shoot himself in the foot one last time. Let his humiliation and downfall be complete. He thought he could walk into the Oval Office and fix everything better than anyone else and then take a nap. How satisfying would it be to see him instead lose his money, his business, and his freedom?

Could some of his supporters lash out violently? It’s very possible but I think some liberals are panicking. As much as we may detest a lot of his followers, how many will actually commit terrorism? They’ll whine and moan, but people rarely put their money where their mouth is.

I apologize for the cliche but we need to keep calm and carry on. Biden may not be an ideal choice for a Trump replacement but get real. Anything is an improvement over what we have. We have to believe that things will get better, otherwise we risk creating a self fulfilling prophecy.
I wouldn’t and couldn’t do anything if he is re-elected. It is entirely impossible for me to leave for another country because I’d have to do it illegally. I don’t have the money or documents to make it happen and would have no assistance here at home. If I were to leave, I’d be completely alone and homeless.

There really isn’t a damn thing that I can do. I’ve voted, that’s it. If Trump loses and refuses to concede, the authorities will remove him and put him on trial. Jail would be best but him fleeing the country would be fine too. Do you think we wouldn’t get him eventually? If he is to be tried for various crimes, we will get him. A high profile criminal like a disgraced president can’t be allowed to live on a tropical island somewhere. If we entered another country for bin Laden, we can do it again.

So I actually kind of want him to do it, shoot himself in the foot one last time. Let his humiliation and downfall be complete. He thought he could walk into the Oval Office and fix everything better than anyone else and then take a nap. How satisfying would it be to see him instead lose his money, his business, and his freedom?

Could some of his supporters lash out violently? It’s very possible but I think some liberals are panicking. As much as we may detest a lot of his followers, how many will actually commit terrorism? They’ll whine and moan, but people rarely put their money where their mouth is.

I apologize for the cliche but we need to keep calm and carry on. Biden may not be an ideal choice for a Trump replacement but get real. Anything is an improvement over what we have. We have to believe that things will get better, otherwise we risk creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

He could live on the "tropical island" of Bikini in the South Pacific, which is the namesake of the two-piece swimsuit. He might think there are plenty of bikini girls there but it's far more of a ghost town than he thinks NY is. And it's still radioactive after all these decades after they detonated all these nuclear bombs during WWII. If he drunk the water or even stayed there for any period of time... well, his experience with COVID-19 would probably feel like a walk in the park compared to that.
We should all chip in for his plane ticket.

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