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A second viewing

So am I then. I could nit pick little things here and there, but I won't as for me it was a 10/10 experience, and that's after 6 viewings. I'm still not burnt out on it, and plan on seeing it another couple of times. Still Have IMAX and 3D IMAX to do yet.

I'm so glad to see there are other people like me. I absolutely LOVED MOS. It gets better and better with each and every viewing. I know that there are those on here who go into movies with a notepad and pen and take notes on everything they see wrong. I'm sorry but I don't go into movies wanting to analyze it frame by frame. That kinda defeats the purpose of going to the movies. Are there movies I don't like? Sure! It's not because of this or that, it's simply because I didn't like it. If someone asks why didn't you like <insert movie name here>? My answer is simple......because I didn't. Same reason goes for movies that I do like. I'm trying to figure out why I have to have a reason for liking/disliking a movie and then justifying why.
seen it twice.

second time i was able to pay more attention to things that just went too fast for me the first time.

I loved it and STILL love it. Editing flaws and all.

I will be seeing it a 3rd time in IMAX if possible. If i can't see it a third time, I will pre-order the Blu-Ray and it will be the first bluray movie I have ever preordered.
every time i see it my opinion goes down

It's funny, but generally on first viewing I form a "soft" opinion, then pay more attention to a movie's flaws, and then I think my opinion about seeing it a third time is the most "accurate" of the bunch ;)
Saw it for the 6th time Thursday after work, but it was on a lesser screen since PR pushed it off of IMAX. I poked my in PR and there were more people in my MOS auditorium lol.

I want to see it again, but it's not the same if I can't have the score blasting in the background, so I'll just save my dough and DL the bootleg until it comes out on BLURAY. That oil rig rescue hits me at my core every time I see it, but then again, it seems like every scene has a moment like that.
I'm so glad to see there are other people like me. I absolutely LOVED MOS. It gets better and better with each and every viewing. I know that there are those on here who go into movies with a notepad and pen and take notes on everything they see wrong. I'm sorry but I don't go into movies wanting to analyze it frame by frame. That kinda defeats the purpose of going to the movies. Are there movies I don't like? Sure! It's not because of this or that, it's simply because I didn't like it. If someone asks why didn't you like <insert movie name here>? My answer is simple......because I didn't. Same reason goes for movies that I do like. I'm trying to figure out why I have to have a reason for liking/disliking a movie and then justifying why.

I'm reading from the same page bro - i loved the film - i saw it in 3d first, i didn't like that effect, so walked straight back in to a 2d viewing and loved it more. Saw it a third time yesterday and still loved it. Thing is, there is so much going on that you do need repeat viewings, imo to fully absorb it.

Ok, there was no oscar worthy script, but there were so many decent scenes. People dissect the movie and it kinda gets me down it wasn't universally loved by all fan boys, but there ya go!

Also, i was able to pick up on scenes or moments that i had missed - such as lois, at the end, on her screen was an article that looked like it was about the destruction - as an example. So, whilst not everything is spelled out, it is there.

The suit, looks to be a kryptonian garment worn to appear more colourful to humans - to bridge the gap. When he walked out, it wasn't superman walking out, it was Kal El, of krypton, on planet earth. Prehaps more suits behind it would have explained more - maybe past interpretations etc Maybe even have it solidify in front of their eyes from the AI onboard. Still, it does make sense when you think about it.

The Zod fights, most were in empty buildings - sure the death toll was high, but not in the thousands.

I had an issue with the handling of JK, not saying he was wrong, but could have been handled differently - but each to their own.

All i know is, this film sets up an amazing universe for DC
Saw it for the 6th time Thursday after work, but it was on a lesser screen since PR pushed it off of IMAX. I poked my in PR and there were more people in my MOS auditorium lol.

I want to see it again, but it's not the same if I can't have the score blasting in the background, so I'll just save my dough and DL the bootleg until it comes out on BLURAY. That oil rig rescue hits me at my core every time I see it, but then again, it seems like every scene has a moment like that.

That one scene shows me the goodness in Clark - that one scene shows what he is willing to do - he has probably never done a rescue attempt to that level - he didn't know for sure what would happen to him and you can kinda see the underlying fear or, apprehension in his face - love it.
The first time I noticed the flaws more. The second time the story flowed better and surprisingly the beginning didn't seem as choppy. The only thing I still hated was the shaky camera. Never got a good shot of him flying.
I was surprised by how many people were in my theatre; the first time is was 90-96% full this time it was 67-75% full. Both times I had to sit in the front, but that's jus because I don't wan to sit next to people.
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Watched this again unfortunately because my buddy hadn't seen it.

What I liked:

The Man Of Steel Theme. Its not the iconic Williams theme, but I thought Zimmer's version was just as epic.

Superman's costume. Much better than Returns' maroon version.

Kevin Costner's performance aside from the part
where he couldn't care less about a bunch of kids almost drowning.

The special effects.

The evil Kryptonian solder Superman was fighting in Smallville being a homage to Non since he had no lines.
What I didn't like:

Everything else.

The film taking itself way too seriously. FFS, there was less humor in this than Nolan's Batman films! Superman getting the dark treatment does not work.

The film being 30 minutes longer than it needed to be.

Russell Crowe not bothering to change his voice.

Didn't care for the extended re-telling of Superman's origin.
Kryptonian Scientist Jor-El acting like an action hero. The whole DNA plot was lame. Zod killing Jor-El was a stupid change. We already know Zod is evil, why make a needless change to enforce it?

Superman having a beard. Hated it.

Too many flashbacks. The film going back and forth in the timeline was annoying!

Didn't like Superman
destroying the bully's truck. Injuring him physically even in minor fashion would've sufficed.

Henry Cavill is a good looking guy, but you can watch his performances in Immortals and Man Of Steel and you will see no difference.

Michael Shannon's overacting.

Amy Adams was a terrible Lois Lane. She acted more like Lana Lang if anything.

Lois finding out who Superman was by
going to I-HOP

Johnathan Kent
dying because he got sucked into a tornado.
No, I'm not making that up. It was so over the top and laughably bad.

The romance between Supes and Lois was not believable.

Laurence Fishburne's performance as Laurence Fishburne.

More destruction in this than a Michael Bay film which is the only reason why this film was a success. Take that away and you have a soulless film with little to no character development.

Superman making no effort
to get away from Smallville or Metropolis during his fights resulting in the deaths of countless people
, but hey, the action's cool so fu** logic.

(Yeah, they did it in Superman II, but it wasn't okay back then either.) It was a completely unnecessary decision made by Snyder just for the sake of being controversial. Even Batman breaking his one rule is more acceptable. The "there was no other way" excuse is pure crap.
Simple as that.
So there you go. A logical review why Man Of Steel was a really good action film and a terrible "Superman" movie.
So there you go. A logical review why Man Of Steel was a really good action film and a terrible "Superman" movie.

Actually, none of what you said is logic, in fact the statement "What I liked" expressly states that what you are giving is an opinion. Kind of like saying, here is an apple, and then showing us an orange.

I'm not attacking your opinion, you are entitled to it, and if you didn't like those things about MOS, fair enough. That's cool. But logic is a series of reasonable inferences that are supported by evidence or facts. Just saying something is bad or laughable is not logic.

As for me, first viewing, pure awesomeness.

Subsequent viewings revealed a lot of subtlety (particularly in the visuals on Krypton).
Gets better every time I see it. My number one film of the year, and one I had at least as much emotional connection to as even the best of the original Superman films.

But this is just IMO.

Also, IMO, people who say it wasn't a Superman film are hung up on the old Donner/Reeve films. Weird, because nobody said when Batman begins came out
"It's not a Batman film" because it was much, much darker than Burton's (although I concede that Batman did not open fire on henchmen with cannons and rockets from a jet, which he did in BM '89, presumably killing them).
Again, this is just IMO, and that MOS is a perfect reimagining of Superman for the 21st century. Loved it.

Peace out Superfans !
so in summary, MOS awesome !
You know what I mean.:oldrazz:

Sorry dude, pet peeve, when people use the word logic incorrectly.

I get what you're saying about MOS being an action film, but not a Superman film.

I disagree, but really it all comes down to opinions. All the stuff that
you didn't like, actually worked for me. Whereas there were a couple of
things I didn't care for, but you didn't mention.

Again, like I said, you're totally entitled to your opinion, but think about this ? Do you think it wasn't a good Superman film because....

a) it wasn't like the earlier movies (well the good ones anyway) ?

b) it didn't fit with what you think a Superman movie should be like ?
If Superman did stuff in the film, and you went "Superman doesn't do that" then this is probably why you didn't like it.

Here's a thought for you. Feel free to reject it, but anyway, try watching
MOS with an open mind, like as in forget everything you know about Superman, or at least think you know ( until he killed Zod in MOS, I never bothered to look up how many people he killed in the comics, which is a few, even some execution style).

So, forget what you know about Superman, or put it to the back of your mind, and instead think, okay, maybe for 2013 Superman has to be different (as in not like he was in 1978, and I was there dude, in 1978 SM the movie was the most awesome film ever, and that's saying a lot as Star Wars came out the year before).
Anyway, if you try that, and then still don't like all the stuff you mentioned,
fair enough. Too bad you didn't enjoy it, but that's cool, just IYO.

I say this, because I went in to the film, thinking I was going to hate it, because I knew about stuff like Jonathan Kent's death, and the killing of Zod, and I was all, "say whaaaaat?" but when I saw the film with an open mind, that stuff actually worked for me, and I loved it.

Just a thought dude. Cheers !
Everytime I watch it, I love it more and more still think its the best CBM to date
I disliked the film more a second time. The tornado scene in particular really angered me more second time round as did the destruction os Metropolis.
Had several viewings of it and I'm not going to go as far as saying that "it gets better every time", but by viewing No. 2 I was perfectly satisfied with it. Subsequent viewings can anger me if I pick up things I didn't before or put things in a different perspective (as it happened with Returns, which I ended up hating after subsequent viewings).

In the case of Man of Steel, whatever bad I had to pick up (and there was a lot of it) I managed to do the first time around. With the second viewing I picked up whatever good things I missed the first. I balanced it all out, found that the good far outweighs the bad in the bigger picture and every time since then has just been a joyful ride.
Oh wow ! I watched MOS for the 127th time yesterday, and suddenly
I noticed all of the flaws at once and realised that it sucked ...............SAID NO ONE EVER !

No, it was just as awesome. The bits I loved the first time are just as great.
MOS rocked.

I have seen "Man of Steel" two times and I enjoyed it. It was the Superman movie I had always wanted mostly because it had little to no camp or little funny scenes or anything like that. It took itself seriously. My biggest issue was the English speaking Kryptonians. American's I believe are not capable of reading subtitles. I was thinking the Kryptonians were going to sound like the 5th Element or maybe even the aliens from "District 9" but no, they sounded like a bunch of Americans.

As far as the destruction that took place, more than that happens in "The Avengers" and people seemed to be fine with it. And as far as the ending, in "Superman II" a powerless Zod's hand is broken (when there was no need to) and then he is thrown thru a room for what seemed like 50 feet and allowed to fall to his death. So, I don't see what the issue is with "Man of Steel".
After a third time I confirmed what I had considered as flaws, but found some other good things.

All in all, I think the worst part for me is that Snyder tries to create new elements for Superman but forgetting about many things that were just core part of the story. Nolan d this with Batman, but kept the traditional elements there, while Snyder (or Goyer, or both) just ruled them out. Every time I've seen MOS, by the end of the movie, I don't feel I am watching a Superman movie.
My first viewing I had mixed reactions. It was a lot, intense, busy and not inspiring at all.

My second viewing, where I divested myself of any expectations was truly and deeply moving, and a lot more of the pieces came together.
just watched it today. Such a good action film IMO. Snyder can do epic. If he knocks off with the Zoom cam crap, BvS: DoJ will be visually amazing.

At the Cinema - 8/10

On BR - Still an 8/10

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