Crazy news of the world, because sometimes sanity takes a vacation

Four year old girl beheaded in Taiwan knife attack.

A 4-year-old girl was beheaded in Taiwan in what appears to have been a random knife attack, state media said.

On Monday morning, a 33-year-old man attacked the girl with a cleaver in full view of her mother as they were on their way to a metro station in Taipei, the island's capital, the official Central News Agency, or CNA, said.

The mother of the slain child said her daughter had been riding her bike about a meter away from her when it became stuck.
She saw the man approaching and at first thought he was going to help her daughter but he drew his knife and decapitated her.
"At first I thought he was going to lift up the bike to help my daughter. When I walked over to tell him that it's OK, I saw both of them fall on the ground, and the suspect was wielding the knife and cutting my daughter," she said.
"I saw the suspect slashing my daughter with a cleaver. I immediately grabbed him but I could not pull him away."
Bystanders heard her screams for help and rushed to restrain the attacker until police arrived.
"I'm devastated, because I will never see her again, and she'll never see her siblings again," the mother said.
She told reporters she hopes her daughter's death will prompt important discussions and "make people pay more attention to love."
An initial investigation found that the suspect, identified only by his surname Wang, waited near the metro station after allegedly buying the knife at a supermarket earlier that day.

Citing police, CNA said the man had a history of mental illness and had received treatment at a psychiatric hospital.

Armed *******s try to 'protest' a mosque by bringing lots of guns. Find themselves out-numbered and outgunned by sane people.

Armed white protesters met their match when they showed up in front of a Nation of Islam mosque in South Dallas on Saturday. Black residents of the area and members of the mosque showed up to counter-protest — many of them also armed.

The racist, Islamophobic group that initiated the event is called BAIR, for the Bureau of American Islamic Relations. The name is a cynical, hateful, caricature of CAIR — the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which tries to improve relationships between Muslims and the larger American community.

It apparently didn’t occur to the armed white men that, if they have the right to openly carry arms, so do the people they were targeting. The race-baiting, unintentionally ironic Facebook invitation to the event declared:

“We cannot stand by while all these different Anti American, Arab radical Islamists team up with Nation of Islam/Black Panthers and White anti American Anarchist groups, joining together in the goal of destroying our Country and killing innocent people to gain Dominance through fear!”

It was over fast — less because of the police presence than the fact that the white protesters were outnumbered, 10 to 1. There’s a huge difference in resolve between people protecting their community and those who would foment hate. The white guys — mostly masked and wearing camouflage — folded fast and took off.

What a bunch of stupid cowards. They can't stand people being different so they try to intimidate them and when they have those people stand up to them, those idiots run away in their masks. I'm sure they're just waiting for the white hoods in the mail. :whatever:
A bunch of racists protest a Nation of Islam mosque... who think white people are devils. I'd call it a draw but the instigators here were clearly the "BAIR" people.
Anything PETA says can be safely ignored as stupid nonsense.
There are women who do the same trying to become living Barbies.
And they say Barbies are a negative body image. :o

Seriously though, nose necrosis? Ick.
I guess it's true that the human body can only take so much.
Ah, "originally published by Fox News" so I have immediate doubts to the veracity of the story. I'm sure someone was arrested for something but I doubt it was for putting a nickel's worth of sugar water in a cup.
Stupid people looking for meaningless recognition.

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