Does anyone know if DCAU Batman's early years have been officially scribed


Why am I back on here?
Nov 30, 2007
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The question says it all. When we were first introduced to Batman in Batman TAS, he had already been at it for years(my guess is somewhere between seven and ten). And for the most part, the only two actual super villains he took on in that time were The Joker and The Penguin.

We all know that light has been shed on his training overseas with the Zatanna Episode and "Night of the Ninja," and we know about how he took Dick Grayson in and we know the immediate events leading to Batman donning the cowl for the first time in Mask of the Phantasm. And I guess Mad Love and the episode that shows Batman getting the current Batmobile are part of the early years.

But other than the aforementioned, I think we've really been left in the dark between the time Batman put on the cowl and the first episode of "On Leather Wings." I've never really read the tie in comics so I'm wondering if it was covered there.

And if it has NEVER been covered, would anyone like to see what happened? Who Batman fought that first night, how he made a name for himself? Or how about the first fateful meeting between Conroy's Batman and Hamil's Joker.

So somebody let me know if it's been covered yet, and if not, give me a yay or nay if you are in aggreement with me of wanting it to be covered?
I see this thread is going nowhere. Someone please lock it and move it to the TAS thread, I figure it'll work better as a post than a thread itself.
I imagined Batman meeting the Joker for the first time a little after the flashback in the Robin origin episode.
I actually like it that we don't know that much about the past. I am sick and tired of "origin stories" these days. "Mask of the Phantasm" covers the beginning of Batman career and some of the flashbacks in other episodes. I think that's enough.

Batman has already met the Joker and the Penguin because of the Burton movies, so they didn't have to introduce them. Strangely enough, Catwoman IS introduced.
Batman and the Joker first met each other seven years before the episode "Beware the Creeper", meaning they met in 1989. The flashbacks show pre-Joker as a member of Valestra's mob who falls into the chemicals like the 1989 movie.
Yes. And I imagine he would have started out with plainer, more realistic villains, like Ratcatcher or Deadshot's type, and then when Joker and some others showed up, the door was swung wide open for more colorful antagonists to waltz on it.

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