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Help with Special FX and Gore

Joe Kerr

Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hello im making a horror film soon,
and i need some tips on how to make fake blood, guts, gore, etc...

if you can help, Please do...

Thank you...

My favorite blood recipies always include a healthy amount of Hersheys syrup. If shooting in black and white you dont even need to change the color. It flows and puddles well. Beacause it is completely edable and tastes great, actors dont mind it in their mouths. It can look really cool drooling our of a zombie. Be warned it is hell on costumes. It can only be used if you dont mind permanent stains. I use 1 can of syrup to about 3 tablespoons of Red Food Color. Very simple. If you want to see it in action watch the Untouchables. The scene where DeNiro smashes one of his thugs head in with a baseball bat.
Pyro Max said:
My favorite blood recipies always include a healthy amount of Hersheys syrup. If shooting in black and white you dont even need to change the color. It flows and puddles well. Beacause it is completely edable and tastes great, actors dont mind it in their mouths. It can look really cool drooling our of a zombie. Be warned it is hell on costumes. It can only be used if you dont mind permanent stains. I use 1 can of syrup to about 3 tablespoons of Red Food Color. Very simple. If you want to see it in action watch the Untouchables. The scene where DeNiro smashes one of his thugs head in with a baseball bat.
Thank you all for your, help,

I've come up wiht some good, cheap solutions,

1. Human Flesh- Flour and Corn starch-MIX EQUALLY, then add a little bit of elmers glue to give it a doughy feel, then simply use a bread roller (i dunno what its called but im sure you know what i mean) to get it flat, there you have it... flesh, NOW if you want certain colorings add, diff. colors of food coloring (yellow/brown) and VOILA, a skin/type layer.. :D

2. Blood- MANY MANY ways of doing this, and Pyro Max you are right, but sadly im not shooting in B/W, (hitchcock used this in psycho :up:)
now i will use karo white corn syrup and red and blue food coloring,
plus a little milk/or water to thin the mix or make it opaque,

3. GUTS- Condoms, filled with torn flesh and blood, tied together and coated with blood,

thank you,

and if anymore ideas for Rigs like blood pouches/bags,
and any type of props.

I need help for those too,

Please write back

For really simple stabing effects, or just blood coming out of someone. Take a plastic zip-lock bag, and puch a bunch of tiny wholes in it with a safety/sewing pin. Then, take a sponge, and saturate it with fake blood, but not too much, because you don't want it dripping too early. Then, you want to put the blood-sponge into the bag, and tape it onto the actor's body under his/her clothes. You want to put it under some baggy clothes so it isn't noticable, but chances are this would be a fairly quick shot, so that's not a huge factor.

You have the actor get fake-stabbed, and then he/she puts his/her hands over the spot where they were stabbed, and blood starts gushing out, seeping thrugh the clothes.

A way to make extremely cheap intestines is to take newspaper and crumple and roll it up into long tubes. Then you coat them in liquid latex and let that dry. Then you just coat them with blood, and you have some intestines. This is really only good for shots that aren't very close up, because these are pretty cheap, and could look that way if not made properly.

The ONLY way to do good blood splatter effects is to take a paint brush, and dip it into some fake blood. Then you simply flick some of the blood onto the surface that you want it to go, and presto!

I hope I explained these well enough. If you need to know any specifics about these three, ask and you shall recieve. If you tell me any specific things you need, I might be able to help you out. I'm fairly knowledge on this subject.
ToddIsDead said:
For really simple stabing effects, or just blood coming out of someone. Take a plastic zip-lock bag, and puch a bunch of tiny wholes in it with a safety/sewing pin. Then, take a sponge, and saturate it with fake blood, but not too much, because you don't want it dripping too early. Then, you want to put the blood-sponge into the bag, and tape it onto the actor's body under his/her clothes. You want to put it under some baggy clothes so it isn't noticable, but chances are this would be a fairly quick shot, so that's not a huge factor.

You have the actor get fake-stabbed, and then he/she puts his/her hands over the spot where they were stabbed, and blood starts gushing out, seeping thrugh the clothes.

A way to make extremely cheap intestines is to take newspaper and crumple and roll it up into long tubes. Then you coat them in liquid latex and let that dry. Then you just coat them with blood, and you have some intestines. This is really only good for shots that aren't very close up, because these are pretty cheap, and could look that way if not made properly.

The ONLY way to do good blood splatter effects is to take a paint brush, and dip it into some fake blood. Then you simply flick some of the blood onto the surface that you want it to go, and presto!

I hope I explained these well enough. If you need to know any specifics about these three, ask and you shall recieve. If you tell me any specific things you need, I might be able to help you out. I'm fairly knowledge on this subject.

okay, these are good, but i need, a larger effect for Blood splatter like if i had a machete and i was hacking someone up on the ground...

and i need some ideas for an arrow hit....
any more things/rigs for machete deaths...

be creative,


Joe Kerr said:
okay, these are good, but i need, a larger effect for Blood splatter like if i had a machete and i was hacking someone up on the ground...

and i need some ideas for an arrow hit....
any more things/rigs for machete deaths...

be creative,


For the splatter, it really all depends on what size brush you use, and how much blood is on the brush. If you have the biggest brush you can find and just completely coat it with blood, you could get the effect that you want, but seriously, any other way, and it would look stupid and unrealistic. But if you just want a whole bunch of blood to shoot across the room, just put it in a container and flick your wrist so it goes flying in a few directions.

An arrow hit is easy. This is all done in the editing room. The beginning of the shot, the actor already has the arrow in them, but on the end of the arrow, you have to attach extremely fine fishing line. It has to be fine enough so that it won't register on camera. I'm going to assume you're going to be using mini-DV, so that shouldn't be too hard to work out. Okay, the beginning of the shot, the arrow is in them and he's in a death/cringe pose, and then you yank it away as fast as humanly possible, so that it looks like the arrow is flying backwards out of him. As it's yanked out, the actor would go into a more normal pose. When editing this, you simply reverse the playback, so that it plays backwards. If everyone did their parts right, it should look like the actor is standing there, and then the arrow comes in and hits them and they react to it. For any shot showing the arrow in the person, you just do that, have the arrow in them and film it. The arrow hit shot should only last a fraction of a second.

To make it look like someone has an arrow in them, you can do one of two things. If you want the arrow to go right through the person, cut the arrow in half and remove part of the center so it looks like the arrow is actually going through the person. Then attach both parts with some wire, and bend the wire so it will go around the actor's body and still conform to it. You have to make sure that the arrow looks like it's straight, or otherwise the illusin is ruined. The actor wears the rig under their clothing, and you cut two small wholes in the clothing for the arrow to go through. If you just want the tip in him, cut the front of the arrow off, and attach some sort of plate or prosthetic to the end. Use spirit gum to glue the prosthetic to the actor's body. Cut a small whole the clothing for the arrow, and you're set. Just dress with blood, and it should be good.

Here's something for a machete death. If you have a high end costume or makeup store near you, or you could probably order one online, get a machete with a section of it cut out. It should be able to fit to a part of someone's body, like the neck, head, arm, leg, abdomen. You fit it to a person's body, and that's how it is in the beginning of the shot. Then the weapon is yanked away from the body very fast. Again, this is played in reverse in by editing it. THIS IS ONLY for the shot of the machete going into the body. Nothing else. There are other rigs and effects for other things, which I may get into later. There wouldn't be any blood in this, because most of the shot would be of the body before it's hit. This would only last about half a second. All of the reaction shots and following shots would have blood. This can also be gone with knives and axes.

*Note, you can make a real machete into what I'm talking about, but it's very dangerous unless you have some metal working skills. You can dull down the blade, measure the part of the actor's body that you want the machete to go into, and cut that out. This can also be done with fake plastic weapons, which while much safer and easier, looks really bad on camera. I only use dulled down metal blades for my movies.

An easy way to dull down metal blades is to simply put clear skotch tape of the sharp side. It shouldn't register on camera if you don't use it for closeups. But beware, using real metal blades is still extremely dangerous, even if they're dulled down. They must be used with extreme caution.

I'm sorry if what I'm saying might not be coming across very clearly. I have a lot to say, and it's hard to articulate it all by typing. If you have any specific questions, just ask. I can also tell you a little about prosthetics and things, if you want to know about that.

And a suggestion, since it's Halloween time, go to any Halloween store you can find and completely raid it for supplies. You could find a lot of useful things in those stores.
WOW, thank you this is very informative,

I had an idea where "our killer" throws a bunch of arrows,

i was going to use a "lifevest" type thing to stick the arrows (NO HEADS) into then simplyput a shirt over that and coat with blood, no reversing needed if done right... :up:

i enjoy reading this, and if you have ANY more ideas, i'd love to hear them :up: :up: :up:

thank you


(PS i'll be raiding the halloween stores today ;))
Joe Kerr said:
WOW, thank you this is very informative,

I had an idea where "our killer" throws a bunch of arrows,

i was going to use a "lifevest" type thing to stick the arrows (NO HEADS) into then simplyput a shirt over that and coat with blood, no reversing needed if done right... :up:

i enjoy reading this, and if you have ANY more ideas, i'd love to hear them :up: :up: :up:

thank you


(PS i'll be raiding the halloween stores today ;))
I've got to fly right now, but if I have any more ideas and the time to type them, I'll shoot them your way. Are there any specific effects that you were thinking about?
ToddIsDead said:
I've got to fly right now, but if I have any more ideas and the time to type them, I'll shoot them your way. Are there any specific effects that you were thinking about?
well the kills go..

1. mans head slammed against wall,

2. screw driver to gut,

3. beheaded with axe

4. slammed against tree in sleeping bag

5. hockey stick through head

6. Switchblade in gut

7.axe stuck in head

8. machete through stomach (slash spilling internal organs, liver, guts)


and more to think of

9. arrow through neck

10. Arrows in chest

11. strangled by fishing wire....

12. machete through back, out stomach

thats all for now
Joe Kerr said:
well the kills go..

1. mans head slammed against wall,

2. screw driver to gut,

3. beheaded with axe

4. slammed against tree in sleeping bag

5. hockey stick through head

6. Switchblade in gut

7.axe stuck in head

8. machete through stomach (slash spilling internal organs, liver, guts)


and more to think of

9. arrow through neck

10. Arrows in chest

11. strangled by fishing wire....

12. machete through back, out stomach

thats all for now
Cool stuff. I'll try to think of some stuff and I'll give you some suggestions some time this week.
ToddIsDead said:
Cool stuff. I'll try to think of some stuff and I'll give you some suggestions some time this week.
thank you... i guess i'll talk to you later...

after effects is your freind.........

and my wife, so dont get any ideas

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