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How can there be an X4?

lordofthenerds said:
Morgs abusing his power!

whoa ... that smiley made me feel upside down in this thread...:eek:
Dnsk said:
Well this IS THE SPOILER FORUM. Not everyone uses & no one is being forced to use it in THE SPOILER FORUM. Its a risk coming here especially now
yeah but half these thread arent even spoilerish.:(
They could just shut it all down anyways, im pretty sure Juggernaut levels the place anyway. The way X-3 sounds, it appears this movie may end like joss whedon "Angel" and have the remaining X-men about to take on and even bigger impossible threat at the bridge, and cyclops [or wolverine] say something in the vein of "lets gor to work". The screen fades to black, and we ar left with a did they or didn't they survive cliffhager like Angel had.
Eros said:
They could just shut it all down anyways, im pretty sure Juggernaut levels the place anyway. The way X-3 sounds, it appears this movie may end like joss whedon "Angel" and have the remaining X-men about to take on and even bigger impossible threat at the bridge, and cyclops [or wolverine] say something in the vein of "lets gor to work". The screen fades to black, and we ar left with a did they or didn't they survive cliffhager like Angel had.

Dam you!!!! I had forgotten that and now my rage returns!!

I think that really whoud be a bad ending it whoud leave fans wanting more and other people in confusion..
but thats just me.
There will be another X-Men movie besides the spin-off's. It might not be called X-4 though. Fox and Ratner have absoloutely no say in that matter. However I do believe we'll see a spin-off or two first unless X3 makes 600 million world wide. Then X4 will be greenlit instantly.
Lightning Strikez! said:
Storm has maintained leadership of the X-Men for decades now. There is no reason why she couldn't step to the plate, especially if X3 is grooming her for that. Also, it appears that Logan is being primed as a leader too, so between the two of them and Beast as another elder, the Mansion could continue to run in Xavier's absence.

i agree a 100 percent on this, but i still think they are going with the happy ending, xavier and cyclops aren't really dead and they come back at the end any ways...it's a Pg-13
There are tons of ways the institute could keep running without X and Cyclops. Pointing out a couple of reasons why X4 couldn't happen is just crazy. There will be another X movie as long as there is money to make. Beast, Storm, Angel, Wolverine, and maybe Jean would still be around to run the mansion. Just because its founder is no longer around, doesn't mean things cannot simply function.
So Xavier, Jean Grey and Cyke are all dead. Who's phucking bright idea was this to leave the Xmen on this sour phucking note. I don't want to see any damn prequels. Cause that's exactly what Fox is going to pull if this movie makes a load of cash. I can't believe Marvel let them gut the Xmen like this.
I wonder if the information on the official site hints towards sequels and spinoffs. There are mentions of Scott's brother, Magneto's children and Logan's connections to Canadian military and Japan...
Paste Pot Pete said:
I think a school run by Storm and Wolverine would make me yearn for Juggernaut to level it to the ground.


I would yearn in a similar fashion.
Lots of ways to continue. The world's greatest mind could easily live on in a "Obi-Wan" way, hiding his conciousness in Scott's mind, or Beast's, until they could find another body for him. Scott could be brought back with Jean. Uh, Jean is the Phoenix, so dead is a relative term. Magneto may be dead-dead for now, but who knows... My personal hope is that someone gets to re-do the whole thing with more faithfulness to the books. If the movie is as people stated, I'll just not buy the dvd and hope for a new series.... maybe even a live-action sci-fi network series...
Storm can be the new leader for X4, isn't she the current leader in the comics & hasn't she always been next in command atfer cyclops......
Except Halle doesnt want to do more movies and is saying this is her last.
Lightning Strikez! said:
Storm has maintained leadership of the X-Men for decades now. There is no reason why she couldn't step to the plate, especially if X3 is grooming her for that. Also, it appears that Logan is being primed as a leader too, so between the two of them and Beast as another elder, the Mansion could continue to run in Xavier's absence.

Good luck with that :(
martinbluther said:
Lots of ways to continue. The world's greatest mind could easily live on in a "Obi-Wan" way, hiding his conciousness in Scott's mind, or Beast's, until they could find another body for him. Scott could be brought back with Jean. Uh, Jean is the Phoenix, so dead is a relative term. Magneto may be dead-dead for now,

Magneto is dead as well? Good Lord what has marvel done? Do they have no power? Why in the world would FOX axe a franchise that can go on for years?????
I think it is really short-sighted to try and sum up the X-Men universe with a film trilogy and two spinoff movies. The X universe has a countless number of great stories and characters that could be explored. Instead they've settled for an X-Men universe where:

Wolverine is the main character
Beast and Angel only appear once
Cyclops never is shown as a leader
Storm is portrayed as a nobody not the goddess from the comics
Magneto is the only threat
Sentinels only exist in the danger room
Xavier is incapacitated through much of the adventures
Gambit doesn't exist
Juggernaught is Magneto's thug

Would it have killed them to make a film about the original X-Team, establishing their backgrounds and watching them work together? Isn't that what most fans want to see?
the_scream said:
I think it is really short-sighted to try and sum up the X-Men universe with a film trilogy and two spinoff movies. The X universe has a countless number of great stories and characters that could be explored. Instead they've settled for an X-Men universe where:

Wolverine is the main character
Beast and Angel only appear once
Cyclops never is shown as a leader
Storm is portrayed as a nobody not the goddess from the comics
Magneto is the only threat
Sentinels only exist in the danger room
Xavier is incapacitated through much of the adventures
Gambit doesn't exist
Juggernaught is Magneto's thug

Would it have killed them to make a film about the original X-Team, establishing their backgrounds and watching them work together? Isn't that what most fans want to see?

spot on. :up:
the_scream said:
Would it have killed them to make a film about the original X-Team, establishing their backgrounds and watching them work together? Isn't that what most fans want to see?

That's exactly what I was thinking.... (a long time ago). I was also thinking in terms of a Star Wars trilogy... Good conquers evil, Evil triumphs over good, good beats all odds and prevails.

1st movie) Establish the original main X-Men characters in the first film (Xavier, Magneto, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Cyclops, Marvel Girl). Magneto can be perceived as a national threat, which hints at initiating the Sentinel program.

2nd movie) Magneto establishes the original Brotherhood and defeats X-Men, in revenge. Mastermold is built, and the first Sentinels are shown towards the end of the movie.

3rd movie) X-Men recruit second wave of X-Men (Thunderbird, Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler) to defeat the Brotherhood. Both Brotherhood and X-Men come together to defeat the Sentinels as the finale.

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