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How do you think the SM3 story'll unfold?- POST!!!

Stop being so pessimistic... the only thing I am concerned about is the team up... but even if that's the case... it won't be a complete disaster...
But it's so much KEWLER to say it's going to be a complete disaster, this way, we have so much more to b:tch about...and then we can go see the movie in record numbers.:O
DroolingforGwen said:
Don't we all just love *****ing about these movie...
Yes we do, and Sony and Marvel loves it. They've got over 1.5 billion to prove it. Now, if we all STOPPED talking, b:tching, moaning, and going to see them...then they would care. But not until. I've already bought my SM3 ticket.:)
Oh I will still see it. But I will probably hate it. Venom is my favorite comic character ever and seeing him getting ruined....

I was among those who defended the movie against those who bashed everything, even scenes before they saw them.

But Raimi screwed up Venom.

I wouldn't even care to see him die now if Raimi gives him his freaking teeth. But I won't even get that.
LOL, you want a mouth full of rotten teeth, do you? :O

Damn, I can't wait until they release a poster of Venom, I want to see you all explode...I wouldn't miss it for the world. In fact, if I die before that poster is released...my ghost will see it. :)
oh my my. Bottom Line- no_ I really hope Weapon M is wrong because now I have fear that they or (them!!!) are destroying all my hopes and dreams of Venom on the big screen. When I have fear, I have weakness. Which means I'm no longer suited for Lord Marshall. The End.
Visionary said:
Yes we do, and Sony and Marvel loves it. They've got over 1.5 billion to prove it. Now, if we all STOPPED talking, b:tching, moaning, and going to see them...then they would care. But not until. I've already bought my SM3 ticket.:)


What are you smoking Vision??? Scarlet Witch dust? What happends if you loose it?? I mean damn there will be enough Spiderman 3 tickets to go around. The movie is coming out May 2007! How'd you- are they selling tickets yet?!?!
I have a friend who works at Sony, who gave me the ticket. Come on, everyone on these Spidey boards has a friend who works at Sony. It's the "IN" thing now. ;)
while, I don’t know if this is how I think it will all go down but, its my storyline based on the movie, I made a while back. it skips over alot details, and the word play is alil weak, (not to mention filled with typos) i was maining focusing on the pics.
but, its a comic style, basic intro to the characters
page1, page2, page3, page4, (new)page5, (last)page6. (full length) pages 1-6
this is as good as a place as any to post it.
Is there any way to slow down the transitions... i can't even read the captions...
DroolingforGwen said:
Is there any way to slow down the transitions... i can't even read the captions...

ya, I know some of it does go to fast, in places I added longer captions, but it would be a pain, to redo the whole thing slower, most of this pages are around 60 to 80 frame it take hours to set each speed of each frame,(also to save, and upload) sorry.(its also at the maxima MB, at the speed its at now i could bearly fit it.) but most of the capations are not that importent to the storyline, but, I guess just try to pause on the frames that are longer captions. I'll look in to makeing a slower version went I have more free time to spend on it.
other then that what did you think

Edited: ok, I did some, work on it, i just slowed down the whole video instead of redoing it frame by frame so, the sound quility (I would sugest muteing it) and graphics look a lil weak. but its slower http://media.putfile.com/slower-full-verison-spiderman3-comic
i think that the sm3 story will unfold when it comes out to the big screen.
Intro: Has drawings of the second movie, background color switches between blue and red. We hear Peter's voice talking off the responsablity, ends with "Who Am I? I'm Spider-Man."

Peter and MJ are having problems, Peter and Harry haven't talked to eachother since the night that Harry found out that Peter is Spidey. MJ is trying to make them talk.

We are introduced to Flint Marko. He escapes from prison and everybody hears about it, makes Daily Bugle headline. Harry takes Marko in and tells him that he'll pay him or make a cure for Marko's wife or daughter, but Harry wants to run tests on Marko and the experiment goes bad, Sandman is born. (I have a theory that every villian in the first three movies is created or involved with Oscorp).

Peter and MJ brake there relationship off because of problems. The Daily Bugle hires a new photographer, Eddie Brock. Competion between Peter and Eddie.

Sandman is robbing that armored truck because Oscorp needs money. Spidey shows up at the scene and gets creamed by Sandman. Eddie was at the scene and gets some nice shots of the fight, Peter didn't get anny shots because he was fighting. Peter isn't the top photographer anymore.

Peter visits Aunt May and has a flashback or dream about Uncle Ben.

Sandman is causing more trouble and Spidey can't beat him, gets the symbiote, most likey from Dr. Conners. Spidey creams Sandy.

Another MJ or Aunt May visit.

Harry starts to take the formula since Sandman can't take Spidey by himself. GG2 is born, Sandman and GG2 go to fight Spidey, Spidey has the symbiote suit so the fight is kinda like a tie. Brock was at the fight and gets some nice shots. GG2 throws one of his bombs and it blows off the symbiote. The symbiote goes to Eddie, Venom is born!

One of the women in Peter's life gets captured, either Aunt May, MJ, or Gwen.

Final Fight- Spidey goes to find Sandman and GG2 and the fight brakes out. Spidey, is no match for Sandman and GG2 without the symbiote. Spidey finds out that neither Sandman nor GG2 have Aunt May, MJ, or Gwen. Sandman is about to kill Spidey and Harry has flashbacks of him and Peter having a good time, being friends, and then right when Sandman is about to deal the final blow to Spidey, Harry goes kamikaze and blows hiself and Sandy. Harry says a last few words, then dies.

It turns out Venom had one of the women and whoever Venom captured, he kills. Spidey and he fight, Spidey wins. The symbiote leaves Brock.

This leaves us ready for SM4.

Comment please.

Forgive any mistakes, as i'm somewhat drunk and it's 6:16 AM.

The film will start off with Peter Parker working at a local KFC. While frying some chicken and preparing some coleslaw, he'll go on about how he has responsibilities and whatnot, his love for MJ etc. Suddenly he overcooks the chicken, the manager comes in and fires him, because thats the 7th time he gone done did that in the shift. Depressed he works his way to his rundown apartment, eats chocolate with cake girl and drinks some milk. He decides to go take a nap, counting sheep.

Meanwhile Flint Marko is on the run from some police who were tipped off on a robbery at a 7-11. Flint arrives on a beach somehow, not knowing that it's a testing site for an alpha omega quantum accelerator prototype device which goes horribly wrong, exploding. We assume Flint is killed, but we see a pile of sand slowly rising from the sand, taking the form of a man. It's Flint, alive and well, only sandy!

Elsewhere, Harry Osborn is chugging back a bottle of thunderbird listening to some Queen and crying in his big ol mansion. Betrayed, gloomy and acting all emo he looks at the goblins mask, which belonged to his father who was actually the Green Goblin. He goes through Oscorps database archives, he skims through it. "Electro Project Phase One/Operation Scorpion etc". He decides vengeance is in order, so he grabs some goblin gas and opens the vial, exposed to the gas it makes him super powered, but super cuckoo!

Somewhere in outerspace John Jameson is on a space shuttle trip, returning from a long journey from Mars. Him and crew are bringing back many samples from the dead planet. Something strange is about to happen, a strange black, tar-like liquid oozes from the various samples and attacks the crew, cutting all communications out! Oh my God!

While that's happening, reports of a Sandman robbing a bank somewhere in New York. Jonah must send Peter Parker on the case, however he tells Eddie Brock to follow behind, Jonah is curious as to why Mary Jane dumped his son for Parker. However Eddie loses track of Peter, as Peter quickly changed into his spidey suit to take out the sandman. However all goes wrong and a car chase follows, Spider-Man is sandblasted.

Over the radio, reports of the mars mission space shuttle is gonna crash, somewhere in the city and Spider-Man has gotta do something about it! So he heads to central park where the shuttle has crashed, ****ing up everything. However, Spidey rescues the crew, along with Jonah Jameson. But not without getting covered in some strange black fluid. Eddie Brock is also at the scene clicking photos.

Turns out, due to all this havoc, Peter is late for his date with MJ, she gets pissed off as usual and decides to take off. Yes she knows that Peter is Spider-Man, but cares, she Mary ****ing Jane Watson! Bam, Gwen Stacy catches Parkers eyes, hubba hubba! She approaches him and tells him that she's new and she could use a friend. Parker buys her a cheesebuger, the sky is the limit! Captain Stacy catches up and tells Gwen that he has some official work, that same sand**** is messing around again. Peter decides that this time, Sandman must be stopped. As he heads into the alley way to change, a black fluid suddenly overwhelms him, scaring the **** out of him. Memories of Uncle Ben, responsibility and last nights dinner go through his mind, as if something is probing his brain, firing off neurons and other stuff. The black substance takes on qualities of spideys old costume, only it's black. With no time to waste, he takes off to go after sandman.

Sandman is causing some havoc at times square, cops are shooting at him and there is a general panic. Suddenly a new and improved spidey in black shows up and punches sandman, causing his head to explode, only to reform with sandy laughing. However there is now another laugh, coming from the sky. A snowboarder on some neat snowboard is flying towards them, it's Harry Osborn, and he wants revenge on Peter/Spider-Man. He gets some awesome air like snowboarders do with their little stunts and starts chucking pumpkin bombs everywhere, holy ****! Sandman uses this distraction to retreat and snowgoblin and spidey begin to duke it out. Eddie Brock is on the scene clicking photos, in hopes of getting the right picture that jonah might put on the front page, earning a better reputation to make himself look cool. Captain Stacy shows up with more police officers, a stray pumpkin bomb explodes the police car killing stacy and injuring some other officers. Spider-Man gives a Shoryuken upside the goblins head and chases him off. Spider-Man vows justice for stacys death.

Meanwhile; Eddie Brock is at the bugle with a bunch of photos of the chaos from earlier, shows sandman and spidey fighting, as well as the goblin. However, he tells jonah that spider-man killed captain stacy. Happy to have something against spider-man, Jonah starts bull****ting to the press.

Peter decides to visit aunt may, they talk for awhile about the weather and the latest soup recipe. She goes on how she misses uncle ben, and the rest of the borring fillers. So Peter leaves even more depressed, on the way back home he runs into Gwen who is blaming spider-man for the death of her father. Peter explodes full of anger (brought on by our quiet friend, the symbiote).

Back at Osborn mansion, Harry is plotting his next move. Slamming back some more booze, he decides to attack peter directly, in front of everyone. He laughs into the darkness, his pinky finger at his chin, ala dr evil.

Spider-Man decides to give Eddie Brock a visit, to give him the photos of what actually happened. Eddie Brock spits in his face and Spider-Man throws him across the living room, pissed off and whatnot. Spidey eventually finds the photos. He takes off, suddenly the infamous cackle of a goblin startles him and he is blasted by a pumpkin bomb. The alien symbiote protecting peter from the damage. He hears a girl screaming, and it's Gwen Stacy! Holy **** spidey, you got some trouble now. Spider-Man chases goblin to the bridge from the first movie, where norman had dropped a bunch of brats and MJ. Goblin reveals that he is indeed Harry and he wants vengeance, Spidey tries to talk sense but he chucks Gwen off the bridge. Spidey tries to rescue her, but her neck breaks and everything. Upset that he's failed, he screams as Harry flies away laughing like a lunatic.

Peter shows up at the bugle, with Eddie in Jonahs office. "That maniac killed Captain Stacy. And he tried to kill me last night, and now he's killed Gwen Stacy!". Peter claims lies and shows the photos to Jonah, Jonah fires Eddie. As he walks past Parker, "I'll get even with you, Parker. I don't know how or when, but i'll get even".

Elsehwere; Goblin somehow tracks down Sandman and offers a deal. Goblin will pay good ol Flint a healthy amount of money if helps capture spider-man, he agrees. Anywho, back on the way home for Peter, he runs into three thugs giving a woman a hard time, their intention is to get her ride their bologna ponies. Peter changes into the black spider-man who then takes out his frustration on the slimebags, nearly killing one of em. He realizes he almost went to far and stops, webbing up the men he takes off.

Figuring out that the black suit isen't a suit, but an alien with a mind and intentions of it's own. He figures he has to rid himself of this malevolent creature. The church bells go off in the distance and Peter can feel the symbiote in pain. He puts two and two together and goes to the bell tower, unware that Eddie Brock is stalking him, the incredible sound drives the symbiote off of him and destroying the creature, or so we think. Either way, Peter is free of the evil creature for now. Upon further investigate, Brock enters the church only to find nobody, but a dark alien salvation.

Like a breath of fresh air, back in his regular Spidey duds, Spider-Man hears spots Goblin standing on the roof of a Gap store. He lands in front of him to confront the goblin, suddenly his spider sense warns him of sandman from behind. Sandman accidentally smacks Goblin in the chest, injuring him somewhat. Annoyed, Sandman receives a pumpkin bomb for his troubles. The two begin to scuffle, suddenly a black form arrives on the scene. It's looks like the black costumed spider-man, only on the mask is a set of chompers filled with teeth, and dripping tongue. This is Eddie Brock, or rather Venom, and he's pissed. He tackles Spider-Man and begin to fight. Harry explodes Sandman with a bag full of pumpkin bombs, scattering sand everywhere, apparently killing sandman. Harry see's spider-man and venom fighting, "He's mine!" Harry cries out and attacks Venom. Of course, Venom overpowers him and hands his ass to him. Just as Venom is about to kill Spider-Man, Harry returns a special sonice device which defeats Venom, Eddie Brock is dead. The symbiote takes off, but Harry falls onto his back. The wounds he sustained are fatal, and Peter must comfort him in his final moments. They reminisce about threes a compnay and then Harry dies.

Peter goes to MJ's apartment, she opens the door and he is on his knee's with a ring. "Will you Marry me?", cut to black. Again, the usual ending swing with spider-man over the city skyscrapers etc. And soon, a van is spotted driving towards the city on a lonely road. It is Kelso, a man with a forgotten past and an unknown future. The van dies, he gets out to check his engine. Soon a black alien ooze attacks him, it covers him from head to toe and changes from black to red, Kelso becomes Carnage. OMG RUN FOR YOUR ****ING LIVES!

To be continued, in SM-4!


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