If you were in charge of DC OYL....

The Question said:
No. But he fell of one of the tallest mountain ranges on the planet. If he comes back, it would have to be because of something like the Lazerous pits.
But were talking about comics here logic in the real world doesn't laways work there. So there still a chance he could be alive sense no checked. Doesn't matter anyway he more than likely wouldn't come back.
No, he probably won't. And comics should still use logic when it's apropriate. If not, it just gets stupid.
I would spread around the characters to more of the teams. Some of these i think have already been mentioned but they work as a whole:

Justice League: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, GL Jon Stewart, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg and Blue Beetle.

Outsiders: Nightwing, Arsenal, Grace, Thunder, Metamorpho, Captain Boomerang, and Green Arrow II

Teen Titans: Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Kid Devil, Ravager, and Speedy

The Seven Soldiers and Doom patrol stay as is.

Shadowpact: Blue Devil, Nightshade, Nightmaster, Enchantress, Detective Chimp, Ragman, Faust and Zauriel.

Suicide Squad: Catman, Deadshot, Chesire, Parademon, Ragdoll, Clock King, and (maybe) Jason Todd as the Red Hood

Brids of Prey: Oracle, Huntress, Black Canary, Shiva, Flamebird, Hawk and Dove, and (maybe) Catwoman

The new Young Justice: Captain Marvel Jr., Batgirl, Lagoon Boy, Aquagirl, Plastic Man's son, and Zattara

The new Freedom Fighter: Captain Atom, Ray, Power Girl, Booster Gold, Elongted Man, Fire and Ice
Difference between Freedom Fighters and JLA is FF as government sponsopship.

I thought about putting Hal on the Freedom Fighters but he seems better as a solo act which is why I left him out of the JLU in the first place. I also thought about placing Harllequin, the supposed joker's daughter on the Teen Titans or the Young Justice, but I'm not sure. I kinda want to see her get resolved.
The Question said:
Anyway, here are my ideas for Batman OYL:

1. Bane, after killing his father, has taken control of the Purple Dragons, and has proceeded to take control of the hispanic and asian street gangs in Gotham, converting them into a working crime syndicate.

2. Tim has started acting more and more like Bruce, which is disturbing his friends.

3. Harvey has become a defense atounry, seeing as how all the murders make it impossible to regain his license to practice law as a prosicutor, even though it was due to a mental breakdown. He has rekindled his romance with Gilda.

4. Tim and Cassie are an item. Not as much boyfriend and girlfriend as they are "**** buddies".

5. The Joker, Mr. Zsasz, and The Scarecrow have joined forces, forming a gang from the homeless, disenfranchized, and psychotic in Gotham.

6. Harley has become pregnant by The Joker, and thus The Joker has become insanely over protective of her.

7. The resident crime lords of Gotham, The Penguin, Black Mask, Bane, and Scarface, see The Joker's gang as a threat to their buisness and to the safety of Gotham. Since the police can't do anything about it, they decide to deal with it personally. Black Mask sums it up with "We may be sucking the life out of Gotham for our own gain, but it's still our home. Nobody ****s with it."

8. A new serial killer has hit the streets. He or she is targeting criminals who have gotten off in court. And, his or her M.O. is exactly like Two Face's. Flips a coin. If it's heads, the victim lives. If it's tails, they get two shots in the head from a 22. hand gun. The only catch? For half of the killings, Harvey Dent has perfectly resonable alibies.

I found 4 to be messed up. I know it often happens in movies, tv, etc. that a guy will hook up with his Dead best friends girl, but i dont thiunk Tim would do that. Just my opinion, of course.
The Question said:
Not bad. Still, I'd personally keep the street level heroes like Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary out of it. I think it would be more interesting to have Batman go off on his own and join up with the new Outsiders.

No complaints there.

How so? The Global Gaurdians are an international team. That mean the League is going to be more U.S. government sponsored? Or what?

Good ideas all around. Personally, I'd try and come up with new threats myself.

Actually, I'd combine the two teams. I'd have Wildcat, Hawkman, Alan Scott, and Jay Garrick serve as sort of trainers to the new recruits.

In Green Lantern, there's a storyline where hal's in hot water because of a superhero treaty where American heroes cant stop metahuman threats in certain countries. I figured the JLA would decide that, whether its london, or canada, or asia, when there's a threat, they stop it. Naturally, some members of the GG are from a country where this treaty is enacted, bringing them into conflict with the JLA
The Batman said:
I found 4 to be messed up. I know it often happens in movies, tv, etc. that a guy will hook up with his Dead best friends girl, but i dont thiunk Tim would do that. Just my opinion, of course.

I just think it's a sort of mutual turning to one another for comfort. And really, they both realize that their relationship is severely ****ed up. It's just that they themselves are severely ****ed up people, so in a darkly poetic way, it sort of fits.

The Batman said:
In Green Lantern, there's a storyline where hal's in hot water because of a superhero treaty where American heroes cant stop metahuman threats in certain countries. I figured the JLA would decide that, whether its london, or canada, or asia, when there's a threat, they stop it. Naturally, some members of the GG are from a country where this treaty is enacted, bringing them into conflict with the JLA

Ah. I see. Makes sense.

*Main Characters: Blue Beetle(Ted Kord), Booster Gold, Steel, Question, Black Adam, Batwoman

*Blue Beetle: After his death in Countdown, he gets revived by the Beetle scarab midway through Infinite Crisis. He now has the powers of the scarab, and a new suit(A Cross between the new Blue Beetles suit and Ted's suit). He aides Batman's team in destroying Brother Eye. In 52, he finally achieves his dream of being taken seriously. But, with that seriousness comes a price.

*Booster Gold: After helping to destory Brother Eye, Booster becomes the first celebrity superhero, using future historical books to stop crimes before they happen. 52 details his sucess and fame, him and Ted growing apart, and the superhero community looking down on his exploits.

*Steel: With Superman Gone, John Henry Irons comes back as Steel, with a modified outfit. His main role in 52 is attempting to bring down Lex Luthor and save metropolis from itself.

*The Question: Batman leaves Gotham City to Vic Sage. In 52, Vic spends his time trying to bring down corruption in the city, while playing a cat and mouse game with the new Batwoman, trying to fins out who she is.

*Black Adam: He becomes the Dr. Doom of the DCU, taking over his home country. In 52, we'll see how he deals with rival countries and his newfound role. He slowly becomes more and more morally unbalanced with his methods of dealing out justice.

*Batwoman: Trying to avenge the death of Crispus Allen, Renee Montoya becomes Batwoman. Renee has become an alcoholic, obsessed with getting revenge on Jim Corrigan and stopping Gothams increasing crime rate.

*During the year, Checkmate is reestablished to keep the metahumans in check. It's headed up by King Faraday. It's members include Fire, Amanda Waller, Captain Atom, Bronze Tiger, Sasha, Nemesis, Christopher Chance, Richard Dragon, and a mysterious Raven haired beauty named Diana Prince.

*Many revamped versions of old teams come back, including Doom Patrol, Global Guardians, and the Freedom Fighters.

*Lex is secretly rebuilding the Secret Society of supervillains.

*Ra's Al Ghul suddenly comes back from the dead, a result of alexander luthor and superboy prime tampering with the universes. He kills Nyssa and goes into hiding.

*Vandal Savage unleashes a deadly attack, killing millions of people. He becomes a major villain in 52.

*The idea of 52 is to use the time of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman's abscences to build up alot of old school DC teams and characters. The plan is to have each of the main characters play a major role in the outscape of the new Dc Comics.

*Black Lightning would finally take the role he was supposed to have when he was created: THe Major African American Superhero. His stock in the DCU will finally rise.

*Cosmic universe: Darkseid will become without a doubt the most powerful guy in the DCU. He'll be able to take on whole teams and whoop their ass. Also, I'd bring back Imperiex, The original Mongul, and create a new parallax. The New Gods would try to go back to the old Kirby style. Adam Strange would get his own title.

*I'd bring Static to the DCU, along with some other milestone characters, and let the original creative teams work on their books.
Linda Danvers comes back and kills the hell out of everyone.
How I'd have handled Superman OYL:

1) Everyone knows that Lex is a criminal. He's evaded authorities for months, and has now built up a quite succesful crime syndicate. In his employ are the Six from the "Villains United" mini series. Of course, since Parademon died, Knockout has joined the group. Lex has blackmailed Cheshire into cooperating. They're responsible for dozens of thefts, and have even managed to get a few poloticians in Lex's pocket. He begins to resemble Proffesor Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes novels a bit. Lex is held up underground in Metropolis, in several abandoned subay tunnels that he has converted into a very luxurious living space.

2) Mxyzptlk is dead. He was able to get to the fifth dimension, but due to the massave damage there, he was not able to get help in time, and succumed to his injuries. As his final act, he combined Clark and Lois' DNA inside Lois, making her pregnant with Clark's child. Something that otherwise would have been impossible. The child has been born, and it is a girl. They've named her Lucy.

3) The Prankster and the Toyman have gone into buisness together, sevring as techies for hire in the criminal underworld. They currently work as Lex Luthor's asistants.

4) A republican senator from Kansas, Zachary Obidiah Dodson, is well on his way to becoming the new president of the united states. Everyone loves him. Even his polotical oponents agree with him most of the time, though they keep it to themselves. He's charming, carismatic, and highly inteligent. Clark, however, doesn't trust him. He says that someone about the man's eyes is familiar, and that familiarity is not a good thing.

5) Ruy Jones is back as The Parasite. He kills the new Parasite. That's all that needs to be said, really.

6) Metallo has become a mob boss in Metropolis.

7) Bizarro is living peacefully on an alien world that is inhabited by creatures much less developed than humans. Compared to them, he's a genius.
Nightwing is in Gotham City working with Batman and Robin. Not in New York City fighting Jason Todd or not presumed dead with the Outsiders.

That's all that needs to be changed at the moment. That and have the ORIGINAL TITANS REUNITED DAMMIT :mad:
hippie_hunter said:
Nightwing is in Gotham City working with Batman and Robin. Not in New York City fighting Jason Todd or not presumed dead with the Outsiders.

Also married to Barbara Gordon after proposing to her a year before, and not sleeping around with random women whose names he doesn't know.
*leaves Gotham in the hands of the Question to travel overseas and train Nightwing and Robin.
*he has a child with Selina.
*Harvey Bullock becomes the new commionsher of Gotham
*Gordon becomes Batman's daytime informit, and confronts Batman about his true identity.

*leaves Gotham with Batman to further is training overseas
*framed for the murder of Batgirl
*Bane/ or Cassandra is the new leader of the League of Assasians after killing Nyssa

*marries Barbara
*stays in Bludhaven and helps the BOP rebuild the city

*loses his powers
*gets lois pregers
*lex is creating a supervillian society

*montoya becomes the new Batwoman protcecting Gotham during 52 while Batman is away

Teen Titans
*members: Robin (leader), Cybrog, Wonder Girl, Mia, Beast Boy and Raven
*Tim trying to bring Connor back

*Batman joins as the leader

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