Jackman spills beans on alleged troubles, Gambit and Deadpool

Is this a legitimate article? I remember reading that info on Gambit a couple of months ago.
Is this a legitimate article? I remember reading that info on Gambit a couple of months ago.

It's in the March issue of Total Film magazine, out here in the UK. The magazine also has a guide to comic book movies.
Is this a legitimate article? I remember reading that info on Gambit a couple of months ago.
I was going to ask that myself, It seems very recycled as a lot of his quotes about Gambit and Deadpool are verbatim for ones we got months ago. There is nothing new here.....
Yeah i dont see why they hade to make that change

And also judging from this article Jackman sounds like it wasn;t the best experience

i think we can all pretty much assume this movie is going to get really bad reviews

Oh well i think it looks really cool

I don't think it'll be a bad reviewed movie. Not with Gavin Hood directing. It's not mindless action. It's a struggle between the relationship of brothers. This isn't P:WZ (which I enjoyed but was mindless).
I don't think it'll be a bad reviewed movie. Not with Gavin Hood directing. It's not mindless action. It's a struggle between the relationship of brothers. This isn't P:WZ (which I enjoyed but was mindless).

This will definitely be an interesting to movie to keep an eye on as far as reviews go. Can it get 60% or more on Rotten Tomatoes to be considered fresh? Hood has one film over that mark, his first, while Rendition got a 48%.
This will definitely be an interesting to movie to keep an eye on as far as reviews go. Can it get 60% or more on Rotten Tomatoes to be considered fresh? Hood has one film over that mark, his first, while Rendition got a 48%.

I know. Rendition was a cool story but dry in parts. It was still well told just slow paced and didn't pull you into it. For his first two movies...I think they are good. Tsotsi is a beautiful movie, though. Fantastic!
Probably because they wanted a main villain that's recognizable, not some nameless random mutant that nobody knows about.
So bastardize that character because of that assumption? Weapon XI isn't the main villian anyways...Sabretooth is.
I've got one thing to add:

It's pretty much the same interview that was in SFX. (SFX is from the same publisher
Has this interview appeared elsewhere?
Image for Wolverine is back: Mad about Hugh
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Hugh Jackman
Published: March 12, 2009, 08:54
Wolverine is back: Mad about Hugh


Hugh Jackman talks about how happy he was to be howling again for the X-men spin-off

Tell us about the movie Wolverine...

It’s gritty. I think that sums it up pretty well. This is my fourth time putting the claws on and it felt really good. I think everybody agreed – the studio and everybody else – that we needed to make a slightly grittier movie. That’s the nature of this character. It’s not an ensemble piece – it’s about this guy, and there’s some darkness to it. Of course it’s fun too. I think Wolverine has some lighter moments but I always laugh when I read those things. If there are no clashes you’re more than likely to turn up a big pile of tepid average muck.

How was it doing Wolverine with a different director (Gavin Hood) and without the other X-men?

There’s not as much kissing (laughs).

No, it was fantastic. Gavin Hood was a great director, very strong and he has a great understanding of journeys and arcs of characters.

These movies I think live or fail by their attention to the characters in the story. All the other stuff, all those powers and all that stuff which is terrific is not at the heart of it.

Its themes and its characters and the struggles – that’s the heart of them. Gavin’s terrific.

I did miss Halle Berry though!

What did you have to go through to get those superhero muscles?

Just a lot of work in the gym. I work out anyway but I did heavier weights than I normally would and got to eat a bit more to get my naturally leaner body a bit bigger.

Has your life changed even more since you’ve been adjudged (by People magazine in November 2008) the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’?

I seem to be asked to take out the garbage more. Previously, my wife (actress Deborra-Lee Furness) had said the sexiest thing about me was that I took the garbage out, that I came trained so to speak when I came to her. So all of a sudden since that, it’s like, ‘All right, baby. Show it to me. Let’s go.’ And also the amount of hazing I’m getting from my mates in Australia.

How did you feel receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

I’ll be honest, I was touched by it. I’m an Australian so that whole thing, the Hollywood star, you’ve seen a million times and of course I’ve been there and I remember going to see all those great names. First reaction is a little bit of shock and it’s like, ‘Don’t they know that I'm just that kid from the suburbs of Sydney?’

Role play

At 6’2”, Jackman stands nearly a foot taller than Wolverine, who is said in the original comic book to be 5’3”.

Hence, the filmmakers were frequently forced to shoot Jackman at unusual angles or only from the waist up to make him appear shorter than he actually is.

According to a magazine interview, Jackman was also required to add muscle for the role, and in preparing for this film, he bench-pressed over 300 pounds.
Source: Xpress
Nice find. I haven't read that interview yet.

That said, with only a month and a half until the movie's release, I would like to hear something from Gavin Hood. Where is he???
That interview was a lame duck...asking easy questions we have heard over and over.
Hopefully Gavin Hood is busy putting the final touches to his masterpiece.

The one bit of that interview that I liked was "It’s not an ensemble piece" because with the trailers and the website, I was beginning to worry.

The March Total Film was published at least a month ago - the April issue is already in the shops. The interview took place in mid-December.

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