The Dark Knight Joker's Father

i know this is pretty offtopic , but someone made a damn good manip of this pic back in the days when it was announced that heath was cast . can somebody post it please ? i'm not sure where i could find it .

EDIT : nevermind , i found it :


Uh... You know he wasnt actually talking about his father, yes? It was just one of his jokes... He gave a completely different take on the story later talking to Rachel Dawes... It was just a clever little Nolan Twist on the whole "Multiple Choice" origin thing the Joker's always had...
yea but there could be some truth to them, maybe the stories aren't the actual origins of his scars, just re-tellings of horrific things that happened in his past. maybe he saw his dad slice up his mum when he was younger, that could go some way in explaining his condition.
There was no truth, almost everything he said to people was a lie.
yea but there could be some truth to them, maybe the stories aren't the actual origins of his scars, just re-tellings of horrific things that happened in his past. maybe he saw his dad slice up his mum when he was younger, that could go some way in explaining his condition.

It's more likely that he said those things merely to elicit sympathy and cause people to doubt his level of evil.

For the Joker, it'd be a great joke to cause people to have some sympathy for him just prior to him slicing and dicing them.
yea but i think there is something deeper to the joker, there is deffinatly feelings deep underneath. i noticed in the scene with brian douglas, when he screams "LOOK AT ME!!" i can almost sense pain in his voice. its like he feels wronged and doesn't take responsibilty for the way he is. thats why it creeps me out so much, all the giggling and messing around stops and that scream came from deep within him, all the anguish and anger released .
sometimes he remembers it one way, and sometimes he remembers it another. he prefers his past to be multiple choice.
You know I was actually thinking that there may be a possibility that both stories are true... I know he's probably an inconsistent Liar but here me out... Reason being why I say this is that maybe his father did one scar on the side of his face like a smirk or something and maybe he did the other one to prove to his wife that there's nothing wrong with looking different.

It's just my theory since when he's telling the story to Rachel you only see his tongue go to the one side of his cheek, even though it's figured that he's doing to both sides. I donno he could be making everything up as well I guess we'll never know.
You know I was actually thinking that there may be a possibility that both stories are true... I know he's probably an inconsistent Liar but here me out... Reason being why I say this is that maybe his father did one scar on the side of his face like a smirk or something and maybe he did the other one to prove to his wife that there's nothing wrong with looking different.

It's just my theory since when he's telling the story to Rachel you only see his tongue go to the one side of his cheek, even though it's figured that he's doing to both sides. I donno he could be making everything up as well I guess we'll never know.

The only problem with this story is the fact, that he would have had a scar already why his wife was scarred. So she would already look at him like she doesn't want him. His story's are complete bull...
none of the origins are right that he said. he was making it up! the 2 scar stories were nothing like the other.

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