Marvel Films MCU Trilogy ranking from best to worst

The Caped Knight

Shield Avenger
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
What's your ranking for the MCU Trilogies of films (excluding The Avengers films) from Captain America, Iron Man, Thor Spider-Man, Ant-Man and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy ?!
1. Captain America
2. Spider-Man
3. Iron Man
4. Thor
5. Ant-Man

can’t really include Guardians yet since the third movie hasn’t come out!
Captain America
[10/10 ... 9/10 ... 9/10]
[10/10 ... 9/10 ... 9/10]
Iron Man
[9/10 ... 7/10 ... 7/10]
Guardians Of The Galaxy*
[8/10 ... 7/10 ... x/10]


[6/10 ... 6/10 ... 6/10]
[7/10 ... 7/10 ... 4/10]
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The First Avenger: 6.5/10
The Winter Soldier: 9.5/10
Civil War: 9/10
Average rating: 8.3

Iron Man: 9/10
Iron Man II: 7.5/10
Iron Man III: 6/10
Average rating: 7.5

Thor: 9/10
The Dark World: 5/10
Ragnarok: 6.5/10
Average rating: 6.8

Homecoming: 7/10
Far From Home: 8/10
No Way Home: 9.5/10
Average rating: 8.2

Ant-Man: 8/10
Ant-Man & The Wasp: 7/10
Quantumania: 8/10
Average rating: 7.7

Final Trilogy Rankings:
1. Captain America 8.3
2. Spider-Man 8.2
3. Ant-Man 7.7
4. Iron Man 7.5
5. Thor 6.8

I did it this way, because just thinking about the movies, I probably would have put Iron Man at #2. But it's clearly not when I average out the ratings I gave each movie. Guardians is currently on track to be #3, as long as Vol 3 isn't a dumpster fire.

And I know it's not MCU but Wolverine is my favorite comic book trilogy.

Origins: 7/10
The Wolverine: 9/10
Logan: 10/10 (only comic book movie to hold a perfect score)
Average rating: 8.7
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Captain America (7,9,7)
Iron Man (7,6,8)
Spider-Man (7,6,6)
Thor (6,6,7)
Ant-Man (6,5,4)

Hoping Guardians will crack the top 3.
Captain America wins easily.

I give second to Spider-man, even though I don't care that much for Far from Home.

Ant-Man takes third because I really enjoyed Quantumania but did not care so much for AMatW and had a few issues with Ant-man 1.

Then Iron Man, purely on the strength of the original IM film.

Thor comes last. None of the Thor movies are all that interesting to me, though the last two are certainly better than the first two. (Also, technically not really a trilogy anymore, is it?)
Cap leading the charge makes me very happy. It shows the strength of his character and how the audience grew to love his characterization journey in this strong trilogy.
Since this is specifically for the MCU I'd have to say Captain America too...

However, if we were talking Marvel characters in general and not specifically MCU, I'd have to go with Raimi's original Spider-Man trilogy and the original X-Men trilogy, and yet that would include the much-maligned X3 as well.

Maybe it was because they were my gateway to CBMs but damn do I have a soft spot for those films :yay:
Since this is specifically for the MCU I'd have to say Captain America too...

However, if we were talking Marvel characters in general and not specifically MCU, I'd have to go with Raimi's original Spider-Man trilogy and the original X-Men trilogy, and yet that would include the much-maligned X3 as well.

Maybe it was because they were my gateway to CBMs but damn do I have a soft spot for those films :yay:
What about Blade?
In terms of my favorite, which is different from what I consider the best,
My favorite MCU trilogy is the Spiderman: Home trilogy.

Far From Home for me is okay, But NWH is one of my favorite Spiderman films in general and CBM in general, especially as someone who's followed the development of Spiderman films well before their were messageboards and an MCU.


In terms of what I think is the Best Marvel trilogy, it's gotta be Captain America.

Out of these trilogies I don't have a favorite

Blade - I don't like any of the films
X-Men / Spider-Man 2000s - failed to live up from its predecessors
Iron Man / Thor / Avengers - sophomore slump
Captain America - I didn't like the first movie, I thought it was bland
Ant-Man - the third one is the worst mcu film for me
Spider-Man MCU - I only really liked the third movie
Guardians - even if the third movie turns out to be the best, the first two are a bit overrated imo

And I wonder why Avengers is eXcluded in the poll when Thor is in the poll choices?

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