The Dark Knight Rises Protegé concept

Leave any kind of Robin out all together. No matter how you do it.. i don't think it will work, it would just feel silly and take away the dark tone that Batman should have. It works in the comics and it works in TAS, But they are very different to Nolan's image of batman(which is brilliant).

Anyway i'd much rather have a batman sequel, than start a batman and robin story
Freedom77 said:
Leave any kind of Robin out all together. No matter how you do it.. i don't think it will work, it would just feel silly and take away the dark tone that Batman should have. It works in the comics and it works in TAS, But they are very different to Nolan's image of batman(which is brilliant).

Anyway i'd much rather have a batman sequel, than start a batman and robin story

I find Nolan's image to be very similar to the tone and characterization of Batman of Bruce Timm's original animated series. If Robin worked there why not in the movie.


Just so we know which Timm Batman we are talking about. It seemed to change when it partnered with the Superman cartoon especially in the dual identity of Bruce and Batman.
First Post Yay!

I agree on some of the post's made. Heres my thoughts.
1. I can't see a name change. Robin is an Iconic character in his own rights. He isn't DC's top three, but he is one of the most popular characters at DC over the years.
2. His colours can work. The latest version of Robin's costumes can work in the movies. The outside of Robins cape is Black, which he can use to hide himself in shadows, the Green needs to be darker.
3. I would to see him in the third movie. Someone made a post on how he can't be used because Batman himself hasn't overcome his own loss to be a role model to a young Dick Grayson. I think Robin can be viewed as the last piece Bruce finds to finally place the loss of his parents behind him. I would like to see Bruce look on a young version of himself, to see his own pain, loss and embrace it.
4. Robin's age to me would have to be 12-15, like someone earlier said. On the first appearance, Batman adots him. Next movie he is training. On Dick Grayson's third movie appearance, Robin joins Batman on the streets. Two Movies later Nightwing and a New Movie Franchise( or TV series) is born.

Just my thoughts.
Freedom77 said:
Leave any kind of Robin out all together. No matter how you do it.. i don't think it will work, it would just feel silly and take away the dark tone that Batman should have. It works in the comics and it works in TAS, But they are very different to Nolan's image of batman(which is brilliant).

Anyway i'd much rather have a batman sequel, than start a batman and robin story

So what if you do it in a serious dark way... will it still feel silly and take away the dark tone?

What if Dick Grayson never becomes "Robin" and is a supporting character, will it still be a "Batman and Robin" story?

I can't subscribe to using green or yellow, but to say that "Robin can't be done," is hilarious. People forget that they used to say the same thing about Batman.
I recently had an idea about an orgin for robin or nightwing.

During the 3rd film, Bruce's Psych is starting to slip. Dealing with Dent becoming two-face is gettin to him, along with the joker not being kidnapped and what ever else is goin on in Gotham at the time is becoming too much for him. Alfred starts to worry and keeps going on at him for not resting.

At the end of the film, whatever happens with Dent and the Joker happens. Gordon and batman are talking on a rooftop and Gordon mentions something about a red x being found on walls near crime boss Tony Zucco's men.

The 4th film introduces us to Dick Grayson. A 17 year old orphan who is 6 months shy of his 18th birthday when he can leave and go on his own. Dick immediately takes a dislike to Wayne. While batmans trying to figure out more about this red x character, he somehow finds out that its Dick, finding out that Zucco killed Graysons parents when he was 11. Bruce tries to take him in but Dick is having none of it. Someway or another Dick joins with Bruce and becomes Nightwing.
Red X? A cartoon homage? I don't think Robin has to be changed fundamentally in order to make him work, just the surface stuff: what he wears, what he brings to the table, how much screen time he has.

I don't like Nightwing shoehorned in early in the franchise simply because people don't understand that a Nightwing costume doesn't "fix" Robin (see "Batman and Robin"). Besides, a 17 year old untrained independent vigilante is the stuff of comic books, not of movies.

Apparently I also like being negative, because I can't find one good thing in this post... let me add it: Dick Grayson is an awesome character. Any more comments on protogeness?

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