Raimi is batting a 1000 with costumes! :D

ZER0C00L said:
i forgot venom shot webs. i remember from the carnage video game he shot the symbiot ooze and swong from it. and used it to wrap around peoples heads to suffocate them and slam there heads to the ground.
Suffocating is cruel and uneccesary :down

:up: :)
Apart from the Kyle Rayner, excuse me, Green Goblin II suit, Raimi's done well. I just wish the original Goblin costume had some purple in it.
Weapon M said:
Hey so far from what I am seeing,
Raimi is really hookin it up with the costumes. I mean, I can say, this or that could be better in my opinion- but he's really hooked up the costumes pretty amazingly, and very respectful to the comics.

At first I had a problem with the black costume in the movie. But looking at it in action in the trailer. I really think that's the best Black Costume you could have. Cause if you think about it the original black costume wouldnt work as well on screen, and would come out very plain and bland. I think it would still look cool, I might be wrong, but maybe this black costume would be something that plays better on screen.

The Green Goblin costume was not as good as it could have been, and I would take his reasoning that the other Goblin Costume which would have been SUPER COOOL, was too expensive to have in the movie. So, they settled for the Power Ranger.

I like the Spiderman costume. Almost exactly the same as the comic

Doctor Octopus is pretty damn cool. I like his look, its not alot to work with. A man with the tentacles. Which I think are cooler then the comics. But it's still very respectable to the original.

I love the Sandman look, and they made him SUPER POWERFUL in this movie!!! I really love how the Sandman looks

I believe that the Harry Osborn suit is a prototype, I think they are keeping the new Goblin a secret. So, we still havent seen the goblin.

Venom, we dont know. I hope he continues to bat a 1000! I really hope cause next to Spiderman- Venom is the most important character to get right!!

Lets keep our fingers crossed!!!!!!!!! OMG PLEASE! I hope Church is right, when he said Venom looks like the Comic book, and we wont be dissapointed!!!!

I'm very happy with what Raimi has given us so far.
:D WAY TA GO SAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the costumes have been awesome. For Doc Ock he could've easily gone the scientist labcoat route, but he went for the trenchcoat "Ultimate Doc Ock" route and it worked even more effectively. No stupid suit, just him, and his eight mechanical arms unleashing hell.

The Green Goblin suit in the first one I had no problem with but this new one Harry is wearing in the preview better be a prototype that he'll later changed to look like his daddy's suit, because if that's his suit people are going to laugh their ass off when he appears onscreen.

But you're right though Sandman's costume is fantastic and Haden Church looks exactly like his comic-book counterpart just as Mickey Rourke did as Marv in "Sin City." Now if we can see our glimpse at Venom...well...Raimi will be "The King of Superhero Movies." Christopher Nolan in second and Bryan Singer in third.
i dont understand the spider man movies are hundreds of millions of dollars but the villans costumes look so cheap.
where the hell does all the money go? the cgi isnt that brilliant.
ZER0C00L said:
i dont understand the spider man movies are hundreds of millions of dollars but the villans costumes look so cheap.
where the hell does all the money go? the cgi isnt that brilliant.

^That's what I don't get either.He has artists who can make some cool designs,look at my avatar,that was done by someone with talent and imagination.With the money for this movie we should get something like that.
Well it's really hard to costume a villain, and then to make it believable, and most of all practical. Do you reallyyyyy want alfred molina in green spandex? if you were on the steet, and you saw that, what would you do? id be horrified but not because of his metal tentacles or the distruction... also, theres more to costume design than making it accurate. its a whole other challenge to make it visually interesting on-screen. spidermans costume stayed as true as you can really get, and just had additional elements in order for it to look visually interesting, just so your not looking at screen printed spandex, but rather something a little more dynamic. some things that work in a comic frame just dont work as well on film. and though maybe us fans wouldnt mind seeing al in green tights for the sake of comic-continuity, it might be punishment for the average movie goer. I think for the times, the feel of the movie, and the budget, the costumes look damn good. spare maybe francos goblin, and even then, how much did we really see of it.
doc ocks tenticals looked great...i didnt mind his look at all. but the goblin and green goblin 2 look horrible. spideys symbiote suit is boring as hell.

i dont think the money is handled well for the spider man movies at all. the artistic vision is boring. even on batman begins that movie does not look like a big buget movie. i dont see where the hell all the money goes.

it just seems like alot was wasted when your watching something up on screen that was watered down so much.
Here's a theory:

Harry builds a prototype suit for Green Goblin much like Spiderman had one before he got the proper suit. Again that looked crappy but they're supposed to look crappy cause they're prototypes! Then in the trailer we see one of the pumpkin bombs blowing up in Harry's face...so that leads me to believe some psycho discovers the Green Goblin's lair attacks or even kills Harry and becomes Hobgoblin. Cause even though Harry is Green Goblin II, he is still Peter's friend so I have a feeling, if he survives, he will help Peter in the end!
i don't think we should get carried away with the details in the teaser, that why its called a teaser, to tease. Look at the discussions happening about the suit, and we dont even know the story behind it. If they show everything then we wont get any suprises, and that would suck.
hitpehoaos said:
i don't think we should get carried away with the details in the teaser, that why its called a teaser, to tease. Look at the discussions happening about the suit, and we dont even know the story behind it. If they show everything then we wont get any suprises, and that would suck.
Exactly, I'll wait for a confirmation of fears before I put too many tears into it. Need some official pics, and a full trailer, then we'll know the horrible truth. :p
Costume grades

Green Goblin:A-
Green Goblin 2:c+
Black Suit Spidey:A+
looks like gg2 only needs to be fixed up but the new spoiler says that gg2 fights in the beginning of the movie so after it gets wrecked i think he'll get a better costume.
The Batman said:
Spider-Man: Perfect
Spider-Man symbiote: Cool looking, still prefer the comics version very much
Green Goblin 1: Mediocre
Doc Ock: Pretty Cool
GG2: Sucks
Sandman: Pretty damn accuarate

Spider-man's suit - Excellent
Black Spidey's suit - Perfect!
Freen Goblin's suit - Meh...
Doc Ock - Cool
Sandman's suit - Well done
GG2's suit - Could be better.
The GG2 suit is awful. It's lazy and there's really no excuse for it unless it's an early prototype within the film. All the other costumes have been good.

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