Something I don't understand about the black suit?

Dragon said:
Because the symbiote has adhered itself to the costume, and likely consumes it- and as you can see in the trailer, it's trying to adhere itself to Peter.

After Peter frees himself, the symbiote is back in its glob state until it attaches to Brock. It forms a similar costume because the Spidey suit is in its memory.

Agreed. This is exactly like how it happened in the secret wars comics. It cover spideys torn and shredded red and blue suit, and slowly started to consume it, with out Peters knowledge. Of course the suit could mimic any clothing so peter never changed out it, this is how it started to take over peters thoughts and actions ultimatly.:cwink:
Eternalzero said:
I would assume the bigger you are, the weaker the entity is.
The symbiote powers the entity, if you are "wasting" symbiote in protecting mroe surface area, and other "energy" expelling areas (bigger guys need more help than thinner guys) then you are using up more of the symbiote.

In the comics the symbiote's web was actually part symbiote, and Spider-man made Venom chase him until he was ultimatly tired out from the loss of symbiotness...

I don't know if you were asking a seriouse question, because this a very nerdy response, but meh, I'm nerdy.

Thank you. I'm glad someone responded seriously. I was waiting for fat jokes. But that makes sense.
StarkCEO said:
Thank you. I'm glad someone responded seriously. I was waiting for fat jokes. But that makes sense.

no problem : )
superduperhero said:
I wonder how he will be named Venom in the film.?

JJJ will name him--like every other villian in the series. :o
Okay, for the mask portion of the suit;

Remember in the trailer on MTV where it shows the symbiote taking over Peter in his sleep, remember it crawling over his chest, and finally over his face? Remember that part, where he gasps and opens his eyes. I assume that to complete the black spider-man costume, the symbiote is pulling images from Peters mind to complete this appearance?

Just a thought.
StarkCEO said:
Could the symbiote fit a large man? I mean I'm 350 lbs. Are the symbiotes BBF?

In case you don't speak fat boy... BBF means Big Boy Friendly. Most stores are not by the way. I mean is it so hard to carry XXL?

Well look at it this way;

The symbiote is an alien lifeform from who knows where in the universe. It's not like us. Just imagine if you will, for a moment, the alien could've visited a million worlds (JC Tribute). Who knows what creatures it could've taken over, now im not saying dinosuar sized creatures, but I don't think human-sized creatures, or smaller pose much of a challenge for it to overwhelm. It can stretch itself around it's host with no problem, I mean we've seen the symbiote change in mass throughout the comic-books. And Eddie Brock is a beefy guy, the symbiote never once had a problem then.

Just a thought.
it's got an elastic waist band.. for the heftier host
MaskedManJRK said:
JJJ will name him--like every other villian in the series. :o

no, Jameson won't know the backstory/relatioship between venom and spider-man.

In the trailer, Aunt may refers to it as revenge consuming a man like poison.

poison = venom

It will most likely be brock/venom calling themselves that, because from what we are told we will only see him the last 10 min. meaning that its not like he's pestering Peter the entire moving, so Peter won't call him that.
venom4life said:
Okay, for the mask portion of the suit;

Remember in the trailer on MTV where it shows the symbiote taking over Peter in his sleep, remember it crawling over his chest, and finally over his face? Remember that part, where he gasps and opens his eyes. I assume that to complete the black spider-man costume, the symbiote is pulling images from Peters mind to complete this appearance?

Just a thought.
huskerwebhead said:
If I remember the comics correctly, there was not (initially) two costumes for Pete to wear. He got the symbiote costume during the Sercret Wars cause his original was ruined. At that point the symbiote was his only costume. Once he got rid of the symbiote he made a black costume similar to it...and the original Red/Blue.

Not quite, Black Cat made him the black costume made of regular material, and I think he just had a spare R/B costume. This is why Venom does so much dmamge to SPidey behiund the scenes, because BOTH of them were wearing black costumes, the same one to teh general public.

This is also part of the "Umph" Venom had during his first appearance, because he looked so much like Spidey.

Anyway, I think the theory of "the longer he has it on, the more he/symbiote become one" is the best we can work with right now. (I mean, I heard rumors regarding the new hair-do and the symbiote are linked, but I don't wanna say nothing. ) This also is why Brock can become Venom. Loud noises/sonics actually hurt the symbiotes. In it's weakened state, during the belltower scene, my guess it, if it was thinking about anything in particular, it was it's own base survival. "If I can live through this, at least I may be able to find another host..." Whereas otherwise, it'd be doomed to die from sheer weakness.

Symbiotes are less symbiotic and more parasitic. They basically live off the emotions and feeling, as well certain body chemicals, of their host. Naturally, because they are evil in nature, bad emotions and such are the things symbiotes thrive on. THAT'S why the Venom symbiote loves Brock, because they BOTH hate Spidey and Parker.
he didn't have a spare at the time, he got one much later after a confrontation with wolverine in germany from a costume shop
M.E.H.Z.E.B said:
What leaked trailer?

Link. Please.

We can talk about it, but no link about it.

All I will say here is this: Ever read the comics? It's about as classic as it can be.
November Rain said:
he didn't have a spare at the time, he got one much later after a confrontation with wolverine in germany from a costume shop

Wonderful! Thanks for that. I didn't thik I was quite right but eh. Now I can pss new info on to other n00bs. Thanks.
Here's my question, how can Peter take it off like it's a real suit. When he was looking at it in the drawer I was like WTF. I was pretty sure the symbiot formed his real clothes with just a thought.
it joins his original suit as a diguise more than likely so pete doesn't have any idea it is infact sentient.

oh and movie symbiote seems to act differently on pete than in the comics...

how it affect brock remains to be seen. it may or may not be more like the comics....
Here's my question, how can Peter take it off like it's a real suit. When he was looking at it in the drawer I was like WTF. I was pretty sure the symbiot formed his real clothes with just a thought.

This is probably because at the time in movie when peter looks at it in the drawer, it hasn't "taken him over" yet.

Symbiotes tend to sort of...ease their host into becoming two beings in one body, or they become totally insane...(something I've noticed, never stated)

Venom/Brock will probably be affected in teh same manner as in the comics. The number rule of comic movies is "don't mess with the basics" We've got Venom, big nasty, evil version of Spidey with white spider...and totally can't get more complicated than that...but I wouldn't be surprised IF they did screw it up.
Well its definetley correct that the symbiote has created the mask for Peter. Especially in the bell tower shot of the new trailer where it shows him ripping his mask from his face and the symbiote trying to keep the mask attached. As we all know spider mans mask in original suit is not attached to him.

Yet, if they have a seen in the movie where spiderman is putting on a black mask regularly, all of these theroies about the mask go right out the door. If anytihing I would like to see the mask morph around peter whenever he calls upon it. That would be cool.
-Æ- said:
Well its definetley correct that the symbiote has created the mask for Peter. Especially in the bell tower shot of the new trailer where it shows him ripping his mask from his face and the symbiote trying to keep the mask attached. As we all know spider mans mask in original suit is not attached to him.

Yet, if they have a seen in the movie where spiderman is putting on a black mask regularly, all of these theroies about the mask go right out the door. If anytihing I would like to see the mask morph around peter whenever he calls upon it. That would be cool.

Oi, I'm gonna get in trouble for this...

Rumor had it a while back that Pete's new "Emo" hair cut is in fact teh symbiote, and it does indeed morph downward and cover his face to make the mask. It's been a while since I heard that one, though, so it may have been proven false.
the symbiote wants to stay onto peter for ever so after a while it decides to try to sta on when peter tried to take it off, the mask was very hard to get off, the symbiote is an alien from outer space, once it finds an organism it tries to bond with it forever, in this case peter parker, peter had the strength to pull it off in the bell tower, thats why it wasnt coming off, it wasa about to take peter over completley, even his mind.
spidermanhero12 said:
the symbiote wants to stay onto peter for ever so after a while it decides to try to sta on when peter tried to take it off, the mask was very hard to get off, the symbiote is an alien from outer space, once it finds an organism it tries to bond with it forever, in this case peter parker, peter had the strength to pull it off in the bell tower, thats why it wasnt coming off, it wasa about to take peter over completley, even his mind.

uR kIdDiNg!1!11

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