Star Fox: Zero

Star Fox Developer Dylan Cuthbert Discusses The Unreleased Star Fox 2 And Scrapped Ideas. October 4, 2016 . 9:30am

During a Reddit AMA, Cuthbert touched on some of his thoughts regarding the cancellation of Star Fox 2, scrapped ideas from the original Star Fox, as well as his opinion on Star Fox Zero for the Wii U.

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Programmer and director Dylan Cuthbert, who worked notably on Star Fox and the unreleased Star Fox 2, among others, recently held an Ask-Me-Anything over on Reddit. There, fans were able to ask the programmer questions about the Star Fox series, as well as other projects he had worked on.

In his answers, Cuthbert touched on some of his thoughts regarding the cancellation of Star Fox 2, scrapped ideas from the original Star Fox, as well as his opinion on Star Fox Zero for the Wii U.

First off, when asked about his feelings about the cancellation of Star Fox 2, Cuthbert had this to say:
“I think it was a shame but understandable given the time frame – the PlayStation had just come out and the 3d tech in StarFox 2 was showing its age. The leaked roms didn’t have the “rogue” style randomization of events, so every time you play you get a new adventure/different sequence of events.”

Next, when asked if there were any ideas scrapped from Star Fox because they were too ambitious to pull off, Cuthbert replied with the following:
“Hmm very good question and rather surprisingly I think that everything we experimented with got put in apart from the very early free range mode experiments that got scrapped. (We had a massive tank that shot off tons of missiles at you)”

Finally, Cuthbert had the following to say when asked about his opinions on Star Fox Zero for the Wii U:
“I think platinum did the best with what they were given. That franchise is very difficult to work on and innovate with because people expect/want it to be better than their nostalgia for the game and that’s a tall order. The walker mode was close to what we had in the original but of course no one had made a 3D platformer at that point so the StarFox 2 controls are a little odd. Nowadays there are common mappings and better game camera paradigms. A lot of the platform experiments we did were taken directly into Mario 64 by Miyamoto.”

To take a look at the entire AMA, you can head over to Reddit.

Read more stories about Star Fox & Star Fox Zero on Siliconera.

source: Siliconera

Pikmin And Star Fox Are Two Titles Shigeru Miyamoto Wants To Focus On More. December 12, 2016 . 9:30am

During a recent interview, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that he would like to “put more energy into” the Star Fox and Pikmin franchises.

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Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto was in attendance at a recent Super Mario Run event held at the Apple Store.

There, lots of questions were thrown Miyamoto’s way during an interview, including one that asked if there was any character he would like to have the chance to develop further. To this Miyamoto replied that he had always wanted Fox McCloud to achieve more popularity than he had and then continued, saying he would also like to work more on Pikmin. [Thanks, GamerSplash.]

Here’s Miyamoto’s full response to the question:
“Yeah, I always wanted Fox McCloud to be a bit more popular than he is. But I think one more would be Pikmin. So I think these two, I’ll need to put some more energy into.”

While it may be some time before we see a new Star Fox game, a new Pikmin title is already in the works for the Nintendo 3DS and will feature sidescrolling adventure gameplay.

Read more stories about pikmin & Star Fox on Siliconera.

source: Siliconera
I haven't played a Starfox game since Assault on the Gamecube, mainly because of lack of owning a Nintendo console since. Starfox 64 still remains one of my all time favorites.

That said, I stumbled across the Starfox anime short film, and while I loved it, I also discovered this fan made episode for a series. It feels like an Adult Swim show, like when AS was brand new. Maybe it's the Bebop vibe I get.


The remake of the original Crash Bandicoot games got me feeling nostalgic, so I started checking on older video games series I grew up with.

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