The Dark Knight Rises vs The Avengers

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I've watched plenty of movies. I've seen films from Aguirre, Wrath of God to Zoolander.
Story: Avengers. TDKR was just a boring version of Knightfall.

Dialogue: Avengers by far.

Acting: Tied.

Cinematography: Avengers. TDKR had a couple of cool shots, but Avengers delivered nonstop.

Editing: Avengers. It was crisp and clean and the pacing worked. In TDKR, I had no idea at first viewing so much time was supposed to have passed, and that has everything to do with the editing.

Action: Avengers obviously. Not only were you able to actually see the action, it was more interesting than boring punches being thrown. TDKR only had one good action scene and that was the rooftop with Batman and Catwoman vs the thugs.

Soundtrack: Tied. Nothing really memorable about either score for me, however both worked to the advantage of each movie.

Characters: Avengers.
^If the shoe fits, ect. ect.

If you go out of your way to antagonize, expect blow back sonny. Now come on... You were invited to show off your supposed expertise in the Community Threads. Show us all the vast cinematic knowledge you have.
The dialogue in Avengers is sharp. It isn't really bloated and everyone has a distinct voice. Some of it in Rises is just awful. For example the scene where Catwoman is trying to steal the clean slate from Dagget. He's explaining what it does to her, yet she must already know. It just sounds kinda unnatural and too exposition heavy. Like Dagget is talking to us the audience rather than Catwoman.

Agree with the dagget thing. Though i think Bane´s monologue beats everything that´s said in TA.

I see nothing genius about TA´s dialogue. It´s solid, overall, but it also tries too hard to be funny. "I don´t see how is that a party".

Avengers has solid performances all around.

TA doesn´t have one single memorable performance. Tom Hardy, even though not everyone likes it, gives a memorable performance represented by a big transformation. You have nothing like it in TA. Anne Hathaway is great. Gary Oldman is outstanding, as always. Christian Bale does a very fine job. Michael Caine has two outstanding scenes that beat anything in TA.
Not willing to show off his knowledge of film, but is willing to continue offering his opinion as "facts." Oh youth.
^If the shoe fits, ect. ect.

If you go out of your way to antagonize, expect blow back sonny. Now come on... You were invited to show off your supposed expertise in the Community Threads. Show us all the vast cinematic knowledge you have.

I didn´t insult anyone. You did. Wich basically just confirms that you have nothing meaningful to say, hence resorting to name calling.

You´re not worth my time, so...ignore list :)
^If the shoe fits, ect. ect.

If you go out of your way to antagonize, expect blow back sonny. Now come on... You were invited to show off your supposed expertise in the Community Threads. Show us all the vast cinematic knowledge you have.

Play nice and no name calling
Exactly. That´s the impression a lot of people give me from the tone and content of their posts. They give me the impression that they need to watch more movies. See how we understand each other? It´s not implication. It´s just impression :) MENTAL NINJUTSU!!

Since you aren't listening to the posters on about listening to the staff.

Your posts are full of snarky shots at the other posters. Post civilly and stop the rude attitude.
Story: TDKR (Did Avengers even have one)

Acting: TDKR

Cinematography: TDKR

Editing: TDKR

Action/SE: The Avengers

Soundtrack: TDKR

Characters: Avengers

Humour: Avengers

Villain: Bane

TDKR - 8/10
Avengers - 6/10

Blake's way of discovering Bruce is really bad, but its no worse than Loki's throw away line about Odin's way of getting Thor to earth, which destroys all the tension from the end of the first Thor film. Both of those things are laughably bad. Gordon sending every flippin' cop in to the sewers to 'smoke out' one guy is pretty absurd. Selvig's fail-safe that saves the day is equally weak writing. Both of these films have flimsy moments in their plots. This is a tougher choice than TDK vs TA for me. At the end of the day however, TDKR is just better in every category IMO. Both are extremely entertaining, yet flawed films to me.

Hated that :csad:
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The story of Avengers was the coming together of wildly different individuals for the greater good. It was an origin story. The details was in the conflicts between the characters.

TDKRs story was much more ambitious obviously. Batman's origin is already out of the way. I felt it was executed poorly though. Like others have said, the editing didn't help. It's hard to tell exactly how much time passes in the film. The cops are trapped underground with rations for how many months? Yet they all emerge clean shaven and fighting fit? I didn't like the revelation about Bane at the end either. It'd have been cool if he double crossed Talia and it turned out that whilst she thought she could use him as muscle, he was in fact using her for her resources and wanted to usurp her as leader of the LoS. I mean why would Bane want to carry on Ra's work? Ra's thought Bane was a monster and too extreme, makes sense to show that Bane did in fact have his own plans. Something like that would have gone a long way in improving the film for me.
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It's sad that people think Whedon has good dialogue. No one in their right mind talks like that in real life. Shame, Shame, shame.
It's hard to tell exactly how much time passes in the film.

It´s not hard. Pay attention.

Yet they all emerge clean shaven and fighting fit?

Does this really bother you that much? I think Hulk´s pants stretching to the giant size is 10x more stupid and hard to swallow than what you just referred to.

Sometimes i wonder if people come out with these complaints on their one, while watching the movie, or if they´re simply just repeating what they read on the internet and found that it was a good reason to attack the movie.

There is no plot hole or flaw in what you referred to. Probably it would have been cooler if they emerged all banged up, but the fact is that they received supplements, so they could very well shave and clean themselves while being trapped. Nothing unbelievable about that.

Plus, how do you know they were clean when they emerged? It was dark. We didn´t get a good look at them. Why do you assume they didn´t went home first to visit their families? You just assume too much.

People simply don´t bother to think about possibilities. They just grab the first thing that doesn´t sound right to them and use it for their hating purposes.

"Bruce returned to Gotham and they don´t explain how? It´s impossible! PLOT HOLE!! The movie sucks. I read it on the internet, so it´s a fact! The Avengers is better! Everything is 100% logic and nothing can be questioned!"

I mean why would Bane want to carry on Ra's work?

Because he liked Talia? Because he was saved and trained by the LOS? I don´t know. I can think of a good number of possibilities.

Ra's thought Bane was a monster and too extreme, makes sense to show that Bane did in fact have his own plans. Something like that would have gone a long way in improving the film for me.

Ok then. But that´s just your personal preference. I find it more interesting to have a multidimentional character who is more than what it seems on the surface.

Still more interesting than Loki.
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It's sad that people think Whedon has good dialogue. No one in their right mind talks like that in real life. Shame, Shame, shame.

We only need to turn our brains ON while watching TDKR. The Avengers is perfect. No need to analyse it. No need to think about it. Sounds funny. Cheap laughs from Super Heroes. Perfect dialogue.
Whedon's dialogue is much more natural than Nolan's, where it seems every character must speak in monologues. But that isn't always a bad thing on principle. Bane's speeches and of course the Joker's from TDK are brilliant. But then you have scenes like the one with Daggett and Catwoman, just blatant spoon feeding dialogue.

The thing with the police was jarring because of the world created by Nolan for these films. It's out of place. Hulk's pants stretching isn't a big deal because the world of the Marvel films is much more fantasy based. And it's from the comics.
Serously guys? We already had a TDK vs Avengers thread, now this? Are we just going to do Avengers vs everything now? Or just move on to Batman Begins vs Avengers next month?

Plus, I am pretty sure this thread already exists somewhere.
Serously guys? We already had a TDK vs Avengers thread, now this? Are we just going to do Avengers vs everything now? Or just move on to Batman Begins vs Avengers next month?

Plus, I am pretty sure this thread already exists somewhere.

There´s one about what movie will make more money. Maybe i´m wrong. But i searched.
The thing with the police was jarring because of the world created by Nolan for these films. It's out of place.

I just gave you two good possibilities. You simply ignored them. There´s nothing else i can tell you.

Whedon's dialogue is much more natural than Nolan's

Really? Forced funny one liners half of the time they interact is natural to you?

If any of those characters were real i doubt they would be joking about anything in a situation like that.

"I´m bringing the party to you guys", despite having a super giant alien behind him who can possibly destroy the entire city and kill millions of innocents.

"I don´t see how that´s a party", also in a very calm way, trying to capitalize on what Tony just said in order to try to produce another forced funny moment. It´s like they´re always trying to play with each others words, instead of simply talking. All very natural.

The movie might have it´s moments and be enjoyable, but to call that natural is just laughable.
There´s one about what movie will make more money. Maybe i´m wrong. But i searched.

I am seeing the same. But, this thread is going to rehash everything you're already seeing in TDK vs Avengers thread. DC/Batfans say Avengers was a popcorn film (in a manner that makes it seem like popcorn films are not REAL films) and Avengers/Marvel fans say Nolan is overrated. Do we need 2 threads of this?
The Avengers wins in my book, hands down :yay:.
I've noticed a pattern to your posts, BLobo: someone mentions things they don't about TDKR and you tell them how they are wrong. Someone else mentions what they do like about Avengers, you tell them how they are wrong.

I get the feeling you made this thread to say, "Yeah, not only is TDK better than Avengers but TDKR has to be too! Right everybody??", and you seem to be unable to accept that not everyone agrees.
I've noticed a pattern to your posts, BLobo: someone mentions things they don't about TDKR and you tell them how they are wrong. Someone else mentions what they do like about Avengers, you tell them how they are wrong.

I get the feeling you made this thread to say, "Yeah, not only is TDK better than Avengers but TDKR has to be too! Right everybody??", and you seem to be unable to accept that not everyone agrees.

100% agreed.

I really think this is a useless thread.
Hmm... this is insanely tough... i ultimately went with The Avengers though.

I'm a way bigger Batman fan than I am any of the Avengers (Spidey and X-Men>any Avenger) but TDKR started to really disappoint me as soon as the initial buzz wore off from seeing it for the first time. Looking back, the realism aspect of TDKT annoys the **** out of me. The Avengers on the other hand, has absolutely zero problems in my eyes, and is a more fun movie to watch than TDKR. The Avengers has more of a replayability factor. I love both movies, but The Avengers barely edges out TDKR.

TDKR is like an 8/10, Avengers is a 9
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