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The "Heroes vs. Villains" Marvel RPG Season II

"Alright. Do we have our own way of going underground, or are we just going to follow the monsters down into their big hole?"

With that, Ross quickly explains to me the plan that the engineers have already come up with involving creating a discreet entry into a side tunnel. "Sounds good to me. I'm ready to get my hands dirty."



Ross chewed furiously on his unlit cigar while he watched the corps of Army Engineers plant their charges.

With his men and Loki's newly arrived forces fully committed the Rock trolls and their giant shock troops had their hands full for the moment.

Ross wondered about Loki. He knew full well that both he, and the Frost giants, were supposed to be the black hats, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth; he glanced over his shoulder for an instant at Banner. People's lives were at stake. He would take the help however he could get it.

A loud boom announced that the Engineers had done their jobs and an instant later the dust cleared to reveal that a whole had been blasted into a tunnel that ran underneath the city.

"That's your entrance heroes." Ross said as he pointed to the whole "Godspeed."
While General Ross puts the army's plan to save Chicago into motion he is unaware of the tall, athletic figure who, after circumventing the siege of her home, has by magical means, hastily made her way here to the windy city.

The cloaked and hooded figure moves swiftly and silently into the city, using stealth and agility to avoid detection until she is within the city limits, near where the hammer of Thor still lies in the street.

She stands in an alley and watches as Loki Laufeyson directs an army of frost giants into battle and wonders where the Liesmith has been these past weeks.

She trains her expert eye on the Trickster God for a moment in an attempt to read his features but the attempt is interrupted by a guttural growl emanating from the street before her and she lowers her gaze to find a pair of Rock trolls approaching her menacingly with murder in their eyes.

She shows no fear in the face of this threat, for indeed she feels none and her hands move smoothly to her hips as she explodes toward the trolls.

Her hands flash outwards, the blades therein glistening in the sunlight, before they are suddenly and violently stained with the blood of the two dead trolls.

Her presence no longer a secret, the warrior queen throws off her cloak and demads Laufeyson's attention.



"Not who I wanted to see at all..." Hawkeye grumbled. He looked at the chaos around him, monsters fighting monsters, people fleeing in terror, and not a damn clue where to even begin.


Hawkeye turned to Ms. Marvel.

"I told you to help Bobbi with evac," he seethed, with a little more venom in his voice than he would have liked, "not take her off the jet. Shape up or you're benched."

[BLACKOUT]"Hey! Don't get all big man with me!"[/BLACKOUT]

Ms Marvel walks away, filled with anger. Mockingbird stops her, grabbing her arm and whispering into her ear. "Ignore him..."

As General Ross gave Ms Marvel her orders, her tracks were stopped. She bolted around and through the Trolls, avoiding all their swinging attacks. Her team following her, she hovers lower, making sharp eye contact with the Asgardian female. [BLACKOUT]"Explain,yoursel woman!"[/BLACKOUT]
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As General Ross gave Ms Marvel her orders, her tracks were stopped. She bolted around and through the Trolls, avoiding all their swinging attacks. Her team following her, she hovers lower, making sharp eye contact with the Asgardian female. [BLACKOUT]"Explain, Thor! No one said this was bring a friend day,"[/BLACKOUT]


"I've no need to explain myself to you mortal." Sif said firmly, locking her eyes on the hovering woman. The woman was physically imposing for a mortal but Sif was much taller and stronger than she was. "But I recognize you as one of Thor's allies the Avengers and for that alone will I answer."

Sif spun on her heel, swinging her blades around and decapitating an overly ambitious troll before turning her attention back to Ms. Marvel.​

"I am Sif, Goddess of Asgard and beloved of Thor." She said, speaking quickly and without undue pride.​

"Now tell me what has happened here. Where is Thor?" She stole a glance upwards at Loki. The god of mischief had yet to aknowledge her presence. She knew Thor had grown to trust him, but she could not deny that she did not. "...and when exactly did Loki arrive?"

"I've no need to explain myself to you mortal." Sif said firmly, locking her eyes on the hovering woman. The woman was physically imposing for a mortal but Sif was much taller and stronger than she was. "But I recognize you as one of Thor's allies the Avengers and for that alone will I answer."

Sif spun on her heel, swinging her blades around and decapitating an overly ambitious troll before turning her attention back to Ms. Marvel.​

"I am Sif, Goddess of Asgard and beloved of Thor." She said, speaking quickly and without undue pride.​

"Now tell me what has happened here. Where is Thor?" She stole a glance upwards at Loki. The god of mischief had yet to aknowledge her presence. She knew Thor had grown to trust him, but she could not deny that she did not. "...and when exactly did Loki arrive?"

"I have not been here long, Lady Sif. I arrived with reinforcements - my blood brethren of the Jotun - to stop this attack by these accursed trolls."

Wielding a whip in one hand and a sword in the other, Loki launched into action alongside Sif, slaying a troll that lurked behind her.

"I owe you and the rest of Asgard an explanation for my absence. And believe me, there is plenty I have to say that you will all want to hear, when the time is right. But is now the time for words?"


"No. Now is the time for action. For Midgard!"

The dark waters lapped at the banks of the river where the two men waited. God and Champion, each in full armour, hands on hilts of their weapons, watching the dark apparition approaching out of the rolling fog upon the water.

As the shadow emerged, it formed into a boat, ancient and rickety, creaking it's way through the black mirth. Upon the boat stood a man, hunched at the back, bald at the head and with dark, soulless eyes. A deep emerald cloak covered his alomst skeletal frame.

"I do not like this, My Lord" Achilles whispered, instinctively gripping his sword hilt a little tighter. He was no coward, but the leaden feeling in his gut bothered him. The sense of dread threatening to consume him in its deep cloak.

"Steady thyself Achilles. The Ferryman, Charon, shall not bring us to harm. Stay clear of those dark waters though, for they are laced with sould of the damned, ready to rend and consume travellers".

Achilles gritted his teeth, stepping forth alongside Ares as Charon held out a gnarled hand, long, rotten fingers splayed.

Ares dropped two shining gold coins into the Ferrymans palm and waited. A tongue snaked out of the ferrymans lipless mouth, as one would expect from a serpent, tasting the gold. Satisfied, he grinned, pocketed the treasure and silently bade the men aboard his craft.

The journey seemed to take an age, both Ares and Achilles riding in silence, listening to the creaking of the boat and the sloshing of the darkness below. Occasionally, a sreech or a moan would emerge from the void beyond the thick fog that surrounded them, but nothing came at them and they crossed into the realm beyond in peace.

As the boat ran alongside a small jetty on the destination bank, Ares arose and leapt onto the wooden platform. Achilles leapt too, and risked a glance back. The Ferryman and his boat were sinking into the darkness of the water. Silent and still as a statue, the creature disappeared, submerged back to whereever he came from.

"Is this it?"
Questioned the Champion.

"Aye". came the curt reply. "From here on in, we are besieged on all sides. This is the realm of Hades and the creatures that reside in his kingdom have no love for thel ikes of you or I. We are marching into enemy territory Achilles".

The blonde warrior nodded and drew his sword, twirling it and flexing the muscles in his sword arm. His God drew the mighty battle axe from upon his back and hefted it, turning to his champion and allowing a mighty grin to spread behind his helm. "Prepare yourself for glory, my friend!"


Deep within the realm of the underworld, its lord and keeper sat upon a crimson throne. His bald head covered in a deep hood of sapphire blue, stretching down as a cloak over deep purple armour. As he watched the Olympian and the warrior arrive upon his shores, he allowed a small smile.

To his right, a small woman, skeletal thin, with wisps of white hair stretching from her head to her shoulder approached the Lord of Hell. "My Lord, I humbly request that you allow me to deal with this impetuous swine?"

The God eyed her curiously before offering her a small nod. "Aye Ampharon, Kill the warrior. Bring the God of Ear to me".

Ampharon bowed deeply, her stained rag of a gown, kicking up a small cloud of dust around her as she did. "It shall be as you command, My Lord Pluto".

Pluto rubbed his chin and tugged at his braided corners of his drooped moustache. "Do not fail me, witch". He growled.


Ares and Achilles marched through a deep valley on towards the heart of the dark realm. The light ind that lapped at their cloaks carried the faint howls and moans of legions of damned souls. The deep red rock that rose up around them jutted out into jagged spires, throwing the dusty trail into shade.

Achilles felt a trickle of sweat roll down the base of his neck. Reaching back to wipe it, his finger found flesh... but not his own. His hand touched leathery, serpentine flesh and he jerked wildly, grasping at the thing and throwing it to the ground. At his feet, a black serpent, thick in the body and the length of a spear coiled up and opened its maw, flashing glistening fangs. Achilles made for his sword as the serpent sprang forth, it's tiny red orbs glinting with malevolence. The Grecians hilt stuck in the scabbard and as Achilles made to duck the beast, silver lightning flashed before his face and the creature exploded into a shower of blood and gore.

Ares swung his axe in full motion, smashing easily through the hellbeast. The relief on Achilles' face was evident behind his white-plumed helm. Before the Champion could thank his God though, the ground came alive, more of the black serpents writhing from the dust and encircling the pair. Swords rang clear of scabbards as Achilles and Ares went back to back.

"Do not let them touch you. The serpents of the Abyss will kill you with one bite. Just a graze of their fangs will fill you with enough venom to rot your organs in moments. Ready thyself".

Achilles merely nodded, though he knew the God of War couldn't see it, his Lord knew that the warrior heeded his advice. With his axe in one hand and a long bladed claymore in the other, Ares cracked his neck from side to side and dared the serpents to strike. As one did, he leapt to meet it, his sword sweeping low into a raising arc. The beast exploded. Behind him, Achilles bellowed a war cry as he met the demonspawn in combat too.

Ares merely grinned, relishing the easy pickings of these creatures. One came close, stabbing towards his thigh. Aresa leapt back and drove the axe down, embedding it through flesh and into the red earth. Leaving the weapon, he grasped the claymore two handed and swung wildly, scything down the writhing masses. "An easy day, champion! Wet thy blade and enjoy the sport!"

"Aye my Lord. I was expecting something more frightful!"


Achilles flew backwards, propelled by a jolt of dark fire that had slammed into his chest and sent him flying through the air. He landed hard and rolled in the dirt, losing both sword and helm.

"This is merely a taste, pathetic mortal. You are not worthy of my true power!"

The snakes flew back and coiled together, writhing into a ball. The ball grew and rose, forming into the shape of a human. As it became a dark cloud, a small, thin woman in a drab and tattered gown stepped forth. Her skin sagged from her face and her thin hair hung in white wisps from her skull. The eyes though were full of rage and hatred.

Ares grasped the hilt of his axe and wrenched it free from the earth, glaring at the woman on the path ahead. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The woman smiled sweetly. "My name is Ampharon. Know it well Dog of War, for it is the name of your end".

Ares chuckled and shouldered the axe, his other hand resting on his hip. "Petty words, witch. I have heard the same from thousands before, yet here I stand. Now step aside and I'll leave your head upon your shoulders".

Ampharon snarled at the Olympian and raised a hand, her index finger pointing at him. "You carry the same arrogance as the bastard that spawned you. This is not your realm and there are none of your kin here War Monger. You are as nothing here. Now little Ares.... DIE!"

Lightning flashed from her fingertips with a thunderous roar, smashing into the skull emblazoned breastplate of the War God. Ares took the impact and fought it, struggling against the raw ferocity of it. Flames licked at his skin, burning hair and scorching his armour. From beyond the assault Ampharon cackled gleefully. Raising her other hand, the assault increased and Ares was driven back a few steps. The lightning reformed around him, snaking like a claw around his chest and driving him back into the dirt. Ares roared furiously, but the dark lightning held him in place.

Ampharon moved to stand over the planted God. "Still so arrogant, Zeus-spawn?" she muttered, her words dripping with malice.

"I'll k-kill you"
Ares snarled, blood frothing from his mouth.

"Not in this life, nor the next. You are MINE!"
she sneered back.

Smoke curled from her mouth and worked its way through the air to Ares' face, forcing itself into his nostrils and in his mouth. The War God gagged and spat, but to no avail.

"The death-mist will rend your heart from your chest and I will feast upon it tonight" Ampharon said, licking her lips.

Ares gritted his teeth as his chest heaved. Above him, the witch cackled with unbridled joy. And then stopped.

The God of War glanced up and saw her white eyes grow wide. The lightning vanished. The invasive smoke lapsing from his chest and as he lookied up, he saw the red stain blossoming around the silver blade jutting from her breast. The blade disappeared back inside of her before flashing in a high arc and removing her head from her shoulders.

The head rolled into the dirt and lay there, sideways, the dull white glare staring at Ares accusingly. The God of War turned away and gazed up at Achilles. The champions left arm hung limply by his side, and in the right, a blood stained blade faced down toward the ground. The blonde warrior grinned, despite the blood that flowed from a deep cut just above his hairline.

Ares rose to his feet and clasped the man upon the shoulder. "Well champion, no one can say we didn't warn her!"

Achilles handed the God of War his helm and the two warriors continued upon the road.


Pluto snarled as the image of the battle faded. "Stupid wench" he muttered to himself. "I'll do this myself".
"I have not been here long, Lady Sif. I arrived with reinforcements - my blood brethren of the Jotun - to stop this attack by these accursed trolls."

Wielding a whip in one hand and a sword in the other, Loki launched into action alongside Sif, slaying a troll that lurked behind her.

"I owe you and the rest of Asgard an explanation for my absence. And believe me, there is plenty I have to say that you will all want to hear, when the time is right. But is now the time for words?"


"No. Now is the time for action. For Midgard!"

The Lady Sif scowled then lifted her blades once more and moved to support Loki. He was right, now was the time for action.

Meanwhile, deep beneath the city, the earth shakes and King Gerridour, instinctively senses what has transpired and turns his attention to his champion Ulik.

"The mortals' direct assualt above is a diversionary tactic. Even now they attempt to flank us."

The words elicited a few angry snarls and snorts from the gathered trolls

"Go!" Gerridour commands as he points down a darkened tunnel "Kill any who appear before you! Keep the Mortals at bay till the Dark Wheel has done its work!"

In response Ulik the Invincible looses a terrifying roar before rushing down the tunnel with a handful of chosen warriors following closely behind.

Once the warriors are out of sigh Gerridour turns his attention back to Thor, who remains chained in the center of the chamber with blood seeping from his wounds. The Troll King grins to himself and raises his barbed whip once more so as to continue his torture of the Odinson, who says nothing and does not cry out in pain, but instead continues to strain against his bonds in silence and reveals nothing even as he feels the bonds begin to give every so slightly.

Back in the center of the city chaos reigns as Giants of Frost and Rock slam against each other while trolls continue their advance, dealing death to the mortal soldiers who battle valiantly despite the terrrible odds.

Amidst such chaos barely anyone notices the Mjolnir remains on the street amidst the rubble. Barely anyone save one troll, dispatched by his King and equipped with the means to acquire the mighty mallet.

His name is Urgnot and he is not like other Rock Trolls. Taller, thinner and more lithe than his compatriots. He is armed with numerous throwing weapons and on his back he carries a large and frightening bow of bone. Urgnot avoids the fighting and stealthily makes his way towards the magic hammer. His incredible height and deathly black garb are unique on the battlefield, but in the midst of such a warzone they go unnoticed except by a few unfortunate army infranty men who turn to face the new threat only to be quickly and brutally dispatched by a handful of throwing knives.

It is not long before Urgnot is crouched beside the mystic hammer, examing it and rifling through hidden pockets for the magical tool which will negate the enchantments on the mallet and allow him to steal it for his King.

Having found the right tool, Urgnot is about to go about his dark business when he realizes that he has been spotted. He swivels around, spinning on his heel and rising to his full height to confront a human archer, dressed in garish purple and blue, who eyes him with deadly intent and knocks an arrow into his bow.

While Urgnot and Hawkeye square off the Hulk leads a team into the tunnel blasted by the Army corps of Engineers. His purpose, to launch a surprise flank attack on the trolls home base and destroy whatever mechanism is being used to force the city of chicago underground.

But the element of surprise is not with this band on this day and they have barely begun their descent into the depths when the war cries or trolls fill their ears.

The green skinned goliath is the first to feel the pain of this failure as a powerful figure pounces from the darkness and punches him hard in the jaw with a triumphant growl.

"Turn and run now green one." Ulik the Invincible says as he raises his fists once more "Run so Ulik that might have the joy of the hunt as well as the kill!"

Back in the center of the city chaos reigns as Giants of Frost and Rock slam against each other while trolls continue their advance, dealing death to the mortal soldiers who battle valiantly despite the terrrible odds.

Amidst such chaos barely anyone notices the Mjolnir remains on the street amidst the rubble. Barely anyone save one troll, dispatched by his King and equipped with the means to acquire the mighty mallet.

His name is Urgnot and he is not like other Rock Trolls. Taller, thinner and more lithe than his compatriots. He is armed with numerous throwing weapons and on his back he carries a large and frightening bow of bone. Urgnot avoids the fighting and stealthily makes his way towards the magic hammer. His incredible height and deathly black garb are unique on the battlefield, but in the midst of such a warzone they go unnoticed except by a few unfortunate army infranty men who turn to face the new threat only to be quickly and brutally dispatched by a handful of throwing knives.

It is not long before Urgnot is crouched beside the mystic hammer, examing it and rifling through hidden pockets for the magical tool which will negate the enchantments on the mallet and allow him to steal it for his King.

Having found the right tool, Urgnot is about to go about his dark business when he realizes that he has been spotted. He swivels around, spinning on his heel and rising to his full height to confront a human archer, dressed in garish purple and blue, who eyes him with deadly intent and knocks an arrow into his bow.


"That ain't yours, Slim. So I suggest backing away and crawling back into whatever dark musty hole you pulled your sorry @$$ out of, otherwise city sanitation is going to be sweeping you up in pieces off the street."

"That ain't yours, Slim. So I suggest backing away and crawling back into whatever dark musty hole you pulled your sorry @$$ out of, otherwise city sanitation is going to be sweeping you up in pieces off the street."

"The hammer belongs to whomever can claim it mortal." Urgnot said as he rose to his full height and drew a short sword with a forked blade from behind his back "Whether he be 'worthy', or simply resourcful enough to circumvent old One Eye's magicks."

He leaped then, suddenly and without warning, his blade flashing out like a viper's tongue and just barely missing Hawkeye as he twisted his body and rolled out of the way.

"You are agile mortal." Urgnot said as he spun on his heel to face Hawkeye once more "But Urgnot the Black is the most skilled of all Rock Trolls and you will not stand between me and Mjolnir for long."

Quickly darting to block Loki and Sif's path, Ms Marvel folded her arms, arching an eyebrow. [BLACKOUT]"Leave this to the Avengers. Go find Thor and bring him back."[/BLACKOUT]​
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"The hammer belongs to whomever can claim it mortal." Urgnot said as he rose to his full height and drew a short sword with a forked blade from behind his back "Whether he be 'worthy', or simply resourcful enough to circumvent old One Eye's magicks."

He leaped then, suddenly and without warning, his blade flashing out like a viper's tongue and just barely missing Hawkeye as he twisted his body and rolled out of the way.

"You are agile mortal." Urgnot said as he spun on his heel to face Hawkeye once more "But Urgnot the Black is the most skilled of all Rock Trolls and you will not stand between me and Mjolnir for long."

"I believe they like to be called African-Asgardian nowadays."
Hawkeye circled, making sure he had the hammer and his foe in his sight.

"I don't plan on standing between you and your goal, either. I plan on sending you to Hell and still making it home in time for 'Scrubs' reruns."
Hawkeye aimed and fired two explosive arrows.
While Urgnot and Hawkeye square off the Hulk leads a team into the tunnel blasted by the Army corps of Engineers. His purpose, to launch a surprise flank attack on the trolls home base and destroy whatever mechanism is being used to force the city of chicago underground.

But the element of surprise is not with this band on this day and they have barely begun their descent into the depths when the war cries or trolls fill their ears.

The green skinned goliath is the first to feel the pain of this failure as a powerful figure pounces from the darkness and punches him hard in the jaw with a triumphant growl.

"Turn and run now green one." Ulik the Invincible says as he raises his fists once more "Run so Ulik that might have the joy of the hunt as well as the kill!"
Getting back up after the surprise attack knocked me down, I rub my jaw where this ugly brute sucker punched me. This guy certainly doesn't feel like a lightweight. "The Hulk doesn't run from a fight, mister."


Like a launching rocket, I've leaped onto Ulik and tackled him into the side of the tunnel. I don't know how much stress the tunnel can take, but I sure hope that I don't accidentally bring it all down on top of us as thunder rings out each time that my fists slam into Ulik's head. "Hulk smash, et cetera."

Quickly darting to block Loki and Sif's path, Ms Marvel folded her arms, arching an eyebrow. [BLACKOUT]"Leave this to the Avengers. Go find Thor and bring him back."[/BLACKOUT]​


The Lady Sif gives Ms. Marvel a sharp look then nods and spins on her heel.

"Aye Thor must be freed if we are to be victorious." she says before glancing at Loki

"Try to keep up." She say before darting forward, past the chaos around her and towards a subway tunnel leading to the caverns below the sinking city.

Her focus is on getting to Thor and she does not notice his hammer lying in the street near the tunnel. She and Loki vanish into the tunnel even as Urgnot the Black dodges and rolls to avoid the explosive arrows fired in his direction.

"Mock me if you wish mortal." He says as he explodes out of his roll and throws a flashing blade at the Avenger who parries the blade with his bow

"But do not presume that you are a match for me!" Urgnot snarls as he closes the gap between the combatants and connects with a straight kick to Hawkeye's gut closely followed once more by his flashing fork tongued blade.

While Hawkeye strains to keep Urgnot's blade from finding his flesh the city floor begins to shake underfoot and General Thunderbolt Ross feels a shiver go down his spine as he watches from beyond the city limits and wonders if he is really about to lose Chicago to bunch of mythical trolls and monsters.

A louder, more violent, far closer, shaking of the Earth rocks the General then and he has to reach out and grab hold of a parked APC to keep from losing his footing as it intensifies further.

Whipping his head around to the tunnel blasted by the Army engineers with a grimace Ross picks up a communicator.

"Sounds and feels like Banner's met with resistance Iron Man." He says to the Armored Avenger still battling overhead "Might not be a bad idea to give him some support."

In the tunnel itself Ulik roars defiantly and powers his way out of the Hulk's grip before deliviring a spinning back fist to the side of the Green goliath's head.

"HA!" Ulik growls "Now here is a mortal worthy of my attention!"

The Hulk swings once more but Ulik dodges the blow and delivers a brutal straight right to the nose followed by a punch to the ribs

"You are strong Hulk, but Ulik has bested the God of Thunder himself and while your strength might rival his own, your fighting skills do not!"
A louder, more violent, far closer, shaking of the Earth rocks the General then and he has to reach out and grab hold of a parked APC to keep from losing his footing as it intensifies further.​

Whipping his head around to the tunnel blasted by the Army engineers with a grimace Ross picks up a communicator.​

"Sounds and feels like Banner's met with resistance Iron Man." He says to the Armored Avenger still battling overhead "Might not be a bad idea to give him some support."

In the tunnel itself Ulik roars defiantly and powers his way out of the Hulk's grip before deliviring a spinning back fist to the side of the Green goliath's head.​

"HA!" Ulik growls "Now here is a mortal worthy of my attention!"

The Hulk swings once more but Ulik dodges the blow and delivers a brutal straight right to the nose followed by a punch to the ribs​

"You are strong Hulk, but Ulik has bested the God of Thunder himself and while your strength might rival his own, your fighting skills do not!"

"Who needs strength when you got brains?" I latch on to Ulik's back, doing my best to hold on as he tries to buck we off.

"Connect with Stark Industries satellite 542.218," I command from inside the suit.

Acknowledged....processing....connection complete.

"Satellite sync up with my twenty."

Acknowledged....processing....satellite is in position.

"Prepare to fire on my twenty on my mark."

Standing by....

I feel like I'm at a rodeo as I hold on to dear life. "Mark!"

I let go and let Ulik knock me up into the air. The sky glows brightly, accompained by three energy bolts from my satellite that strike Ulik dead-on.
"So much for subtlety!"

As Ulik is struck down and the energy blasts fizzle from sight, leaving their marks on the smoldering skin of the troll and the smell of burnt hair lingers around, I leap into the air and execute a hard elbow drop onto his back on my way down. Before he can regain his composure, I put the monster in a firm headlock and press my knee into his lower back.

"While it's true that I'm certainly no Shang-Chi, I'm not quite as unskilled as most people think. After being in this business for as long as I've been, even a nerd like me can pick up a few tricks here and there."

Looking up, I see Tony with his repulsors at the ready.

"Now what are you doing with Thor? Where is he?"
"So much for subtlety!"

As Ulik is struck down and the energy blasts fizzle from sight, leaving their marks on the smoldering skin of the troll and the smell of burnt hair lingers around, I leap into the air and execute a hard elbow drop onto his back on my way down. Before he can regain his composure, I put the monster in a firm headlock and press my knee into his lower back.

"While it's true that I'm certainly no Shang-Chi, I'm not quite as unskilled as most people think. After being in this business for as long as I've been, even a nerd like me can pick up a few tricks here and there."

Looking up, I see Tony with his repulsors at the ready.

"Now what are you doing with Thor? Where is he?"


"Rrrrgghh..." the still smouldering Ulik growls as he strains to free himself of the Hulk's grip.

Above him the sun shines into the subteranean passage through the hole burned by Iron Man's satellite weapon. On one of the tunnel is the exit to the surface, crammed with heavily armed army grunts all too happy to let Banner and Stark lead the way. On the opposite end of the tunnel stands a horde of angry Trolls who growl and snarl threateningly, but keep their distance from both heroes.

"I will tell you nothing mortals." Uliks says in a deep gravely voice, "save that your fates are already sealed and that the accursed Thunder God cannot save you. This city will only be the first to fall before us. Soon this whole region will belong to us. Ragnarok itself could not stop us! We will claim a new home for our people, aye and mortal slaves to populate it too! A new home for the ressurected Trolls of Nornheim!!"

With those words Ulik begins to thrash about wildly, wounded though he may be, and he turns his head and sinks his teeth into the Hulk's forearm even as his warriors, encouraged by their warchief's words, find their courage and surge forward once more.
"Oh God...this sucks."

Hawkeye strained under the pressure, feeling the cold metal blade push harder into his flesh. He stared up into the cold, souless eyes of his foe...


Soft, vulnerable eyes.


Hawkeye held on as tight as he could with one hand, and reached behind into his quiver with the other. His hand wrapped around a single arrow, and he pulled it free, shoving it into the trolls eye with one fluid motion
"Oh God...this sucks."

Hawkeye strained under the pressure, feeling the cold metal blade push harder into his flesh. He stared up into the cold, souless eyes of his foe...


Soft, vulnerable eyes.


Hawkeye held on as tight as he could with one hand, and reached behind into his quiver with the other. His hand wrapped around a single arrow, and he pulled it free, shoving it into the trolls eye with one fluid motion


Urgnot yells in agony and recoils violently as the tip of the arrow finds its mark and his eye explodes.

Such is the pain the Black Troll feels that he is not even aware that he his sudden movement has broken Hawkeye's forearm in the process of his retreat.

While the larger battle continues all around them, Urgnot takes hold of the arrow and yanks it from his eye socket with a grunt that quickly becomes a howl of pain.

Covering the wounded eye he then glances towards Hawkeye who grits his teeth against the pain of his freshly broken arm and attempts to struggle to his feet.

"Stay down mortal worm!" Urgnot roars hatefully as he kicks the still rising archer in the ribs and causes him to double over and cough blood "I will relish killing you slowly once my King's task is complete."

With that Urgnot turns and treads unsteadily towards Mjolnir as he reaches into his pouch for the device that will allow him to claim the mystic mallet.​


"Doesn't work that way bug boy." I snarl as I reach behind my back and draw two desert eagles which I level in his direction.

"You put a message out on the street. I don't respond, people are gonna think its ok to challenge me."

"That's something I can't have." I say as I squeeze off several rounds. He's shown he can dodge my claws reasonably well. Let's just see if he's fast enough to dodge gunfire.

"Gunfire. Great. Gunfire brings gawkers and rubber-neckers."

Spidey bounded out of the way, dodging the hail of bullets sprayed in his direction.

"Time to take a dive, perhaps. Hope my acting is still up toGAAHH!"
Spider-Man lost his step and tumbled to a rooftop below as the red hot bullet struck the outside of his thigh.

"Not...not good..."

Urgnot yells in agony and recoils violently as the tip of the arrow finds its mark and his eye explodes.

Such is the pain the Black Troll feels that he is not even aware that he his sudden movement has broken Hawkeye's forearm in the process of his retreat.

While the larger battle continues all around them, Urgnot takes hold of the arrow and yanks it from his eye socket with a grunt that quickly becomes a howl of pain.

Covering the wounded eye he then glances towards Hawkeye who grits his teeth against the pain of his freshly broken arm and attempts to struggle to his feet.

"Stay down mortal worm!" Urgnot roars hatefully as he kicks the still rising archer in the ribs and causes him to double over and cough blood "I will relish killing you slowly once my King's task is complete."

With that Urgnot turns and treads unsteadily towards Mjolnir as he reaches into his pouch for the device that will allow him to claim the mystic mallet.​

The small mechanism was knocked from Urgnot's hand in a flash of red, white, and blue. It skiddered across the street as the offending metallic disk returned to it's owner.


"That would be ill advised."


Ms Marvel swings her arm in front of Mockingbird, stopping her from jumping out of the helicopter. [BLACKOUT]"Stay back!"[/BLACKOUT]

The female Avenger launched herself off the hovering vehicle, soaring straight towards the creature, Urgnot. Her fist rocketed across his face and her leg slammed straight up the creature's chin. The shock left her enough time to dart lower to the ground and attend to Hawkeye.

[BLACKOUT]"Clint? You still there?"[/BLACKOUT] Her eyes scanned the destroyed streets, focusing on the Mjolnir.


Ms Marvel swings her arm in front of Mockingbird, stopping her from jumping out of the helicopter. [BLACKOUT]"Stay back!"[/BLACKOUT]​

The female Avenger launched herself off the hovering vehicle, soaring straight towards the creature, Urgnot. Her fist rocketed across his face and her leg slammed straight up the creature's chin. The shock left her enough time to dart lower to the ground and attend to Hawkeye.​

[BLACKOUT]"Clint? You still there?"[/BLACKOUT] Her eyes scanned the destroyed streets, focusing on the Mjolnir.​


Urgnot rises, slowly, unsteadily, and eyes the heroes with menace before the tremors that had been rocking the city suddenly spike in intensity causing concrete to splinter and crack and taller buildings to topple.

The heroes had failed and the city was now sinking quickly.

Stealing one quick glance at Mjolnir, Urgnot scowls, then turns and flees down a darkened alleyway. He would have preferred to deliver the hammer to his king, but in the end it would be of no consequence. Either way the mortals were doomed.

Before the Avengers can consider pursuing the black clad troll they must first consider saving the city. A point hammered home as the voice of an army seargent is heard over the din of combat and the city collapsing in on itself.

"THEY'RE FALLING BACK!!" The soldier shouts as he and his fellows stay behind cover, unable to fire accurately due to the shaking of ground beneath their feet, while the Rock Trolls, their retreat covered by the Giants retreat through cracks in the street, subway tunnels and manhole covers.
In a tunnel not far from the subterrenan chasm that serves as the Trolls' base of operations the same scene is repeated as Rock Trolls retreat amidst the chaos while their mightiest champion, Ulik the Invincible, finds his moniker to be all too relative.

"Ughn." Ulik grunts as a super heated repulsor blast strikes him in the face before a mighty green fist smashes into his gut.

Soundly beaten, Ulik is still able to force a smile through mangled lips as he looks up at Iron Man and the Hulk.

"You may have bested me mortals *koff* but you are too late to save your city."
And in that very same chasm Gerridour, king of the Rock Trolls, watches with malevolent glee as the sinking of Chicago is displayed on a polished silver mirror.

"It is beautiful." Gerridour whispers as he observes his new home take shape. Soon the Dark Wheel's work would be irrevsible and the mortal city of Chicago would be trapped forever under hundreds of feet of rock where it would become the new home of his people.

Though the blood stained forked whip is still in his hand, though his hated foe is still behind him, so enthralled by the sight are Gerridour and his warriors that they fail to notice that the prisoner is alert and straining against his bonds.

Too late do they realize what has happened. Too late do they hear the snapping of the Uru chains and discover that Thor is free.

"FOR MIDGARD!!!" The Odinson bellows as he lashes out with the chains that had held him and bowls over several guards.

"Stop him!" Howls Gerridour as the champer descends into sudden chaos and Thor mows through his warriors "Do not let him reach the wheel!"

"Gunfire. Great. Gunfire brings gawkers and rubber-neckers."

Spidey bounded out of the way, dodging the hail of bullets sprayed in his direction.

"Time to take a dive, perhaps. Hope my acting is still up toGAAHH!"
Spider-Man lost his step and tumbled to a rooftop below as the red hot bullet struck the outside of his thigh.

"Not...not good..."


I watch Spider-man go down with satisfaction then line him up for the kill shot before I suddenly get a better idea.

Spiderman's got too many powerful friends for me to want the heat of killing himself myself. Fortunately he's go plenty of enemies too.

I don't take my eyes off of him as I pull out my phone and make one call to Arclight. Its a short call, to the point and I trust that she's putting things in motion even before I hang up and address the wall crawler.

"Should of taken my offer when you had the chance bug boy." I sneer at the wounded hero. "Cause I just put the word out and every enemy you've ever had now knows exactly where you are, that you're wounded and that I've put a price on your head too big for any of them to even dream about resisting."

I spin on my heel and give him one last look over my shoulder.

"Have a great afternoon." I say before I leap out of sight.


Marc grunted as he hit the the ground. Not far behind him in the darkness of shadowed alleyways he heard the deep rumbling of his pursuer. Voices echoed from the high walls taunting him. Dragging himself to his feet he made off once more. Bare feet slapping against black tarmac he powered through a series of meandering twists and turns in a seemingly endless labirynth of brick and shadow.


The voice cut through him like a chill knife. Marc shook his head and closed his eyes as he ran, defying the voice.


He landed hard on his back and gasped as air was forced from his lungs, winding the already tired man. Scrabbling back he looked up, his eyes growing wide with horror.

"No! You're dead!"


"And yet here I am"
Raoul Bushman grinned, baring gleaming white teeth. Looking from side to side Spector saw other faces emerging. They were forming up around him. Some of them he recognised, some of them he didn't.

Bushman stepped forward and leered over Spector. "You killed us all, Moon Knight. Our blood is on your hands. Now you must join us!"

The figures moved in, clawing at him, smothering him. Marc screamed and clawed and fought but there were too many. As they swamped him, he caught a glimpse of the distant moon before everything went black.



Spector sat bolt upright and sucked in a breath. Pushing away sweat soaked bedsheets Marc padded across the room, collecting a prescription bottle from a table and moved to the window. With a sigh he dropped a handfull of pills into his mouth and watched the night sky as clouds slowly revealed the pale white of the crescent moon.

Time to go to work.



Ares stepped forthinto a large antichamber, axe drawn and held steady. To his left Achilles moved in a sure, cat-like manner. In the hours since Ampharon had died, the two warriors journey went unhindered. Shadows in the darkness still moved and shifted and both men occasionally caught the glint of feral eyes or the dripping fangs of a gaping maw but nothing moved to attack the pair.

Suddenly, the dark maroon of the scenery lit up bright as brilliant fire flashed above their heads lighting hundreds of wall mounted candleabra. Ares snarled behind his helm as his icy glare set upon the tall powerfully built bald man before him.

"Pluto" He growled.

The Lord of Hades stepped forward, his hands on his hips and glared at the warriors. "Welcome to my realm little nephew. For what do I owe the pleasure of your visit War Bringer?"

Ares tightened his grip upon the axe handle andlowered the huge curved butterfly blades slightly. "You surely know what happened to Olympus. I am here to discover your part in this. And then I will drive my blade through your skull".

Pluto laughed heartily, his voice booming across the huge antechamber. "Oh Ares you do amuse me! You may have delivered more souls to me than any other but you are still as nothing against me! And before you throw a tantrum little god, what makes you think that I had anything to do with what happened to the house of Zeus?"

"We both know that you have long desired that throne Pluto. Now you can spare yourself a few more moments of life by telling me where you have taken my son, or you can die now!"

Pluto sneered and nodded towards the God. "You are a presumptious little creature, Ares" Lightning forked out of the sky towards the War God. In a flash of silver, the axe swung up and took the blow upon its face, deflecting it into the ground. With a roar he charged and leapt high, swinging the mighty blade into a deep arc. A long sword of brilliant mystical fire stopped the sweep before Pluto slammed a hard fist into the jaw of Ares, sending him flying into the dirt.

Ares rolled to his feet and spun the axe, meeting Pluto blade to blade once more.

"Where is my Son?"
Ares snarled.

Pluto feinted left and hooked the blade around the massive axe and slashed at Ares' shoulder. "I do not have him. But fear not Ares. Once you are in my dungeons, his soul will be mine!"

Ares roared and batted the fire-blade away before he grabbed Pluto by the throat. Hard fingers squeezed at Plutos juggular but the Lord of Hades merely laughed. "Silly boy. This is my empire you stand upon. Do you think that you with your crude methods can really put me down? Yield now before I destroy you completely".

Ares refused to release the hold and dropped his axe. As he smashed a firm headbutt into the face of Pluto, a spray of blood erupted and covered his helm. Ares released a curved dagger from his belt and stabbed it into the chest of his uncle, twisting and wrenching.

"You seek a heart where there is none. And now you begin to bore me".

Pluto snarled and conjured his own blade, smashing the dark fire that made up the weapon up into Ares armpit, driving it deep. Ares staggered back and reached for the wound. As he pulled his fingers away, they dripped freely with gore. Ares grimaced and pulled two short swords from his back, ignoring the screaming agony of the wound. Pluto moved back and shook his head.

"You are wounded not in the body, but in the spirit Ares. You will bleed out your very soul into the soil of my world and you will sustain the demons that feed there. You are nothing, little son of Zeus".

Ares staggered forward defiantly, tossing aside his helm and raising his weapons. "FIGHT ME!" he roared.

"No". Pluto said defiantly. "I do have someone who would love to though".

Pluto waved a hand and a group of dark, demonic creatures emerged from the shadows to the left of the Gods. They held a long chain and as the dragged it the other end revealed a shambling, hulking man. Ares took a step back, his eyes widening momentarily before firming back into a steely glaze. He glanced at Pluto and shook his head.

"How?" he asked.

Pluto grinned widely, folding his arms above his chest. "He came here like you did. Seeking answers. What he found was his destiny. Now he is mine!"

Ares growled but said nothing and readied his blades. The chain was released and the figure stepped forward, collecting an Adamintine Mace that Pluto threw before him.

"Now my Champion. Kill this insolent whelp. Make your Master proud... Hercules!"


Urgnot rises, slowly, unsteadily, and eyes the heroes with menace before the tremors that had been rocking the city suddenly spike in intensity causing concrete to splinter and crack and taller buildings to topple.

The heroes had failed and the city was now sinking quickly.

Stealing one quick glance at Mjolnir, Urgnot scowls, then turns and flees down a darkened alleyway. He would have preferred to deliver the hammer to his king, but in the end it would be of no consequence. Either way the mortals were doomed.

Before the Avengers can consider pursuing the black clad troll they must first consider saving the city. A point hammered home as the voice of an army seargent is heard over the din of combat and the city collapsing in on itself.

"THEY'RE FALLING BACK!!" The soldier shouts as he and his fellows stay behind cover, unable to fire accurately due to the shaking of ground beneath their feet, while the Rock Trolls, their retreat covered by the Giants retreat through cracks in the street, subway tunnels and manhole covers.
In a tunnel not far from the subterrenan chasm that serves as the Trolls' base of operations the same scene is repeated as Rock Trolls retreat amidst the chaos while their mightiest champion, Ulik the Invincible, finds his moniker to be all too relative.

"Ughn." Ulik grunts as a super heated repulsor blast strikes him in the face before a mighty green fist smashes into his gut.

Soundly beaten, Ulik is still able to force a smile through mangled lips as he looks up at Iron Man and the Hulk.

"You may have bested me mortals *koff* but you are too late to save your city."
And in that very same chasm Gerridour, king of the Rock Trolls, watches with malevolent glee as the sinking of Chicago is displayed on a polished silver mirror.

"It is beautiful." Gerridour whispers as he observes his new home take shape. Soon the Dark Wheel's work would be irrevsible and the mortal city of Chicago would be trapped forever under hundreds of feet of rock where it would become the new home of his people.

Though the blood stained forked whip is still in his hand, though his hated foe is still behind him, so enthralled by the sight are Gerridour and his warriors that they fail to notice that the prisoner is alert and straining against his bonds.

Too late do they realize what has happened. Too late do they hear the snapping of the Uru chains and discover that Thor is free.

"FOR MIDGARD!!!" The Odinson bellows as he lashes out with the chains that had held him and bowls over several guards.

"Stop him!" Howls Gerridour as the champer descends into sudden chaos and Thor mows through his warriors "Do not let him reach the wheel!"
As soon as the words leave Gerridour's mouth, the cavern wall behind him suddenly explodes in a mess of rubble and energy blasts as Iron Man, the Hulk, and a platoon of soldiers come flying and running out from the hole. "Just try and stop him, ugly!" I shout while punching my way through the lesser trolls that managed to follow us this far after Ulik went down.

"Tony!" I call to Iron Man as he flies around, blasting away at these bastards. "Get to Thor and lend whatever help you can! I'll take care of these guys."

Punctuating my point, I give one of these beasts a knuckle sandwich and send him flying across the cavern as his teeth fall right out of his mouth.

"Trust me, I can be pretty distracting when I want to beAARRRGH!" I yelp in pain as a troll leaps onto my back and buries its own teeth deep into my shoulder. "That's me. A great big green distraction..."

It takes several punches, but I finally dislodge the troll from my back and deliver a swift kick in the ribs to another monster. Then a blast of fire assaults me and sends me rolling back across the floor. Grinding my teeth, I dig my toes into the dirt and get to my feet, fighting the pushing force of the blast every second, no doubt coming from a piece of one of these villains' otherworldly weaponry. It seems like forever, but when the flames finally clear, I'm not a happy Hulk.


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