Why Are So Many People Fearing The Trilogy Curse??

The script is and will always be the primary reason for what makes or breakes a movie, everything else including the directing comes second.

The films were so good? Moot. I personally think sm1 and 2 were mediocre at the very best. I havn't seen any evidence that supports Raimi has a very big understanding of Peter/spidey. The PP we've seen so far is still characteristically written as though he's still in his pre-spider-bite days. Raimi needs to and should have enforced variety in PP's character. Even in the early comics, Stan wrote PP as being quite spiteful towards people. He was written with real human emotion and characteristics that are lacking in the movies, which is actually quite odd. The PP of the movies is quite hard to identify with because his character is ironically more 2d than his comic book counter part.
As for spider-man, his biggest weapon (the quips) has been subdued because sony can't find anyone clever enough and capable to write spider-man with quips in tow properly. Now, I'm not saying I want to hear spidey make quips every freakin second but what I want is or what should happen is, for spidey to be written properly which includes well placed voice overs. Many movies and TV series do it. Look at Goodfellas, a brilliant movie that handled the VOs brilliantly. The quips should be well placed, tasteful and somewhat maturely witty......it can be done but isn't because like I said, they cant find anyone smart enough to handle it.

That is still just a matter of opinion. Tmags, although familiar with the spider-man character never read a spidey comic in his life prior to being cast yet some people think he's a brilliant PP. Just because one may know the material it doesn't mean success is guaranteed or will be more successful than someone's film who isn't as familiar with the source material. It's a matter of skill, execution, the quality of the script and how well the cast and crew are in their craft.

I agree that some changes are/were good but in no way, imo are the spidey movies thus far amazing.

...and that is a very big difference because, material is being crammed into, on avaerage, a 2hr movie. In that space of time substantial changes are made (not to everyone's delight) and the studio will want to enforce the traditional cliche formula of movie making. What annoys me is, that studios and in this case, sony act like they're ashamed of the fact that these movies are based on fantasy and scifi. Why is it a problem for a guy with spider-powers to create mechanical web shooters? Who cares how he knows how to make them? who cares where his costume came from? At the end of the day, it's all part of mystery and the element of fantasy. Spidey has been a popculture-icon for over 4 decades, we all know what to expect. These are things the studio and those involved need to realise and stop underestimating the audience.

That's a silly reason for Sam to stay on as director. In fact, it's an insult to the craftmanship of other directors. Other directors can make changes and keep things the same and could possibly do a much better job that Raimi but this may never be realised until the movies get new blood involved with these movies. It's like saying Stan is the only person that could write spidey and everyone else couldn't possibly do it BUT we all know that's a load of bs. Change is inevitable and can sometimes be a good thing but until it happens, we'll never know.
The good thing about the spidey movies is that, seeing as its a $billion franchise, the studio, should they decide to get a new cast and crew will likely be thorough in their search to find people capable enough and hopefully better than Raimi and co.

wow, all true. And fair.

i can forgive Raimi for a lot of things, but watering down Spidey's motor-mouth is not one of them. Nope.
what's more frustrating is they dabbed on the quips in both films but never properly exploited or explored Parker's true use of them
It's funny... with ALL the superhero flicks out there, the only superhero movie that I can't find ANY flaws within; the only superhero film that is absolutely badass and has one hell of a script (while crazy enough beeing somewhat believable!) is "BATMAN BEGINS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just needed to point that out!
i can forgive Raimi for a lot of things, but watering down Spidey's motor-mouth is not one of them. Nope.

I concur, that is the one major thing that ticks me off with these films.
It's funny... with ALL the superhero flicks out there, the only superhero movie that I can't find ANY flaws within; the only superhero film that is absolutely badass and has one hell of a script (while crazy enough beeing somewhat believable!) is "BATMAN BEGINS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just needed to point that out!
thats because nolan is a god.
I'm not fearing a trilogy curse, I think Spider-Man 3 will be excellent.
It's funny... with ALL the superhero flicks out there, the only superhero movie that I can't find ANY flaws within; the only superhero film that is absolutely badass and has one hell of a script (while crazy enough beeing somewhat believable!) is "BATMAN BEGINS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just needed to point that out!
There are a number of flaws in Batman Begins. And I'm sorry, but... Nolan is not God, believe it or not.

*Cough* Very flawed script of TDKR *Cough
Did anyone go back and read through this entire thread? lol. I kept reading some of those 'positive' posts about how 'they trust Raimi' and 'it will surely break the curse' and it's no wonder so many of us ended up disappointed by SM3. Things certainly can take a turn for the worse.
We were young and naive back then :oldrazz:
We were young and naive back then :oldrazz:

I did Lord's job of digging up old threads ahaha!

These threads bring laughter and sadness to me seven years later.

It would have been cool if I could go back in time and warn people about what was going to happen.
I did Lord's job of digging up old threads ahaha!

These threads bring laughter and sadness to me seven years later.

It would have been cool if I could go back in time and warn people about what was going to happen.
I'd tell Sam Raimi and Sony about the big mistake that they were making by forcing Venom into the movie, and to save it for another sequel.
I feel like the Spider-Man 3 I invented in my head after walking out of SM2 is light years better than what we got...
Even if Spider-Man 3 wasn't as good as the previous 2, but still a decent movie, that would have been acceptable: nobody was expecting a disaster.

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