WonderCon Part 1: DC Nation Panel

Oh sweet lords of the 'verse, I stood within ten feet of Nathan Fillion and ogled him with mine own eyes. It was GLORIOUS. His aura singed my flesh, like Zeus'.

Mock me all you like. None of you got to be singed by his aura.

Final thoughts: Dan DiDio is on crack. Like, literally on crack. Which possibly explains some stories lately;). Trying to keep up with him is a chore. But he really, really does seem to have a clear vision of the DCU, knows the characters all reasonably well, and knows how to craft what he wants.

Jim Lee's really short. Jann Jones likes alpacas. Bob Wayne likes money. Judd Winick needs a haircut.

Again, it surprised me just how much information is left out of the articles we see here online or how easily the info is misconstrued and misinterpreted. I guess I was just living in my little safe delusion that newsarama articles and cbr interviews and stuff give us the full, clear picture about these creators and these events...and the reality is that we're very much getting the picture through a filtered lens.
Oh sweet lords of the 'verse, I stood within ten feet of Nathan Fillion and ogled him with mine own eyes. It was GLORIOUS. His aura singed my flesh, like Zeus'.
Brian Willy makes me homophobic.

Which is really hard to do considering I make it a point to have breakfast every morning at local gay bars.
Again, it surprised me just how much information is left out of the articles we see here online or how easily the info is misconstrued and misinterpreted. I guess I was just living in my little safe delusion that newsarama articles and cbr interviews and stuff give us the full, clear picture about these creators and these events...and the reality is that we're very much getting the picture through a filtered lens.

I felt that way after the DC Nation article Heroes Con last year, and promised myself I would read Newsarama articles with much more skepticism, but a week later I gave up and went back to accepting what Newsarama posted as gospel.
Didio hinted that, in terms of Batman storylines, that Terry McGuiness (Batman Beyond) may be showing up somewhere in the DCU soon.
This just once again proves to me that they should let Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc retire and step down and let a new wave of heroes take over. It would be a really bold move but it couldn't hurt either.
How is it dumb to let Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman retire????

They can be replaced just look at the Flash and GL. The problem is finding the right reasons for them to leave and doing it in a graceful way. Take Superman for example he could hand things over to Kara (if Conner does not come back) like Earth-2 Superman did with Power Girl because he wants to spend more time with Lois and raise his family. Batman could be done like either Batman Beyond or like Earth-2 Batman as well. This can be done.
They can also start dressing up in Barney suits, it can be done. Sorry, its never going to happen. They'll just keep doing a Crisis every 20 years and deaging everybody.
history has shown us that the replacement for the bigonce are never any good...

Donna Troy became WonderPants.. and did a crap job..
No one in the supes family is anything near as good as Supes himself (Kara is a ****e and Conner almost killed the Teen Titans and is dead)
Dick is to boring to take up as Bats, and Tim is too young.

And just to add the last of the 4 DC characters that never ended up in limbo in the 50's (only 4 DC characters escpated that fate)
Connor Hawke did do a good job, but he was never truly Green Arrow
(Yes, only Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow (off all characters) escaped the fate of limbo in the 50's)
They can also start dressing up in Barney suits, it can be done. Sorry, its never going to happen. They'll just keep doing a Crisis every 20 years and deaging everybody.
I understand that but if they really wanted to do something that shakes up the DCU this would be it. Because then you would as well bring in a whole new wave of young heroes. Have fresh new stories and ideas. I mean think about how Tim would feel if Bruce was training Terry to take over for him instead of Tim. That would be a great story idea which could lead into Tim becoming a new hero or if they bring Conner back who will be his Lex Luthor or will Lex still be there and will he come see Clark for advice or be a different type of Superman altogether. Will he find his own Lois or is Cassie the one for him? How will the Justice League look after the big three step down and will others follow. Who will be the new Teen Titans and what will they be like. These are things they could do. I understand that some people may want to only see Bruce Wayne as Batman and Clark Kent as Superman and for that you can have All-Star or start a new line. But this idea could work.
it could and should work... no one has the balls to do it though
if they bring Conner back who will be his Lex Luthor or will Lex still be there and will he come see Clark for advice or be a different type of Superman altogether. Will he find his own Lois or is Cassie the one for him?
i have no dught that when they bring Conner back he and cassie WILL! be together..
why? easy.. the fans want a "SuperWonder girl/boy" and the ship saled a long time ago for Wonder woman and Superman
i have no dught that when they bring Conner back he and cassie WILL! be together..
why? easy.. the fans want a "SuperWonder girl/boy" and the ship saled a long time ago for Wonder woman and Superman
But thats the point who is to say they will not grow apart or that she finds someone new while Conner was gone. I mean they did that to Lois during the death of Superman but fans got upset over this so they ended that subplot right then and there but I am just saying having a new wave of heroes opens the DCU up to new worlds and bigger and better story arcs.
I understand that but if they really wanted to do something that shakes up the DCU this would be it. Because then you would as well bring in a whole new wave of young heroes. Have fresh new stories and ideas. I mean think about how Tim would feel if Bruce was training Terry to take over for him instead of Tim. That would be a great story idea which could lead into Tim becoming a new hero or if they bring Conner back who will be his Lex Luthor or will Lex still be there and will he come see Clark for advice or be a different type of Superman altogether. Will he find his own Lois or is Cassie the one for him? How will the Justice League look after the big three step down and will others follow. Who will be the new Teen Titans and what will they be like. These are things they could do. I understand that some people may want to only see Bruce Wayne as Batman and Clark Kent as Superman and for that you can have All-Star or start a new line. But this idea could work.

lame! the tim idea sounds like dick becoming nightwing, so no need to retread down that path. and the rest just sounds like crap altogether.

they could make the ultimate line to show case tim as bats, etc. leave the regular line alone.
GAH doesnt like it?! we must be on to something then!
GAH doesnt like it?! we must be on to something then!

Not really, in this case, I agree with GAH, its not going to happen and people wont accept it. Its just the simple truth. Personally, I like that the sidekicks should become their own heroes like Nightwing did and let the legends of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman just die.
lame! the tim idea sounds like dick becoming nightwing, so no need to retread down that path. and the rest just sounds like crap altogether.

they could make the ultimate line to show case tim as bats, etc. leave the regular line alone.
Umm no because who is to say Tim even wants to become Batman or even stay as Robin for ever. Tim will one day have to become his own hero he can't stay as Robin always or he'll be like Earth-2 Robin more or less which already puts him in the same level of Dick Grayson.
Not really, in this case, I agree with GAH, its not going to happen and people wont accept it. Its just the simple truth. Personally, I like that the sidekicks should become their own heroes like Nightwing did and let the legends of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman just die.
and thats where that second line would come in handy where each hero only has one title (example Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc) but in that book Clark will be Superman and Bruce Batman, etc. That way if you want you can buy both books in one book your heroes are the same in another book you have a new set of heroes.
and thats where that second line would come in handy where each hero only has one title (example Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc) but in that book Clark will be Superman and Bruce Batman, etc. That way if you want you can buy both books in one book your heroes are the same in another book you have a new set of heroes.

Again, its not going to happen, especially since all 18 Batman books sell, all 12 Superman books sell, the one Wonder Woman book sells. Theres no reason to change anything.
Again, its not going to happen, especially since all 18 Batman books sell, all 12 Superman books sell, the one Wonder Woman book sells. Theres no reason to change anything.
Again I understand that but I just saying its not as dumb and hopeless as people think.
i would love a situation where the older heroes dont really retire so much as step back and stay in a more reserve capacity... they will still mentor a younger generation of heroes and still be supporting cast to their successors, but they will be less active then they currently are...
i would love a situation where the older heroes dont really retire so much as step back and stay in a more reserve capacity... they will still mentor a younger generation of heroes and still be supporting cast to their successors, but they will be less active then they currently are...

Its called JSA.
not really... thats kinda what i was getting at... i would like things to continue to evolve in that manner

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