Sequels SPIDER-MAN: The Reboot


Jul 31, 2006
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If I was to become a director, which I want to be. And if I was to redo Spider-Man, which I want to do, in the future. Then this is how I would do it.

Peter is a nerd at school and Flash Thompson, Liz Allen and others constantly pick on him. The whole while Harry Osborn, his best friend, protects him, and Gwen Stacy feels sorry for him.

Gwen Stacy will take the place of Mary Jane Watson for a little while (going more according to the comics). Gwen still doesn't know much about Peter, she just stands afar, pitying his life.

During a radiactifity demonstration, Peter is bitten by a spider, that dangled down into the radiactive beam and eventually receives his powers. We are also introduced to Uncle Ben and Aunt May. The Parker's have a lot of financial problems, and there is fear that they may have to move to an apartment if something good doesn't happen to their finances.

Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius both are friends and workers together in Oscorp. Norman is the owner. Both work on a Fusion Reacter project and they are forced to test it within a week, or they'll loose they're contract! Otto is weary of testing it so soon, but Norman forces him, telling him that if Otto doesn't do it, then Norman will! Otto eventually decides to go ahead and do it.

Peter, by now has discovered his powers, and for a while he has been acting very strange and has been forgetting to keep his promises to his aunt and uncle. And now, upon paying more attention to his aunt and uncle's finances, and looking at a Wrestling Ad in the papers, he decides to make a costume and enter, so he can help his aunt and uncle with finances. When he leaves, Uncle Ben follows him out the door and decides to take him. Uncle Ben brings up Peter's oddness lately and the two get into an argument. Peter then gets out and leaves.

At the wrestling match, Peter wins and goes in for the money and the guy won't pay him! Long story short, he is robbed and Peter refuses to go after him, for revenge.

Meanwhile, Uncle Ben waits for Peter. Flashbacks of his argument with Peter. Uncle Ben feels very troubled by his nephew's reaction. Someone comes up to the car and taps a gun on the glass. Uncle Ben is startled, the man breaks into the car and grabs Uncle Ben. "Wait sir, you don't want to do this!" Uncle Ben pleads. The man tells him all he wants is the car...

When Peter goes out, he sees that Uncle Ben has been shot! He goes after the carjacker and when he catches up to him and finds out that it's the guy that he refused to stop! The guy trips and falls.

At the graduation, Peter, Harry, Gwen, Flash Thompson, Liz Allen and others smile as they're picture is taken. Norman comes and him, Peter and Harry have a conversation. Norman invites Peter to live with Harry in his old apartment, in order to help out with finances. Back home Peter and Aunt May talk about the loose of Uncle Ben. Peter then makes the decision to be a hero. Because "With Great Power, comes great responsibility"

Later, Spider-Man swings through the city doing various, spectacular things. Meanwhile, Otto Octavius opens up the demonstration, and attaches the mechanical arms to his spine, and everything seems to be going good when suddenly the machine begins to pull metals from all over the room towards the machine! Spider-Man swings by and sees people running away screaming, he crashes through the window and then destroys the machine. But in the process, the destroying of the machine causes an explosion, that kills Otto's wife, Rossy! Soon after, sparks from the machine go to Otto and knock him unconcious!

That night, at the hospital, the surgeons plan to cut off the mechanical arms and the surgery goes horribly wrong as the arms defend themselves. They take out all the doctors!

Back at Harry and Peter's apartment, Peter looks at the paper and sees a Daily Bugle ad saying that they will pay big bucks for photos of Spider-Man and Doc Ock!

Long story short, Peter gets the job, bringing photos of himself as Spidey. Now JJ Jameson gives Peter the job of getting photos of Doc Ock. Peter goes on an investigation, he finds Ock's lair and takes a few photos. Ock notices him. "You! You killed my wife, and my scientific dream!" The battle begins as Ock attacks Spidey.

The whole Doc Ock/Spidey story continues on...

And eventually Peter asks Gwen Stacy out and she accepts.

Anyway... the story goes on. Doc Ock eventually goes into hiding, and Norman is being fired from Oscorp by the board of directors. Norman now uses himself as a guiny pig in HIS experiment!
To be continued...​

By the way, this is only a rough draft, and it seems basically just like Spider-Man 1 , with Spider-Man 2 elements thrown in... but hey, what can you do? (As I continue in the story with later instalments of this idea, the story will get more original)​
I think it's strange that you're talking about making a reboot in the future and you use almost exactly the same stories as Spider-Man 1 & 2, with identical scenes and whatnot. Why not make something different and original?
You're not talking about a're talking about a remake.

And plus...have you ever read the James Cameron version of the Spider-man script? It is exactly the same as your story. Same characters. Same scenes. Same basic story line.

If that was turned down, then yours will probably be turned down.
well. maybe you should try to remake Spider-Man 1... it's rather difficult because they almost exactly went by the comics!

i told you, when I get into the 2nd and 3rd and 4th and etc then I'll get more original... did you not read the last part i said?

i'll do the 2nd some time today...
More and more I wonder if Batman Begins was really worth it. I mean, it's a great movie and it is head and shoulders above Batman & Robin, but it's started this.

Everytime there's a movie people don't like, they want a remake, a do-over, an "Oops, I got it wrong, let me start over, okay? Please?".


Either deal with it, or don't watch the movies. It's fine if you don't like them, but there will NEVER be a movie that pleases everyone. Never. Sometimes, you get left out of the group that is happy. That's life.
Never heard of James Cameron.

Ok.. so here's what I have in mind for the second one...

Peter has been having money problems, everything is going horrible.

Green Goblin is now a new problem, and Doc Ock comes and goes.

Him and Gwen Stacy still go out and that's the only thing good that goes in his life.

During a fight with Green Goblin, he captures Gwen Stacy and throws her off a bridge. Spidey jumps to save her, but he can't. Gwen falls to her death.

Doc Ock has gone back into hiding. Green Goblin too.

During a car chase, Betty Brant's brother is killed by the carjackers. At the Bugle he learns that Betty blams Spider-Man for the killing.

Eddie Brock mysteriously got a picture that "claims" that Spider-Man was the killer of Betty Brant's brother! (It's a fake)

Peter decides to stop being Spider-Man. He's lost Gwen and he feels that he can no longer save people. Peter throws away his suit. JJ ends up getting the suit.

Now Peter's life goes somewhat smooth. Peter, Harry and even Flash Thompson hang out together. They all go to the same college and Flash has stopped being a jerk and now they are all friends.

Mary Jane moves in beside Peter and Peter goes to Aunt May's one day to see MJ. Aunt May introduces them both. It's love at first sight.

At the Daily Bugle, Betty Brant also seems to like Peter, but Peter doesn't really like her.

MJ and Peter end up going out and now they are both together.

At College, Peter has been doing well in class. Him and Dr. Connors become close friends.

Doc Ock strikes again. He robs a bank and takes Aunt May hostage. Now Peter has to make a choice. He goes by JJ's office and gets the suit back and goes to save Aunt May. He does.

The police catch up to Spidey and attempt to arrest him. Spidey escapes.

Green Goblin strikes again! Spidey fights him and in the process GG is killed! Peter drops him off at the Osborn mansion. Harry sees Spidey with his father's body. Now Harry blames him for his father's death!

This is a base story and I may work out the little details later and add more story to it...
Everyone wants to be a director now. :dry:
Dude. I don't know about some people, but I've wanted to be a director now for about 5 years.

I'm not gonna let you kill my dream. I've spent countless money on a camera, and CDs on directing and I've worked countless hours on my own film (not having anything to do with Spider-Man, or anything else that anyone else has been working on or that has already been made).
Never heard of James Cameron.


Also, no need for a remake of Spider-Man. Considering it smashed box office records and is considered one of (if not, THE) greatest comic book adaptation of all time.
Dude. I don't know about some people, but I've wanted to be a director now for about 5 years.

I'm not gonna let you kill my dream. I've spent countless money on a camera, and CDs on directing and I've worked countless hours on my own film (not having anything to do with Spider-Man, or anything else that anyone else has been working on or that has already been made).
lol, I'm no dream killer, I may be the first one to buy a ticket to your movie. ;) the guy above...HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF JAMES CAMERON!??!!?!? You know, the guy who made Aliens!?
and The Terminator, and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and True Lies, and The Abyss, and Titanic (aka. the most overblown, over hyped billion dollar worth POS movie ever made IMO)

and of course....

Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (cos everyone knows we cant forget about that movie)
Well I hope you don't want to be a screenwriter. The problem with a reboot anytime in the near future is that RAimi got so much right that it will be a retread. Now a reboot in 20 years where you can revisit some of the same territory and do thins differently from there, yeah.

But a reboot is moot as I think these have been three very good movies and what you want now seems to be correcting in your eyes Raimi's movies.

Still a carjacking? Still wanting revenge for not paying him the full amount of money? Still the same lines Uncle Ben says when he is about to get shot? Still straight from the wrestling match? Still the same delimna for Osborn testing something early and dangerous so as to not lose a contract (never mind that is is a fusion reaction with Ock, which was again done in SM2 with Oscorp flipping the bill).

It's SM1 and 2 with a fanboy's touch of redux. It wouldj ust be a retread of SM1 only putting GWen in the forefront early so she can die off in a sequel (which is not a bad idea) instaed of MJ, but it is still missing MJ. But Peter/Harry and the Uncle Ben's death/wresting and villain motivations is the exact same as Raimi's first two movies.

It needs something to make itself look different. This is more a remake than a reboot. This isn't Batman Begins, this is Gus Van San'ts Psycho. Sorry.
WTF, all you did was copy and paste from Raimi's first two films. The one thing that struck me as a rip of what Raimi did, besides what DACrowe said, was make Ock's experiment a test to sustain nuclear fusion, which was something that never happened in the comics, only in the film. You even copy and pasted lines from the films, lol.

Please, No remakes. No retreads. None of that.

And it's cool that you want to be a filmmaker, but you need to brush up on your film history, especially knowing who James Cameron is, even though he hasn't made a film in a decade.
... well... I was never into the comics... I got into them after I saw the movie, but I've never, to this day read a comic... I've read summaries of most of them... but never a full comic...

i would... just not enough time...

... so some of those things, I actually thought were comic-book things...

I stink at screenwriting... but I consider myself a good director... it's just the script writing i have problems with...
You claim you want to be a director but you have no idea who James Cameron is. You want to reboot Spider-Man, but haven't read the comics, just summaries.

:huh: :whatever: :huh: :whatever: :huh: :whatever: :huh:
... well... I was never into the comics... I got into them after I saw the movie, but I've never, to this day read a comic... I've read summaries of most of them... but never a full comic...

i would... just not enough time...

... so some of those things, I actually thought were comic-book things...

I stink at screenwriting... but I consider myself a good director... it's just the script writing i have problems with...

Hey man, it's alright, different strokes for different folks I always say.

But here's some pseudo advice I guess from aspiring filmmaker to aspiring filmmaker, don't strive too hard to please your audience. I mean, yes, you want to make the audience happy, but first, you must say to yourself, are you happy with your finished product. Don't be afraid to take some liberties with storyline, let your imagination run wild and make the film that YOU want to make. Raimi made the Spider-Man films close to their comic predecessors since he was a fan of them, but still he infused a lot of his own imaginitive ideas into his spidey movies. 5 years later, he has a successful career because he set out to make the movies that he himself was pleased with. Just remember man, the main goal of a successful film is not to try and please bi"chy fans, but to please yourself with what you think makes a movie great.
... well... I was never into the comics... I got into them after I saw the movie, but I've never, to this day read a comic... I've read summaries of most of them... but never a full comic...

i would... just not enough time...

... so some of those things, I actually thought were comic-book things...

I stink at screenwriting... but I consider myself a good director... it's just the script writing i have problems with...

You were never into the comics yet you got into them after you saw the movie but you've never read one?


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