All males are part female. A scientific explanation!

wait, so... you mean to tell me that human males and human females are somehow related?!

8th grade? I hate US TV & Movies that go on about the grades. I don't know what the grades are... What age is 8th grade?

Most of us are around 13 in the 8th. At least, I was 13 at the time.
I predict that sometime in the next 10 years we will begin to see less males being born. Eventually, all newborns will be females and we won't know why. somehow the body will choose to create less men for some reason and perhaps a new type of half man/ half woman will be introduced. it's all about evolution.

Errr....I don't think you get evolution that well.
Errr....I don't think you get evolution that well.

sorry. perhaps I didn't explain myself correctly. Evolution looks at the current events and changes the species. nowadays, men are useless, we don't hunt anymore, we don't have to do hard work, we are not the number one race in the planet anymore. Woman have taken all the jobs and have become smarter. the days of the cavemen and the need of men are gone. therefore, that could trigger a mutant gene or other factor and eliminate the male genes altogether. men used to hunt and use tools to keep alive and females would depend on them..and it's up to the females to decide what's going to be born or not. saying that, all male genes and future civilizations are in danger of extiction.
sorry. perhaps I didn't explain myself correctly. Evolution looks at the current events and changes the species. nowadays, men are useless, we don't hunt anymore, we don't have to do hard work, we are not the number one race in the planet anymore. Woman have taken all the jobs and have become smarter. the days of the cavemen and the need of men are gone. therefore, that could trigger a mutant gene or other factor and eliminate the male genes altogether. men used to hunt and use tools to keep alive and females would depend on them..and it's up to the females to decide what's going to be born or not. saying that, all male genes and future civilizations are in danger of extiction.
Dude, newsflash: mutations are random, generally nonspecific occurrences. Besides, there is literally a 50/50 chance that any given offspring will be a boy or a girl.

Evolution doesn't work towards any goal. If something is, "useless," it doesn't simply disappear unless environmental factors act upon it or a certain portion of a population that exhibits a non-selected trait.

It will never happen.
Dude, newsflash: mutations are random, generally nonspecific occurrences. Besides, there is literally a 50/50 chance that any given offspring will be a boy or a girl.

Evolution doesn't work towards any goal. If something is, "useless," it doesn't simply disappear unless environmental factors act upon it or a certain portion of a population that exhibits a non-selected trait.

It will never happen.

you can't say if it will happen or not. you don't understand evolution or mutation. it adapts to change..and the change is here..females will no longer need males to get pregnant or continue to survive..yes, it sounds like sci-fi or something from the bible or other myth. but I believe that eventually a female will have two sexual organs in one. she could then get pregnant herself by simply rubbing a particular area, something like reptiles. she will no longer need the male to court her and give her pleasure..she could just on an instant, get impregnated or other and concieve a fetus. this will eliminate the need for a male and that's when we will no longer exist. you see evolution will eventually create a being who is both female and male in one. but like I said, this is just a theory.
you can't say if it will happen or not. you don't understand evolution or mutation. it adapts to change..and the change is here..females will no longer need males to get pregnant or continue to survive..yes, it sounds like sci-fi or something from the bible or other myth. but I believe that eventually a female will have two sexual organs in one. she could then get pregnant herself by simply rubbing a particular area, something like reptiles. she will no longer need the male to court her and give her pleasure..she could just on an instant, get impregnated or other and concieve a fetus. this will eliminate the need for a male and that's when we will no longer exist. you see evolution will eventually create a being who is both female and male in one. but like I said, this is just a theory.
Yeah...tell the guy going for a biology major with a degree that he doesn't understand evolution or mutation. :whatever:

Mutation is random and does not work toward any single goal, nor does evolution. Unless we first see a case in humans where females could self-impregnante, males would not be obsolete. You're ignoring one important fact: the genetic probabilities of sex. It's 50/50!

I can make your argument fall flat on its face. There already are species that are hermaphroditic AND can self-fertilize: why haven't males been eliminated in those species?

Read a book, or better yet take a class on biology (I've taken several) and come back to me. You've been reading too many X-Men comics, kid.
Yeah...tell the guy going for a biology major with a degree that he doesn't understand evolution or mutation. :whatever:

Mutation is random and does not work toward any single goal, nor does evolution. Unless we first see a case in humans where females could self-impregnante, males would not be obsolete. You're ignoring one important fact: the genetic probabilities of sex. It's 50/50!

I can make your argument fall flat on its face. There already are species that are hermaphroditic AND can self-fertilize: why haven't males been eliminated in those species?

Read a book, or better yet take a class on biology (I've taken several) and come back to me. You've been reading too many X-Men comics, kid.

Biology doesn't necessarily help your point, because all those studies are recent and show no evidence of evolution, to study evolution you have to study species long and gone and reasons for it. I've taken numerous anthropology courses..examined bones, and have seen first hand how evolution's not all about biology and cellular levels. biology can never prove anything about the theory of evolution and it's irrelevant to this discussion. Evolution follows no laws of nature, it just happens for no reason and needs to explanation for it. that's where scientists fail.
hermaphroditics are just the beginning, the species I speak about has no exterior sexual organs they are inside and cannot be seen. obviously, you have fond and religious beliefs and seem very angry. like I said, this is just a theory based on many things..yes, biology is important but it's not everything.
Biology doesn't necessarily help your point, because all those studies are recent and show no evidence of evolution, to study evolution you have to study species long and gone and reasons for it. I've taken numerous anthropology courses..examined bones, and have seen first hand how evolution's not all about biology and cellular levels. biology can never prove anything about the theory of evolution and it's irrelevant to this discussion. Evolution follows no laws of nature, it just happens for no reason and needs to explanation for it. that's where scientists fail.
hermaphroditics are just the beginning, the species I speak about has no exterior sexual organs they are inside and cannot be seen. obviously, you have fond and religious beliefs and seem very angry. like I said, this is just a theory based on many things..yes, biology is important but it's not everything.
Wait wait wait...are you serious? Evolution does not fall under the category of biology?



Evolution is driven by mutation. Mutation is a random genetic occurrence, the likelihood of which increases with each cell division. The duplicating of DNA and soforth.

Sounds like biology to me. Shall I continue?

A given trait is then introduced to the genepool. Wait..sounds a lot like biology, doesn't it? The trait is then (rarely) selected for by the environment as favorable (or at least unharmful), and it is passed through generations. Eventually (I won't go through all of the mechanisms), this leads to speciation, either Allopatric or Sympatric.

Wait, wait...did I lose you? Biology, right?

By the way: studying lineages via fossil records and constructing evolutionary trees falls under the category guessed it! Biology! Which is a good thing, too. I mean, if it wasn't biology, I'd sure be mad that they wasted my time beating it into me for four years throughout the course of all my BIOLOGY courses. the way, you contradicted yourself. You just said that evolution happens for no reason, yet you've cited artificial insemination among other things (like women having jobs...LOL) as trigger points for evolution. Which is it?

Drop Anthro. and take a biology course. I'm dead serious.
I don't know if many of you guys knew this. But when you were created in your mother's started off being a female! With female organs and everything. That's why men have nipples...and that's why some men stay feminine. They still have the female brain working. Later the chromosomes come along and change the female organ to male. it grows and forms inside and that decides the factor. I'm talking early..Doctors wouldn't be able to see this until the organ forms fully. the sexual organs form from the inside out so it would be very hard spot this phenomenon. But I find interesting that all Males were once females, and rejected that idea: transforming into a male. What causes this? well, they say it's the XY genes or other biological natural effect..but what if, you choose to be Male and didn't want to be a female? what if you could think it inside and decide for yourself? just something to think about..and did you make the right decision?

So, I hope this explains why men have nipples. & that is your education for today

I have heard this theroy as well.
I have heard this theroy as well.
Yeah; it has less to do with choice than it does (according to the theory) with developmental and chemical inhibitions during the differentiation between male/female.

The entire choice part of it is...:dry: How many fetuses do you know that can make decisions? :p
Yeah; it has less to do with choice than it does (according to the theory) with developmental and chemical inhibitions during the differentiation between male/female.

The entire choice part of it is...:dry: How many fetuses do you know that can make decisions? :p

Good point.
You took four years of biology and came up with that? i'd ask for a refund man, no offence. saying that, biology is one faced and too mechanical too actually do anything. it does not explain why cells act a certain way, it doesn't explain where they come from and why some seem to act forgot the "god" factor. Yes, god..many evolution theories do believe that god had lots to do with the choices. A fetus cannot think by itself? how exactly do you know that? that really shows that you don't know anything about the human brain or the power of cells. you only know what the actions and reactions of cells multiplying and other scientific explanations of biology.but like many things in this world, it doens't explain why the apes created us and we became their cousins. it doesn't explain why homoerectus came to be, because you werent' there to look at their biology. the apes, like chimps and others changed for a reason, they needed to move up and walk, do other things that wasn't asked of them wasn't cold anymore so we lost our hair and so on. from what I see today, evolution is making many females the leader and males have no role anymore..and many males are being born with more feminine's just something you can't stop. I don't understand why you feel threatened by the change in mutation?
You took four years of biology and came up with that? i'd ask for a refund man, no offence. saying that, biology is one faced and too mechanical too actually do anything. it does not explain why cells act a certain way, it doesn't explain where they come from and why some seem to act forgot the "god" factor. Yes, god..many evolution theories do believe that god had lots to do with the choices. A fetus cannot think by itself? how exactly do you know that? that really shows that you don't know anything about the human brain or the power of cells. you only know what the actions and reactions of cells multiplying and other scientific explanations of biology.but like many things in this world, it doens't explain why the apes created us and we became their cousins. it doesn't explain why homoerectus came to be, because you werent' there to look at their biology. the apes, like chimps and others changed for a reason, they needed to move up and walk, do other things that wasn't asked of them wasn't cold anymore so we lost our hair and so on. from what I see today, evolution is making many females the leader and males have no role anymore..and many males are being born with more feminine's just something you can't stop. I don't understand why you feel threatened by the change in mutation?
You just lost your credibility with the entire God argument (because, well...there's no counter to that. It's the coward's way out, in this case). That, and you seem to think that I feel, "threatened," when the fact of the matter is that you lack understanding of the mechanics of evolution (which biology covers in depth). That's the only reason I'm arguing the point. I'm not going to go into all of the reasons you're wrong in this argument, it would take too long and would practically require me to teach you evolutionary biology. So I'm going to leave this one alone and let you believe what you want. Have fun. :)

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