X-Men: The Last Stand: Are they really Dead?

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Nov 17, 2005
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(Warning: This story reveals major details and the ending of the film and is geared only for readers who have seen the movie.)

NEW YORK -- So did Cyclops really die in X-Men: The Last Stand? Did Professor Xavier? Did Jean Grey?

It all depends on who you ask -- or what you've seen. The filmmakers didn't tie everything up, that's for sure.

Here's a look at the characters' fates:

* When last on screen, Cyclops was at Alkali Lake, reunited with Jean Grey in a kiss that apparently finished with the Phoenix side of her personality disintegrating him. When Storm and Wolverine reach the scene, all they find is Scott's glasses floating in space.

Back at the X-infirmary, Jean admits to Wolverine that she "killed someone" -- without actually naming Scott -- before going into Phoenix mode and leaving the mansion.

And at the end of the film, there's a tombstone with Scott Summers' name on it.

But did Cyclops really die?

James Marsden, who played the character in all three X-Men films, isn't 100 percent certain.

"I was presented with a concept for the third film. With that presentation came the fact that Scott meets his demise," Marsden said. "But also with the idea, nobody really dies in the X-Men universe.

"So there's a sort of feeling we can do these movies forever with the same characters. So we'll see."

* Professor Xavier, trying to save Jean from the Phoenix, is disintegrated. But if you stick around at the end of the closing credits, you'll discover in an added scene where Xavier has apparently occupied the body or mind of a brain-dead patient of Moira MacTaggart at Muir Island.

Xavier apparently moved his mind before Jean distinegrated his body. Actor Patrick Stewart noted that Charles has had a rough go of it in all three X-films.

"I've disappeared from massive sections of these movies for one obvious reason, you cannot put Xavier in the middle of an action sequence," Stewart said. "So the moment they start building to that, they've got to find a way of dumping him. And this time they found a very effective way of doing it."

Before filming began, Stewart said he had a conversation with 20th Century Fox head Tom Rothman.

"We talked about, what would be the implication about Xavier not making it to the end of the movie?" Stewart said. "What if we lost Xavier? What would this mean?

"And if we were to do that, in what way might he somehow, be cold frozen, so we could bring him back if we want to?"

Stewart said those weren't really "creative conversations." He had those with director Brett Ratner, who, after being brought aboard, talked about with Xavier's demise in his first phone conversation with Stewart.

"He said," Stewart recounted, "'I told them they're crazy. They can't kill you off. It's a mad idea. How can you kill off Professor Xavier? He is the X-Men. It's not going to happen. We're going to find some exciting things to do.'

"Of course, all this, for me, was just words in the air because, along with a lot others, we haven't seen any pages."

It was suggested to Stewart that at least the filmmakers gave Xavier the last word. "Indeed, they do," he said.

* And finally, Jean Grey seems to the most likely to be really be dead, since was she gutted by Wolverine and passes in his arms.

But wasn't she supposed to be dead at the end of X2?

from Comicscontinuum

I didn't see this on the first 3 pages in the titles so hope it's new.
I'm glad that even Marsden isn't fully acknowledging Cyke's death. The only one that has to stay dead in the long term is Phoenix.

Shame as Famke was a great Jean.

Famke will be back herself. Jean Grey is such a big part of these films, that people will demand her. She's one of the key faces of the films so far.
My only concern about the bringing back of characters is that it will become a joke (much like it is in the comics) and that any future comparable moments will be hollow because people are less likely to buy into them anymore.
Depends how they do it. If Professor X from within the mind of that body can get himself together and be involved in some sort of time travel story to stop the cure from ever happening...bingo.
I guess it just depends on what you believe...
^ It more depends on what the studio will allow the writers to do.
BMM said:
My only concern about the bringing back of characters is that it will become a joke (much like it is in the comics) and that any future comparable moments will be hollow because people are less likely to buy into them anymore.

I totally agree, we know Xavier is back and personally I think Scott is alive too, but part of me hopes they don't bring them back so that there deaths or any future deaths wont be cheapend
How about if Jean comes back as Dark Phoenix - with the whole black skin, firey eyes, fire bird.. the whole nine yards! Finally giving Scott his moment to shine. But I can see this happening for X5 or X6 not X4.
Wow by the time X6 happens everyone will start growing gray hair...
lol as far as im concerned Phoenix is dead and so is Cyclops.
I think Phoenix is the only really dead one....

Although didn't Mystique get stabbed by Logan in X1 and still survive? If a shapeshifter can survive, how much more can phoenix who has the power to create and destroy on the molecular level.
All three were brutally murdered before the eyes of their adoring fans.
They're not only very dead. They're really most sincerely dead.:csad:

'cept xavier, but it doesn't matter. The actors were fine, but I don't wanna see another Fox X-Men film.
I guess this post wasn't really dead either.

Comes back a year later. Must have been an off-screen death :)
I guess this post wasn't really dead either.

Comes back a year later. Must have been an off-screen death :)

Haha. I was wondering. I couldn't remember posting in this thread today... and then I looked at the date.
Xavier moved into the mind of that braindead patient; Scott was never shown to be killed (what if Jean sent out a Psychic shockwave or something that knocked herself out and shot Scott out of the vicinity? She might think she incinerated him, when all she did was blast him away); and Jean, though we saw her die, is the Phoenix, who rises from its own ashes. ;)
Essentially, it is technically possible to bring everyone back. Though maybe Phoenix should stay dead. Since she already came back once. That would also make room for Emma Frost and Gambit.
Essentially, it is technically possible to bring everyone back. Though maybe Phoenix should stay dead. Since she already came back once. That would also make room for Emma Frost and Gambit.
I think they should all stay dead. It would make room to bring in Gambit, bring back Nightcrawler, and give Colossus a little more character development.
I doubt that will happen. Nightcrawler was pretty well features in X2. Cudmore really is not a good actor and will not be given more to do unless they recast Colossus.

Gambit is in the forefront as a new character. And with Jean gone I'm hoping they bring in Emma, since she's become a major character in the comics...

Honestly, I just want Cyke back. That's it. Maybe we can see Jean in flashbacks and dreams.
I want to forget the whole episode :csad:
I doubt that will happen. Nightcrawler was pretty well features in X2. Cudmore really is not a good actor and will not be given more to do unless they recast Colossus.

Gambit is in the forefront as a new character. And with Jean gone I'm hoping they bring in Emma, since she's become a major character in the comics...

Honestly, I just want Cyke back. That's it. Maybe we can see Jean in flashbacks and dreams.
I don't think Cyke should come back. He had his time in the first trilogy. Whether or not it was used well, it was used, and "reincarnating" him, so to speak, might seem a little weird. it's time to bring in new characters, IMO.
Cyclops died in TLS, no matter which way you spin it. The reason his death wasn't shown in the film is because it was meant to have viewers question his fate until Jean revealed that she indeed killed him.

That being said, however, he can easily be brought back. Jean was so eff'd up in that movie that writers could easily say that Scottie was never really killed and that Jean only believed she had caused his death.

As of right now, with no X4 script being written, Cyclops is dead!

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