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You say Justice League movie is going to suck? Why?

Okay, this may be considered a double thread (and merged), but I simply had to make it, and ask you all this question.

There's been a couple very distinct complaints that have been floating around that I simply don't...understand. Don't see how someone could see them as negatives. They are as follows:

Well, that's all I can think of now. Just let me say, in closing, I'm not saying I think the Justice League movie is going to be great or good or whatever - it could be anything. It could be great or it could suck. What I AM saying is I don't believe at this time there's any way to actually tell which it will be; whether it will be great or horrible. Good or bad. It's just not far enough along in production, there's just not enough information yet, AND - as I've detailed above - I don't believe people are giving it a fair chance at it being good and are making up reasons for it being bad that frankly don't make any sense, and don't really have much logic behind them.

So yeah, if you don't like the idea of a Justice League movie and have some reasoning I didn't think of and didn't included, please post it, I'd love to hear it, and see if it has any merit, but I don't think I'll ever understand most of the complaints above.



Everything I've been hearing about this movie in the past couple months has made me positive it's going to suck. From the recasting to the rumored storyline to just the general timing of this project, this JLA movie is a bad idea.

Having seperate film continuities is idiotic and confusing. DC's abandoning it's perfect chance to have a DC Film Continuity. i mean, look at their animated stuff. the fans loved the way that the Batman and Superman series existed together, crossed over, and eventually combined into JLU.

That's what I want here. I want to see Brandon Routh and Christian Bale come together for a World's Finest movie. I want them to establish the other characters in their own films, then bring all those characters together for a Justice League movie.

And seriously, they dont need a Justice League movie to get people interested in lesser known characters. If Marvel can make a movie about Ghost Rider, DC can do The Flash.

Also, John Stewart over Hal Jordan? Screw them, again.
yet other big movies do all the time
Yes some, but then you get the likes of the Stars Wars prequels, Spiderman 3, Pirates 2 and 3, Transformers, no freaking story, just pointless special effects. Those films suck.

or if this is an introduction to get their own solo movies
This smells of more to do with making a quick dollar than launching solo films.

but there are problems getting their own movies as shown by flash and wonder woman.This movie will assess their popularity and hopefully give each individual a boost
The problems is Warner Bros are inept, they have these great characters and have no idea what to do with them. To me, it seems that Warner's are just throwing their hands up and putting the characters into the 'too hard' basket. A Justice League film is a compromise to them, or in my opinion, more like a cop out. So instead of taking their time, basically the message I feel they're sending is "You want your stupid DC characters so bad, here they are, give us your money, take it or leave it".

which you can also do with this movie. the big three will obviously get more time than the others
More like Big Blue and Bats will get most of the screen time, WW will likely be nothing more than eye candy. She and the others don't deserve that kind of relegation.

yes but that shouldn't mean it will be a bad movie
At the rate they seem to be fast tracking this project, it's hard for me to be as optimistic.

but they aren't on the big screen yet. the people with the properties don't know what to do with them. Look at the WW script that got great reviews. The WB bought it to keep it off the market but didn't want to use it becuse 'that wasn't what vision they had' If all these movies you want were halted in the middle of getting to the big screen you would have a point but they weren't. They were in production limbo
No, they're not on the screen yet, but they should be given the opportunity to as individuals, however long it takes. If WW didn't suit their vision, don't make the movie until you find that vision and don't give us a half arsed version of the character in the meantime. I'm quite happy to wait another 10 years to see Wonder Woman or Flash on screen, as long as the story is good, there's no rush, I'm patient, but it sounds like most people just can't wait, they want their character and they want them now in anyway, shape or form and perhaps sadly, execs at Warner's with dollar signs in their eyes may be listening.
I for one, think everyone should just sit back and shut up and wait until we get something more concrete about the film before declaring that it's going to "suck" or "pwn"

It's obvious that no one here or elsewhere in fan land really knows much of anything about this project right now.
I have to agree with Hulk I mean I did this for Superman Returns (a movie I was against for the longest) and it turned out I loved it once I just sat back and got the full story on things and thats what I got to do with this as well. My only problem with this movie is if Welling is Superman then I would want to see them reboot the Superman series using him. However I don't see Welling making a deal where he'll do 3 Superman movies as well as Justice League movies. I can only see him saying I'll do Justice League and thats it. Which is why I don't want to see him as Superman for the movie because then I know I would want to see him do at least 3 solo movies and I know we probably wont get that.


A few more words-




Is that big enough type for you? Are we done yelling now? Word to the wise..we aren't supposed to do the big type yelling thing. Mods will jump on you for it. As far as Miller. keep him on as a director. This is the smartest thing I have herd the WB do in a while. People who weren't even born when directors were kicking ass...go figure.
Everything I've been hearing about this movie in the past couple months has made me positive it's going to suck. From the recasting to the rumored storyline to just the general timing of this project, this JLA movie is a bad idea.

Having seperate film continuities is idiotic and confusing. DC's abandoning it's perfect chance to have a DC Film Continuity. i mean, look at their animated stuff. the fans loved the way that the Batman and Superman series existed together, crossed over, and eventually combined into JLU.

That's what I want here. I want to see Brandon Routh and Christian Bale come together for a World's Finest movie. I want them to establish the other characters in their own films, then bring all those characters together for a Justice League movie.

And seriously, they dont need a Justice League movie to get people interested in lesser known characters. If Marvel can make a movie about Ghost Rider, DC can do The Flash.

Also, John Stewart over Hal Jordan? Screw them, again.
Weren't you one of the guys that thought SR was going to be doing spiderman numbers? I am pretty sure you were. Since it never did that, and it's end result divided the Superman fan base, maybe we shouldn't look at what you think will happen based on your track record.
It will ****ing suck. You can't break up your universes and confuse the **** out of ur audience. What are kids gonna think when their are 2 different supermans and batmans. I mean ****ing hell. I mean hands down the batman in the film wont even be batman he will be bino because nobody is gonna top Christians take so that will be a wasted ****ing character. Honestly I really cant see anybody putting on supermans suit and embodying and really making a better impression than Routh so once again we will have sino. Those are the two biggest names in the league and honestly i think they will come of as imitators. Not to mention cramming way way too many characters into the film. They leave their selves absolutely no room for character development. I would rather they do what Marvel is doing and establish the universe and heroes first then bring them togethor. This is a blatent attempt to spin off franchises in the quickest possible way. I mean we will have 2 lexs too ****, next thing u know they will make a ****ing sequal and it will include the joker. Were will it end. Hell are they gonna spin Batman and Superman movies off of this new JLA so when either franchise ends or Nolan doesn't want to do a third they can just automatically reboot with these wannabes. **** that u establish characters and universe then eventually throw it all togethor not the other way around. Honestly will any of u accept a new batman. I can see maybe a new superman but still that ****ing irks me, but a new batman at this point in time with the Dark Knight on the verge of coming out and blowing our ****ing socks off. **** No! he should not even be in this film. Plus DC and WB were doing such a good job of making quality films with a touch of realism and all of that is seemingly going to get thrown out the ****ing door and turned upside for this film. These execs are money hungry the decision to make this film seems to be completely money driven and personally I dont trust George Miller to set up not just one but six of the greatest heroes of all time. It just does not seem possible. Not to mention the budget for this film is going to have to be ****ing astronomical. All in all I am for a JLA film but not at the expense of a Batman franchise that is pretty much the shaping up to be the greatest and classiest of all comic movie adaptations and Singer superman sequal which will most certainly if I know Singer blow the first one outa the water. It is taking a step back when they were making so many great strides. At lest Marvel and there studio know how to do it right, long live THE AVENGERS.
They aren't breaking up the universe. SR's timeline is gone once this starts filming. As far as audiences are concerned it will be just a reboot.
A few more words-




Keep him on as a director. People who weren't even born when directors were kicking ass...go figure.
I agree. I think he'll do fine, *IF* he does it.



Yes some, but then you get the likes of the Stars Wars prequels, Spiderman 3, Pirates 2 and 3, Transformers, no freaking story, just pointless special effects. Those films suck.

Well thats always the chance. There is no guarantee that this movie will be amazing- in fact i guarantee it will split opinion of it does get made because we all have different expectations. It isn't living up to some and its only in the casting stage

This smells of more to do with making a quick dollar than launching solo films.

But surely they see the green in the superhero blockbusters it could spawn. Its all about money with everything they produce. We just have to hope we get something good in return

The problems is Warner Bros are inept, they have these great characters and have no idea what to do with them. To me, it seems that Warner's are just throwing their hands up and putting the characters into the 'too hard' basket. A Justice League film is a compromise to them, or in my opinion, more like a cop out. So instead of taking their time, basically the message I feel they're sending is "You want your stupid DC characters so bad, here they are, give us your money, take it or leave it".

Then why not put out sub par superhero movies if they don't care? We would still go and see them. Why not make that wonder woman script if they just wanted the money? I get the message that they are unsure about how successful WW would be after the female flop of catwoman and electra. I also feel they are unsure about the popularity of green lantern and flash. Putting them in the movie with batman and superman elevates them as a-listers in my opinion for people that don't know their comics.

More like Big Blue and Bats will get most of the screen time, WW will likely be nothing more than eye candy. She and the others don't deserve that kind of relegation.

If they are looking at JLU like they say they are then i have faith the balance will be right. WW will get screen time as will john stewart because they have to represent of course.:whatever: I fear for flash just becoming the comic relief

At the rate they seem to be fast tracking this project, it's hard for me to be as optimistic.

i think this was in the pipeline since they killed whedon's WW and goyer's flash in quick succession. The script seems to have had enough time. I don't feel this is rushed at all. It seems to be going at something of a nice pace unlike the rush job that was X3 that seemed to be done in a year!

No, they're not on the screen yet, but they should be given the opportunity to as individuals, however long it takes. If WW didn't suit their vision, don't make the movie until you find that vision and don't give us a half arsed version of the character in the meantime. I'm quite happy to wait another 10 years to see Wonder Woman or Flash on screen, as long as the story is good, there's no rush, I'm patient, but it sounds like most people just can't wait, they want their character and they want them now in anyway, shape or form and perhaps sadly, execs at Warner's with dollar signs in their eyes may be listening.

In ten years the superhero bubble might have burst. Whats to say the obstacles that stop them now can be overcome? Who is to say that their 'vision' isn't hollywood talk for 'relatively cheap' when its well known the other WW script had a full blown battle scene? They wanted a young modern wonder woman when in fact thats not MY vision of the character- someone will always be disappointed. I'd want flash now because i think ryan reynolds is the perfect wally west and don't want him to be past it. They may see dollar signs but i like to think that i have more substantial reasons for them to speed up.
I don't think it's a good idea. Justice League to me, seems like the kind of movie you'd want to make after establishing the main players in order to make it grand. That's the allure of it: all of these icons coming together in one movie. But if only Superman and Batman are seen as the icons, as they have their own movies and are really in the public eye, how can it be as grand as it should?

Then there's the issue of having two versions of Batman and Superman on the big screen, live-action. Could lead to some confusion. Why the hurry for Justice League? Why not really focus on finding the right people for movies like Wonder Woman and Flash? Yeah, Whedon and Goyer fell off, but so what? So did Aronofsky in Batman Year One, and Nolan came along.

It also feels like it's being rushed. A movie of this caliber should be given a lot of time.
Everything I've been hearing about this movie in the past couple months has made me positive it's going to suck. From the recasting to the rumored storyline to just the general timing of this project, this JLA movie is a bad idea.

Having seperate film continuities is idiotic and confusing. DC's abandoning it's perfect chance to have a DC Film Continuity. i mean, look at their animated stuff. the fans loved the way that the Batman and Superman series existed together, crossed over, and eventually combined into JLU.

That's what I want here. I want to see Brandon Routh and Christian Bale come together for a World's Finest movie. I want them to establish the other characters in their own films, then bring all those characters together for a Justice League movie.

And seriously, they dont need a Justice League movie to get people interested in lesser known characters. If Marvel can make a movie about Ghost Rider, DC can do The Flash.

Also, John Stewart over Hal Jordan? Screw them, again.

Yes but Marvel can do a Ghost Rider movie with out having to say he is a superhero. Characters like Ghost Rider, Punisher and Blade can live in a self contained universe of their own and don't have to have your typical superhero movie plot lines. Basicly the studio can make things up as they go along and not catch heck from the fans.

But with The Flash you are dealing with a costumed hero who has to follow a set series of rules, or you piss off your fan base. You can't make Flash a guy in jeans and a t-shirt that can run fast and expect people to see the movie. He has to follow the story already set forth by the comic.

While Flash had a well done TV series he still isn't well known enough to be in his own big budget movie. Direct to DVD maybe but just not in the theater. Don't get me wrong I would love to see a Flash movie. But will maybe never happen.

But intro Flash in a trilogy of JLA movies and make him popular enough that the general viewer likes him, then there may be a Flash movie.

I to am upset over John Stewart being the GL they use. But for now that is just a rumor to a rumored movie. I'll wait and see. But in WB's defense they undoubtfully are using him for two reasons. 1. He is more known with the general public from the curent cartoon. 2. (hate to say it but) so they don't get in trouble with the NAACP for not having a black hero in the cast.

Oddly enough though I can see a GL movie working for the same reasons Ghost Rider, Punisher and Blade work for Marvel. He can be put into a self contained universe with out saying he is a superhero. GL can be an epic sci-fi movie.
Yes but Marvel can do a Ghost Rider movie with out having to say he is a superhero. Characters like Ghost Rider, Punisher and Blade can live in a self contained universe of their own and don't have to have your typical superhero movie plot lines. Basicly the studio can make things up as they go along and not catch heck from the fans.

But with The Flash you are dealing with a costumed hero who has to follow a set series of rules, or you piss off your fan base. You can't make Flash a guy in jeans and a t-shirt that can run fast and expect people to see the movie. He has to follow the story already set forth by the comic.

While Flash had a well done TV series he still isn't well known enough to be in his own big budget movie. Direct to DVD maybe but just not in the theater. Don't get me wrong I would love to see a Flash movie. But will maybe never happen.

But intro Flash in a trilogy of JLA movies and make him popular enough that the general viewer likes him, then there may be a Flash movie.

I to am upset over John Stewart being the GL they use. But for now that is just a rumor to a rumored movie. I'll wait and see. But in WB's defense they undoubtfully are using him for two reasons. 1. He is more known with the general public from the curent cartoon. 2. (hate to say it but) so they don't get in trouble with the NAACP for not having a black hero in the cast.

Oddly enough though I can see a GL movie working for the same reasons Ghost Rider, Punisher and Blade work for Marvel. He can be put into a self contained universe with out saying he is a superhero. GL can be an epic sci-fi movie.

I agree with about GL, but disagree with Flash. He may not be as popular as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, but I think he's about as popular as Iron Man. Not to mention, he's a cool character with a cool costume and interesting abilities. It'd be worth the risk, it wouldn't kill WB to try.
Why do I not like this movie and think it will suck?


I explained this in another thread and it was probably ill-advised given who I was talking too. So I'm gonna black out on some Nas One-Mic/Jay-Z What More Can I say/Eminem Lose Yourself type ****.....

Here's the thing: I dont like the fact that the studio thinks it makes more sense to make an all-star movie that will certainly require a larger budget and probably does more to hurt future DC projects than help, makes me question there producer credentials.
Firstly they have to think about the logistics and pacing of the overall story. Your gonna have to concretly introduce the characters somehow and its gonna be hard for filmfans (who's core audience is gonna be more cynical and watching a critical eye) to buy into a comic book film that has no origin or reference of these characters origin. Unless they want to be bold and set in an establish univerese. Even then you have the trick trying to give enough screentime to each of the heroes. This is always going to be a hard sell and even the X-Men Franchise had this problem. That is the problem when your pitching an all-star hero project. X-Men from the jump at least all started out together, if they try to make this movie like that then they obviously dont know not what the Justice League is about. The heroes themselves are gonna be a hard sell.
The talk of making a seperate film with a seperate Batman and Superman already sounds confusing. Even if people say it should and people have to suspend disbelief , you already have people who argue about whether Welling or Routh is the real Superman (and this is some serious stan/mark/fanboy shyt btw) and some people think Begins was a prequel. So it' s asking a lot for both the nerd and the average joe to buy into a third or fourth incarnation of the big two in a live action medium again during the past 15 or so years. Is that not oversaturation?
The main reason that kills me, is Warner's logic that somehow by launching all the DC main characters into one film it will be spawn spin-offs.

Oh really?

Well, there seems to be a general perception that has been adopted by the mainstream pop culture that Marvel has far more interesting and appealing characters than DC. Its one of the reasons why Marvel has surpass them in comics and in film production (though not necessairly in quality as we have seen since 2004). One of the reasons is that they have proactivley gone and tried to sell heroes that werent necessairly well known but knew they could get a picture. They took a step further by launching there own studio to make sure the characters were done right.

WB meanwhile brought the rights to DC over 30 years ago and the output has been poor from a movie standpoint and minimum on TV. If you want people to believe these heroes can work and change the perception about DC characters, introduce them like how they were in the comics. If this film tanks under weight of its own budget, oversaturated story and cluster**** of characters, your now gonna hear the studio reason for another 30 years why no one wants to see DC characters not named Superman and Batman on screen. Your Warner Brothers for god's sakes, you have a pedigree of making http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Warner_Bros._filmsblockbuster films. You cant make a decent Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Flash or Wonder Woman film? I mean Marvel was able to get a studio to buy the rights to Blade and make it a popular film franchise! ladBe?! The Jive talking vampire from the 70's!!! If DC holds there characters with prestige and bases them off things as grand as Greek Mythology, you cant make a decent DC flick of a Hero on its own?!

What's Next? Oh yeah the Crew and Cast rumours.

If your gonna do something bold as this, you obviously have to sell it with the notion that it's something groundbreaking, nevermind the fact people might be tired of Superheroes and your giving them a Mega Mac of a Superhero flick. So you gotta convince them this is an event (Even though you havent really done any stand alone flicks to make people give too shyts about any DC Character not name Batman). Therefore you have to get writers who can adapt comic book/Sci-fi mythology to a movie or TV show. So with that said why are you picking the people who wrote Mrs & Ms. Smith and not this guy or this guy or this guy. Hell I even take these two overrated staples of geekdom. At least I'll have more faith, than the duo who hooked up Brangelina.
George Miller? Well he did do Mad Max and a part of the Twilight Zone movie. But what has he done in the last 2 decades? Babe and Happy Feet. Is he even in touch with what Superhero/Comic films require let alone one that could bank or break precdence for the genre? His filmography can be debated alone post '92. I think it speaks volumes that the studio has stalled the announcement of his confirmation.
And the actors? This is what makes me laugh. Every day you google Justice League and you get a new rumour. These are just not realistically true and sound like both good and bad suggestions from a JLA Casting thread here. Why the **** would Thomas Eugene Welling want to be ball and chained to the same role a la past Supermen? He seems hesitant to even embrace the role aside from a job ( Which is cool by me, I understand. I mean you dont see him and conventions milking that shyt?). You mean to tell me after 8 years he's wants to hit the big screen as the same character. No actor wants that. I know he hasnt set the world alight in his films. But how desperate is he?
On the opposite spectrum I find hard it to believe that established (almost over establish) actors like DiCaprio, Gibson and Willis want to be part of it. These cats demand $20 Million a film, that's gonna cripple it and if the rumours are to suggest that Old man Miller wants that big an all-star cast to play characters who people will have hard to believing they are, then he clearly aint taking the old retirement home pills. I guess this explains why he hasnt made a non-kids movie since the early 90's.

More than actors, fans should really be concerend with whose helming, writing and producing a project. Anyone can act, its a challenge to make a good film.

And as for all those people who are telling us to shut up and watch.....what the **** did you sign on to this message board for? To create fan avatars of your favourite actor/comic book character on some " I:heart: Tom, Superman Rox!!!" type shyt? Man this aint TRL!
I hate when fanboys complain and whine about stuff too. Honestly you may not know from this, but I do. But there are cases where there concerns are genuine and if you love the characters fine. This is a risky project and when we get news that sounds like silly rumour mills and are expected to believe it from other people here (because I dont know, maybe you love the actor who may get a role in this basura caliente) that's gonna be good, I can understand people saying "**** that, I aint having that".

All these things taken into account this is why I'm not too jazzed up about

I would say more but I've forgotten half the other points I had when making this post and I got better things to do at work then spend 20 minutes writing this, but I gotta express myself dammitt!:cmad: :ninja:
Why do I not like this movie and think it will suck?


I explained this in another thread and it was probably ill-advised given who I was talking too. So I'm gonna black out on some Nas One-Mic/Jay-Z What More Can I say/Eminem Lose Yourself type ****.....

Here's the thing: I dont like the fact that the studio thinks it makes more sense to make an all-star movie that will certainly require a larger budget and probably does more to hurt future DC projects than help, makes me question there producer credentials.
Firstly they have to think about the logistics and pacing of the overall story. Your gonna have to concretly introduce the characters somehow and its gonna be hard for filmfans (who's core audience is gonna be more cynical and watching a critical eye) to buy into a comic book film that has no origin or reference of these characters origin. Unless they want to be bold and set in an establish univerese. Even then you have the trick trying to give enough screentime to each of the heroes. This is always going to be a hard sell and even the X-Men Franchise had this problem. That is the problem when your pitching an all-star hero project. X-Men from the jump at least all started out together, if they try to make this movie like that then they obviously dont know not what the Justice League is about. The heroes themselves are gonna be a hard sell.
The talk of making a seperate film with a seperate Batman and Superman already sounds confusing. Even if people say it should and people have to suspend disbelief , you already have people who argue about whether Welling or Routh is the real Superman (and this is some serious stan/mark/fanboy shyt btw) and some people think Begins was a prequel. So it' s asking a lot for both the nerd and the average joe to buy into a third or fourth incarnation of the big two in a live action medium again during the past 15 or so years. Is that not oversaturation?
The main reason that kills me, is Warner's logic that somehow by launching all the DC main characters into one film it will be spawn spin-offs.

Oh really?

Well, there seems to be a general perception that has been adopted by the mainstream pop culture that Marvel has far more interesting and appealing characters than DC. Its one of the reasons why Marvel has surpass them in comics and in film production (though not necessairly in quality as we have seen since 2004). One of the reasons is that they have proactivley gone and tried to sell heroes that werent necessairly well known but knew they could get a picture. They took a step further by launching there own studio to make sure the characters were done right.

WB meanwhile brought the rights to DC over 30 years ago and the output has been poor from a movie standpoint and minimum on TV. If you want people to believe these heroes can work and change the perception about DC characters, introduce them like how they were in the comics. If this film tanks under weight of its own budget, oversaturated story and cluster**** of characters, your now gonna hear the studio reason for another 30 years why no one wants to see DC characters not named Superman and Batman on screen. Your Warner Brothers for god's sakes, you have a pedigree of making http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Warner_Bros._filmsblockbuster films. You cant make a decent Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Flash or Wonder Woman film? I mean Marvel was able to get a studio to buy the rights to Blade and make it a popular film franchise! ladBe?! The Jive talking vampire from the 70's!!! If DC holds there characters with prestige and bases them off things as grand as Greek Mythology, you cant make a decent DC flick of a Hero on its own?!

What's Next? Oh yeah the Crew and Cast rumours.

If your gonna do something bold as this, you obviously have to sell it with the notion that it's something groundbreaking, nevermind the fact people might be tired of Superheroes and your giving them a Mega Mac of a Superhero flick. So you gotta convince them this is an event (Even though you havent really done any stand alone flicks to make people give too shyts about any DC Character not name Batman). Therefore you have to get writers who can adapt comic book/Sci-fi mythology to a movie or TV show. So with that said why are you picking the people who wrote Mrs & Ms. Smith and not this guy or this guy or this guy. Hell I even take these two overrated staples of geekdom. At least I'll have more faith, than the duo who hooked up Brangelina.
George Miller? Well he did do Mad Max and a part of the Twilight Zone movie. But what has he done in the last 2 decades? Babe and Happy Feet. Is he even in touch with what Superhero/Comic films require let alone one that could bank or break precdence for the genre? His filmography can be debated alone post '92. I think it speaks volumes that the studio has stalled the announcement of his confirmation.
And the actors? This is what makes me laugh. Every day you google Justice League and you get a new rumour. These are just not realistically true and sound like both good and bad suggestions from a JLA Casting thread here. Why the **** would Thomas Eugene Welling want to be ball and chained to the same role a la past Supermen? He seems hesitant to even embrace the role aside from a job ( Which is cool by me, I understand. I mean you dont see him and conventions milking that shyt?). You mean to tell me after 8 years he's wants to hit the big screen as the same character. No actor wants that. I know he hasnt set the world alight in his films. But how desperate is he?
On the opposite spectrum I find hard it to believe that established (almost over establish) actors like DiCaprio, Gibson and Willis want to be part of it. These cats demand $20 Million a film, that's gonna cripple it and if the rumours are to suggest that Old man Miller wants that big an all-star cast to play characters who people will have hard to believing they are, then he clearly aint taking the old retirement home pills. I guess this explains why he hasnt made a non-kids movie since the early 90's.

More than actors, fans should really be concerend with whose helming, writing and producing a project. Anyone can act, its a challenge to make a good film.

And as for all those people who are telling us to shut up and watch.....what the **** did you sign on to this message board for? To create fan avatars of your favourite actor/comic book character on some " I:heart: Tom, Superman Rox!!!" type shyt? Man this aint TRL!
I hate when fanboys complain and whine about stuff too. Honestly you may not know from this, but I do. But there are cases where there concerns are genuine and if you love the characters fine. This is a risky project and when we get news that sounds like silly rumour mills and are expected to believe it from other people here (because I dont know, maybe you love the actor who may get a role in this basura caliente) that's gonna be good, I can understand people saying "**** that, I aint having that".

All these things taken into account this is why I'm not too jazzed up about

I would say more but I've forgotten half the other points I had when making this post and I got better things to do at work then spend 20 minutes writing this, but I gotta express myself dammitt!:cmad: :ninja:

Luda, you and I usually don't see eye to eye. But man, your post is just so dead-on. What more can I say? :ninja:
I've been on the comeback trail this past week or so on the Hype.

Call this my 55 point performance in Madison Square Garden.

*Drops the keyboard of his work computer like an MC dropping the mic and Jefferson struts out of this thread*

My Swag is phenomenal!
I love talking JLA.

They were also movies that were not trying to pull off anything nearly as big as the Justice League movie is trying to.

So? Introducing new characters and making a team film still isn't that monumental a task.

The way things are turning out, the movie will be trying to introduce a half dozen, if not more major characters with vastly different backgrounds, who have never appeared in movies before.
True. Sort of like the X-MEN movie, which people bought right into.
And it's pretty much a sure bet that in any Justice League movie, Batman and Superman will be given the lion's share of the focus.
You mean like in the JLA comics? Batman and Superman have the most forceful and vibrant personalities there, so it's not a bad thing that the story revolves around them a lot. The concept of the JLA has always been about everyone playing key roles and being important to the league, not neccessarily equal ones. I’ll grant that darn near any JLA character can carry the show for a period of time, but there’s a reason Batman and Superman are so popular.
I'm not very confident that characters like the Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman will be fleshed out very much at all.
They don't need to be, any more than every JLA issue needs to delve into this stuff. We only need to know the basics about each character, and that can be handled through the story itself most of the time. What they need to be is fleshed out in the context of their time with the JLA, not necessarily their individual storylines and origins. We don't need to know who all their girlfriends are, or how exactly they got their powers, as long as we know the basics that tie into their stories, and their key interactions with each other.
And according to some rumors, Martian Manhunter (a founder, and the member with the longest service on the team) won't even be in the movie.
That possibility does suck. However, this is a rumor. And it does not mean he won’t be in the franchise at all.
But DO they have a good script? No one can say for sure until they've read it. But I can say that there are red flags raising my concern, such as the WB blatantly giving up on developing solo movies (all their plans thus far have failed), the rush to push this movie out the door, rumors of Batman and Superman being written "younger," etc.
There’s been a lot of positive buzz about this script. Most of the time, when there’s positive buzz about a script, and a studio gets behind something quickly, there’s something positive there. Consider: BATMAN BEGINS was not the best script ever, and it ended up being a very good movie. They have a good director in place, who seems passionate about the material. And the rumors are just that...rumors.

There's a lot of TALK about the Justice League movie, and it's further along than the above-mentioned projects. It has a script - but so did the Jack Black Green Lantern movie (which WAS real, but thankfully killed off due to fan backlash).
Chalk this up to WB not being completely stupid. The Jack Black GL project never materialized because WB pulled the plug. Not because fans hated the idea and got it cancelled.

You forgot WB's made Superman: The Movie, Superman II, Batman, Batman Returns, Constantine, V For Vendetta, A History of Violence, Road to Perdition, and 300.
And that WB is making WATCHMEN, and seems to be doing it right. This is a big deal in assessing their adaption process of late.
It's "limiting" the character to stick with a portrayal of him that is almost universally regarded as good, and is all of two years old? There is NO guarantee that another portrayal of Batman will be good, and there is even reason to believe that it will be bad (the rumors of him being written "younger" - even though Bale's portrayal was Year One Batman).
But we ARE sticking with Bale's Batman...in Christopher Nolan's movies.

JLA Batman would simply be something different.
I have a question. Exactly how is the character of Batman going to change from Nolan’s Batman franchise to JLA? Will he suddenly stop acting like Batman? Will he suddenly be campy? I seriously doubt it. He’s in the film precisely because he’s not like the rest of the league. He’s their dark side, their uber-serious member. This is what some people just don't seem to grasp...there's not going to be that much difference in portrayals between franchises! He's going to look, sound and act like Batman! And Nolan, as much credit as you all want to give him, didn’t invent Batman acting like Batman.
So how is the JLA version of Batman going to differ from Nolan's in any sizeable way? (What, he has all his gadgets, and he doesn't yet in Nolan's franchise?) Again, Chris Nolan didn't invent a dark and scary Batman. He just utilized him. It's not like Batman will suddenly be able to fly on his own power or cracking jokes (Not that Nolan's Batman didn't try a bit).

X-Men is not nearly the same thing as JLA. JLA is an All-Star team of heroes with vastly different backgrounds. The X-Men are all mutants who can be conveniently explained with a few lines of exposition.

The X-MEN and the JLA are VERY similar. Like the X-Men, the JLA consist of heroes from different backgrounds. And like the X-Men, the JLA’s reason for fighting with the JLA can be conveniently explained with a few lines. "We banded together to tackle threats too great for one hero to handle". And then you flesh out their origins and stories throughout the film. It’s not difficult.

A lot of people are also of the opinion that the X-Men movies were more like "Wolverine" movies, with everyone else getting far less time than they deserved. IMO, that's just plain unacceptable for a team with as many stars as the JLA, many of whom haven't even been introduced in solo movies yet.

I hardly think we’re going to “miss out” on any characters in JLA.
Especially after Superman Returns, a movie that was praised by the critics but thrashed by the common man on the street for having no fighting and having too much drama, disappointed at the box office.
I have never seen a common man on the street thrash SUPERMAN RETURNS. I've seen FANS do it, but most people seemed to really enjoy the movie, or not care either way.
Completing that many movie projects would take a long time. They would have to make a Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash movie to get it done. Then to bring them all of them together would be a huge challenge in itself. Actors who played the lead roles in the other movies might not want to do a team-up for various reasons (Bale for example). All of the movies would have to share the same universe(another reason Bale isn't Batman in this movie).
Exactly. It’s not as simple as some of you want it to be. It’s a matter of years of moviemaking, and hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars all in the hope that each movie will be popular enough to make JLA a reality. And then hoping all the actors can be brought back after they’re superstars. WB is being smart about this. Real smart.
's pretty clear by now that the suits at WB really don't care about respect for the spirit of the source material (if nothing else about it), how the fan base that pours their own money into these properties to make them successful feels, or even how to effectively translate such fantastic elements into a functional movie - they just want people with a history of making something profitable to be involved.
I’ll get flamed for this but: So? It’s WB’s job to put up the money, and to get the hundreds of millions of dollars it will take to make the movie happen, they’ll want some assurances on its success. Nothing wrong with that. In my mind, it’s more up to the writers and the creators to make the movie happen in a respectful manner.
Hence the reason WB has made so many mistakes with their comic-book properties (and probably will for the forseeable future). When they hired the director of The Omen to make Superman: The Movie, they got a guy who recognized the character and the mythology of the comics he came from as something iconic; when they hired the director of the first two X-Men movies to make Superman Returns, they got a guy whose image of the character was built SOLELY on Donner's film and didn't have squat to do with the comics from which it all originated.
Bryan Singer’s film was not based only on Donner’s movie, and it DID have a LOT to do with the comics it originated from.

As for the non-mainstream titles being made into the movies, there's lower risk involved there - mainly, you don't have to worry about f***ing up the portrayal of a character or plot line if the moviegoing public by and large has never heard of them.
Once again, the average person doesn’t care. But you think CONSTANTINE didn't have fans that cared about its portrayal?
Point is, people like Bale's Batman, a version which is TWO YEARS OLD (as in the difference of time between Spider-Man 1 and 2). They want to see him in more movies, and don't want the WB to take an unnecessary risk that has the potential of confusing and pissing off the mainstream audience.
Why would the mainstream audience be pissed off? Especially if they don’t care…
Sure, X-Men has some characters with different ethnic backgrounds. Storm's African, Wolverine is Canadian, Nightcrawler is German, whatever. Point is, they're ALL mutants, all fight for the same cause, and can all be explained with some quick exposition about mutants.
And JLA are all superhumans or metahumans (the DC equivalent of mutants). They fight for the same cause, just like the X-Men do, and you know what, they can be explained with quick exposition, too. So what's the difference?

JLA is not nearly the same thing.
Yes it is. It's very, very similar.
[/quote]But did they hire Miller because they think he's good, or because he made Happy Feet, which recently made a ton of money? That is the question on a lot of people's minds.[/quote]
WB is not very likely to put a project like JLA in the hands of someone they're not sure is capable. They gave Batman and Superman to Chris Nolan and Bryan Singer respectively. If they’ve given it to George Miller, they must have a good reason to have done so.
And the rumor about Superman and Batman being written "younger" is seen as a cause for concern. Especially when Superman was already played by baby-faced Brandon Routh, and Bale's Batman is already a Year One portrayal.
I have yet to see this rumor proven true, even as a rumor. I have seen hints that the JLA itself will be written young, but nothing about Batman being young. And people forget, there was also a rumor that that involved Batman being written OLDER and mentoring younger JLA members…so let’s just wait and see how before we panic.
It's "foolish" and "pessimistic" when you don't like the rumor of "younger" Supes and Bats, when SR and BB were already very young portrayals of the characters?
“Younger” could just mean “not so much baggage” (As in, Superman hasn’t left Earth for five years yet). Batman was 30 in BATMAN BEGINS, and Superman is supposed to be in his thirties. That is not "very young". That is the average age Batman and Superman have been since the late eighties in the comics. Now they're closer to their mid-thirties.
It's "foolish" and "pessimistic" to doubt the WB's ability to make a good JLA movie, a movie which will be cluttered by a half dozen or more characters that audiences aren't familiar with yet, when the WB seems incapable of launching movies focusing on ONE character?
“Cluttered”? BATMAN BEGINS had just as many characters that audiences weren’t familiar with, did it make it a bad movie?
WB actually launching a movie has nothing to do with how good its movies are when it does get them launched. The two concepts are not really causally connected.
And what about the OTHER side of things? Are people being blindly loyal and overly optimistic if they hear these rumors, and immediately think the movie will be awesome, even though they haven't read the script and have no real details about the movie?
I don't see anyone assuming this movie will be awesome. They just recognize it's potential, and hope it will be. Even if
JLA sucks, aspects of it ARE going to rock. That's hard to deny.
It will ****ing suck. You can't break up your universes and confuse the **** out of ur audience. What are kids gonna think when their are 2 different supermans and batmans.

“Huh. Look at that, there are two different actors playing Superman and Batman”.

What do kids think when one version of Batman is Christian Bale and one is an anime-style cartoon? Maybe that there are two different versions? Give kids some credit, people.

Important point that people keep overlooking when *****ing about WB not launching superhero film after superhero film: Warner Brothers and Marvel are in different situations. If WB wants to make a movie, they have to put up most of the money. Marvel just has to sell their properties to OTHER STUDIOS. But WB has one key advantage: They can do whatever they want, whereas Marvel has almost NIL control over their properties.

They're riding on luck so far.

And of course: We do not know what’s going on with this project beyond the basics. Don’t base your assumptions of quality on a few fairly unsubstantiated rumors, many of which are clearly fake.
Come on people…JLA!
Can I just ask one thing?

I know I havent seen the debate through and through but why in god's green earth do people keep comparing the Justice League to X-Men?
Personally I don't like the choice of villains: Maxwell Lord and the OMACs. And possibly Talia. I'd rather see the Justice League fight Darkseid or the White Martians.

From what has been said, there is no Martian Manhunter.

I don't like the choice of Green Lantern: John Stewart.

I don't like that they are doing this at the same time they're developing Man of Steel and the Dark Knight. And I don't like the idea of recasting Batman and Superman.

It's a rushed production, they're doing things as quickly as possible to get this on track before the strike.
Nevermind precieved confusion regarding Superman and Batman. What makes the studio think the world is gonna give a damn about 2 Superman-lead projects in the same year and possibly the same summer (Cause you know that chump of a alien farmboy is gonna get the glory in the JL movie right)?
I know I havent seen the debate through and through but why in god's green earth do people keep comparing the Justice League to X-Men?

Because they're very similar concepts.
Nevermind precieved confusion regarding Superman and Batman. What makes the studio think the world is gonna give a damn about 2 Superman-lead projects in the same year and possibly the same summer (Cause you know that chump of a alien farmboy is gonna get the glory in the JL movie right)?
Because it is a group of heroes gathered together. When really people should be comparing the Justice League and Avengers together and not X-Men because the Avengers are pretty much what the Justice League is. Which once again is why I say this movie is being handled poorly because if you look at it Marvel is pushing out their movies to the point where you can either have the classic Avengers movie or New Avengers if you want. I mean really the WB if they were smart should have started off with the Superman/Batman team up which Bale has said he would love to do and has already stated that he would love to work with Routh. IMO this movie is really shaping up to look like X3 which I hope it doesn't because yeah that movie did well at the box office but it really sucked. If the WB is so bent on doing Justice League they really need to take their time and plain things out. I mean Marvel is doing that. Look at them they are putting the Avengers out first in solo movies then bringing them together.
Because they're very similar concepts.
No Avengers is a similar concepts. X-Men has always been a group and always will be a group you don't really see to many X-Men getting solo titles. Hell I have only seen one (and we all know how he is) he a successful solo title.

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