Uwe Boll Petition

He'll want to box you but remember it's prison rules so use whatever you got to take him down.
You know you could have been Porch Monkey, or PorchMonkey. :huh:
get out, (no smile on my face)..

I don't care, and above was a joke.
Can't you look beyond the maker? There are lots of people who I don't like as human beings but I liked their work.

I would be able to if the work were anything but mediocre. By all accounts, James Cameron is an unbearable prick. The difference between him and Roth? Cameron makes great movies. Roth does not. Roth's movies appeal to nothing but the lowest common denomenator. There is no thought behind them. There is no character development in them. A horror movie is one thing. But when there is no horror, when the characters are so under developed that you do not care about their fates, and the movie is essentially nothing but the most graphic torture scenes you can get away with...well...it reaches the point where the only conceivable reason one can watch it is to fulfill some sadomasochistic fantasy. That's what Roth's movies are, and he tries to play them off like they are high art.
Roth's movies appeal to nothing but the lowest common denomenator.
There is no thought behind them.
There is no character development in them.
there is no horror, when the characters are so under developed that you do not care about their fates, and the movie is essentially nothing but the most graphic torture scenes you can get away with...well...it reaches the point where the only conceivable reason one can watch it is to fulfill some sadomasochistic fantasy.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
That's what Roth's movies are

Oh, it's a Matt post, how redundant of me.
From those two videos, I realized something:

He's a studio tool. He's a character.

I'm serious. The actors who did his films did them because they know he's a great guy and are in on the joke.

Don't you see? He represents the worst in all filmmakers and by existing, he is making the biggest statement of all.

I'm havinga hard time trying to figure out his statement. Is it that the Director should be incompetant ? Or Maybe our demands for a good movie are meaningless ?
Haha, as much as Boll's music suck complete ***, he as a person is quite funny and I have a feeling that a lot of the ridiculous things he says aren't serious. He knows he's awful and embraces it.

While I don't like him destroying film franchises and such, I think the film industry would be boring if every film created was an art house film. I mean, my favorite films are extremely well made films, but a bit of diversity goes a long way.
Haha, as much as Boll's music suck complete ***, he as a person is quite funny and I have a feeling that a lot of the ridiculous things he says aren't serious. He knows he's awful and embraces it.

While I don't like him destroying film franchises and such, I think the film industry would be boring if every film created was an art house film. I mean, my favorite films are extremely well made films, but a bit of diversity goes a long way.

I pretty much agree with this but damn he tries so convincingly to try & make out he's the best f****** moviemaker in hollywood.

If he just offed himself the world would become peaceful, yep the cure for world is Uwe Boll's death.

And if anybody is a member (if not go register) of IMDB.com then vote in the latest IMDB Poll, yeah its a Uwe Boll one, yay.

Vote Here:
Boll makes music too, when did this happened? I was thinking about if I was a filmmaker and someone started a petition to get me to stop making movies, I would be kind of pissed but I wouldn't stop, I'm sorry but he's right no one's stopping me from continuing what i'm passionate about.
I would be kind of pissed but I wouldn't stop, I'm sorry but he's right no one's stopping me from continuing what i'm passionate about.
Hitler was passionate about eradicating the Jewish people, but he had to be stopped, didn't he?
I say after all of this... f'n boll crap is over, we put an end to paparazzi.
I say after all of this... f'n boll crap is over, we put an end to paparazzi.

I'll be there right with you thejon93!

I can't stand those losers and how they make money on F'ing with people's lives.

That and they encourage "the people" to be lazy and obsess over others lives instead of trying to better their own.

Yeah, I know, no one forces people to watch those celebs on camera shows but it sure as s*** doesn't help that their there to begin with.
I'll be there right with you thejon93!

I can't stand those losers and how they make money on F'ing with people's lives.

That and they encourage "the people" to be lazy and obsess over others lives instead of trying to better their own.

Yeah, I know, no one forces people to watch those celebs on camera shows but it sure as s*** doesn't help that their there to begin with.
I agree, I see celebrities as regular working-class people, paparazzi are just a bunch of losers who make money off of making people like us look bad. Who the hell came up with the idea that we should follow around well-known people and try to catch embarrassing photos/footage of them? These ass-champs are responsible for Princess Diana's death so why the f%$& are they still around?! I don't care if an actress eats out at 'Subway' or dances to Puff-Daddy. I honestly don't care about what the hell they do in their lives because it's none of our buisness. They shouldn't be going into the washroom with fear of somebody taking photos of them while doing so; it's bull s&%$.
You might not care but alot of people try to live vicariously through famous people. it's sad but people will actually know more about Jennifer Aniston than one of their own friends. The Paparazzi exist because there is a demand for them to do what they do.
Boll is not Hitler
You missed my point. You were saying that people shouldn't be stopped from doing the things that they're passionate about. That doesn't mean that just because they're passionate about it, they should be allowed to do it. Sure, you should follow your dreams and all that, but there are exceptions. Shaquille O'Neal was passionate about hip-hop, and he tried rapping. He was god-awful at it, and so he had the sense to just stick to the basketball court after that. He knew to stop doing something he wasn't good at, which is something that Uwe Boll should consider.
You missed my point. You were saying that people shouldn't be stopped from doing the things that they're passionate about. That doesn't mean that just because they're passionate about it, they should be allowed to do it. Sure, you should follow your dreams and all that, but there are exceptions. Shaquille O'Neal was passionate about hip-hop, and he tried rapping. He was god-awful at it, and so he had the sense to just stick to the basketball court after that. He knew to stop doing something he wasn't good at, which is something that Uwe Boll should consider.

Your point is unbalanced, because no matter how bad Boll is at making movies or Shaq at rapping it no way in any way relates to Hitler trying to wipe out the Jews, or is there really any victims to either Boll or Shaq's attempts at doing something different. They have just as much reason to do what they are doing as anyone who raps or makes movies. Just because you dont like them is objective. I could really care less whether Boll makes another film or not, but he isnt Hitler and a petition against him is petty at the umpteenth degree

This petition resembles "bookburning" more than Boll resembling hitler
this thread is dumb, you can't stop someone being a director and doing what they want to do... *yawn*

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