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Official Trailer VS Fan Trailer: Who Got It Right?

This thread is only going to cause trouble.

It doesn't matter which one is better the fact of the matter is, the fan trailer is of a movie that doesn't exist. Love it or hate it the real trailer is from an actual movie thats coming out.

Disregarding an entire film because a still solid trailer didn't blow you away is silly.

Especially when this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjYsYgWnvT8

Turned into this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWkx9m3x-ak

And yes I posted this again because I can't make this point enough. If anyone else has another example that would be awesome.


There are plenty of crappy movies with decent trailers. Like X-Men Origins for instance. It's a toss of the coin when you go see any film because you never know if you are going to like it or not. I'm sorry but this trailer is no bad enough to be starting threads like this.
1. I never understood the fan-demand for Nathan Fillion to play the role. I honestly think he would have been awful for it.
2. I didn't like the fan-made trailer.
3. I still don't understand it when every says that the real trailer didn't have enough of an epic tone! As soon as Hal ejects from his Jet, the trailer has epic written all over it!

What the real trailer did, was it explained Hal and the just of his origin to becoming Green Lantern. Starts out with Hal sleeping with a woman, waking up to go fly jets at Ferris Air with Carol, ejects from said jet, finds a dying alien, who gives him a ring which makes him a Green Lantern. I wish Hector/Parallax's reason for being the villain was explained a little more than a couple of flickers of Hector, but otherwise, it was a pretty solid trailer, with an epic tone overall. But that's just me.
The fans have a right to their fan-casting but the movie is cast so whinning about it isn't going to change that little factoid. They were never going to cast a 39 year old 8th rate T.V star. If he had buzz on him and was some Emmy nominated actor (ala Jon Hamm, who wont be cast as Superman BTW, no matter how much us Hamm fans want it) I think that he would have had a chance but he isn't. He is on a show that, although in it's second season, is hardly some talked about hit and it's just another damn "will they or won't they" crime show that ABC will soon cancel.

Nathan Fillion was charming in Slither and Serenity (an overrated glorfied T.V movie) but he is going nowhere fast in the world of cinema. I'm tired of hearing about him not getting the role in an already filmed movie. If he had actually had a snowballs chance of getting it I wouldn't have as much of a problem with the crying but he never had a chance and he wasn't on the short list.

Get over it already.
The fans have a right to their fan-casting but the movie is cast so whinning about it isn't going to change that little factoid. They were never going to cast a 39 year old 8th rate T.V star. If he had buzz on him and was some Emmy nominated actor (ala Jon Hamm, who wont be cast as Superman BTW, no matter how much us Hamm fans want it) I think that he would have had a chance but he isn't. He is on a show that, although in it's second season, is hardly some talked about hit and it's just another damn "will they or won't they" crime show that ABC will soon cancel.

Nathan Fillion was charming in Slither and Serenity (an overrated glorfied T.V movie) but he is going nowhere fast in the world of cinema. I'm tired of hearing about him not getting the role in an already filmed movie. If he had actually had a snowballs chance of getting it I wouldn't have as much of a problem with the crying but he never had a chance and he wasn't on the short list.

Get over it already.

Like Thomas Jane before him, they are not destined to be big stars sadly.
The fan trailer is pretty cool but its not as good as the official trailer

1. I never understood the fan-demand for Nathan Fillion to play the role. I honestly think he would have been awful for it.
2. I didn't like the fan-made trailer.
3. I still don't understand it when every says that the real trailer didn't have enough of an epic tone! As soon as Hal ejects from his Jet, the trailer has epic written all over it!

What the real trailer did, was it explained Hal and the just of his origin to becoming Green Lantern. Starts out with Hal sleeping with a woman, waking up to go fly jets at Ferris Air with Carol, ejects from said jet, finds a dying alien, who gives him a ring which makes him a Green Lantern. I wish Hector/Parallax's reason for being the villain was explained a little more than a couple of flickers of Hector, but otherwise, it was a pretty solid trailer, with an epic tone overall. But that's just me.

This is a great post :up:
This thread is only going to cause trouble.

It doesn't matter which one is better the fact of the matter is, the fan trailer is of a movie that doesn't exist. Love it or hate it the real trailer is from an actual movie thats coming out.

Disregarding an entire film because a still solid trailer didn't blow you away is silly.

Especially when this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjYsYgWnvT8

Turned into this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWkx9m3x-ak

And yes I posted this again because I can't make this point enough. If anyone else has another example that would be awesome.


There are plenty of crappy movies with decent trailers. Like X-Men Origins for instance. It's a toss of the coin when you go see any film because you never know if you are going to like it or not. I'm sorry but this trailer is no bad enough to be starting threads like this.

The thread isn't meant to cause trouble but was my based on my reaction to seeing the trailer the first time in SD and then comparing it the Fan trailer. I put it all in my first post. I'm a long time GL fan and i just felt like the fan trailer did a better job of drawing me into this mysterious cosmic world. Does it have better effects? Heck no. Does it have star power? Heck no. But does it do a proper job of teasing a viewer as to the world of green lantern while making it feel appropriately believable and epic? Imho yes it does.

In HD i thought the official trailer was great but my initial reaction was interest but not huge excitement that i expected to have. The Official trailer is so busy saying "hey look at this cool stuff" it doesn't do anything to tease me about the contents of the film beyond Hal's character arc.

It's like most people would say Spider-Man 2, Iron Man, Batman films, all transcended being "good super-hero movies" and were just "good movies". Now this film may well do that too, but the trailer did nothing to tell me that. So if you like big effects films then this movie is for you, but if you're looking for more of a reason to see it....then there's not much there beyond Ryan Renolds. Spoke to a few GA people i work with and they all thought it looked a little cheesy. That's not the response that will get skeptics or non-fans into seats. The fan trailer in my opinion does more to build my interests and anticipation, by not showing me too much and just teasing more. Also the dramatic voice overs give it a little more gravitas and epic vibe than the offcial trailer.

Am i excited? After seeing HD yes i am. do i think it will be a lot better than the trailer shows? Yes i do. But as a trailer does it do much to present itself as more than visual effects film/superhero movie? does it do anything to make the average joe who's not necessarily big on effects, say "hey that movie looks interesting, what's that all about"? Nope it says "here's a superhero, here's exactly what he looks like, here's what he can do, this is the villain, this is the love interest, if you thought she might not find out who is he really is....nope she knows by the end, etc" More teasing, more epic vibe without telling us so much. The only part that did that were the clips of Oa, that was great stuff, more teasing, like the shot of sinestro.

The mystery is part of the allure; look at the previews for Tron. You didn't have to see the original film to be intrigued by that. It looks great, a crazy imaginative world. It shows me enough to say "wow" but teases enough to hook me into wanting to go see it, the mystery draws you in.

That's what the fan trailer did that the official trailer doesn't imho. Wasn't trying to cause trouble just wanted to find out other people's feeling on the matter.
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Judge for yourselves folks but i can't help feel like the fan trailer captured the Epic feel i associate with GL more so than the official trailer. Now the movie may still be fantastic and i'm hoping it is, but the editing just didn't hit the same cord with me as the fan trailer.

Really? I guess i can see that it just has a great epic vibe to it, it teases you more of the possibilities instead of showing you everything up front. Abin Sur's voice over and the other VO add to the epic feel much more so than anything i saw in the official trailer. Just overall better editing for me.

PS. Love your Supergirl comic.

That is a good point. Still the thought that some random fan can grab bits and pieces from other films and still manage to pull together a more epic trailer than a well paid studio who custom made everything...well that just kind of sad to me. I get that visually the official trailer is better, obviously the quality is better. But the tone and feel or the fan trailer just give me a better vibe that would make me want to see the film more, it has a better hook in my opinion. The offical trailer shows a lot of stuff but that's it, not much of a hook, nothing too epic, no emotional resonance...it's just there and then it's done.

Note what i actually said in ealier posts. Nothing about Nathan Fillion being a better choice for GL or that the real film would fail based on some trailer. That assumption would be silly. just that as a trailer whose function is primarily to build enough interest in the casual viewer that it makes them want to see the actual movie i simply think the fan trailer did a better job in that regard. Just wanted to see what other people thought.
You guys are cracking me up with all of this.

I made that trailer before there was anything to compare it to. It was an exercise in creativity trying to imagine what a Green Lantern movie "could" be like without there actually being one. Now that the real trailer has landed, my trailer is irrelevant. It was fun while it lasted, but here's hoping the movie is as good as it can be! (I'm a fan of Ryan Reynolds and Martin Campbell btw)
You guys are cracking me up with all of this.

I made that trailer before there was anything to compare it to. It was an exercise in creativity trying to imagine what a Green Lantern movie "could" be like without there actually being one. Now that the real trailer has landed, my trailer is irrelevant. It was fun while it lasted, but here's hoping the movie is as good as it can be! (I'm a fan of Ryan Reynolds and Martin Campbell btw)

I agree. I enjoyed your trailer when it came out and I think you did a good job on it. But I enjoy the official trailer much more. Having the actual footage from the movie helps. It also helps that the footage shown is relatively good with only minor nitpicks from me.
You guys are cracking me up with all of this.

I made that trailer before there was anything to compare it to. It was an exercise in creativity trying to imagine what a Green Lantern movie "could" be like without there actually being one. Now that the real trailer has landed, my trailer is irrelevant. It was fun while it lasted, but here's hoping the movie is as good as it can be! (I'm a fan of Ryan Reynolds and Martin Campbell btw)

You have serious skillz man! :yay: Major props on that fan trailer. I still think it's great and that you acheived an epic tone that would make me want to see a film. I know it may be irrelevant but it's still awesome.

I think everyone took my post too seriously. I realize a trailer can be cut to make a serious movie look funny and a funny movie look serious, and any other extreme. I just thought you evoked a better tone than the actual trailer, nothing to do with seeing actual footage (which was awesome) but everything to do with how you tease an audience with a trailer to get them excited about a film. For me it boiled down to the music and voice overs. Simple as that. I just really like the tone of your fan trailer as it evoked the mood i'd expect from a solid film.

Are you the guy that also made the new Superman vs Doomsday trailer?
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Fan updated would have been better if they used more EPIC music.
The fan trailer is good for what it is. The real one is better though.
The fan trailer is epic.

The official tailer is cheesy. It looks like a Fantastic Four trailer.

and LOL at the poll results. People are either blind or loyal to the studio.
The fan trailer is epic.

The official tailer is cheesy. It looks like a Fantastic Four trailer.

and LOL at the poll results. People are either blind or loyal to the studio.

Or just have a different opinion. :whatever:
The fan trailer isn't just a little better, it's far superior.

However, some people will rubber-stamp-approve anything "official".
The fan trailer isn't just a little better, it's far superior.

However, some people will rubber-stamp-approve anything "official".

Or some people will have different opinions.

You seem to have a hard time accepting this fact.
The footage is better in the real trailer of course, but I think the fan-trailer does a better job selling the entire GL-concept and is generally edited in better way.
The footage is better in the real trailer of course, but I think the fan-trailer does a better job selling the entire GL-concept and is generally edited in better way.

Thank you, you summed up what i've been trying to say this entire time much more eloquently than i've been able to. Nice post, my thoughts exactly.
The fan trailer is epic.

The official tailer is cheesy. It looks like a Fantastic Four trailer.

and LOL at the poll results. People are either blind or loyal to the studio.
You know what looks more like Fantastic Four than the official trailer? The actual scene from Fantastic Four in the fan trailer.
Yeah the fan trailer took an action sequence from Rise of the Silver Surfer but it didn't have the cheesy tone of the Fantastic Four trailer like the official one did.
The fan trailer is epic.

The official tailer is cheesy. It looks like a Fantastic Four trailer.

and LOL at the poll results. People are either blind or loyal to the studio.

As someone who voted that I liked the Official Trailer better than the Fan Trailer, I'd like to say simply this.

The Fan Trailer takes pieces of other movies, adds it's own effects, and hand picked music. In essence, it is an amalgamation of imagery, sounds, and creation for a movie that will not exist in that incarnation.

The Official Trailer uses actual footage from the movie that will exist in that incarnation. Some of the trailer footage may not make it into the final product, but it is still an accurate portrayal of the actors, settings, and imagery being set forth in the movie we will see.

It is on these grounds alone that I find the Official Trailer to be better. And much like the creator himself said:

You guys are cracking me up with all of this.

I made that trailer before there was anything to compare it to. It was an exercise in creativity trying to imagine what a Green Lantern movie "could" be like without there actually being one. Now that the real trailer has landed, my trailer is irrelevant. It was fun while it lasted, but here's hoping the movie is as good as it can be! (I'm a fan of Ryan Reynolds and Martin Campbell btw)

A spectacular effort on his part to portray what he envisioned the movie to be like. But it's not the movie.

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