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5th anniversary for Spider-Man 3

Having being someone behind the story, though, Raimi made S-M 3 the "stinker" it was.
Watching the action in this again, since I played the three movies just for action and swinging scenes, can't help but notice the start of the movie using stock footage from the final swing in SM2
Well I finished watching this movie again for the first time in years. Whereas my opinion of the first 2 films has changed (disliked SM1 more than initially; liked SM2 more than before), mine remains the same for SM3. I loved the film and still think its good. I dont think its nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

The Peter vs New Goblin fight towards the beginning to me is hands down one of the best action sequences in the trilogy, if not the best. It was very well choreographed and I loved the fighting here. Visually the movie looks so much better than the rest, from special effects, to the lighting, colors, etc...I really liked looking at it.

I loved Harry in this. He was the breakout star for me and I liked how his character progressed, going from villian to redeeming himself in the end. The major flaw I always felt the movie had was too many villians. 3 was overkill. It should have just been New Goblin and Sandman. Venom was not needed and in fact if you remove him from the film, I dont see it changing much. They should have had the church scene show Brock bonding with the symbiote and that be it. Let the movie end with us seeing a quick 5 second glimpse of Venom as a tease of whats to come. Cramming him towards the latter third of the film was a bad idea

It was good to see Gwen but she added nothing to the film. She was underdeveloped and the triangle here was rather week as she and Peter had no chemistry. I think in hindsight, they should have had Bryce play Black Cat who appealed to Spidey's darker side which he embraced in the film. I think she would have made for a better third party to the romance with MJ

Overall though, despite these issues, I thought it was an enjoyable and fun film. Id give it an 8.5

I loved Spidey 3.

I liked 3 more than 2. Wanna fight about it?

I actually get the humor in it where as many people do not, and they fault the movie for it haha.

2 was boring, 1 was perfect, and 3 was just fun!
LOL..thats how I would have originally pegged it all. Now I wouldn’t say SM1 was perfect as it had its flaws which are very apparent now that Im older watching it. SM2 was definetly slower and a lot more serious than the others but I appreciate what it did. SM3 was definetly a fun ride. So many awesome moments and great action sequences
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SM3 was the first, and only, film that I have, not only went to see at the midnight showing, but also went to see in the theater more than once.

My initial reaction was that I loved it. I thought it was the best Spider-Man movie at the time. I thought the action was great, the special effects were superb, especially with Sandman, who I was not excited at all about going in.

But looking back at it now, with a more mature and objective point of view, I can understand the criticism that it gets. The movie simply wasn't up to par with what Raimi did with the previous films. I'd still say the action was great and Spider-Man was well done, meaning the scenes where he was actually in the suit, whether it be black and red. I felt like he looked more like Spidey than he did in any other film. But other than that, it comes done to a case of being a film that was good on paper, but was poorly executed.

I loved the idea being making Brock more like Peter, relatable both in their desire to make a name for themselves as a photography and their desire to get the perfect girl. I thought it made for a great story to show how Brock's experiences were what lead to his choice to use the spider powers for evil. Great balance to Peter's decision to do good (before getting the black suit). As for Venom, I would've preferred if they saved that for a sequel/spin-off. I would've liked them to have copied the cartoon and end the movie with that scene, maybe as a post-credit scene, where Brock goes to the church and they show what happened up until the point where he "eats the camera". A sequel with Brock tormenting Peter could've been so great, although that probably would've been too dark for Raimi's universe.

I thought Sandman could've been developed more so that his motives were shown more as opposed to implied.Visually, they did a great job with it, but he's supposed to be the main villain, yet he was absent for half of the film. I also hated the connection to Uncle Ben. Way to retcon a good film to force something into a mediocre film.

I thought Harry should've spent a little more time before he took the serum. I thought the ending of SM2 was great in that you couldn't tell if he chose to take the serum or not. They left it vague, and it would've been nice to see him struggle with the choice, as opposed to making the decision right from the start. I also don't think he should've died. It could've been cool to see him take the serum to gain powers to help Peter, but then go mad later on to try to kill him.

So at the end of the day, I liked a lot about the film, but I am more disappointed when looking at the potential that it could've had. When the movie ended with its somber tone, I wasn't entirely sure that we were going to get a sequel. I remember there being uncertainty about that and it was clear from the way the film and characters were treated that they were preparing more to close the trilogy out than to expand upon it. And looking at the trilogy as a whole, SM3 doesn't seem like the same kind of movie. The actors are the same, but there always seemed to be something off, whether it was the story, the acting or even the score, the film just doesn't seem to fit in, and ts a real shame that most people judge the trilogy as a failure because of this, acting as though all three films were bad.
I remember the anticipation I had for Spider-Man 3! I really liked it when it hit theaters, but I have no problem saying it's easily the weakest of the original trilogy.
I've never had such a love/hate relationship with any film as I do with this one.

What I remember the most is coming out of Spider-man 2 and bursting with anticipation with the prospect of seeing Eddie Brock/Venom on the big screen for the next one.

After seeing Spider-man 3, I'm still waiting.

However, I thought Sandy was done correctly. The rift between Mary Jane and Peter because of their career paths was also well done.

When I watch this movie, it seems that I have to alternate between awestruck silence and gritting my teeth.
its hard to pinpoint exactly what went wrong; the main complaints;

-the emo dancing
-the overall terrible acting from Tobey Maguire inluding the breakup scene and his failing to portray a 'cool' character
-audiences not receiving the Mary jane character/plot in this film
-Venom getting killed after only 10 minutes

after that there's smaller things that some people pass some dont (the sandman looking like the marshmallow man at the end, not liking Marko being ben's killer, some hated topher as eddie brock)

Now the venom treatment i think most people have finally let go. Now that we know the franchise is over, the general sentiment was (well i guess 10 minutes of him is better than one). it will also give the new franchise the chance to do what the majority of people wanted; have an entire film of symbiote spider-man with eddie brock becoming venom at the end leading for a cliffhanger.

I agree SM3 while flawed was at least fun. I can only watch the first film infrequently as it is boring at times, 3 is not the best film in the series but i've seen it more times than the first 2 combined.
I still feel like deep down there is a great movie hidden underneath all of the mess. Th movie had a lot of potential, but the execution just wasn't where it needed to be. A lot of things like Marko being the killer can be overlooked if it's explained or shown properly, but it just wasn't.
There is a great movie.

It's called the novelization which I actually started to read once more earlier this week.
One of the craziest big budget movies ever. It's all over the place.
I still feel like deep down there is a great movie hidden underneath all of the mess. The movie had a lot of potential, but the execution just wasn't where it needed to be. A lot of things like Marko being the killer can be overlooked if it's explained or shown properly, but it just wasn't.

I know how you feel. This movie had the potential to be one of the greatest, if not thee greatest superhero movies ever made. If not for studio interference and other issues, it could have been very successful. But the fact that this potential existed is what depresses me so much about the movie.

There is a great movie.

It's called the novelization which I actually started to read once more earlier this week.

The novelization is great. Sandman had more character development, and the final battle was much, much better.
I really feel that the symbiote/Venom story was the one everyone wanted to see. Let's face it,very few cared about Sandman. Most of us wanted to see the black suit and Venom. That's why the film was SO anticipated and why it set the record for the biggest opening ever at the time. Everyone wanted that dark,disturbing symbiote storyline. That's why I don't really blame Arad or the studio for wanting Venom. It was Raimi and co. who dropped the ball on that one.
But,one of the biggest mistakes of the film was playing the symbiote for laughs(again,blame Raimi and co). The jokes about Peter dancing and the "emo" look really ruined the film,I think. When I look at a great symbiote storyline I think of the 90's cartoon. Peter,with the black suit,threatening Flash and JJ. Jameson. Feeling angry at those who try to blame him for the city's wrongs. He had finally had enough. He let this "suit" take him over and loved how it made him feel,regardless of who he hurt. And Venom's problems were well documented(lack of development and screentime),but he was never that angry monster I wanted him to be. Eddie was pissed at Peter Parker and the symbiote hated Spider-man. Where was the rage?? Instead Brock cracked a few corny jokes before Raimi blasted him to kingdom come.
God,I so want a darker,creepier Venom and the symbiote to appear in this new series!
If Raimi didn't want Venom, a character well out of his territory, then Sony should have just let him make his movie and added the symbiote story for the fourth film.

Why cry over spilled milk though? New franchise is here, so I think Venom could still get another shot. It is Venom... he will at some point be portrayed much better than he was in SM3.
If Raimi didn't want Venom, a character well out of his territory, then Sony should have just let him make his movie and added the symbiote story for the fourth film.

Why cry over spilled milk though? New franchise is here, so I think Venom could still get another shot. It is Venom... he will at some point be portrayed much better than he was in SM3.

I'm somewhat nervous over his eventual development. Right now, Flash has the symbiote in the comics. On USM show, Harry (sort of) has it. It seems to me that Marvel has treated the symbiote as more of the Venom entity over the last 10 years rather than the symbiote + a host.

For hardcore fans of Venom, that will never do. Venom is the symbiote + 616 Eddie Brock. There is no other Venom.
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I think if they used Venom, they would use Eddie Brock as the host. I doubt we have to worry about that to be honest.
I kind of hope they don't do Venom at all in the new movies, partially because I want them to do the Green Goblin, preferably in the next one, so to show Peter and the symbiote in a third film would feel too familiar.
I kind of hope they don't do Venom at all in the new movies, partially because I want them to do the Green Goblin, preferably in the next one, so to show Peter and the symbiote in a third film would feel too familiar.
Well in this trilogy, they probably won't do venom unless they make a spin-off film. I hope that doesn't happen, because if anyone remembers, the spin-off Elektra killed the Daredevil franchise.

After this trilogy is complete, I think they should include Venom.
Well in this trilogy, they probably won't do venom unless they make a spin-off film. I hope that doesn't happen, because if anyone remembers, the spin-off Elektra killed the Daredevil franchise.

After this trilogy is complete, I think they should include Venom.
Ah yes.I forgot about the rumors of a Venom movie possibly tying into this version of Spider-Man. I think it could be an interesting take, seeing as how they wouldn't spend one of the three films to focus on his development.

I also remember hearing about stuff in the ASM game that implied that the symbiote was already around, and since that's meant to be part of their canon, they have already acknowledged its existence, unless that's a hint that we'll never see it mentioned like with the other villains.
Games are usually non canon. Was the symbiote mentioned as an alien or an experiment at Oscorp?
I can't remember exactly, but I do remember hearing that Sony was involved in what the developers were allowed to put into the game, like with how Rhino, Scorpion and Black Cat were to be introduced. In a way this is more of a continuation of the movie and not just a regular tie-in.
It could also act as an alternate sequel though (like the 2003 animated series).
I really feel that the symbiote/Venom story was the one everyone wanted to see. Let's face it,very few cared about Sandman. Most of us wanted to see the black suit and Venom. That's why the film was SO anticipated and why it set the record for the biggest opening ever at the time. Everyone wanted that dark,disturbing symbiote storyline. That's why I don't really blame Arad or the studio for wanting Venom. It was Raimi and co. who dropped the ball on that one.
But,one of the biggest mistakes of the film was playing the symbiote for laughs(again,blame Raimi and co). The jokes about Peter dancing and the "emo" look really ruined the film,I think. When I look at a great symbiote storyline I think of the 90's cartoon. Peter,with the black suit,threatening Flash and JJ. Jameson. Feeling angry at those who try to blame him for the city's wrongs. He had finally had enough. He let this "suit" take him over and loved how it made him feel,regardless of who he hurt.

So, you base your "dark,disturbing symbiote storyline" on the cartoon?
Everything you want is in SM3. Raimi even did 1:1 scene from the cartoon.

And Venom's problems were well documented(lack of development and screentime),but he was never that angry monster I wanted him to be. Eddie was pissed at Peter Parker and the symbiote hated Spider-man.

Brock hates Spider-Man. There is no reason why Brock should go after Peter expect Peter is Spider-Man. Don't use cartoons or ultimate Spider-Man for Brock and Venom. Because if you do this than Raimi had every right to change the character.

Where was the rage?? Instead Brock cracked a few corny jokes before Raimi blasted him to kingdom come.
God,I so want a darker,creepier Venom and the symbiote to appear in this new series!

There was rage. Brock hates Peter. He wants to humiliate Peter and in the end he wants to kill him. No difference to the cartoon...
So, you base your "dark,disturbing symbiote storyline" on the cartoon?
Everything you want is in SM3. Raimi even did 1:1 scene from the cartoon.


Yep....that's very disturbing.

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