Sequels So when this gets sold back to Marvel, how should it be handled?


I'm like Deadpool IRL
Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
I want to see a Netflix series. Something that's less web-swinging, more Peter being Peter. The current films are going nowhere and feel incredibly generic and I could care less about the spin-offs. I'd rather see Marvel handle Spider-Man on the small screen where the storylines have more room to breathe and there would be less action but more subplots. That and storylines like the Sinister Six would have time to build and not feel rushed. That and Peter would be less of a jerk than he is in the current series and be far more likable.

Season 1: Peter Parker is a high school senior who's busy applying for college, celebrating his 18th birthday and trying to spend time with his girlfriend Gwen Stacy. That all changes when he's bit by a mutated spider. With his new powers, Peter decides to be a professional wrestler as the evil heel, "Spider-Man" where he spends his Friday nights having other people pretend to beat him up on stage. And this would be the first two episodes. By episode 3, Peter witnesses his gym get robbed by a petty thief who shoots his wrestling promoter who's the only person who has seen Peter unmasked. Instead of helping to save the life of the man who was helping Peter pay for his first year of college, Peter runs for his life out of fear as a coward who's just happy the robber didn't notice him and then hears that the wrestling promoter didn't survive on the news. Peter tells his uncle that he's a pro-wrestler but keeps his identity a secret because he didn't want his family to know, he saw the murder but did nothing and truly feels bad about it. Ben Parker then calls Peter out and tells him that if he has the power to do help somebody in danger, he bears the responsibility.

A week later, Ben Parker is shot during a burglary after Peter returns home from a night with Gwen. His aunt is talking to the police and describes the same man who robbed Peter's gym. Peter decides to track the man down now that everyone who knew his secret identity is dead. Within episode 5, Peter builds his web-shooters and encounters the crook, subduing him, then calling the police stating that he was in the process of robbing a convenience store at gunpoint. Peter meets Daredevil and Daredevil convinces Peter that the world needs more people like him. Peter visibly freaks out now that he saw Daredevil give him props since he's one of Peter's heroes. Daredevil tells him that one of Kingpin's henchmen is planning to break into Oscorp but Daredevil is currently busy and needs somebody to stop the burglary. Spider-Man volunteers because he can't turn Daredevil down. Peter defeats the Shocker and all the goons he brought with him which lands the tale of a former pro-wrestler who stopped a break in on the front page of the Daily Bugle. The catch is that Kingpin tasks Tombstone with not only breaking Shocker out of jail but creating a team of super villains to handle this new threat.

Episode 6 is where things really pick up steam. The Daily Bugle declares Spider-Man to be a vigilante menace since Spider-Man hasn't built up a reputation as a hero like the Defenders or Avengers have and his good deeds are described as a publicity stunt by a washed up professional wrestler who wants attention. Peter just got accepted to NYU along with Gwen and they're incredibly happy that they can continue their relationship in college. Also, Peter meets his friend Harry's father Norman who takes a liking to Peter as his mentor. On the other hand, Norman may like Peter but he has a seething hatred for Spider-Man both for daring to break into his company and also because he himself was looking into mutated arachnids which could pass traits on to humans. Norman feels that Spider-Man is technically HIS property and wants a corporate sponsored superhero to take down Spider-Man with the Daily Bugle to get the exclusive first interview on New York City's new hero, The Scorpion!

Episode 7 is where Tombstone decides that his team needs a new leader and in order to do it, he hires the disgruntled former Oscorp employee who gave Shocker the Oscorp security codes to lead the team. Enter Doc Ock. Now with the funds from Kingpin to continue his research, Doctor Octopus can build his combat harness. Peter prepares for his senior finals while also hearing word that there's a serial killer loose in New York. Norman Osborn's assistant Spencer Smythe plans on backing up whoever their Scorpion ends up as with Spider-Slayers.

Episode 8 introduces Sergei Kravenoff as a wealthy Russian businessman who also engages in poaching endangered species for sport on the side. Tombstone offers him a good sum of money if he's willing to engage in a safari to hunt down Spider-Man. Kravenoff accepts and also recommends his cousin for the job who used to work for the Russian FSB, nicknamed the Chameleon. Macdonald Gargan who was a wrestler from the early episodes who fought Spider-Man in the ring accepts the chance to be Scorpion. Peter learns that if his finals go well, he'll graduate as valedictorian. Peter asks Luke Cage for advice on solving crimes. Luke asks Peter why he wants to do it for free when Cage does it for cash. Together, they investigate a crime scene before the police arrive and manage to secure some evidence for themselves. Apparently, this killer enjoys cutting himself at crime scenes. A Certain Daily Bugle reporter finds Spidey's webbing at the site while the police are checking the site out. Ed Brock then tells Jameson that Spider-Man may be preventing some crimes but that's as a cover for his murder spree.

Episode 9 brings Chameleon into the fold of the Sinister Six alongside Doc Ock, Shocker and Kraven. Kingpin then tells Tombstone that to pass along one of his hitmen named Hammerhead to Doc Ock. Peter's finals begin. It's his last week of school and Peter learns that the reason why Flash Thompson was always so mean to him was because Flash was never all that smart and he's not going to college, he's joining the army. Gargan becomes Scorpion and is interviewed by Brock with Scorpion claiming that unlike Spider-Man, he doesn't murder innocent people. Norman Osborn reveals that he's dying and hopes that the Scorpion serum can help cure him. Except Osborn wasn't willing to test it on himself for fear of side effects that Gargan didn't need to know about. Cage says that he's accepted a case from a victim of the serial killer that Spider-Man has been tracking and that the killer was caught on camera and he's a readhead.

Episode 10 is Spider-Man's last full day of school. He says his goodbyes and gets ready to graduate within the next week. He also learns that he's going to be the valedictorian. An electrician named Max Dillon gets a serious shock while working on power lines and learns that he can fire electric blasts from his body. He decides to use his powers to commit crimes and winds up doing battle with Spider-Man after attempting to break into Stark Tower. Peter defeats him in battle but he turns himself into a lightning bolt and flies away swearing revenge. Spider-Man then has to fight off the NYPD who believe him to be a murderer which leads to Spider-Man escaping. The NYPD tell Norman Osborn that they're ready for the Spider Slayers to patrol the streets along with Scorpion. Electro then gets in contact with Doc Ock who tells Tombstone that the Sinister Six are now complete. Scorpion meets with Tony Stark who offers him a spot on the Avengers. The episode ends with Peter getting a call from Luke Cage saying that he can clear his name. With some footage that Cage was handed under the table by a police detective named Jean DeWolff, the killer has been identified as Cletus Cassady.

Episode 11 starts with Peter and Gwen graduating. They're ready to head off to college. Mac Gargan learns that the scorpion serum is slowly killing him due to his body storing excess scorpion venom. Gargan needs the Scorpion suit modified with a special tail that he must wear at all times. Gargan freaks out over it and asks for a cure. Smythe informs him that they're working on a cure but the tail is needed in the short term. Gargan at least knows that he's going to be an Avenger. Ed Brock gets fired by Jameson for claiming that Spider-Man was the killer when both DNA evidence and surveillance footage clearly show that Cletus Cassady is the culprit. Peter manages to track down Cletus Cassady and apprehends him. Peter is now considered to be a hero by the entire city of New York while Brock is now the laughing stock of the journalism world. The Daily Bugle decides to cancel their promotional deal with Scorpion in favor of Spider-Man coverage to sate public demand.

Episode 12 is where the Sinister Six strike. Peter's private life takes a back seat in the last two episodes aside from scenes with May and Gwen. Smythe tells Norman that he's found a cure for Gargan with an updated serum that theoretically may have no side effects aside from severe mood swings. Norman demands that Smythe provide him with the serum of he's fired. Smythe obliges and gives Norman the ONLY dose. Tombstone informs Doc Ock that the Sinister Six are ready to be deployed and to assassinate Spider-Man while he meets with the mayor. Spider-Man survives the ambush and defeats the Sinister Six with the help of Daredevil and Luke Cage. After the fight, Agent Coulson imprisons the Sinister Six in The Raft which is a maximum security prison ship run by SHIELD off the city's coast specifically for supervillains. Tombstone informs Kingpin of the defeat and mentions that the Sinister Six are now incarcerated and awaiting trial. Kingpin contacts a corrupt police officer in the NYPD and tells him to activate the Spider Slayers to shoot on sight.

Episode 13 has Gargan meet with Osborn and Smythe who inform him that Osborn took the perfected serum. Moreover, the Spider-Slayers attacked Gargan on the way to Oscorp simply for being one of Oscorp's creations and Gargan can't leve the building for his own safety. Gargan lashes out and attacks Smythe along with his son/assistant Alistair killing Spencer and leaving Alistair without the use of his legs. Osborn retreats to a panic room. Gargan leaves Oscorp telling Osborn that if it weren't for Jameson then he'd still be able to live a normal life and that Osborn better watch his back since he's next. Gargan attacks Jameson who was just in the process of hiring Peter to replace Brock with photos of Spider-Man that Peter brought to the Daily Bugle. Peter is forced to saved Jameson while fighting off both Gargan and the Spider-Slayers and manages to draw both out of the Daily Bugle building. Spider-Man defeats both Gargan and the small army of Spider-Slayers while he tracks them into the NYPD where Spider-Man shuts down the Spider Slayers and gets the police to apprehend Gargan. Norman Osborn visits Alistair Smythe in the hospital. Alistair says that his father didn't survive being stung by Scorpion and the machinery that fell on his legs has ensured that he'd never walk again. He then asks Osborn if his father's hypothesis about mood swings was true. Osborn tells Alistair that for the first time in his life, he's hit Harry and he's done it more than once and he wants to feel happy for him since he just graduated. Alistair asks if Osborn wants revenge on Gargan. Osborn then states that it wasn't Gargan he wants vengeance on, it's Spider-Man and he's going to go through all the old Oscorp security footage just to find out who Spider-Man truly is.

Subplots during Season 1 are Peter's rivalry with Flash Thompson, Otto dating May after the death of Ben but before the Sinister Six fight which still leaves Peter a bit grossed out since he believes that Otto is too young for May, Peter's friendship with the Osborns and his relationship with Gwen. George Stacy as Gwen's father tries to set a positive example for Peter and is the one who gets the last shot in on Gargan during the season finale.
Season 2

Episode 1: Peter Starts college. He attends classes under a Doctor Kurt Conners as he majors in biology where the two of them talk about genetic engineering. Conners is fascinated by the potential to modify his own DNA to cure him of the loss of his arm and wants to know if SHIELD can allow him to see Scorpion. He then offhandly mentions that Oscorp was focusing entirely on arachnids but that reptiles may be the future. Also, Oscorp's arachnid experiments were done with an attempt to recreate the super soldier serum that created Captain America. His colleague Miles Warren on the other hand was considering using canines for the same purpose, believing that they can grant enhanced reflexes if used with a modified Super Soldier Serum that Oscorp has contracted the labs at NYU to work on. He also makes a comment that Spider-Man is for all intents and purposes, a next generation Captain America. Otto Octavius manages to break out of SHIELD custody when he leaves The Raft to stand trial and goes on the run where he's employed by a shady inventor named Adrien Toomes who offers to allow Otto the resources to recreate his lost combat harness. Also employed by Toomes corporation are Quentin Beck and Abe Jenkins. Otto wonders if the four of them can spring Shcultz from The Raft. Peter is shown to still be romantically involved with Gwen and still working for the Daily Bugle. Gwen has accepted an internship to work at Oscorp.

Episode 2: Spider-Man investigates a burglar who is raiding Wilson Fisk's offices under the cover of being a Daily Bugle reporter. He knows that Fisk is Kingpin and Tombstone keeps Spider-Man on a short leash so he doesn't see anything illegal. Tombstone starts grilling Peter on who Spider-Man is and how he's able to get those exclusive interviews with him in a really tense scene where it's obvious that Peter is about to be kidnapped but he gives just enough false info to Tombstone and says that Spider-Man comes to Peter instead of the other way around because Peter is a reporter that Tombstone is willing to believe him and lets him go. Peter finds some hair samples and is able to deduce that the burglar is a natural blonde who's died her hair pure white. That's all he has to go on. He also knows that there's no way he's turning the culprit in to Tombstone.

Toomes, Beck and Jenkins design special armor for themselves that will allow the to raid the raft while Dock Ock gets a new combat harness again. Toomes and Jenkins have jetpacks which will allow them to carry the other two back and forth to break Schultz out They stage a prison break and beat up a bunch of SHIELD agents. There's a rumbling by Abomination's cell and Justin Hammer, Electro and Crossbones get small cameos.

Gwen and Norman Osborn are shown to be asking about the genetics research that Oscorp has subcontracted to NYU and mentions that she's happy that her boyfriend's research can be used to help Oscorp. She also asks if Harry calls Norman and Norman mentions that they aren't on speaking terms. Gwen assumes that Harry is just being difficult.

Episode 3: Coulson wonders just what happened at The Raft and how the guards could be so incompetent to allow Doctor Octopus along with three masked men calling themselves Vulture, Mach and Mysterio to break a convicted felon out of the most secure prison in the world. He responds by firing half of them, then reassigning the other half and makes an offhand remark that he should just place Hawkeye here for security and maybe hire one of the Defenders depending on which one is the most professional. Justin Hammer is shown to have taken Electro on as his new prison lover/bodyguard in a really awkward meeting with Justin's daughter Sasha.

Gwen mentions that Peter has been acting erratically within the past few days and what can make a man act that way? Norman, despite being completely unstable himself, tries to act professionally with Gwen and the advice he gives is that it may be that he's going through an awkward time.

Alistair Smythe has been shown to be developing new armor for both him and Osborn, while expressing concern over the changes in Osborn's personality and asking that Norman seek professional help, while asking what he even needs this armor for. Smythe just wants to walk again while Norman seems to want to avenge Smythe's father but blames Spider-Man instead of Mac Gargan. Osborn doesn't listen and instead wants a suit of armor and a special glider. He asks Smythe who could have been assisting Doc Ock and Smythe lets Osborn know that he recognizes Adrien Toomes handiwork. Osborn asks for a joint business venture.

Peter gets an e-mail from somebody claiming to be the thief who managed to rob Kingpin. It says to get Spider-Man to meet her and come alone. Spider-Man meets Black Cat who informs him that her father worked for Tombstone and Tombstone killed her father. She just wants payback in any way she can and wants Spider-Man's help to murder him. Spider-Man refuses which creates a fight between the two of them in a dark alley because Felicia attacks Peter over his refusal to kill. Spider-Man pins Felicia to a wall and promises her that she still owes him a broken jaw next time they meet. What caused the fight to stop was a large explosion which was apparently a meteor. Peter checks out the meteor, taking a few pictures of it while writing some notes. He then touches it and finds that his hand is stuck to it. A strange black goop envelops his entire body and he finds himself transforming.

Episode 4: Peter then meets with Doctor Conners the next day, confiding with him that he's actually Spider-Man and that he's changed once again in a way that he isn't even sure how yet. Conners demands a blood sample, Peter obliges and Conners lets Peter know within the next week what the results are.

Osborn and Smythe meet with Toomes and Octavius. Toomes demands access to all of Smythe's labs in order to perfect the technology that Osborn wants to create.

Peter meets with Tony Stark over taking Mac Gargan's spot on the Avengers. Peter accepts and tells tony that he has the power, therefore he has the responsibility.

Peter gets into an argument with Gwen over being too overbearing which leads to Gwen storming off with Peter stating that Gwen needs him and is nothing without him. He then meets with May who asks what the argument was about and Peter tells her to shut up.

Peter then finds Felicia in his own room asking for his help again, having deduced that he's Spider-Man. This time, Peter accepts her offer to kill Tombstone stating that it's irresponsible to allow a man like that to live. As Felecia thanks Peter and heads off on her own, Peter wonders if something really is getting into him.

Episode 5: Norman Osborn's new Green Goblin armor is complete. He now has a glider that allows him to fly but also shoots rockets along with a suit of armor that is said to put Tony Stark's to shame. Smythe and Toomes both admit it to be their best work although Toomes questions Osborn's choice of green armor, stating that it's cramping his style. Norman screams right into Smythe's face that he can always just add purple highlights or something which gets Toomes to write down "purple highlights, including helmet being half-purple." Smythe then assists Toomes other cohorts with upgrading their suits. Mysterio no longer just shoots smoke bombs but not also has hallucinogenic gas and flashbangs. Mach now has rockets and tasers in addition to his lasers. Shocker has a reinforced leather and kevlar armor suit instead of his previous street clothes with wrist blasters look. Doc Ock gets a reinforced kevlar vest under his new costume. Finally, Vulture gets his green armor updated to also have black and white highlights on Norman Osborn's orders since Toomes was, "cramping his style." (Also, so Green Goblin and Vulture don't look too similar to viewers.) Smythe's armor isn't shown yet since Alistair wants to be, "the ultimate Spider Slayer."

Peter is calling Gwen frantically to apologize but only gets her voicemail when she finally picks up. Peter is torn between apologizing and getting defensive with Gwen outright stating to his face that Peter simply isn't himself. Peter says that she's right, he has changed and he things he knows what it is. When Gwen hangs up, she screams to herself, "AND NOW YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME?!?!?"

Peter goes to see Curt Conners the next day. Conners informs Peter that his DNA structure HAS changed. Specifically, his blood has bonded with a symbiotic chemical which when isolated and tested on animals increases aggression. Peter snaps at Conners and asks if Conners is calling him crazy. Conners denies it but says that Peter is becoming incredibly unstable and that the mice injected with the symbiote began killing each other as well as secreting a black liquid that would bond with other mice who weren't involved until only one mouse was left standing. Peter mentions feeling stronger and how life is about the survival of the fittest and having the power to make a difference in the world. Conners then asks Peter if he still believes that great power requires great responsibility, to which Peter replies, "but I have that power now, don't I?"

Norman Osborn finds the security footage that he's been searching for and Peter Parker is Spider-Man. He shuts the monitor off when Gwen enters his office. She asks why Oscorp is working with Toomes Technology and asks if Oscorp really wants to work with a weapons manufacturer and how that was a punch to the gut after she learned that Peter was cheating on her. Osborn knows that he's best able to hurt Peter through Gwen and says to her that it's only wrong if you get caught. Osborn then sleeps with Gwen.

Episode 6: Felicia asks Peter what date and time will they team up to murder Tombstone. Peter mentions having unfinished business with Doc Ock and Shocker and how they're too dangerous to be on the loose. If Felicia wants Peter to help kill Tombstone, Felicia needs to help Peter kill Shocker and Doc Ock. Felicia then says that if the terms up negotiable, then Peter owes her a little something. Peter then mentions that Gwen is giving him a hard time, so accepting Felecia's offer is perfectly fine with him. Peter sleeps with Felecia.

Peter meets with Gwen the next day at NYU and the two of them both feel guilty about cheating but Gwen can't say it to Peter's face because he's being too aloof and doesn't seem to take any interest in her. Gwen breaks up with Peter. Peter mentions that he didn't want her anyway.

Doctor Conners meets with Doctor Warren who mentions the possibility for what a human being might become of the symbiote was bonded with a canine, then the canine/symbiote DNA was bonded with a human. Conners mentions that that's insane and any human wanting the super senses and reflexes of a wolf is one thing but wanting to bond with the symbiote is another. It's dangerous and while a symbiote rather than a parasite it brings out the worst in its host. Doctor Warren then mentions to Doctor Conners that it does far more than that. The symbiote retains certain memories of previous hosts and he knows that Conners is familiar with Peter's secret. Conners is shocked that Warren had already done what he was just discussing and refers to Warren as "a jackal." Warren replies, "literally."

Felecia meets with Peter so that the two of them can kill off Schultz. Peter says that Felecia can help track Schultz down but the kill is his. After arriving at Toomes factory after hours where Schultz is hard at work on Smythe's prototype armor while wearing his new costume, presumably teting it out with al the destroyed dummies around him. Peter assaults him demanding that he pay for his crimes before declaring in an inhuman voice, "we... are the SPIDER-MAN!" Peter and Herman do battle when Herman's shock gauntlets appear to harm Peter and break up his symbiote. Peter grabs Herman by the throat and is about to drop him out a window while Herman pleads for his life stating that Osborn knows who Spider-Man is but won't tell anyone, just that he has something special planned for everyone involved and it involves somebody close to Spider-Man. Peter realizes that Schultz has already surrendered despite figuring out Peter's weakness. Peter lets Herman go and mentions that he's a lot of things but he's not a murderer.

Peter leaves and realizes that Conners is right. The symbiote is affecting him. More importantly, he has to stop Norman Osborn, he has to fix things up with Gwen and he has to convince Felecia that murder isn't the answer.

Episode 7: Peter meets with Felecia and lets her know that Schultz still lives and that they can't kill Tombstone. Peter rationalizes it to her that doing so will make her even more wanted than she already is and she'll wind up facing 25 to life instead of a few theft charges which may be plea bargained away if she atones. Felecia asks Peter what's gotten into him and says that he's not entirely sure himself but if their night together meant anything, then Felecia will know when to let go to save the one who Peter truly loves. Felecia gets angry that Peter isn't leaving Gwen for her but Peter insists that she help save Gwen. Felecia reluctantly agrees.

Peter then meets with Gwen and tells her everything. Not only that he's been seeing somebody else but that he's been bonded with an alien life form that's been causing him to act so strangely. That and he's Spider-Man. Once he tells her that Norman Osborn is completely insane and he's trying to kill her, Gwen comes clean about cheating on Peter with Osborn and says that she'll break it off with him but doubts that Osborn would actually do anything to hurt her. Peter demands that she call in sick to work just to be on the safe side and says that he encountered Shocker who informed her that Osborn is working with not just him but also Doc Ock and that it sounds Crazy but Gwen has to believe him.

Gwen Stacy then heads home and calls Osborn saying that she's come down with something and can't come to work. Osborn then replies that it's okay. Gwen checks the window and sees an armored figure outside. She asks who it is and he claims to be Iron Man. Her boyfriend just joined the avengers. Gwen says that Iron Man doesn't wear green and purple which causes the armored figure to open his helmet and reveal that he's Norman Osborn who's helped Doctor Octopus assemble a new Sinister Six. Norman kidnaps Gwen and brings her over to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Felecia sees Norman Osborn on the news with the new Sinister Six and part of her wants to see Gwen dead so she can have Peter all to herself but then realizes that if she really does love Peter, she'll sacrifice her love for him to see him happy with Gwen.

Peter and Felecia arrive at the bridge and do battle with the second incarnation of the Sinister Six. Peter meets with Felecia and they mutually agree that killing isn't the answer and that there's always a better way. After defeating Doc Ock, Shocker, Mach and Vulture, Peter and Felecia decide to split up so that Felecia can handle Spider-Slayer while Peter encounters Green Goblin. Once Norman sees that Alistair is defeated, he makes one last desperate effort to hurt Spider-Man by dangling Gwen in the air. Peter motions to Felecia to grab Gwen while Peter rushes Osborn. Norman drops Gwen off the bridge while Felecia tries to grab her but misses, so she pulls out of grappling hook but it doesn't reach Gwen in time. Felecia lets out a loud, "NNNNOOOOOOO!" before Gwen lands on incoming traffic and splatters on a car windshield. Peter finally does battle with Norman and breaks his faceplate before shoving one of Norman's missiles down his armor, killing him after Norman already surrendered.

Peter meets with Gwen who states her dying words of, "with all that's happened between us, I still love you and I always will." Felecia then confronts Peter over how he convinced her that there are always alternatives to murder and calls him a hypocrite. Peter replies that he just lost Gwen. Gwen then retorts that she lost a father to Tombstone. Peter then says admits that Felecia's right and that with all his power, he's failed in his responsibility but he still has one thing left to accomplish. One last deed. Felecia follows Peter across Manhattan as Peter web-slings, Gwen uses her grappling hook as they both wind up in a church's bell tower.

Peter tells Felecia to leave and that jumping is the only way to make things right. Felecia tells Peter that if anyone is to blame for Gwen's death, it's her and that she just wasn't fast enough but she's deeply sorry and if anyone deserves to die, it's her. Peter says that it's a good idea and Felecia is going to die with him. Felecia then remembers that Peter told her about being bonded with a symbiote and how Shocker's gauntlets hurt worse than usual, like his insides were being ripped out of him as well as the fight against the Sinister Six culminating in Peter telling Felecia to handle Shocker, watching Felecia get hit and then shrug it off while Peter got completely floored by the blast. Felecia then starts climbing the ropes connected to the bells to ring them while lecturing Peter on how part of responsibility is owning your mistakes and if Peter can't do that, then he should sacrifice his power, not himself. Peter tells her that she's wrong and that it's his responsibility to create a perfect world for himself and Norman Osborn ruined it before the symbiote rips itself from Peter and falls down onto Ed Brock who is praying for salvation after the previous events of this season where his girlfriend who he tried to help beat her addiction fell off the wagon and then started dealing so that they could make ends meet before she was arrested in a crack house by Spider-Man. How his career in journalism ended up a dead end and his gaffe fingering Spider-Man as a serial killer went viral. How his attempt at starting his own news website failed after the sin-eater case (a subplot from earlier in the season where a serial killer was targeting police and murdered both George Stacy and Jean DeWolffe before being foiled by Spider-Man with a cameo from Daredevil). Now with the symbiote bonded to him, he gains Peter's spider powers as well as his memories. More importantly, he gains the symbiote's enhanced aggression. He knows now that he has only to get revenge on the man who stole his career along with the love of his life. His prayers were answered.
Episode 8: Peter wakes up only to find not only Felecia Hardy but May Parker and Harry Osborn as well. According to the "official story" that Felecia gave. Norman Osborn killed Gwen Stacy in a jealous rage because she wouldn't leave Peter while Peter attempted suicide because he couldn't live without her. Spider-Man and Black Cat as far as the public knows were simply heroes trying to save the day. Peter is revealed to have been in a coma for a month and Doctor Conners along with other instructors have given Peter a lot of makeup homework. One page stands out from Professor Warren, it says, "I know" written in red letters.

Brock is trying to deal with the symbiote and detests that part of Peter will always be part of him and he can no longer tell which thoughts are his own, which are Peter's and which are the symbiote which has grown a full consciousness as an amalgamation of both Peter and Ed's dark sides. Moreover, Ed has to deal with severe panic attacks where he's overcome by an uncontrollable rage. He puts in calls to both Doc Samson and Doctor Ashley Kafka but both turn him down since he can't afford a psychiatrist, leaving him with no way to counter the symbiote's influence. Then he sees a Daily Bugle headline that says, "Daily Bugle Reporter Recovers From Suicide Attempt." Brock knows that Peter still lives and won't rest until he dies.

Felecia has now given up on crime altogether, while she still wants revenge on Tombstone, she's now vows to gain it by exposing his crimes to the world. She's currently living with Peter as his girlfriend instead of wandering homeless like she has for the past few years. She encounters a man trying to break into a building while out on patrol. Seeing him making the same mistakes she made, she tells him that he's above getting revenge on the company who fired him and that this Prowler should learn a lesson that somebody close to her taught her, with great power comes great responsibility.

Episode 9: Brock is now coming to terms with the different personas which are now acting in unison and calling themselves "Venom." Now with the Brock persona learning to utilize his newfound spider powers combined with training at a gym even before bonding with the symbiote, Venom is now becoming genuinely scary when not being clumsy and not reacting to their spider sense in time.

Naturally, Venom inherited part of Peter's heroic side and despite wanting vengeance, he vows to be the, "lethal protector of the innocent" and begins hunting down and killing dangerous criminals, albeit only to save other people's lives.

Peter on the other hand, tries to make amends with Doctor Conners along with May and Jameson to apologize for his past behavior, Conners didn't need any apology since he knew what the symbiote was doing to him, May loves Peter unconditionally while things get awkward with Jameson. May takes a good liking to Felecia and the two of them begin bonding. That doesn't stop Felecia from pilfering a few petty items from May like hairpins.

Out at the Raft, Hawkeye and Luke Cage are tasked by Agent Coulson to take whoever volunteers from the Sinister Six to team up with incarcerated members of The Hand and HYDRA for a new team of reformed criminals working to better society in exchange for clemency. Mach, Scorpion and Shocker volunteer.

Doctor Warren has found that the wolf/symbiote experiment was a success with him and wants to find a test subject with whom he can splice together the symbiote with cheetah DNA. A student of his named James Sanders volunteers and in injected with the new serum which should give him the speed and reflexes of a cheetah.

Meanwhile, with Norman Osborn dead and Adrien Toomes in prison, a thief named Rod Kingsley breaks into both Toomes' and Osborn's companies and steals technology belonging to the Sinister Six due to lax security. Opting to go with cloth over a thin layer of armor along with a rubber mask replacing any sort of helmet, he christens himself to be the Hobgoblin along with the wealth of Osborn and Toomes combined.

Harry Osborn is faced with the choice of dropping out of college to run Oscorp or taking the company public where a board of directors can appoint a CEO. He opts for the former since the money is just too good. He vows to get Oscorp out of the weapons business and buys out Toomes company as well. He notices that certain items and a whole lot of money have gone missing thanks to a strange cloaked figure on security cameras.

Episode 10: Venom is characterized by JJ Jameson over that the Daily Bugle as the hero whom the world deserves for his willingness to kill anyone who threatens to innocent. Peter disagrees. Jameson points out that Spider-Man killed Osborn. Peter says that maybe Spider-Man made a mistake that day after he saw an innocent person get killed.

Rod Kingsley is now the richest man in New York despite being highly secretive. His alter ego, Hobgolbin on the other hand, plans on attacking Kingpin to accumulate even more wealth. Once the break in at Fisk Tower is reported on the news, Spider-Man an Black Cat team up to stop Hobgoblin. While chasing him through the building, Hobgoblin encounters Tombstone. Felecia pushes Tombstone out of the way, saving the life of the man she completely hates. Spider-Man on the other hand, is accused of going soft by Hobgoblin. Peter replies that he simply rediscoverd himself. Spider-Man manages to defeat Hobgoblin while Felecia helps to evacuate the building. Hobgoblin still escapes but he missed his chance to rob Kingpin.

On the way out, Peter encounters James Sanders, now calling himself Speed Demon. The two battle with Spider-Man taking a nasty injury. Speed Demon then escapes.

Episode 11: Venom decides that now is the time to strike. The public prefers their more violent methods, they are three minds in one and have all the same powers. He shows up at Peter's place and leaves a message with May saying that he's an old co-worked who just dropped in to see Peter. May takes the letter from Brock and says she'll deliver it to Peter personally.

May asks Peter to read the letter. He's shocked to learn that Brock has bonded with the symbiote and is in too much shock to even talk to Felecia at first. Peter tells Felecia that Brock has every reason to hate him but he needs to be stopped since killing people who you could otherwise spare isn't the right way and if Peter could take back killing Norman Osborn, he would.

Harry settles in to the role of President and CEO of Oscorp before looking into the projects that he canceled. He finds that his father discovered that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and that Harry's close friend is the same man who also killed his father. Moreover, he finds that Norman's behavior towards the end of his life was due to his own experimentation on himself to cure his cancer. Harry deletes the records as he begins spiraling into despair.

While on the way back from Campus, riding the train back home, Peter is attacked by Venom. Venom severely beats Peter and leaves him for dead. Peter shows up at the door to his aunt's townhouse where May and Felecia both see Peter covered in blood and bruises and are shocked at the condition he's in.

Episode 12: Felecia has managed to find herself a real job thanks to Peter but still plans on being Black Cat by night. Peter on the other hand is trying ton convince Jameson that Venom is the real menace, citing that he was randomly attack by Venom as proof that they don't just prey on the guilty.

Meanwhile, Venom breaks their girlfriend out of prison. She's shocked to see that Ed has become something horrible, and is even sharing itself with other personalities, one of which is completely malicious. Venom is now wanted by the police for the jailbreak with the public asking for the real Spider-Man back and not this psychotic imposter. Peter stops Venom from killing a suspect in the middle of an armed robbery while also stopping the robber. Venom asks why he shows Mercy, Peter replies that it's because everyone deserves a chance at redemption and if he could change any one thing about his past, he would have spared Norman Osborn.

Peter manages to fight Venom to a stalemate but since one of Venom's personalities is Peter, he knows exactly how Peter fights. Venom escapes.

Peter gets a call from Flash Thompson who's on shore leave and mentions being switched over to a desk job in the military. Peter realizes why when he sees that Flash lost his legs due to a roadside bomb. Flash tells Peter that he wants to completely bury the hatchet and wonders what he can do to atone. Peter asks Flash how cam somebody fight an enemy on a perfectly equal ground with the same weapons. Flash says to simply use different weapons to keep the enemy off balance.

Finally, the episode ends when Venom captures Peter and demands that Peter suffer before dying.

Episode 13: Peter awakens in a dark cellar tied to a chair with vibranium chains that he can't break. Peter tells Venom that the reason he can't let go of revenge is because of the symbiote. That it's evil and it wants to make its hosts kill. It gives him great power, but it takes away his responsibility. Moreover, Brock may be wanted after being outed as Venom during his prison break but the only people he's killed were either in the process of killing somebody or just recently did kill someone. If Venom kills Spider-Man while tied to a chair, then Brock will be wanted on more than just jailbreak charges. Brock doesn't listen. That's when Felecia comes to the rescue. Despite being Spider-Man's equal and opposite, he doesn't know how Black Cat fights nearly as well which puts him at a disadvantage. Moreover, Black Cat actually defeated Spider-Man before. This gives Peter time to break free and defeat Venom who then begs for death. Peter refuses and spares Venom, demanding that he stand trial to take responsibility for his misuse of power. Felecia then gives Peter the sonic grenades that she looted from Oscorp to break the symbiote off Venom.

After the final battle, Peter and Felecia decide to break up because they both lead lives that are far too dangerous for them to be together. They both agree that they'll still remain best friends for life.

The Daily Bugle reports that Speed Demon was apprehended after being beaten up by The Prowler.

Miles Warren still got a sample of Peter's blood from Speed Demon before his arrest and cracks an evil smile.

Rod Kingsley sits in his office planning his next scheme.

Brock sits in a cell in Ravencroft Asylum. Doctor Kafka appears and Brock mentions that he tried to see her before and it's about time he got therapy. Doctor Kafka says that the voices he was hearing while wearing the symbiote were all in his head, that he's really just crazy and that it was just a very advanced suit. Brock disagrees and tells Cletus Cassady in the cell next to his to shut up. Cletus then says that Brock thought he was Spider-Man once so he's not the mot reliable narrator. That's when the symbiote finds its way to Brock from across the city. Now Venom is whole again. Doctor Kafka begs for Venom to spare her. Venom simply states that she's not the enemy. A piece of the symbiote however lands on Cassady. It begins to turn red and spread across his arm.

Season 3 would have Peter meet a movie star known as MJ Watson, get cloned by Miles Warren, Black Cat would mentor Prowler, Hobgoblin will become the post powerful supervillain in New York, Venom would redeem himself by fighting Carnage and Norman Osborn would be revealed to have survived Season 2 thanks to the serum he took.

Unless you're a screenwriter, don't dream a Spider-man TV show will happen the way you want it to.
MCU Spidey on Netflix is literally the greatest idea.

Spooderman is a TASM fanboy/MCU hater (didn't even know those existed) ignore him! I think you've got some awesome ideas. Would love to see a MCU Netflix Spider-Man. Netflix or a tv series in general is perfect for Spider-Man. as long as it has a big budget, it could really be something special
Keep Andrew Garfield and the cast and continue from this Franchise I don't want to see another reboot so soon
Spooderman is a TASM fanboy/MCU hater

Lol wut.

ignore him!

My point still stands. Unless Dashie is hired by Disney, they'll likely do a TV show differently than he does.

Keep Andrew Garfield and the cast and continue from this Franchise I don't want to see another reboot so soon

The MCU is in a different continuity than TASM. And even if the TV show wasn't in the MCU, the TASM films already screwed up the mythos of Spider-Man.
As the rights are never going to revert, I'll play along with this imaginary scenario.

1. Keep the origin story equal to or less than two minutes. We've already had two films details the origins; model the origin usage on that in Batman 89 (except for the villain and hero creating each other angle.)
2. Skip the Green Goblin for at least two films.
3. Minimize OsCorp's presence.
4. Have Peter cycle through a love interest for each film, before settling on MJ.
5. Avoid having Peter know each of the villains before their transformations.
6. Have him apply for the Avengers and be rejected.
7. Do not have him as a SHIELD employee.
8. Have him create a costume that looks like he made it on his own. None of the films have captured this aspect correctly.
Lol wut.

My point still stands. Unless Dashie is hired by Disney, they'll likely do a TV show differently than he does.

The MCU is in a different continuity than TASM. And even if the TV show wasn't in the MCU, the TASM films already screwed up the mythos of Spider-Man.

That came off kinda *****ey, my bad.

I just think the MCU is the perfect place for Spider-Man. I think Marvel Studios could churn out something as good as The Avengers, the material is there...
No origin. Show it in some brief flashbacks.
Introduce Kingpin as one of the films main villains
Lol wut.

My point still stands. Unless Dashie is hired by Disney, they'll likely do a TV show differently than he does.

The MCU is in a different continuity than TASM. And even if the TV show wasn't in the MCU, the TASM films already screwed up the mythos of Spider-Man.

It's not too late to still incorporate him in the mcu. I still say using the cranes from asm1 is a great way to say he is a part of the mcu.
How come this thread even exists?

This should be in that other thread that should have been locked as this doesn't need another new thread.
I am almost hesitated to post here, as I am not part of the "give the rights back to marvel" group...

I am posting strictly as a if/or when Marvel does get them

if/when they get the rights back, the best thing Marvel could do would be to sit on then for a while (I mean like 10 + years) give people a chance to miss Spider-man again, and want a to see a new take... if they reboot again as soon as they got the rights back, it would just seem repetitive (this is why I don't get the whole "give the rights back" thing)

with that said, what I was thinking of for a soft reboot would be to use, the Scarlet Spider, instead of retelling the origin and having to give a new take on his back story, let people take the origin from either of the previous movies, cartoons, comics (just, assume at this point even the GA knows his origin, you don't have to force feed them some different take on it) the Scarlet Spider story would explain his new look and different setting (kinda like the way they did TIH) I know probably not the best example lol but, still

Just start him out as an already established hero, but, he's on the run from his past, moved on to a new city took on a new look/new identify (you can skip the clone part of it)

once you've reestablished the character into the MCU, in the sequels they can work the character back to becoming Spider-man again
If the rights were to revert back to Marvel, I hope they don't treat the movie version of Spidey like they have been treating him in their animation dept.
If the rights were to revert back to Marvel, I hope they don't treat the movie version of Spidey like they have been treating him in their animation dept.

Just keep Jeph Loeb away from the movies and we're good.
As the rights are never going to revert, I'll play along with this imaginary scenario.


How come this thread even exists?

This should be in that other thread that should have been locked as this doesn't need another new thread.


If the rights were to revert back to Marvel, I hope they don't treat the movie version of Spidey like they have been treating him in their animation dept.

The Fantastic Four will probably revert before this does
I'd be up for a Netflex series.It's probably the best way to get the most out of the concept.It'd need a decent budget to pull off many of the villains,but Marvel is basically printing money now......
You know, in one way it could be a good thing Marvel don't have the rights to F4, Spider-Man, X-Men and Namor just yet. That way, whenever they're done with the other heroes, they might get back the rights just in time to get some huge licenses to keep the Marvel Universe going.

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