The Flash the flash season 3 episode 18 abra kadabra


Jan 30, 2015
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“Abra Kadabra” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

DC COMICS’ CHARACTER ABRA KADABRA VISITS CENTRAL CITY – The Flash (Grant Gustin) battles Abra Kadabra (guest star David Dastmalchian), a villain from Earth-19, who makes him a tempting offer – release him and Abra Kadara will reveal Savitar’s true identity. Desperate to save Iris (Candice Patton), Barry considers taking the deal but Gypsy (guest star Jessica Camacho) breaches in to capture the villain for her own reasons and during the melee, Abra Kadabra manages to escape. Barry is furious that Gypsy interfered but Gypsy refuses to back down, forcing Cisco (Carlos Valdes) to take sides. Meanwhile, Julian (Tom Felton) is still a bit cold towards Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) but when she is severely injured in a battle with Gypsy, he rushes to her side. Nina Lopez-Corrado directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Brooke Roberts & David Kob (#318). Original airdate 3/28/2017.
This episode description is very detailed, whereas Arrow's is basically "Prometheus does bad things to Oliver; Felicity does more stuff with Helix."
The episode description actually gives me some hope that Kadabra might be getting set up for season 4 rather than being wasted as just another villain of the week, hope that ends up being the case because Kadabra is definitely big bad material.
Dasmaltchain is all over comic book properties. Dude's been in TDK, Ant-man, and now Flash. Good for him.
I don't know who Abra Kadabra is. I was thinking Zantanna would show up in an episode with this name.
Could Abra Kadabra be the Flash equivalent of Mxyzptlk?

I'm thinking these two should team-up for the next Flash/ Supergirl crossover.
Could Abra Kadabra be the Flash equivalent of Mxyzptlk?

I'm thinking these two should team-up for the next Flash/ Supergirl crossover.

If he's being hunted by Gypsy, he's clearly no 5D imp. *ahem*

It also suggests he is *waaay* nerfed from his comic book status, which makes me sad.
If he's being hunted by Gypsy, he's clearly no 5D imp. *ahem*

It also suggests he is *waaay* nerfed from his comic book status, which makes me sad.

Well, they didn't mention anything about Gypsy being at all successful trying to capture Kadabra.
Even if Abra becomes a recurring villain in the manner that Cold was for the first two seasons, given the actor selected for the role, he doesn't scream main villain material to me.
If only Barry had at least asked the Speed Force about Savitar.
The team finally pays attention to Caitlin it seems when she gets hurt. The portrayal will probably be like Mirror Master.
David Dastmalchian is everywhere in the world of DC properties, film and TV.
They act as if they cant just put the necklace back on and go back to being a happy family.

I like Killer Frost but this whole "cant go all ice or else I go bad" is a bit tiresome at this point.
Abra Kadabra was one of the better villains of the week. Also, they must've had a huge budget for this week's episode...the effects looked great.

The shot of Flash running through the cards!
Anyone get a picture of the new flash suit from the scenes from next week?
Loved Barry's new suit.

I guess in a way, Caitlin died and is replaced by her evil Earth-2 counterpart Killer Frost. A prophecy is fulfilled.
Loved Barry's new suit.

I guess in a way, Caitlin died and is replaced by her evil Earth-2 counterpart Killer Frost. A prophecy is fulfilled.

You could view it as Caitlin fulfilling the entire prophecy, betrayal, falling, and suffering a fate worse than death.
Why the hell didn't they put the necklace on IMMEDIATELY after he saw her wound heal?!
Damn it Julian!
If Caitlin is full-on Killer Frost, could this mean she may not return to season 4 as a series regular?
Liked Kadabra, really hope that we see him more after this, they certainly implied that we'd see him again.
If Caitlin is full-on Killer Frost, could this mean she may not return to season 4 as a series regular?
they'll just do the same thing they did with H.R. and replace her with a Caitlin from another earth lol

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