MCU Fight: Black Panther Vs. Captain America


God of Thunder
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
We will be doing VS. battles for the MCU every week and will be using the Winners and Losers to create an accurate power tier list created by some of it's biggest fans (you). So don't forget to VOTE and after voting for a Winner please include a comment on which power tier, both the Winner and Loser should reside within. Also, see below for more details on the characters abilities as well as for a list of available power tiers to choose from.

Don't forget to put which Tier group you think Black Panther and Captain America belong to in your posts. :up:

So, without further delay here is this week's match up.

Black Panther Vs Captain America



Black Panther

Enhanced Strength: After having consumed the Heart-Shaped Herb, T'Challa's strength is tremendously enhanced beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition. He could fight Winter Soldier on equal grounds, despite the latter's own strength and fighting ability, able to send him flying through the air with his attacks, and even dueled Captain America on equal grounds. Furthermore, he was able to swiftly tackle down a charging rhino and destroy a Wakandan plane using a Vibranium spear.

Enhanced Speed: T'Challa can run and move at speeds beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition. He was able to reach the second floor of the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building using his acrobatics before Bucky could walk up a set of stairs. He is fast enough to easily outrun moving vehicles and match the running pace of Captain America and Winter Soldier respectively.

Enhanced Stamina: T'Challa's musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. T'Challa's body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. He was able to intensely pursue the Winter Soldier on foot without any signs of fatigue.

Enhanced Durability: T'Challa is much more durable than a normal human being. Even when not wearing his Panther Habit, he can survive blunt force trauma such as being hit with the Winter Soldier's bionic arm and surviving the explosion at the Vienna International Centre with minor injuries, despite being right next to the blast's epicenter. While wearing the Habit, T'Challa's durability is increased further thanks to its Vibranium composition, which allowed him to withstand bullets and explosions while being completely unfazed.

Regenerative Healing Factor: T'Challa's fast healing capabilities allow him to have a conditioned metabolism that enables an extraordinarily efficient recovery. After having consumed the Heart-Shaped Herb, T'Challa has suffered blunt force, cuts, and bruises due to fighting for the Black Panther monarch. Afterwards, T'Challa recovered from many of the damages he endured and were healed in a matter of hours. This even enables him to fully recover from being at the brink of death in mere hours.

Master Martial Artist: T'Challa is an extremely skilled martial artist, having been trained vigorously to become the greatest warrior and protector of Wakanda, the Black Panther. His unique Wakandan fighting style is very acrobatic and heavily attack-oriented, primarily utilizing powerful sweeping kicks, aerial takedowns, and slashing attacks with hooked and clawed fists, reminiscent of the manner in which a panther strikes. His attacks are fluid and swift, allowing him to transition from attack to defense rapidly. Black Panther's techniques combine African oriented martial arts such as Engolo, Moraingy, Musangwe, Dambe and Capoeira. T'Challa skills have allowed him to compete with the Winter Soldier even without his suit.

Panther Habit: As the Black Panther, T'Challa received an updated version more advanced than the traditional Habit, capable of absorbing and manipulating energy for various purposes. The updated version also completely negate the need for special storage and facilitate extreme ease of wearing, as the entire suit is stored within his necklace, be activated with a mental command.

Captain America

Enhanced Strength: Rogers' strength is immensely enhanced beyond the peak of human potential. His immense strength allows him to physically overpower combatants, including elite-trained humans, extraterrestrial troops, and robot sentries. He can effortlessly bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, his strength allows for him to send enemies flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. However, his strength is no match against the likes of Hulk and beings from other realms, such as Loki and Thor, who possesses god-like strength, even when he was able to briefly hold Loki at bay when the latter only trying to get him to submit. Likely his most impressive display of strength to date, he stopped a helicopter piloted by Winter Soldier from lifting off by pulling on its landing gear.

Enhanced Durability: Steve's bones and muscles are vastly denser and harder than a human's, above the highest level of human potential, which makes him much incredibly more durable than any human being. Though he is not bulletproof, he can survive extreme blunt force trauma such as being hit with solid objects like his own shield, or contact with superhuman opponents like Loki, the Winter Soldier, and the Red Skull. With his vibranium shield, he is capable of surviving falls from immense heights that would absolutely kill a human.

Enhanced Speed: He can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time. Sam Wilson stated that Steve ran over 13 miles in less than 30 minutes, during their first encounter. Even while completely unmatched, Steve was quick enough to surprise Quicksilver and knock him out with his shield. However, Winter Soldier and Black Panther are able to rival his speed, with both of them capable of outrunning him in a chase due to their head start, forcing him to resort to hijacking a car to catch up.

Enhanced Stamina: Steve's musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human and his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. He can function in peak capacity for several hours before showing fatigue.

Enhanced Reflexes: Steve's reflexes are superior to those of the finest athlete. They are beyond the peak of human potential, which allows him to dodge rapid gunfire in close range. Rogers was once able to evade a gatling gun's gunfire from a Quinjet as he was accelerating towards the airship on his motorcycle. His auto-reflexes allow him to easily dodge gunfire and respond quickly to fast pace combat. Soldiers are subdued by Captain America before they can even align their weapons on him.

Enhanced Senses: Steve's five natural senses have been enhanced. He can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste things imperceptible to humans. This allows him to see further, hear with amazing clarity, detect specific persons, objects, substances with his smell, etc. He was able to notice little things such as sweat coming to a man face to cue him off on danger[2]. He has also spotted a HYDRA soldier high up in a tree completely hidden when platoons of soldiers had no idea[1]. His instincts may also be enhanced.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The super-soldier serum caused Steve Rogers' physiology possesses accelerated healing and regeneration. He is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Rogers cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. This annoys him as he can't get drunk like his friends. However, it would appear that Asgardian liquor might work on him, as Thor shared some from a flask during an party with the Avengers. For Rogers, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within an hour or less.

Master Martial Artist: He has an extensive knowledge of melee combat. He also displayed a variety of martial arts in his fighting style. Rogers' combat style composed of a mixture of American Boxing, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Taekwondo and Aikido. In addition, Rogers also showed refined fighting techniques, applying characteristics of Muay Thai, Karate, Savate, and Wing Chun. Captain America's combat skills are considered legendary, making him one of the greatest fighters in the world. Even in World War II, when still inexperienced, Captain America already proved to be a great fighter, having used his knowledge of combat, his enhanced attributes, and indestructible shield to defeat hundreds of Nazi soldiers and even the Red Skull himself.

*****Below is the list of power tiers to choose from. Please select a power tier for each character doing battle (the characters below in Red are not in any particular order). Be aware both characters can share the same power tier*****

The character's current statuses below are as follows


*****NOTE: Characters that are OFFICIAL will always be Placed above characters that are UNOFFICIAL.*****

Cosmic Tier (cosmic/interdimension level power/presence on a planetary scale, at the minimum)


Eson The Searcher with Infinity Stone

Surtur Prime

Ego The Living Planet


Doctor Strange (w/ time gem)

Transcendent Tier (City to planetary level power & Cosmic/interdimensional level influence on a local scale)]


Ronan with the Power Stone

Ultron Prime (Vibranium)




Powerhouse Tier (Beyond top tier, power/interdimensional power on a block to city Level)



Ghost Rider

Hulk Buster Iron Man


Doctor Strange

Malekith (W/ reality gem)

Ancient One


The Destroyer Armor

Giant Man


Top Tier (Street to block level)

Aldrich Killian



Iron Man


Iron Monger

Scarlet Witch


War Machine








Korath The Pursuer







Pepper Potts with Extremis




Baron Mordo

Master Wong

Superhuman Tier (Street Level)

Black Panther

Captain America



Winter Soldier


Red Skull





Iron Fist

Luke Cage

Jessica Jones

Eric Savin (Extremis Soldier)

Ellen Brandt (Extremis Soldier)

Emil Blonsky (Super Soldier)

Madame Gao

Mr. Hyde





The Patriot

Carl Creed the Absorbing Man




Ant Man

Yellow Jacket

Street Tier (non super human, agent level)


Black Widow




Coleen Wing

Batroc the Leaper

Rocket Racoon






Peggy Carter

Sharon Carter Agent 13

Dum Dum Dugan

Mocking Bird

Maria Hill

Misty Knight

The Punisher

Nick Fury

Phil Coulson

*****As I mentioned earlier, as fights occur an official tier list will be created and updated by me and that can be viewed here.*****

So enjoy and we are looking forward to the results. Spread the word.
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As good as BP is Cap is a lot more skilled and stronger. Cap wins this with or without the shield with relative ease.
Cap wins, but thats because MCU Cap has superb plot armor. He'll barely win... but he will win.
If both were in civilian clothes it would be an awesome fight. Suited up BP wins. Skill wise, strength wise, speed wise and agility wise they are pretty much on par to varying degrees. Both are incredibly smart and resourceful. The suit gives T'Challa the advantage overall.

BP wins this.
it annoyed me greatly that cap had the upperhand against black panther in cap3.
If both were in civilian clothes it would be an awesome fight. Suited up BP wins. Skill wise, strength wise, speed wise and agility wise they are pretty much on par to varying degrees. Both are incredibly smart and resourceful. The suit gives T'Challa the advantage overall.

BP wins this.

I agree with this, entirely.

it annoyed me greatly that cap had the upperhand against black panther in cap3.

I don't know if he had the upper hand, but it was his movie despite it being Avengers 2.5. Marvel works hard though to balance out characters when they are fighting even when they don't belong in the same league, just like with the Iron Man vs. Thor fight. They just always play with the idea of because of these circumstances, so and so is able to take on so and so. Or sometimes when the characters are close enough in power, they just play with their power levels a little to make it more entertaining. It's the same as the comics. Nothing new.

Black Panther, but it would be an extremely close fight!
I don't know if he had the upper hand, but it was his movie despite it being Avengers 2.5. Marvel works hard though to balance out characters when they are fighting even when they don't belong in the same league, just like with the Iron Man vs. Thor fight. They just always play with the idea of because of these circumstances, so and so is able to take on so and so. Or sometimes when the characters are close enough in power, they just play with their power levels a little to make it more entertaining. It's the same as the comics. Nothing new.

He had the upper hand the way I saw it. Thor had the upper hand when fighting Iron Man.
Pretty much a standstill the way I saw it. But it showed that Cap needed his shield to handle BP's attacks. It was being used for defense more then offense.

Plus they aren't going to show him up in his own film.
Pretty much a standstill the way I saw it. But it showed that Cap needed his shield to handle BP's attacks. It was being used for defense more then offense.

Plus they aren't going to show him up in his own film.

I see it like that too. I think they both made contact with each other once. A kick each.
Pretty much a standstill the way I saw it. But it showed that Cap needed his shield to handle BP's attacks. It was being used for defense more then offense.

Plus they aren't going to show him up in his own film.

he inherited a whole cheat sheet then by having the civil war as "his own film" as it's really a massive crossover story involving two teams led by cap and iron man respectively

edit: and besides that there were already characters that were stronger than him, like spiderman, so why not black panther too?

then there's this scene which was cut from the movie

I voted Black Panther without a second thought, although their strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, and etc are all fairly even.

But Black Panther's claws, suit, and overall weaponry gives him the edge. Not to mention he's one of the most intelligent characters in the entire Marvel Universe.
Cap. Not sure about BPs strength feats but Cap can go from riding a motorbike to hurling it, and can kick a truck and knock someone over with it, and hold a helicopter down.

No shield or suit, it's Cap. With the suit BP has an advantage, but how much? We saw that even with the suit he can be knocked down. How much energy can the suit absorb ? Can a vibranium weave suit be penetrated by the pure vibranium edge of Cap's shield ? Who knows ?

With his previous BP suit, definitely Cap, with the new BP suit I'll say Cap but only just - and probably due to plot armour.
I voted for Cap accidentally. Black Panther should win. Even without the suits, they're very evenly matched (Panther has his own superstrength, if he hasn't yet been showing doing something flashy like holding down a helicopter) - and comics wise, the Panther has a history of beatin Cap. Add in that new suit in the movie and he goes up significantly in power, so Cap doesn't stand a chance at that point.
Black Panther did take down an armored super sized rhino, I'm not sure why people aren't bringing that up.

Add in the new kinetic energy storing suit and I honestly don't see how Cap could win.
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With the suit, T'Challa wins hands down. Without the suit, it would be close, but I still think T'Challa would just about have it; even without his suit, he's still enhanced.
Similar to Cap, Killmonger was government trained and gave T'Challa all he could handle. I think this is a very close fight, but Cap wins in the end.
Think if we only had the Civil War BP suit to go by it could be close.

However after the upgrade his suit gets in his solo movie I think BP takes this hands down. All plot armour aside lol I just can't see Cap getting past his new suit and the new energy obsorbing feature will allow BP to direct anything other than the shield right back at him I assume.
Can someone explain to me how Captain America could hurt T'Challa in his new Black Panther suit? Is he going to cut him like Killmonger did in the waterfall fight? Is he going to hit him so hard it can't be absorbed?

The problem Cap has here is that he is fighting someone evenly matched and what his primary weapon is made of, the other guy's entire suit is made of, with upgraded gadgets on top. The fact that T'Challa channels and redirects the only thing Cap can do, no matter where Cap hits in him on his body? This fight starts to look like a beatdown. Compare T'Challa's fall into the mine with Cap's fall from the elevator. I love love love Cap, but whenever I say "and Cap finishes off T'Challa by..." I come up blank.

Anyone able to fill in that blank? If not, vote T'Challa.

Outside of their suits, its anyone's game though.
T'Challa easily takes Cap with his new suit. Black Panther wins
They seemed pretty evenly matched in CW, but after his suit upgrade in BP I think T’Challa takes this, just.
Really hard to pick. Russo’s did an amazing job showing how dangerous Cap is but I’m thinking the suit gives BP the advantage.

I’ll say Panther because with his new suit I think he could take every hit from Cap and just send it right back at him. Only way he’d lose is a chokehold.
Without the suit, Rogers and T'Challa might fight to a standstill, but after the upgrade suit BP can defeat Cap since his suit would negate Cap's shield, and if T'Challa can figure out how to get his shield out of the equation (not hard to do), he can end the fight easily because Cap's physical attack will be rendered useless against BP's Vibranium suit. T'Challa wins.

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