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Top 5 MCU Films

1. Iron Man
2. Infinity War
3. The Winter Soldier
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. The Avengers

It kills me not to have Homecoming, Civil War, and Ragnarok on this list.
1. The Winter Soldier
2. Civil War
3. The Avengers
4. Infinity War
5. Age of Ultron
1. Thor Ragnarok
2. Infinity War
3. Avengers
5. Captain America: TWS
1. Captain America: Civil War
2. Iron Man
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4. Spider-Man: Homecoming
5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Avengers just barely missed the cut. I find it less rewatchable overall.
1 IW
2 Cap WS
3. Cap CW
4. BP
5 Avengers
1. Avengers: Infinity War
2. Captain America: Civil War
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4. Iron Man
5. Avengers
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Winter Soldier is so overrated not saying that it is a bad film it is a great sequel but are you gonna tell me that WS is better than Civil War? Homecoming? Ragnarok? Or even Infinity War?
No way it is better than Ragnarok, Black Panther or even Infinity War no way in hell it may be better than Civil War and Homecoming may be but nowhere near the level of Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther or even Infinity War
Just cause it's not your cup of tea, doesn't mean that it's not regarded by a lot of fans, critics, writers as one of the best CBM not just in the MCU but in the genre. Hate using these but...

IMDB Scores

The Winter Soldier - 7.8
Civil War - 7.8
Spider-Man: Homecoming - 7.5
Black Panther - 7.7
Thor: Ragnarok - 7.9

Metacritic Audience Scores

The Winter Soldier - 8.5
Civil War - 8.2
Spider-Man: Homecoming - 7.7
Black Panther - 6.8
Thor: Ragnarok - 7.7

RT: Audience Scores

The Winter Soldier - 4.3/5
Civil War - 4.3/5
Spider-Man: Homecoming - 4.2/5
Black Panther - 4.1/5
Thor: Ragnarok - 4.2/5

I didn't include Infinity War as their scores are high now because of their release. But even if IW is "better", TWS has been out for 4 years now and it's ratings has still maintained.
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TWS is one of my favorite CBMs. I would currently do my top 5 MCU as:

The Avengers
Avengers: Infinity War (though this could move up or down depending on Avengers 4)
Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Thor: Ragnarok

But that said, I do think TWS is better in some regards than IW. IW is a great movie for us, but I do wonder if someone who has never seen any prior MCU films could appreciate IW or be loyal to the characters. The film has tons of heroes, but few with arcs and I can see being overwhelmed by the plot and not understanding what is going on very easily if you were not already a fan. Conversely, TWS stands as its own piece of art. You can watch it without having seen any other MCU film, and you will get it. They explain things from past movies enough so you get them. IW relies heavily on you already being familiar. Not necessarily a problem as hey, we're all mostly fans here. But that could be a problem to someone else.
1. Black Panther
2.Captain America Winter Solider
3. Avengers Infinity War
4. Avengers
5. Spiderman Homecoming
No way it is better than Ragnarok, Black Panther or even Infinity War no way in hell it may be better than Civil War and Homecoming may be but nowhere near the level of Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther or even Infinity War

TWS is one of my favorite CBMs. I would currently do my top 5 MCU as:

But that said, I do think TWS is better in some regards than IW. I

Just look at this thread (Not you SF), like 95% of the people posting has TWS in the Top 5. :huh:
Winter Soldier is so overrated not saying that it is a bad film it is a great sequel but are you gonna tell me that WS is better than Civil War? Homecoming? Ragnarok? Or even Infinity War?

Agree. Although I do think it's better than Homecoming.
1. Infinity War
2. Civil War
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Dr. Strange
5. Avengers or Homecoming; it depends on my mood.
(The Winter Soldier almost entered the top5)
(Ragnarok used to be in the top5, but I find it to be less and less rewatchable. Too many jokes and a lot of them fail.
(In no particular order...)

Iron Man

Captain America: Civil War

Thor: Ragnarok

Black Panther

Avengers: Infinity War
1. Avengers
2. Iron Man 1/ Winter Soldier

3. Civil War
4. Infinity War
But that said, I do think TWS is better in some regards than IW. IW is a great movie for us, but I do wonder if someone who has never seen any prior MCU films could appreciate IW or be loyal to the characters. The film has tons of heroes, but few with arcs and I can see being overwhelmed by the plot and not understanding what is going on very easily if you were not already a fan. Conversely, TWS stands as its own piece of art. You can watch it without having seen any other MCU film, and you will get it. They explain things from past movies enough so you get them. IW relies heavily on you already being familiar. Not necessarily a problem as hey, we're all mostly fans here. But that could be a problem to someone else.

IFW pays off on a lot of items but I think you're right. To fully understand it you need some of the history. It might be a film to get someone hooked on the MCU, but it also sort of forces you to watch a few of the previous films like GOTG2, or CW, or Ragnarok to catch up.

Movies like TWS though you could come in not knowing much of anything and see a solid stand alone film with no history really required.
1. The Avengers
2. Winter Soldier
3. IW
4. Iron man
5. Black Panther

I still maintain The Avengers is the best. It has the original avengers (my favourite members) all working together and battling in a real tangible city. As good as IW is, I dont get the same feeling with the battle on Titan. For one, Titan isnt really shown properly and just feels like a CGI background compared to the 3 dimensional, immersive NYC. And secondly the Avengers are scatteted. Ironman and Cap dont even talk, never mind being on the same planet. Hulk never emerges. And Thor only really shows up for 2 minutes in battle. No Hawkeye too, which isnt a big deal but still. I like Dr Strange and Spidey etc but I wanted to see the original founding team kick ass. I suspect well get a lot of that in A4.
I can name only 3.

The Avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

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