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Stand-Alone Movies Next wave of SW film announcements

How is Solo a "fanservice"? They used a few elements of Han's history previously mentioned on screen or in his back story but I don't see how it was pandering to fans.

Also, they've only made four movies - it isn't like Lucasfilm is clogging up the cinemas with films.

A movie a year isn't that much.

Solo was complete fanservice. How Han Solo got his blaster. How Han Solo got his ship. The Kessel Run. Meeting Chewbacca. Meeting Lando. Han shot first. Darth Maul. Darth Maul pointlessly activating his lightsaber with Duel of the Fates. Bossk and Aurra Sing references. Explaining why the Falcon has a peculiar dialect. The list goes on...

I literally don't think you can go ten minutes in this movie without a reference to something.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these references are bad. Personally, I think the fanservice in Solo was less intrusive and obnoxious than the fanservice in TFA, I just think Solo had more. I'm just saying that I'd enjoy and appreciate it more if they didn't make four fanservice-filled movies in a row.


I never said Lucasfilm is clogging up the cinema with movies. I actually said earlier that I'd be open to more than one movie a year if they can make it feel substantial.

As of now Marvel makes three movies a year. The difference is that the Marvel movies all tie into an ongoing storyline. Even Ant-Man 2 is being advertised as trying into Infinity War. There are people who dismiss some of the individual Marvel character films as "pointless", but most of them actually have weight in the overall storyline. You can't remove any of the recent standalone movies without the overall story being affected.

How does Solo factor into the ongoing stoyline besides trivial stuff like "see how Han got his blaster"? I actually really like Rogue One, but I'll be the first to admit that it's pretty pointless in the overall story. They had one reference to hyperpace tracking in the movie. They need to start adding more stuff like that, but stuff that holds more weight in the story. You could remove two out of the four new Star Wars movies, and it wouldn't matter at all.

I'd LOVE to have multiple Star Wars movies a year if they all tied into an overall story and supported it. I'm not saying they can't do movies that are completely separate, but there should be some kind of substantial story going on here. There's no cinematic universe happening beyond surface-level connections.
Its quite clear disney has no idea what there doing with star wars anymore given the last 2 movies and future announcements. Star wars is not marvel and you cant build some 10 year story using main episodes and solo films.
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A Mos Eisley Spaceport film?! Really? If this is true, cancelling it was a smart move. If people rejected Solo, they'd definitely reject this.

What would it even be about? The Mos Eisley Spaceport served it's purpose in ANH...to get the characters off Tatooine. I don't think a movie confined to that single location would go over very well.

Shell Gas Station: The Movie

I'm not going to say that movie couldn't be good, but yeah, it's not too compelling of an idea on the surface.

Good. A nice, positive rumour to balance things. :yay:


A Mos Eisley Spaceport film?! Really? If this is true, cancelling it was a smart move. If people rejected Solo, they'd definitely reject this.

What would it even be about? The Mos Eisley Spaceport served it's purpose in ANH...to get the characters off Tatooine. I don't think a movie confined to that single location would go over very well.

Shell Gas Station: The Movie

I can't see how it would work as a movie, but it would be a decent idea for a mini-series or TV show.
It's a shame about a lot of these cinematic universes failing because they have a lot of potential, but they keep on sucking. Especially Star Wars
Yeah, but with SW, I find it to be the worst situation, by far. Things like DCEU, Universal Monsters, Ghostbusters, etc isn't that big of a deal in the long run. Sure, it's bad in the short term, but overall, those movies can be rebooted(DC characters especially), so while it sucks to see movies fail, in the long term, reboots fix it. But with SW, this is canon. You can't change it. This is it, from here on out. So if these movies fail, well, that's your SW stories. Can't change it now.
Solo was complete fanservice. How Han Solo got his blaster. How Han Solo got his ship. The Kessel Run. Meeting Chewbacca. Meeting Lando. Han shot first. Darth Maul. Darth Maul pointlessly activating his lightsaber with Duel of the Fates. Bossk and Aurra Sing references. Explaining why the Falcon has a peculiar dialect. The list goes on...

I literally don't think you can go ten minutes in this movie without a reference to something.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these references are bad. Personally, I think the fanservice in Solo was less intrusive and obnoxious than the fanservice in TFA, I just think Solo had more. I'm just saying that I'd enjoy and appreciate it more if they didn't make four fanservice-filled movies in a row.

Were these things were shoehorned into a story they didn't fit?

You can't have a Han Solo movie without Chewbacca or the Millennium Falcon. It has been established he got the ship from Lando. Therefore all these things had to happen.

Sure the coaxium heist could have happened someplace other than Kessel but why wait until some possible future movie to start giving Han Solo his reputation?

Why not use the names of known Star Wars characters? Rattling of new names for characters that might never exist doesn't mean anything.

How many fans gave any thought before this movie to the Falcon's dialect in TESB?

Darth Maul's presence services a bigger story beyond this film. Maybe they used the lightsaber to let people who didn't know the character that he was she kind of Jedi or for people who might be wondering that this is indeed that guy from the Prequels.

Sure, there is a lot of stuff in there but none of it is forced or gets in the way of a story.

You think TLJ is a "fan service movie"? I thought most of the complaints were because it was the opposite - not "bad about this", no Wilem scream, barely any Easter eggs, etc

I never said Lucasfilm is clogging up the cinema with movies. I actually said earlier that I'd be open to more than one movie a year if they can make it feel substantial.

As of now Marvel makes three movies a year. The difference is that the Marvel movies all tie into an ongoing storyline. Even Ant-Man 2 is being advertised as trying into Infinity War. There are people who dismiss some of the individual Marvel character films as "pointless", but most of them actually have weight in the overall storyline. You can't remove any of the recent standalone movies without the overall story being affected.

How does Solo factor into the ongoing stoyline besides trivial stuff like "see how Han got his blaster"? I actually really like Rogue One, but I'll be the first to admit that it's pretty pointless in the overall story. They had one reference to hyperpace tracking in the movie. They need to start adding more stuff like that, but stuff that holds more weight in the story. You could remove two out of the four new Star Wars movies, and it wouldn't matter at all.

I'd LOVE to have multiple Star Wars movies a year if they all tied into an overall story and supported it. I'm not saying they can't do movies that are completely separate, but there should be some kind of substantial story going on here. There's no cinematic universe happening beyond surface-level connections.

I didn't say you said they wee clogging the cinemas ;) I was responding to your comment about mixing brand new stories "fan service" films (which I took to be Rogue One, Solo & TFA) with brand new stuff - "And there's no reason why they can't do stories about new stuff and also do movies about familiar characters. I think I'd be more open to fanservice-y movies like Solo if they spaced them out and made them more sparingly."

Just because Star Wars is a "shared universe" doesn't mean there has to be an "overall story" or that all the movies have to tie together. That is too limiting for the GFFA - makes the world too small. It works for Marvel because the majority of the characters are on the same planet and exist in the same time. Solo can't be influenced by Rogue One or vice versa - some minor characters appear in both and the shadow of the Empire stretches across both. That is more than enough connectivity.
Its quite clear disney has no idea what there doing with star wars anymore given the last 2 movies and future announcements. Star wars is not marvel and you cant build some 10 year story using main episodes and solo films.

In what way are the last two movies indications that Disney don't know what they are doing?

And in what way are future announcements (announcements which have not yet actually taken place:huh:) indications of the same?

Actually, yes, Lucasfilm could "build some 10 year story" with both Saga and Story movies. I don't think they should, but they could.
I think the word "fanservice" has gotten a bit twisted by people. Fanservice doesn't mean awkward or forced, it just means something intended to please the fans. It can be handled well or handled poorly. I actually feel like Solo's fanservice worked fairly well for the most part, but it's still fanservice.

I wouldn't say those things had to happen in Solo. They could have written a story that takes place entirely before Han had the Falcon and met Chewie. Not necessarily saying this would be better or worse, but it would be possible.

I'm in agreement with you that not everything needs to be connected. But the way they're handling things now isn't much better. All of those name drops like Bossk and Darth Maul appearing already makes the universe feel smaller and more connected.

I'm not necessarily proposing an "Avengers-style" Star Wars movie in which everyone teams up to fight an ultimate villain. I just think they could be doing a bit more with these spin-offs. If they planned them out placed the references in smart places, they could build an overall story that doesn't make the universe feel too small.
I think the word "fanservice" has gotten a bit twisted by people. Fanservice doesn't mean awkward or forced, it just means something intended to please the fans. It can be handled well or handled poorly. I actually feel like Solo's fanservice worked fairly well for the most part, but it's still fanservice.

Then, by that definition any Star Wars project is fan service. :cwink:

I wouldn't say those things had to happen in Solo. They could have written a story that takes place entirely before Han had the Falcon and met Chewie. Not necessarily saying this would be better or worse, but it would be possible.

Well, you took me too literally there. Yes, you could make a film about Han Solo before Chewie and the Falcon. I'll rephrase that to "what would be the point of a Han Solo movie without Chewie and the Falcon?"

I'm in agreement with you that not everything needs to be connected. But the way they're handling things now isn't much better. All of those name drops like Bossk and Darth Maul appearing already makes the universe feel smaller and more connected.

What exactly do you "the way they are handling things now"? As opposed to when?

Three minor Star Wars characters were mentioned by name in Solo (a film that featured a large collection of brand characters) because both scenes required the characters being named to have a reputation in-universe. There would be absolutely no point to making up brand new names for characters who would probably never exist because these would mean nothing to any member of the audience. Now, if Bossk, IG-88, Lobot, etc. were to appear on screen in the background - that would be something different that would make the GFFA small.

You want (I think) there to be some connective tissue to the larger GFFA and that is what Maul is for - to show
Palpatine controls both the Empire and the Underworld and I'd imagine this would be explored further in other projects.

I'm not necessarily proposing an "Avengers-style" Star Wars movie in which everyone teams up to fight an ultimate villain. I just think they could be doing a bit more with these spin-offs. If they planned them out placed the references in smart places, they could build an overall story that doesn't make the universe feel too small.

There are a lot of story possibilities in different eras. If Lucasfilm tried MCU type approach with Rey, Phasma, Black Squadron, etc. spin offs leading to the next Saga chapter then all the other era would be neglected. I much prefer the ideas of separate, mostly* unconnected stories within the GFFA.

* There can be other films or shows set in the criminal underworld - bounty hunters, etc. - unrelated to Solo but those other characters can feature in a Han Solo 2 movie, etc.
In what way are the last two movies indications that Disney don't know what they are doing?

And in what way are future announcements (announcements which have not yet actually taken place:huh:) indications of the same?

Actually, yes, Lucasfilm could "build some 10 year story" with both Saga and Story movies. I don't think they should, but they could.

Il clarify my statement, the past 2 films have recieved overall mixed reviews and divisely recieved as a whole by the fanbase and now were at the point four movies in that we have the lowest grossing star wars movie to date. Now we have wjat appears dis ey scrambling alah warner bros with dc to fogure what there doing and where there going. The main trilogy right now has devolved into young jedi once agan has to help the rebellion fight an Ahole sith trying to destroy the galaxy and garunteed in episode 9 kylo will have a super weapon of some kind.

On fiture announcements we know boba fett and obiwan were being worked on as well John favreaus project. It just throwing crap out and seeing what the masses respond too.

Star wars really should have ended with return of the jedi because including the prequels you just cant develop beyond the same crap we keep seeing over and over hence the star wars universe being terribly limited.
I think the word "fanservice" has gotten a bit twisted by people. Fanservice doesn't mean awkward or forced, it just means something intended to please the fans. It can be handled well or handled poorly. I actually feel like Solo's fanservice worked fairly well for the most part, but it's still fanservice.

I wouldn't say those things had to happen in Solo. They could have written a story that takes place entirely before Han had the Falcon and met Chewie. Not necessarily saying this would be better or worse, but it would be possible.

I'm in agreement with you that not everything needs to be connected. But the way they're handling things now isn't much better. All of those name drops like Bossk and Darth Maul appearing already makes the universe feel smaller and more connected.

I'm not necessarily proposing an "Avengers-style" Star Wars movie in which everyone teams up to fight an ultimate villain. I just think they could be doing a bit more with these spin-offs. If they planned them out placed the references in smart places, they could build an overall story that doesn't make the universe feel too small.

Agree with most of what your saying except the last thing star wars needs is to be setup like the avengers. It works with marvel because comics did it for decades in that fashion and it translates well to the big screen. I dont want star wars movie to feel like advertisements for the next star wars movie.
Abrams and Kasdan (and I'd suspect it was more Abrams' doing) painted the Saga into a corner by rebooting the Empire, Emperor and Vader and the Rebels rather than creating something truly brand new.

Kylo Ren, Spoke, the new stormtroopers & vehicles are all great and I love TFA but I'm not blind to the fact that it was all to get familiar, iconic images to put on movie posters.

Abrams made the GFFA too small.

I've got nowhere near the imagination of Abrams, Kasdan, etc. but I can think of a dozen ways to incorporate those familiar designs to attract attention without making the primary villains just the Empire again.

I didn't mind them doing all those things as long as they gave us lots of cool new SW elements at the same time. Without anything new in a major new set of Episode films that was launching more outside of that it definitely made the galaxy feel small to me too.
That's what I want to see too. And there's no reason why they can't do stories about new stuff and also do movies about familiar characters. I think I'd be more open to fanservice-y movies like Solo if they spaced them out and made them more sparingly.

Yeah, same here. I'm up for Solo, Kenobi, Boba Fett and anything else like that. But lets get the excitement of a brave new bigger Star Wars universe (not just retreading old ground and then even ruining that) up and running and then throw out one of these nostalgic films every 3 or so years after that's been established. And by new I mean expanding the galaxy with new races, new alien characters, new force users and types of force users, new galactic politics etc. not assassinating the character of classic characters in new ways!
Il clarify my statement, the past 2 films have recieved overall mixed reviews and divisely recieved as a whole by the fanbase and now were at the point four movies in that we have the lowest grossing star wars movie to date. Now we have wjat appears dis ey scrambling alah warner bros with dc to fogure what there doing and where there going. The main trilogy right now has devolved into young jedi once agan has to help the rebellion fight an Ahole sith trying to destroy the galaxy and garunteed in episode 9 kylo will have a super weapon of some kind.

On what do you base the statement that TLJ and Solo "received overall mixed reviews"?

I'm not saying you are wrong, but I just did a quick Google shows both were well received by "critics" - the review-aggregation sites are very high for TLJ and over 70% for Solo. Is 70% considered mixed? I don't know how wikipedia works but it classed the reviews as "positive" for TLJ and "generally favourable" for Solo.

Based on the three Star Wars podcasts I listen to regularly and the bit I've seen on forums like this, yes TLJ "divisively received" but all are overwhelming positive when they discuss Solo.

I don't see how you claim Solo has divided the fan base when the turn out to see it was so low.

If you have based your comments

On fiture announcements we know boba fett and obiwan were being worked on as well John favreaus project. It just throwing crap out and seeing what the masses respond too.

No, we do not know that Boba Fett or Obi-Wan movies are actually been worked on. These are rumours.

And how can you claim these or the TV show are "crap" when you haven't even read a script or seen footage?

Star wars really should have ended with return of the jedi because including the prequels you just cant develop beyond the same crap we keep seeing over and over hence the star wars universe being terribly limited.

If you think the franchise should have ended back in 1983 then you are not getting any enjoyment out of these films, TV shows, books, etc. so why are you are punishing yourself by coming back for more?

I don't mean that if you don't love it you have no right to comment. I just don't understand you're thinking.
I didn't mind them doing all those things as long as they gave us lots of cool new SW elements at the same time. Without anything new in a major new set of Episode films that was launching more outside of that it definitely made the galaxy feel small to me too.

The Sequels needed a expand the Saga mythology.

This was how Lucas did it with the Prequels and Clone Wars. Filoni did it with Rebels.

The ST gave great new characters but has not added anything new to the mythology.
The Sequels needed a expand the Saga mythology.

This was how Lucas did it with the Prequels and Clone Wars. Filoni did it with Rebels.

The ST gave great new characters but has not added anything new to the mythology.

Yes exactly. I don’t mind them keeping a large chunk of it familiar, but at the same time continuously work on expanding the mythology as you say. :up:
Yeah, same here. I'm up for Solo, Kenobi, Boba Fett and anything else like that. But lets get the excitement of a brave new bigger Star Wars universe (not just retreading old ground and then even ruining that) up and running and then throw out one of these nostalgic films every 3 or so years after that's been established. And by new I mean expanding the galaxy with new races, new alien characters, new force users and types of force users, new galactic politics etc. not assassinating the character of classic characters in new ways!

Although I love the ST movies, I can understand the rethread view in regards to TFA and how TLJ is ruiner for some people, but in what ways has Rogue One and Solo been a rethread or ruiner for you?

I think they did a great job of expanding the GFFA. Maybe Solo didn't anything massive to the overall mythology but it is only the first movie in that Underworld area of GFFA. Such things take time.
Although I love the ST movies, I can understand the rethread view in regards to TFA and how TLJ is ruiner for some people, but in what ways has Rogue One and Solo been a rethread or ruiner for you?

I think they did a great job of expanding the GFFA. Maybe Solo didn't anything massive to the overall mythology but it is only the first movie in that Underworld area of GFFA. Such things take time.

R1 and Solo weren’t ‘ruiners’ for me at all. The only ruiner for me was Luke’s treatment in TLJ. The Episode films tell stories looking forward which are not expansive enough while the spinoffs fill in gaps in the past which is very nice but also obviously not expansive. Time is a luxury that expanding would have bought. Instead we are getting cancellations.

I guess it would be like the MCU moving on from Avengers with better sequels than AoU but just the same team against more Ultron style enemies and no new solos, just prequels to BW, Hawkeye, more Cap films set in the past etc. Hope that comparison makes sense.
Yes exactly. I don’t mind them keeping a large chunk of it familiar, but at the same time continuously work on expanding the mythology as you say. :up:

Well, in my opinion it is keeping that "familiar chunk" that gets in the way of establishing a new mythology.

I have not heard Abrams commentary on TFA (so I may very well be wronging the man) so I don't know what he has said about he made certain choices but based on his past work, interviews about Star Wars and the nauseating amount of "nostalgia "prattle from the set by many involved in the production, he seemed to approach a lot of TFA from from a business point of view of what would look good in a trailer or poster rather than being brave and trying something new.

The fact that there is a new Empire, Emperor and Vader means that ultimate Luke and the Rebels fought in the OT for no reason. I'm not saying the galaxy should be filled with unicorns and rainbows after ROTJ - just that the next evil they face should be different.

Sure, they need the business approach too but there are plenty of iconic imagines in Star Wars to put on the marketing - the droids, ships, aliens and lightsabers. And the original cast.

If Abrams really, really wanted stormtroopers and Star Destroyers then there other options - there is a surviving Imperial remnant that has been pushed into the edges of the Unknown regions and reduced to the life of piracy making occasion raids into Republic space. Stormtroopers crossed with Vikings lead by a cyborg Jeremy Irons or other these of equal talent. Have the main villains be alien invaders who can wield magic or such.
R1 and Solo weren’t ‘ruiners’ for me at all. The only ruiner for me was Luke’s treatment in TLJ. The Episode films tell stories looking forward which are not expansive enough while the spinoffs fill in gaps in the past which is very nice but also obviously not expansive. Time is a luxury that expanding would have bought. Instead we are getting cancellations.

I guess it would be like the MCU moving on from Avengers with better sequels than AoU but just the same team against more Ultron style enemies and no new solos, just prequels to BW, Hawkeye, more Cap films set in the past etc. Hope that comparison makes sense.

I understand the first paragraph. I was getting my wires crossed about who liked or disliked what.

I loved what Johnson did with Luke's character and Hamill put in a wonderful performance and it was a hell of a way for the character to go*. However, one movie was not enough to deal with Luke and the character was badly treated, though not by Johnson, but by Abrams. Again, I could be wronging the man but past work and comments indict he pushed Luke aside not for mythology reasons but spotlight the character he liked more - Han.

* I cannot understand why they did it though, especially after Fisher's death. Han's death was necessary for several reasons on screen and behind the scenes because Ford was probably only willing to do one more movie. However, Hamill is still young enough and enthusiastic enough to carry on a few more years. And the presence of Luke would get in the way of Rey becoming a the new main hero or a final showdown with Kylo Ren. We'd also get to see more detail Jedi training, which is lacking in the movies.

Not sure I get the comments about the MCU but I'm very hungry at the moment so I'll eat and read it again later. :p

EDIT: Who knows, maybe Simon Pegg is to blame the rethreads in TFA. He claims to have had a lot of input into the story.

I'm lost on the MCU thing because I'd love a couple of WWII Cap movies and Black Widow prequels. Not sure if there is enough to Hawkeye for a prequel but he has a bow and arrow - and superhero who is a husband & father is unique so I want to see that movie.
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If you think the franchise should have ended back in 1983 then you are not getting any enjoyment out of these films, TV shows, books, etc. so why are you are punishing yourself by coming back for more?

I don't mean that if you don't love it you have no right to comment. I just don't understand you're thinking.

I don't think it should have ended in 1983, but I sorta feel the same, and sadly don't get the same enjoyment as when I watch the original trilogy.

The prequels were not very good. They weren't the worst thing ever, but just not good. You wanted to be hyped for them, but in general, I think if ppl were honest with themselves they would agree. If some loved them, cool more power to them.

All I remember while watching TFA was....this is A New Hope. My buddy thought the same thing. Sure it had some differences, but for the most part it was the same plot points.

These new spin-off movies I never wanted. Greedy Disney saturated the market with Star Wars movies and now the whole thing is watered down. Everyone got excited when the prequels were announced because we hadn't had a new Star Wars movie in 20 years or whatever it was. Everyone got excited about the new trilogy for the same reason. Now we were going to have a new movie every year??? No thanks, way to make it less special in a hurry.

Rant over lol
I don't think it should have ended in 1983, but I sorta feel the same, and sadly don't get the same enjoyment as when I watch the original trilogy.

And you never will. The reason that the OT resonates with us all these years later is because Lucas immersed himself in the magic of myth, folklore and fairy tale. He studied the commonalities between the most enduring stories some of which were hundreds of years old still standing the test time. He never set out to make a 'Star Wars' movie; he set out to make a 'slay the dragon' quest and all the weird and wacky characters our hero meets along the way, using the old-timey serial format which invoked the stories that he grew up with as a child.

The original Lucas movies (including the prequels) were all about the story and the character journey and hitting the beats associated with that as opposed to familiar movie beats. That's why those films stay with us; they're more like bedtime stories and modern myth as opposed to movies trying to be 'cool' and 'badass' (which is arguably where the prequels fell down because he tried to incorporate cool movie moments into those which was a mistake IMO, even if I did enjoy them).

Now all anyone tries to do is make a 'Star Wars film' with none of those myth-making elements and they mostly end up being somewhat enjoyable but largely empty and flat. TLJ is the only new movie to even try to do something remotely interesting with the characters journey and the mythology and expand the universe in a meaningful way but everyone got mad so we'll get more safe-as-houses blockbusters like The Force Awakens or shallow fan-service films like Rogue One. The irony is that Disney was making Star Wars style movies that follow the heroes journey and fairy tale template for years in their animated division.

I love the new movies because, y'know, Star Wars, but I don't delude myself into thinking I'll ever get the same feelings as I get when watching the OT.
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Rian Johnson is also a proven hand at this point when it comes to SW. Aside from hyperbolic vitriol from a vocal minority, TLJ was both a critical and financial success, and had the smoothest production out of any of the Disney SW films.

But, if for some reason his trilogy is cancelled, that might be the end of my interest in Disney Star Wars, and will show that they're learning all the wrong lessons.

The problem is not the anthology films themselves (as R1 did very well for them), but the fact that they weren't on the same page with the original directors, the amount of money they spent on the reshoots and an overcrowded summer release date (along with TLJ's release being so recent). Also, I don't think many people were excited for a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford.

If RJ is the way forward for Star Wars then i will no longer be interested in it. I hate TLJ and will not watch any movie made by that director ever again.
I was so hapy after TFA and R1 but TLJ destroyed all of that for me. Solo was decent enough to wash away alittle bit of the stain of TLJ. I hope RJ will never work on Star Wars ever again.
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Whereas for me, TLJ is the only Disney SW film I genuinely enjoy (though I still like parts of TFA).

Different strokes, I guess. But why such contempt for Johnson? Had you seen any of his films prior to TLJ? Because he's a legitimately talented filmmaker, it'd be a shame to completely dismiss his future output over one movie. It's not like he's Michael Bay or Renny Harlin.

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