Who is the Director of SHIELD at this time?

Is Carter the Director?

I think she might have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s by then? I don’t know. It’s a really good question. It’s kind of hard to think of shield existing past the 90s if their head had already been revealed as a skrull
Too young to have that position of authority.

I think she might have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s by then?

While it's possible (a lot of the time it's a relatively slow-moving disease), I don't get this assumption people tend to make. TWS is 2014, which places this at least 15 years before she's in that condition, more likely 16-17-18.

She's 68 in Ant-Man going by the 1921 birth date listed on the Wiki. Even if this is later 90s than early, she's 79 tops , and if the movie indeed has time jumps between early-90s and later, and assuming Peggy'd be seen in that earlier phase, she's only early 70s. It's not young, but look at every government agency in the world - more often than not that's about the age these people in the top agency director jobs are, 60s or early 70s.

No real reason to think Peggy's sickly in the late-90s, even less likely the early-90s. Voluntary retirement's possible of course, but you'd kinda figure personality-wise Peggy's hanging around as long as she's capable of carrying out the job.

Sam's the same age now in the modern-set MCU as the Peggy character's supposed to be in Ant-Man, so like circa Age Of Ultron he's only a few years younger than she'd have been into '93/'94. Redford was 78 in TWS, assuming Pierce the character was his same age, he's still running around as a World Security Council guy and liason with S.H.I.E.L.D.

So yeah, unlikely Peggy's still on the job in '99, but 5-6-7 years before that's a totally different story, no reason she couldn't be. Still don't think she'll be in the movie, but timeline-wise it fits.
I don't know who would be top dog but I am betting that person had some kind of interaction with both the Kree and the Skrulls. Could even turn out the head was a Skrull.
wasn't ben mendelsohn human character supposedly the boss/superior of Nick Fury? could be him I suppose
We don't know if he's S.H.I.E.L.D. or not, only that Ben described him as a "Donald Rumsfeld" type" (sounds more regular Department Of Defense type of guy to me, the dude buying stuff from the Stark & Hammer types) and that he's using his Crikey Dingo Digeridoo voice when in lizard-mode.
Dr Phil.

Could be Pierce, could be Peggy, could be Dr Phil.
Oh, how I would love it if it's Peggy. If it is Peggy, this could be a good topic of discussion for Carol and Steve to break the ice on in the upcoming Avengers 4. I also wonder if they will mention something about Howard Stark. Maybe they all meet during his funeral or something, since his death did happen in the 90's.
We don't know if he's S.H.I.E.L.D. or not, only that Ben described him as a "Donald Rumsfeld" type" (sounds more regular Department Of Defense type of guy to me, the dude buying stuff from the Stark & Hammer types) and that he's using his Crikey Dingo Digeridoo voice when in lizard-mode.
Henry Peter Gyrich?
Definitely, that would be so much fun.

But then again if they can’t use Norman maybe it’s better to save Henry for the formation of the dark avengers?
I don't know it'll necessarily even be a comics character as Mendelsohn's Skrull's human alter-ego/disguise, could just as easily be something entirely new.

In any case, this is the 90s and from what we know there aren't exactly any powered people/vigilantes/superheroes running around yet (at least known to S.H.I.E.L.D. or the government). Isn't Gyrich's whole thing being a sort of William Stryker type, anti-mutant/superhero/whatever government guy? Probably too early for someone like that here unless they change it up pretty significantly.

Might feel a little too similar to Civil War anyway, all that government crackdown stuff.

I'd kinda be fine with Mendelsohn's human act just being like the government counterpart to the Stark/Hammer equation, the guy buying all their cool gadget **** up for dispersal to the various military branches. Doesn't necessarily have to be a comics dude.
I have a feeling shield in this period is a bit like the xfiles. It’s there but it’s a bit of a joke. People who get sent there are considered to be pretty much flushing their careers or are whackadoos.

But every now and then they find something genuinely creepy or spine tingling
I dunno about that. Less public, sure, but they're pretty clearly a well-established organization in the early MCU. Those blueprint documents everywhere in TIH, and Fury wielding a lot of influence in the Iron Man flicks. Takes a while to build all of that - while AoS isn't strictly canon and I don't think we should put too much stock in that, there's plenty in the movies to sort of paint them as longtime significant.

Like...the Triskelion was going up in '89. :oldrazz: That's not some little two-bit joke government department, that's like fictional-CIA/FBI level big dog stuff.
Isn't Gyrich's whole thing being a sort of William Stryker type, anti-mutant/superhero/whatever government guy? Probably too early for someone like that here unless they change it up pretty significantly.
He could be a head of something like the Sentient World Observation and Response Department, just like he was in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated series.
Oh I thought you meant Sharon. Bit too young for this time period for ol shazza haha.

But of course you meant Peggy

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