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MCU Fight: Doctor Strange Vs. Malekith (W/ Reality Stone)


God of Thunder
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
We will be doing VS. battles for the MCU every week and will be using the Winners and Losers to create an accurate power tier list created by some of it's biggest fans (you). So don't forget to VOTE and after voting for a Winner please include a comment on which power tier, both the Winner and Loser should reside within. Also, see below for more details on the characters abilities as well as for a list of available power tiers to choose from.

Don't forget to put which Tier group you think Doctor Strange and Malekith (W/ Reality Stone) belong to in your posts. Also, don't forget I've now added the option of being able to change your vote if you change your mind. :up:

So, without further delay here is this week's match up







- Master Sorcerer: As the former guardian of the New York Sanctum, Strange, despite his relative inexperience, was one of the most powerful members of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, possessing an extremely high level of mastery over magic which he used to defend his native reality. Indeed, despite his inexperience, an impressed Karl Mordo claimed that Strange's prodigious skills meant that he was "born for the mystic arts", and the Ancient One herself noted that Strange has tremendous potential as a sorcerer. Indeed, even while still inexperienced, Strange was able to use the powers of the Time Stone's container, the Eye of Agamotto, quite effectively and safely, despite it being considered to be very dangerous for the natural order. With the help of numerous mystical artifacts and relics, in addition to his astral powers, Strange is able to gain access to a multitude of mystical powers. Strange makes up for his lack of experience with his gifted intellect, photographic memory, and ingenuity, as he swiftly imprisoned Loki, an extremely skilled master of Asgardian Sorcery, and even defeated Kaecilius by outsmarting Dormammu, forcing the latter to leave Earth's dimension and take Kaecilius with him. Strange was predicted by Zola's algorithm to become a significant enough potential threat to HYDRA to be targeted by Project Insight. Strange would eventually dramatically improve his power and skill in magic as he received more training and gained more experience, as by the time of the Infinity War, he proved capable of single-handedly combating Thanos's use of the Infinity Gauntlet more effectively than the Guardians of the Galaxy and even Iron Man, with even the Titan himself praising Strange for his use of the Mystic Arts.

- Eldritch Magic Manipulation: Strange is able to shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic, forming tangible constructs of energy such as weapons or shields, as well as cast spells by writing specific formations with the fiery energy. He demonstrated the ability to form Eldritch Whips and Tao Mandalas and could scan a piece of Thor's hair with the energy and briefly conjure Odin's symbol to aid in forming a portal that would take him to Odin. He also could project a barrier around himself and others to shield them from the impact of Ebony Maw's Q-Ship crashing on Titan. During the Battle of Titan, Strange demonstrated being able to conjure platforms for his allies to walk upon, as shown when Star-Lord jumped across them to attack Thanos. Additionally, he was able to generate powerful bolts of fiery energy that ricocheted off several floating boulders to attack Thanos, as well as craft a sword that he used to engage the Titan alongside Drax.

- Transmutation: During his meeting with Thor, Strange was able to turn a cup of tea into a large mug of beer that was also able to magically refill itself, much to Thor's pleasant surprise. After Bruce Banner crashed through the roof of the Sanctum, Strange was able to transform the normal street clothes he was wearing into his blue robes. During the Battle of Titan, Strange transformed a singularity sent by Thanos into multitudes of blue butterflies, impressing the Mad Titan.

- Atmospheric Spell: Strange was able to conjure a wave of golden light that cleared the street of smoke and debris after Ebony Maw's Q-Ship landed in Greenwich Village, while also stopping the destructive windstorm the ship was causing. The smoke was expelled from the street and towards the sky.[9]
Protection Spell: To protect the Eye of Agamotto from being stolen by Ebony Maw, Strange cast a protection spell upon the relic that burned anyone that attempts to take it, making it seemingly impossible to remove it unless the spell was removed, even if he were killed.

- Binding Spell: During the Battle of Titan, Strange conjured dark red metallic bands to restrain Thanos's hand so he couldn't use the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. The bands were much stronger than the usual Eldritch Whip he uses to restrain enemies, notably able to restrict Thanos' use of the Gauntlet for a considerable period of time, although Thanos was able to eventually break out and redirect the force of the bands to knock Strange away.

- Duplication Spell: During the Battle of Titan, Strange was able to create dozens of copies of himself to attack Thanos with their Eldritch Whips. The duplicates, however, were quickly dispersed when Thanos released a wave of energy from the Power Stone, with only the real Strange remaining.

- Flight: Using the Cloak of Levitation, Strange is able to levitate, hover, and fly. The Cloak can greatly lessen the impact of falling from great heights by effortlessly reducing his speed.

- Dimensional Warping: Strange was capable of conjuring a construct of the Mirror Dimension in the form of crystalline fractals that acted as a shield, absorbing an energy beam from the Power Stone, and was also able to send the fractals at Thanos.

- Teleportation: Using a Sling Ring, Strange is able to open portals that lead to different locations, gaining the ability to both move across the material world and to other parts of the Multiverse. Strange can also teleport others at great speeds, with him notably causing a portal to move and engulf Thor and Loki, sending them to Odin's location, as well as rapidly open portals for Star-Lord and Spider-Man during their fight with Thanos. In addition, he can make portals small enough to reach through and grab things, such as several books from Wong's library or to exchange one object for other, as the portal he used to abduct Loki left a card bearing the address to the New York Sanctum in his place. Aside from this, he became able to seamlessly cause himself and Thor to abruptly and rapidly appear in different parts of his Sanctum without either of them physically moving (at one point causing an entire bookshelf Thor was leaning against to be transported with them before sending it back) which caused Thor to become disoriented. Strange is also able to conjure portals cooperatively, as during Ebony Maw's attempt to retrieve the Time Stone, he and Wong conjured separate portals to redirect several brick daggers back to Maw.

- Interdimensional Travel: Using the same Sling Ring, Strange can travel between different dimensions of the Multiverse, crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality. However, Strange was notably able to access the Mirror Dimension and transport himself and the Zealots there without the Sling Ring. Furthermore, Strange can forcibly transport others to another dimension, and later retrieve them, as he did when temporarily imprisoning Loki in a dimension where he was constantly falling, leaving him there for thirty minutes until Thor asked for his release. When the Black Order arrived to retrieve the Time Stone, Strange and Wong were able to send an attack by Ebony Maw back by opening portals to a void-like dimension.

- Astral Projection: Strange is capable of separating his astral form from his body, gaining access to the Astral Dimension. He notably was able to assist Christine Palmer in operating on his physical body, demonstrating being able to make himself visible to her at will, using the use of the Mirror Dimension as a medium. Strange's Astral body could also make physical body glow from the inside out by putting his hand through it and touching it, which he used to allow Christine to better see his wound when she operated on him. As the Ancient One was dying, Strange was able to use his astral form to communicate with her spirit before her clinical death. Notably, Strange found that as Christine defibrillated his real body, his astral form would send out a blast of energy, which he used offensively while grappling with Lucian Aster's Astral form, ultimately destroying it and killing him.

- Conjuration: Strange was able to make an umbrella stand appear in front of Thor for him to put down Mjølnir, which had been disguised as an umbrella. He also was able to hide the Time Stone after secretly removing it from the Eye of Agamotto and later made it appear between his fingers, allowing it to float over to Thanos.


- Superhuman Strength: Malekith, like all Dark Elves, possesses superhuman strength. Ordinarily, Malekith possesses sufficient strength to overpower weaker beings, such as several Einhejars, without supplementing his strength with his other powers, with his strength being even great enough to wield an Infinity Stone. However, after absorbing the Aether, Malekith became much stronger, with his strength increasing to immense superhuman levels, up to the point where he can evenly match Thor's incredible strength even with Thor wielding Mjølnir with his bare hands, with Malekith being able to block and eventually repel a full-power blow from Thor's hammer and harm him.

Superhuman Durability: Malekith's body is extremely durable, much more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human. Malekith has withstood exposure to the temperature and pressure extremes of Jotunheim, falls from great heights, powerful energy blasts, and even numerous, mighty blows from Thor wielding Mjølnir, all without sustaining any permanent injuries. Though a powerful lighting blast from Mjølnir did blacken the right side of Malekith's face, he was not affected much besides that. Additionally, Malekith was one of the extremely few beings with durability great enough to withstand and wield the power of an Infinity Stone. However, Malekith's durability still had its limits - as Thor was able to sever both of the Dark Elf's arms by having them teleported back to Svartalfheim, and succeeded in smashing the last teleportation device into Malekith's chest with Mjølnir. The malevolent Dark Elf was finally killed when his massive Ark collapsed on top of him, crushing Malekith.

Regenerative Healing Factor
: In spite of his body's increased durability, it is possible to injure Malekith, such as when a powerful lighting blast from Mjølnir blackened the right side of his face, though he wasn't affected much besides that. Malekith's metabolism enables him to repair damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than a human is capable of. He is shown healing in stasis pods on board his ship. Using the Reality Stone, he could even regenerate damaged wounds or severed limbs within seconds, as he was quick to begin regenerating his hands after Thor cut them off.

- Longevity
: Malekith has been alive for thousands of years,He was an adult at the beginning of the first Convergence,and he looked the same in 2nd one, 5000 years later, whereas most Asgardiansand Frost Giants would have died from old age in that time span. this means that the Dark Elves as a race are immortal,or age even slower than Asgardians,or only Maleith is immortal due to him being their leader.

- Energy Projection: Malekith was able to use the Aether to unleash blasts, tendrils, and spikes of energy that were powerful enough to pressure and briefly overwhelm Thor using his hammer to defend as well as harm the nearly invulnerable Asgardian.

- Teleportation: Malekith appears to be able to use the Aether to teleport, as shown when he managed to suddenly appear in front of Thor after being send flying to catch him off-guard and hit him.

- Matter Manipulation: Malekith was able to use the Aether to turn matter into dark matter and vice versa, with him wanting to use the Aether to turn the universe back into darkness.

- Size Manipulation: Malekith was able to use the Aether to manipulate his size,notably using it when unleashing the Aether, he grew three times the height of Thor.

- Aether Withdrawal
: If someone else absorbed the Aether into their body, Malekith could withdraw it from them and safely absorb it into his own body.

- Enhanced Attributes: Malekith could use the Aether to augment his own strength, durability, and healing to go toe-to-toe against Thor wielding Mjølnir.

Reality Stone: Malekith was the creator of the Aether, which he forged from the Reality Stone. He was the only one known to effectively use it in combat until Thanos acquired the Stone and proved to surpass his mastery of the Stone's powers. The Aether's primary function is to alter reality to fit the user's desires. This is seen when Malekith used the Aether to corrode matter into dark matter and then unleash it on the entire universe. Malekith can use the Aether to blast tendrils of dark energy capable of overwhelming Thor for a time as well as teleport. While utilizing the Aether, Malekith can regenerate lost limbs within a few minutes, as seen when Thor severed both of his limbs & some of his arms have already been regenerated.

Dagger: Malekith wields an ancient dagger forged of Dark Matter that predates our own universe. The merciless leader of the Dark Elves used this blade during the Asgardian invasion of Svartalfheim and during his siege on Asgard. It was Frigga, mother to Thor and Loki, wife of Odin and queen of Asgard, who wrestled this blade from Malekith’s grasp.

- Black Hole Grenade: A key weapon of the Dark Elves, Malekith's army were the main users of this powerful and destructive weapon. Malekith himself took a grenade from one of his own soldiers and used it to destroy Odin's throne during the Sacking of Asgard.

*****Below is the list of power tiers to choose from. Please select a power tier for each character doing battle (the characters below in Red are not in any particular order). Be aware both characters can share the same power tier*****

The character's current statuses below are as follows

*****NOTE: Characters that are OFFICIAL will always be Placed above characters that are UNOFFICIAL.*****

Cosmic Tier (cosmic/interdimension level power/presence on a planetary scale, at the minimum)
Thanos (w/ Filled Infinity Gauntlet)

Eson The Searcher with Infinity Stone
Surtur Prime
Ego The Living Planet
Doctor Strange (w/ Time Gem)

Transcendent Tier (City to planetary level power & Cosmic/interdimensional level influence on a local scale?)

Thanos (Base)
Ronan with the Power Stone
Surtur's Fire Dragon
Ultron Prime (Vibranium)

Powerhouse Tier (Beyond top tier, power/interdimensional power on a block to city Level)

Malekith (W/ reality gem)
Doctor Strange
Ghost Rider
Ebony Maw
Scarlet Witch
Hulkbuster Ironman
Pre-Eternal Flame Surtur
Cull Obsidian
Iron Man
Jotunheim Beast
Ancient One
Giant Man

Top Tier (Street to block level?)

Aldrich Killian
War Machine
Iron Monger
Korath The Pursuer
Pepper Potts with Extremis
Baron Mordo
Master Wong
Corvus Glaive

Superhuman Tier (Street Level)
Black Panther

Captain America
Winter Soldier
Red Skull
Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Jessica Jones
Eric Savin (Extremis Soldier)
Ellen Brandt (Extremis Soldier)
Emil Blonsky (Super Soldier)
Madame Gao
Mr. Hyde
The Patriot
Carl Creed the Absorbing Man
Ant Man
Yellow Jacket
Proxima Midnight
Erik Killmonger
Ulysses Klaue

Street Tier (non super human, agent level)

Black Widow
Rocket Racoon
Nick Fury
Coleen Wing
Batroc the Leaper
Peggy Carter
Sharon Carter Agent 13
Dum Dum Dugan
Mocking Bird
Maria Hill
Misty Knight
The Punisher
Phil Coulson
Jig Saw
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Does trapping Malekith in the mirror dimension count as a win?

If it does then Strange takes it, if not then Malekith's too strong/durable for him.
I haven't read the wall of text, but (I'd think) Time Stone > Power Stone (individually) so it's the good doctor who'll take this one.
I haven't read the wall of text, but (I'd think) Time Stone > Power Stone (individually) so it's the good doctor who'll take this one.

This is Strange WITHOUT the time stone.
On reflection, I'm voting Reality Stone Malekith until Doctor Strange gets more feats.

Strange has no spells that'll KO or kill Malekith, his best chance is to try to trap a completely unharmed Malekith in the mirror dimension (or wherever he sent Loki to fall for 30 minutes) and that seems more like an exploit than a win through greater power.

Malekith's more powerful, both offensively and defensively. Same story with other characters like Hulk, Kurse, Base Thanos, Hela etc that Strange could send away using portals but can't defeat in a straight fight.
I vote Strange. Are people forgetting that he went one on one with no stones vs Thanos with 4 stones....and lived, a battle that he knew he had to lose in order for the Avenger to win later on (Endgame).

Strange might not kill Malekith but there are other ways to defeat someone, besides killing them. Also, Strange might be able to restrain Malekith and then separate him from the reality stone. Using the sling ring Strange could possibly turn Malekith's attacks back at him.

Thor overcame Malekith with a combination of brute force and battlefield removal ( the gravity spikes). Strange could do the same ( although with magic rather than brute force).
I vote Strange. Are people forgetting that he went one on one with no stones vs Thanos with 4 stones....and lived, a battle that he knew he had to lose in order for the Avenger to win later on (Endgame).

I'm not forgetting. The spells we saw from Strange in Infinity War were all either defensive or designed to restrain rather than harm. We didn't see anything to suggest he could harm Reality Stone Malekith, a guy who can tank hits from Thor and and also had a healing factor.

Strange might not kill Malekith but there are other ways to defeat someone, besides killing them

Agreed. Strange can defeat opponents like Malekith (or Hulk, Ultron, Kurse, Thanos, Hela etc) that are far stronger/more durable than him by sending them through a portal to the mirror dimension. He can't actually harm them or survive hits from them though so to me it seems more like an exploit than a win through being genuinely more powerful.

Also, Strange might be able to restrain Malekith and then separate him from the reality stone.
I don't think so. Thanos escaped from Strange's restraints using a power stone blast. Malekith could do the same thing with the reality stone. Plus unlike Ronan's hammer or Thanos' gauntlet, the reality stone was inside Malekith; it would be bloody difficult to remove it.
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I vote Strange. Are people forgetting that he went one on one with no stones vs Thanos with 4 stones....and lived, a battle that he knew he had to lose in order for the Avenger to win later on (Endgame).

Strange might not kill Malekith but there are other ways to defeat someone, besides killing them. Also, Strange might be able to restrain Malekith and then separate him from the reality stone. Using the sling ring Strange could possibly turn Malekith's attacks back at him.

Thor overcame Malekith with a combination of brute force and battlefield removal ( the gravity spikes). Strange could do the same ( although with magic rather than brute force).
Same. Strange as well. Plus I really don't think Malekith knew how to use the reality stone at all. Not saying it will be easy but I don't see Strange really struggling with this one like he did with Thanos.
I'm not forgetting. The spells we saw from Strange in Infinity War were all either defensive or designed to restrain rather than harm. We didn't see anything to suggest he could harm Reality Stone Malekith, a guy who can tank hits from Thor and and also had a healing factor.

.....but who died by having a spaceship fall on him. BTW, Malekith lost a couple of limbs via those gravity spikes, IMO Strange could do the same with his portals.

Thanos tanked hits from Thor and Hulk with less effect - IMO Malekith + reality stone does not = Thanos.

Agreed. Strange can defeat opponents like Malekith (or Hulk, Ultron, Kurse, Thanos, Hela etc) that are far stronger/more durable than him by sending them through a portal to the mirror dimension. He can't actually harm them or survive hits from them though so to me it seems more like an exploit than a win through being genuinely more powerful.

Strange is also a doctor. He swore an oath to do no harm. If he wanted to kill Malekith he could just open a portal under him....and close it when he was halfway through - but that's not how Strange rolls.

I don't think so. Thanos escaped from Strange's restraints using a power stone blast. Malekith could do the same thing with the reality stone. Plus unlike Ronan's hammer or Thanos' gauntlet, the reality stone was inside Malekith; it would be bloody difficult to remove it.

Strange was able to hide the time stone in plane sight, he can manipulate extrasimensional energies with ease. With the stone in it's nebulous form, as the aether who knows what Strange could have done.

Also, Strange is super knowledgeable - he's read every magic text and has an eidetic memory. If there's a way to control the reality stone, he'd know it.

Put all that together and Strange beats Malekith. The comic book versions would be a much tougher match up.
Strange can remove him battle that's all he can do I think if it counts win strange wins this..I think mirror dimensions can be broken using aether balsts
Malekeith also regenerate limbs using relaity stone so cutting arms using sling ring may not be a solution
Malekeith also regenerate limbs using relaity stone so cutting arms using sling ring may not be a solution

True, but cutting off his head might be . The reality stone didn't make Malekith indestructible, as he was squashed by his own ship at the end of TDW.
It's a very interesting match up, and many good points have already been made.

One part to remember about the battle against Thanos on Titan is that people get taken out of that battle all the time, but Thanos doesn't finish the job because there are enough of them so that someone is always ready to take over the fighting. While Strange did have an amazing showing in the middle of that fight he had been taken out before that, for example with Thanos throwing Spidey on him.

If we're going by things we've actively seen it's a bit hard to pick against Strange here though, as he has so many tricks to his arsenal. Malekith did, despite wielding the reality stone, not really show a multitude of feats. It's very possible that Malekith could conjure up some other ways to use the Aether if he was put in different situations, but we haven't actually seen that so that's even further into speculation territory.

He showed power enough to turn Strange into goo if he actually managed to hit him though, evidenced by how he managed to blast Thor so far away that he went out of sight. I guess the biggest question is whether Strange could survive within the Aether whirlwind? Thor sure seemed to struggle with it so I'd say a human would possibly just be torn to shreds.

It feels like a case of where Strange is someone that you can very rarely count out just because he has so much wits and tricks that he can best others in weird ways, but Malekith seems like the one with the clear advantage in terms of pure power. I'll have to think a bit on whom to vote for.
True, but cutting off his head might be . The reality stone didn't make Malekith indestructible, as he was squashed by his own ship at the end of TDW.
I don't think the cutting of body is as easy as everyone saying if it was strange or Wong would have done it on other enemies.... That one time Wong cut the arm of that giant was actually not planned
Im going for Malekith for this reason alone

These things were equal parts cool and terrifying.
Im going for Malekith for this reason alone

These things were equal parts cool and terrifying.

Hey, if Malekith gets the reality stone and the black hole grenades what gear does Strange get, other than the Cloak of Levitation ?

Still can't see Strange losing this one - mostly because Malekith's command of the stone was limited to brute force attacks and replacing lost arms.

Pre Ragnarok Thor took out Malekith with some help- I reckon that Ragnarok Thor ( without Stormbreaker) would crush him with some effort, and Infinity War Thor ( with Stormbreaker) wouldn't break a sweat.
Hey, if Malekith gets the reality stone and the black hole grenades what gear does Strange get, other than the Cloak of Levitation ?

Cloak of Levitation and a Sling Ring.
Well, if he's got that and his withering sarcasm that alone is enough to defeat the extremely boring and cliched Malekith.

If you could win battles just by being an awesome character the power tiers would be a very different place. Never mind Strange beating Malekith, Nick Fury could curbstomp Dormammu.....
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