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Action-Adventure Power Rangers 4.0 - Part 2

Anyone confused on who would be what ranger moving forward, just look to the YT comments on that ultimate team up episode. They explain it all pretty well.
I became curious about the quality of the Power Rangers series post "Mighty Morphin" and so I finished up Power Rangers Turbo. I wasn't a fan of the Blue Ranger who replaced Rocky. The others were okay, but to me lacked the charm that the Mighty Morphin Rangers had. One of the better qualities that the Mighty Morphin Rangers had was when a teammate or few plan on leaving the team, the rest of the team (and Alpha and Zordon) encourage them to follow their post Ranger paths. Tommy, Billy and Kimberly supported the future paths of Zack, Jason and Trini, which paved the way for Aisha, Adam and Rocky. When Kimberly was considering staying, Tommy and the rest of the Rangers encouraged her to go follow her dreams. In the Miniseries, "Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers" Aisha left to help sick animals, which Zordon encouraged her to do and the Rangers were wishing her luck via the viewing globe. They also welcomed Tanya with open arms at the end of Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers and the start of Power Rangers Zeo (even after only just meeting her) and it didn't hurt matters that they had already known Aisha, Adam and Rocky and Kat before they all became Rangers.

The only real positive of the Post Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in Power Rangers Turbo was Bulk and Skull. Divatox lacked the charisma of Zedd and Rita. The team of brand new Rangers didn't really hit it for me.

Up next for me is Power Rangers in Space. Sounds wild based on it's Wiki Page....the Alien Rangers, Adam returns, Zordon and Alpha return, Rita and Zedd, Bulk and Skull (of course) and.....the Ninja Turtles (with apparently a female Ninja Turtle) and evil Power Rangers. I don't know if that's good or bad. As much as I thought the collab between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Masked Rider was good, I don't recall the Masked Rider having any sort of cultural relevance today as the Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles do because I don't recall hearing anything about a Masked Rider remake or reboot, while there's going to be a Seth Rogen produced Ninja Turtles animated movie coming out in August to go along with the various other Ninja Turtle reboots and remakes throughout the years. The Power Rangers in Space/Ninja Turtles Collaboration is either going to be super fun or super boring.

If you watch PRIS make sure make sure you start w/the 2-part Turbo finale. Great episodes
If you watch PRIS make sure make sure you start w/the 2-part Turbo finale. Great episodes

Oh I saw that two parter, It is a great finale. Even the Kid played his part well, even though I still think he's the weak point of the Power Rangers Franchise so far.

7 episodes in and I think the Power Rangers mesh better with Andros than the kid. Even though none of the Mighty Morphin Rangers remain, it's part of that universe as those kids were recruited by Zordon and go to the same school as the MMPR and Power Rangers Zeo (sure, Power Rangers Zeo were mostly Mighty Morphin Rangers, but it had Tanya as part of the team). From what I have read, it gets farther and farther away from the MMPR, so I am not sure if Lost Galaxy, Light Speed Rescue and Time Force are in the same Universe.

Also, Adele is Laverne from Scrubs! She owns the place that was formerly the Juice Bar.

The Ninja Turtles episode was a weird one. They added a Ninja Turtle that has never been seen before or since. I think I understand the Bulk and Skull storyline, what they saw in MMPR were in their eyes monsters, not aliens.

PRIS has been fun so far. I am enjoying it.
Oh I saw that two parter, It is a great finale. Even the Kid played his part well, even though I still think he's the weak point of the Power Rangers Franchise so far.

7 episodes in and I think the Power Rangers mesh better with Andros than the kid. Even though none of the Mighty Morphin Rangers remain, it's part of that universe as those kids were recruited by Zordon and go to the same school as the MMPR and Power Rangers Zeo (sure, Power Rangers Zeo were mostly Mighty Morphin Rangers, but it had Tanya as part of the team). From what I have read, it gets farther and farther away from the MMPR, so I am not sure if Lost Galaxy, Light Speed Rescue and Time Force are in the same Universe.

Also, Adele is Laverne from Scrubs! She owns the place that was formerly the Juice Bar.

The Ninja Turtles episode was a weird one. They added a Ninja Turtle that has never been seen before or since. I think I understand the Bulk and Skull storyline, what they saw in MMPR were in their eyes monsters, not aliens.

PRIS has been fun so far. I am enjoying it.

IDW comics actually just brought back Venus. Just, ummm, in a very, very new way.

IDW comics actually just brought back Venus. Just, ummm, in a very, very new way.


Hmm.....might a return to live action be in the works? Or even a cartoon appearance?
Hmm.....might a return to live action be in the works? Or even a cartoon appearance?

I wouldn't bet on it. The IDW comics pulls from EVERYTHING. And I mean, EVERYTHING. I mean, we just had a Krang vs Ch'rell fight in the books. In an arc that include Cudley the Cowlick from the Archie books.
So I am 15 episodes in and oh man, I am loving PRIS. Once I get through all of the Power Rangers series that I want to watch, I will rank the teams but when all is said and done, I think the PRIS team will rank in the top 3 for me behind MMPR team and Power Rangers Zeo
I don't know yet if Lost Galaxy, Light Speed Rescue, Time Force or Wild Force are any good. I might skip Lost Galaxy and Light Speed Rescue to go for Time Force next as don't think I will be watching all of the Power Rangers Series. I may end it with the ones on Netflix, outside of MMPR.
Just watched the Netflix special.

For someone who never got any emotional attachment for any of these characters (cause I grew most with Super Sentai)...this was quite enjoyable.

This reminded me of many Sentai's V Cinema anniversary like Gokaiger 10th anniversary or Dekaranger 10th anniversary, for example.

Really glad that the writer gave a nod and homage to the original series, Zyuranger ...with its "Bandora Protocol" name dropping.

And I also must say, watching each rangers transformed and then go straight to fight without saying a roll call was a little bit weird to me...haha (as I used to hear it in Super Sentai)....also I never get used nor a fan of hearing "Hiyaaa!" shouted by the rangers during the battle.
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Toei has kind of given up on trying to let Kamen Rider gain a foothold in North America.

For those interested, Shoutfactory is having a good deal on their Super Sentai releases, except for the most recent 3 they released.

Seriously... whenever I was reminded of that very dreadful Kamen Rider BLACK RX's American adaptation (Masked Rider)...it makes me really really mad. Haha.

So bad that adaptation that the creator (Ishinomori-sensei) really dissappointed that he wouldn't had allowed any attempted American adaptation of Kamen Rider again.
Ah I also want to echo the sentiment already pointed out by others...don't expect to watch this kind of show (be that Power Rangers or any other Tokusatsu series) for strong acting and high production values. (though I argue that any of recent Sentai and KR series has better and way more high production values in story, acting, and setting than this PR Netflix special)

And thats okay....like @Sithborg pointed out...it's part of the charm. Hehe.

I always thought...at least for Super sentai and Kamen Rider, to be treated as live action anime ..that way, you can embrace the silliness and its over the top characters and tones.
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I don't know yet if Lost Galaxy, Light Speed Rescue, Time Force or Wild Force are any good. I might skip Lost Galaxy and Light Speed Rescue to go for Time Force next as don't think I will be watching all of the Power Rangers Series. I may end it with the ones on Netflix, outside of MMPR.
I didn’t care for Lost Galaxy but I know some like it. LSR was ok.
Don’t skip Time Force though. It’s great. My favorite non MMPR season.
I didn’t care for Lost Galaxy but I know some like it. LSR was ok.
Don’t skip Time Force though. It’s great. My favorite non MMPR season.

Time Force is next for me after Power Rangers in Space. Although PRIS doesn't have any of the Mighty Morphin Rangers in it, it's still a MMPR season in several ways: when they are on Earth the kids (except the Red Ranger) attend school at Angel Grove High School, the same high school as the Mighty Morphin Rangers, they treat Bulk and Skull the same as the Mighty Morphin Rangers (of course since they were Turbo Rangers too, that makes sense), they work with Alpha and are trying to find Zordon being his last recruits.

After Time Force, I plan on going Wild Force and then the new Netflix Series, which I have heard:

has some connections with the MMPR universe via Lord Zedd and the journalism website in that show "BuzzBlast" opening an office in Angel Grove and that one of the actors on that show (that isn't a Ranger) appeared in Once and Always reporting on the Putty attack at the Juice Bar, which as we know was frequented by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Zeo Rangers and Turbo Rangers.
I don't know yet if Lost Galaxy, Light Speed Rescue, Time Force or Wild Force are any good. I might skip Lost Galaxy and Light Speed Rescue to go for Time Force next as don't think I will be watching all of the Power Rangers Series. I may end it with the ones on Netflix, outside of MMPR.

Don't be skipping out on Lost Galaxy, it's a great season with yet another great villain and a great surprise (for not so stellar real life reasons)

While they don't have to look EXACTLY like this, this is definitely what I would hope the costumes would look like if we ever got a reunion series or even just Minh taking over afterwards
Don't be skipping out on Lost Galaxy, it's a great season with yet another great villain and a great surprise (for not so stellar real life reasons)

While they don't have to look EXACTLY like this, this is definitely what I would hope the costumes would look like if we ever got a reunion series or even just Minh taking over afterwards

I plan on watching Lost Galaxy, but I am more curious about Time Force and Wild Force.

As for a series, I think they would need to build up some more Younger Rangers first. Kat did say that she and Tommy have a son named JJ, but we don't know how old he is. He could be Minh's age, or he could be younger. I read that the Power Rangers: Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury does have some connection to the MMPR Universe. A reunion series could be good as it could be (and I am taking Minh out of the equation for this one because I think she'll be the leader of a younger group of Rangers):

Classic Power Rangers:

Blue Ranger: Billy
Black Ranger: Zack
Red Ranger: Rocky or Jason (if ASJ wants to come back)
Pink Ranger: Kat or Kimberly (if AJJ wants to come back)
Yellow Ranger: Aisha
Green Ranger: Adam (he was the Green Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo)

If you want to add one of the Zeo Rangers, you can add:

Yellow Ranger Zeo: Tanya (she was one of the Rangers captured by Robo Rita)

You can put Minh on a newer Power Rangers team, but that's going to take some build if it's from scratch. We need Minh to have some friends her age at school, all good people with good intentions, especially if JJ is younger than Minh by like 5-6 years. I don't know if they would put her in with the PR: Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury group because I haven't seen that show yet and I believe that they already have a yellow Ranger on their team. If JJ is the same age as Minh and has good intentions, then he can get a spot on the team if he's interested. That fills two spots.
I don't know yet if Lost Galaxy, Light Speed Rescue, Time Force or Wild Force are any good. I might skip Lost Galaxy and Light Speed Rescue to go for Time Force next as don't think I will be watching all of the Power Rangers Series. I may end it with the ones on Netflix, outside of MMPR.

I highly recommend you watch Lost Galaxy, time force, ninja storm, Dino Thunder, S.P.D.
Im trying to think...is Trakeena the last GREAT female villain that we got in PR?

None of them really stand out to me after LG.
Trini's daughter was HORRIBLE. The character was pretty bad and quite annoying. I hated how she treated Billy and the fact that she never apologized to him
I have a new theory based on Power Rangers Dino Fury/Cosmic Theory and Power Rangers Once and Always:

Adam and Aisha are now in space with the Space Patrol Alpha as we see in Once and Always. The Dino Fury Rangers are headed out to space to fight Lord Zedd and his armies and both Adam and Aisha have a long history with Lord Zedd so they can inform the current Rangers of what Zedd can do. All of these Power Ranger series (the ones I have seen so far anyways) usually have Rangers from the past show up, although I have read in Wiki that it doesn't happen to every Power Rangers season.
Trini's daughter was HORRIBLE. The character was pretty bad and quite annoying. I hated how she treated Billy and the fact that she never apologized to him

That she never apologized? Pretty sure she did.

He inadvertently brought Rita back which killed Trini leaving Minh an orphan. She can feel a way. But to each their own
Cat revealed in the original script they had Tommy lose it after Trinis death and basically estrange himself from Kat. They were originally co-parenting.

Also a cut scene of young Charlie watching Trini practice

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