Age of Ultron 5 things you want to see

I want to see them Off Duty. Since they've gotten over the ego mania and become friends, show them as a unit not because they have to (saving the world) be but because they want to be.

Saying Avengers Assemble would be nice fanservice bu in no way could be pulled off without being campy and goofy.
I wouldn't mind seeing em sitting around the tower hanging out or whatever. That could make for some great humorous scenes
I like the idea of Thor saying "Ultron,we would have words with thee!" Considering Joss had the Asgardians speaking more "old english",in Avengers,I think it possible to have something like that.
Can't think of 5 things right now. But the one thing I definitely want to see is this. Just without the 'thee'.

I want to see them Off Duty. Since they've gotten over the ego mania and become friends, show them as a unit not because they have to (saving the world) be but because they want to be.

Saying Avengers Assemble would be nice fanservice bu in no way could be pulled off without being campy and goofy.

I don't see why.It's basically a command to gather them together.I don't see it much goofier than Cap telling Hulk to smash,for example.
While out and about, Steve Rogers receives a chain text from Tony Stark simply saying "Avengers Assemble."
Telling them to Asemble would be fine, but it wouldn't seem natural to prefix that by specifying 'Avengers' since they know who they are.

If i were them i'd be looking around and ask Steve why he's calling them specifically when there's no other heroes around to differentate from.
1.) After credits scene revealing Black Panther has been spying on the team
2.) Thor: Ultron we would have words with thee!
3.) Hawkeye having a bigger role & being a cocky wiseass
4.) Hulk talking more & having a personality like he had in Avengers: EMH
5.) The whole team trying to fight Ultron at once to no avail
Telling them to Asemble would be fine, but it wouldn't seem natural to prefix that by specifying 'Avengers' since they know who they are.

If i were them i'd be looking around and ask Steve why he's calling them specifically when there's no other heroes around to differentate from.

Isn't that the epitome of "over thinking" something?
1.) After credits scene revealing Black Panther has been spying on the team
2.) Thor: Ultron we would have words with thee!
3.) Hawkeye having a bigger role & being a cocky wiseass
4.) Hulk talking more & having a personality like he had in Avengers: EMH
5.) The whole team trying to fight Ultron at once to no avail
Oh yeah. :up: I especially wanna see number 5.
my 5 things are basically a best of of what was written before:

1. Ultron displaying his nutty Oedipal behavior.
2. Hawkeye cracking some jokes
3. "Iron Man" by AC/DC to make a comeback.
4. Clint, Wanda, Steve and Pietro fight back to back to back to back in an homage to the cover of Avengers #24.
5. Lots of references and easter eggs regarding the MCU.
1. Ultron being the Ultron, complete with insanity and constant upgrades

2. Thor's "Ultron we would have words with thee" line followed by an epic beatdown

3. More balanced screentime and importance for the core team

4. Thor and Hulk's relationship being portrayed like it is A:EMH and Avengers Assemble

5. Pietro and Wanda being worked into the film without "taking over"
I mostly want a decent avengers video game
Ultron being Ultron

Cap leading

More Hulk personality and relation to Thor like in EMH.

IM returning with AC/DC

And most importantly. I want an truly epic fight in the end with epic freking music. I want the feeling when Rohan is about to attack Minas Tirith. Maybe you could fit in the "Ultron, we would have words with thee" thing there.
I want some more shots of the whole team together. That's a must
Amd some varied pairings. More of cap and Thor together. More epic shots of them fighting together. Like we got with cap and iron man and hulk and Thor and Thor and cap. :up:
I remember that

As soon as I heard the music in A1, before Tony spoke to Natasha, I was like "daaamn here comes Iron Man"

It was brilliant

Regardless what the nay sayers think, the presence of AC/DC was sorely missed in IM 3.
"Iron Man" is a Black Sabbath tune, not AC/DC..

Finally, somebody said something. Maybe they could also play Crazy Train by Metalica

1. Great script like Avengers.
2. Balance, no Avenger gets shafted. Could easily happen, don't let it. No Xmen 3 BS
3. Cap lifting Mjolnir... Just has to occur in an Avengers movie, not necessarily this one.
4. Major character dying and not returning
5. More Thanos
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I may be the only one who doesnt want Cap lifting Mjolnir
Haha that simple... I missunderstood you guys. Thought you meant Black Sabbath´s song somehow was connected to Iron man as a hero in the comics and should therefore be so in the movies.

Yeah sure I know the song "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath. Never connected them, I mean the AC/DC music used is just music added to the movie, could have been any band/song that sounded good for the movie.

But when I think about it, Tony was wearing the Black Sabbath shirt in TA. But that was just a funny thing from his part tho. That didn´t have anything to do with the fact that there is AC/DC in the movies(Well he might not have had it if he didn´t like that kind of music). It was more likely a funny thing because he is Iron man and they have a song named that plus if you like AC/DC, chances are you like Black Sabbath as well. So that´s why he had it.
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I feel like "Ultron we would have words with thee"...or "you" is inevitable.

It doesn't seem like wishful thinking, it seems like something that will definitely happen

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