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Sequels A new Thor type


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, so the thread title is a bit misleading but just bear with.

So people are positing when they current actors move on, new characters will take their place rather than reboot the characters eg: captain marvel instead of Captain America, IronHeart instead of Iron Man, of panther instead of iron man etc.

So who would be the new Thor type?
Valkyrie? Maybe Baldur (Thor's missing brother)? ...that's not to say the Avengers need an Asgardian mind you. Depending where they go with Guardians (cause Vol.3 was intended to be the last of the current team) its possible that Drax could spend his days on Earth. I'm pretty sure there's a window there for Mantis too (especially that she's actually an Avenger in the comics).
Valkyrie, Beta Ray Bill or Sentry.
Totally interested in a Beta Ray Bill adaptation. Thor: Ragnarok is a great example of the cosmic side of Thor. Which is only somewhat more interesting than the Norse lore side of Thor. Which is why I'd like to see one more Thor film proper (most likely with Enchantress), before Beta Ray Bill takes over and starts fighting Marvel oddities like the Grandmaster.
Captain Marvel

I imagine it'll be a blend of the original 6 powers over the new 6's power sets.

Just as a couple examples:

Black Panther - Combination of Iron-Man and Cap
Shuri - Combination of Stark, Banner, & Nat
Wasp - Combination of Nat & Iron-man
Captain Marvel - Combination of Cap, Thor, & Hulk
It's Thor or bust for me, after Thor leaves the MCU so will most of my interest.
I've never had a problem with new actors taking over the roles. Would much rather see new actor play one of the big guys (Thor, Cap, Tony) than have them kill off the character.
Hercules, son of Zeus Greek mythology...Hercules demi-god just like Thor is...it all fits
Thor is Thor. I don't buy that Erik Masterson or Jane Foster was really Thor.
Hercules, son of Zeus Greek mythology...Hercules demi-god just like Thor is...it all fits

Thor by definition is not a demi-god. Not sure why they wrote that line into Avengers.
Thor by definition is not a demi-god. Not sure why they wrote that line into Avengers.

I kind of liked it- Tony didn't know everything no matter what he thinks, touch of reality there...

Thor or nothing. Someone else can fill their own place but not have his, for me.
How about 90's Cliche Thor (Thunderstrike)?

Remember back when every new character that DC, Marvel, Image or Malibu put out had "strike" in his name, didn't have sleeves and had some costume that was half superhero spandex, half grunge wear? Those were the days, man...
Hercules would be good. Although some might be put off as being too similar. But i think an mcu take on his history could be great. Unless they decide to merge the olympians with the eternals.
No one can replace Thor, but Valkyrie is pretty awesome.

I wonder if it’s hard to do Hercules because of the Disney adaption and the high chance of Wonder Woman doing Hercules too?
Totally interested in a Beta Ray Bill adaptation. Thor: Ragnarok is a great example of the cosmic side of Thor. Which is only somewhat more interesting than the Norse lore side of Thor. Which is why I'd like to see one more Thor film proper (most likely with Enchantress), before Beta Ray Bill takes over and starts fighting Marvel oddities like the Grandmaster.

This :up:
I wonder if it’s hard to do Hercules because of the Disney adaption and the high chance of Wonder Woman doing Hercules too?

Why do you assume there's a "high chance" of Hercules being in a WW movie? He's never really been a big player in her comics especially compared to Herc in Marvel where he's been involved with Thor and the Avengers for long stretches or had his own series.
Herc played a massive role in the perez run which partly inspired the movies. I don’t think he’ll be in the next one but I would expect him to appear very soon.

I hope it doesn’t cause an issue though because I would LOVE to see Herc appear especially if Mangianello still wants to play him
If it were to happen, and I don't really care for a "replacement", it would be BRB.
I'd love to see Herc alongside Thor and Hulk if they could pull it off somehow.
That would be pretty cool. I could see herc being like the Channing Tatum type character in 21 jump street to thor’s Jonah hill

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