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Arrow Arrow 3.23 My Name Is Oliver Queen

I'm not "pretending" anything, I simply don't agree that any of those criticisms are valid.

What about Felicity magically flying the magically repaired ATOM suit which should have been too big for her anyway?
I have no problem with that. Why should I? Because you and a few others do?
I don't understand this. I thought Season 3 was highly enjoyable and had a GREAT finale??

Because some folks simply didn't like it. Me, I'm with you. I enjoyed the season and the finale, and don't get all the harsh criticism.
Oh well, different strokes, I guess.

I'm glad you guys had a great time with this season. I did not, but that's just me. I think there was a lack of focus in this season, the writing was weak, and they tried to push felicity as a lead, instead of trying to write good stories. The characterization didn't make any sense to me, most of the time. I liked the three episodes with Brick, he was more threatening and memorable than Ra's to me.

Season 3 was the worst, so I'd like to forget about all of that along with Ra's.

That's where I stand as well. I still am attached to the cast and the characters, so I will keep watching, but if season 4 is not better than season 3, it may be my last season.
I have no problem with that. Why should I? Because you and a few others do?

No because there was no time for the suit to get fixed. It was Routh sized not Felicity sized and we never saw her learn to use it. It made no sense.
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You really are overthinking this. But, you go ahead and do that. I'd rather just sit here in my "Ignorance" and enjoy the show.

But it's not hard to understand, many people are frustrated with bad writing resulting in things that don't make any sense, poor characterization of several characters, the Batmanization of Oliver, the unnecessary love triangle of Oliver-Felicity-Ray, etc, etc... to pretend everything was fine is actually harder to understand because obviously it was not, it would be like saying junk food is good for your health.

For someone who dislikes Arrow and thinks the season is so bad, you sure do watch it and talk about it a lot. Some of the things you are moaning about are quite small and petty and wouldn't even upset an infant. You seem very easily wound up, perhaps you should consider watching a show less upsetting than Arrow.
That's what he almost litterally said. "I need to go have a conversation with Wells." And then he left an entire city to die.
Wells was already in the bag, no threat anymore. If he still was a threat Barry would not have gone to Nanda Barbat (which according to the show seems to be about 20miles from Starlin City...)

OK. Whatever. This complaint makes 0 sense to me.
Felicity in the Atom suit saving Oliver was one of the most awful and cringe worthy things ever. I think I gave myself a concussion I face palmed so hard.

I was confused how Felicity was able to wear the Atom suit and have it fit perfectly, even though Felicity is smaller than Ray.
Wait...Oliver survived being shot because of his League gear, but we've seen several assassins either get pierced by arrows or shot by Diggle...and then die. What the ****?

Oliver was wearing custom league plot armor.
One of the writers or producers said before that Malcolm was not coming back and that his death was final, so there is still a chance that Ra's will be brought back. Personally I hope he is as I thought he was a great villain.

Sure, but for now we should probably be looking at what the show will do without having Ra's being the main villain for the season like they did with Malcolm and Slade before him.
You really are overthinking this. But, you go ahead and do that. I'd rather just sit here in my "Ignorance" and enjoy the show.

No I just know by sight he is much taller than her and it wouldn't fit her. I just looked it up and he is 6'3" While she is 5'5". And I remember his appearance on Flash & poor landing.
No I just know by sight he is much taller than her and it wouldn't fit her. I just looked it up and he is 6'3" While she is 5'5". And I remember his appearance on Flash & poor landing.

Rationalize it all you want, I couldn't really give a rat's behind. This is my last comment to you because you can't debate with someone when they're bound and determined to nit-pick something to death. You think that tiny detail is important, I don't. Let's just leave it at that.
Rationalize it all you want, I couldn't really give a rat's behind. This is my last comment to you because you can't debate with someone when they're bound and determined to nit-pick something to death. You think that tiny detail is important, I don't. Let's just leave it at that.

That's fine. You think that you & the two others who love the whole season are the majority while the dozens of people who complain are the few. I don't see any point when you won't admit anything is wrong.
Sure, but for now we should probably be looking at what the show will do without having Ra's being the main villain for the season like they did with Malcolm and Slade before him.

Agreed. I am already looking forward to Damien Darhk and H.I.V.E.

I thought it was wise to have Damien be aware that Ra's was coming after him and to have escaped before Ra's arrived. To have had Damien in a situation where Ra's could have killed him were it not for Oliver would have had him in a vulnerable position and you do not want the seasons main villain to be vulnerable or at someone's mercy until around the final episode of the season that they are the antagonist of.
watching the Flash final, it's kinda making me wonder, how changing the timeline might effect, Arrow (if at all) but given that Barry has had a presences in arrows timeline... if him altering his timeline would change how things ended
Guggenheim has said that TF's time travel shenanigans won't affect Arrow.
Damn, I hope they will change their ideas about it, it would be a great way to retcon some stuff in season 4.

- The Red Arrow. <3 you, Thea.

- I like that Malcolm became Ra's. It's a good direction for him, and I'm not sure where they would have taken him otherwise, because he shouldn't be BFFs with the Arrow crew but had no clear goals at this point other than not get killed by Ra's and be Thea's dad. This way he has the potential to be a villain in the future and the potential to be someone they have to make a reluctant alliance with.

- I also like that Oliver told Malcolm off at the end.

- While I don't think Olicity was the great love story it was meant to be, and I feel at least a bit of the aggravation people have toward Felicity of late, I think it's nice that Oliver gets to go off and have a happy, normal life with her over the break.


- Barry still annoys me, and while I don't normally care that Captain America doesn't help Iron Man in Iron Man movies, etc., it's probably not a good idea to introduce someone into the finale just to make them go away because they would ruin the plot.

- At least Quentin wasn't willing to kill Oliver (I had my doubts), but still, him disregarding a biological threat to the city to start with was a new low. I don't think we were supposed to agree him or anything, but I think they mean for him to be more sympathetic than he is, because I really don't care whether he drinks himself to death right now.

- When a villain is as arrogant and overbearing as Ra's is, it doesn't leave me hoping for him to have a dignified, happy-ish ending. I get it, Oliver violating his no kill policy was somewhat counterbalanced by him being as nice as he could be about it, but I wish he could have known it was Malcolm who would replace him as the Demon's Head. One last **** you to take to his grave.

- I hope Tatsu isn't out of the show for good.

- I know Ray isn't gone for good, but it's still odd that he seemingly died and the music remained upbeat.

I'll give this episode a 7, almost an 8. The season overall ended up being passable to me, which is a fair amount better than how I was feeling before The Climb, but not comparable to the first two great seasons.
Already made my thoughts clear in the other thread but wanted to bring this up again as a lot of people seemed to have a problem with it.

So I met some of the cast (including Amell....and yes he is the loveliest guy) and Brendan Routh bought up an interesting tidbit that they filmed but had to cut for time constraints but...

It's Ray who's flying Felicity in the suit

it makes sense because he didn't say he couldn't do it, just the he could not be away from the station.
Already made my thoughts clear in the other thread but wanted to bring this up again as a lot of people seemed to have a problem with it.

So I met some of the cast (including Amell....and yes he is the loveliest guy) and Brendan Routh bought up an interesting tidbit that they filmed but had to cut for time constraints but...

It's Ray who's flying Felicity in the suit

it makes sense because he didn't say he couldn't do it, just the he could not be away from the station.
oh that's it totally cool to know. but in the show he said he need to concentrate on the cure with nanites being deployed.

I'll have no problem. cause I usually only speak for my self.

but with what he said while she disturbing him with that other's that have issues...... not so much. they probably should have had him say that he needed to concentrate if he multi task it regardless.

Sorry to hear that they had to cut that scene.

Oh BTW before I forget I'm happy you enjoyed your time meeting the cast.
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oh that's it totally cool to know. but in the show he said he need to concentrate on the cure with nanites being deployed.

I'll have no problem. cause I usually only speak for my self.

but with what he said while she disturbing him with that other's that have issues...... not so much. they probably should have had him say that he needed to concentrate if he multi task it regardless.

Sorry to hear that they had to cut that scene.

Oh BTW before I forget I'm happy you enjoyed your time meeting the cast.

Yeah I know it's still hard to fit in, but I o he already created the nanites (or at least had the blueprints for them so to speak) from what I gathered and just needed to deploy them, but he couldn't do that if he was away from the station, so maybe once he managed to deploy enough of the nanites the system could deploy the rest automatically while he flew felicity in the suit....idk. but I'd rather take Brendans word then believing Felicity could fly the suit on her own &#9786;

Thanks, was a crazy weekend. (Met a few from Flash and Gotham too, though Amell was the biggest star, but I my favourite was Caity :ilv:)
Me, I had no problem at all with Felicity in the suit.
I just wanted one or two lines of dialogue explaining how he'd been training her to fly it or something, that's all. Sort of like how Rhodey can just immediately jump into the War Machine armor and pilot it in IM2. All I needed was a quick comment about Tony teaching him how to fly it. So that it doesn't fell COMPLETELY out of nowhere.

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