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ASOIAF/Game of Thrones as Movie Franchise

Blue Moon

Jul 31, 2012
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So i saw a discussion once, possibly here or reddit, about an imaginary adaptation of the books/show as a movie franchise with big name stars. I put together a cast list with the idea the first two movies would basically adapt the first two seasons of the show.

Russell Crowe as Ned Stark
Hugh Jackman as Jaime Lannister
Julianne Moore as Catelyn Stark
Nicole Kidman as Cersei Lannister
Warwick Davis as Tyrion Lannister
Emily Blunt as Daenerys Targaryen
Bill Nighy as Tywin Lannister
Nicholas Hoult as Jon Snow
Emma Stone as Sansa Stark
Chloe Moretz as Arya Stark
Henry Cavill as Robb Stark
Tom Hardy as Theon Greyjoy
Tom Felton as Joffrey Baratheon
Mark Strong as Stannis Baratheon
Jake Gyllenhaal as Renly Baratheon
Josh Brolin as Sandor Clegane the Hound
Brock Lesnar as Gregor Clegane the Mountain
Nathan Lane as Lord Varys the Spider
Christoph Waltz as Lord Petyr Baelish
Christopher Lloyd as Maester Pycelle
Sean Connery as Sir Barristan Selmy
Pierce Brosnan as Jorah Mormont
Dwayne The Rock Johnson as Khal Drogo
Scarlett Johannssen as Margarey Tyrell
Neil Patrick Harris as Loras Tyrell
Charlize Theron as Brienne

Anyone else have any ideas about casting this fictitious movie franchise or directors, etc. Basically who would be your fantasy choices for bringing the series to life on the big screen?
Not bad overall, but if you're going to cast a wrestler as the Mountain, might as well cast Paul Wight; he has been in a few more things than Lesnar has.
I agree with a lot of those choices, except I'd have Charlize Theron as Cersei rather than Brienne and Liam Neeson as Ned Stark. To be honest the show does use some big name actors and they're cast so perfectly, so for roles like Tyrion, Tywin, Jon Snow, Brienne, Stannis, Varys and Khal Drogo I would keep the same actors.
To be honest the original cast is so amazing that I feel like most of these choices would be a downgrade.
True, true, a GOT movie would be kind of redundant ... unless it was a musical! :awesome:

Baz Luhrmann presents: Songz Of Ice and Fire

Hugh Jackman as Ned Stark
Idina Menzel as Catelyn Stark
Emmy Rossum as Danerys Targaryen
Neil Patrick Harris as Joffrey Baratheon
Kristin Chenoweth as Tyrion Lannister
Placido Domingo as Robert Baratheon
Donny Osmond as Jaimie Lannister
Marie Osmond as Cersei Lannister
NPH as Joffrey? I'm sold. :awesome: ;)

Emmy Rossum as Dany would actually be very interesting.
Gayme of Thrones

John Barrowman as Ned Stark
Jane Lynch as Catelyn Stark
Harvey Fierstein as Robert Baratheon
Neil Patrick Harris as Jaime Lannister
Portia de Rossi as Cersei Lannister
Chris Colfer as Loras Tyrell
Wentworth Miller as Renly Baratheon
Rupert Everett as Stannis Baratheon
Cynthia Nixon as Melisandre
Denis O'Hare as Roose Bolton
Zachary Quinto as Ramsay Snow
Ellen Degeneres as Brienne of Tarth
Matt Bomer as Jon Snow
Jonathan Groff as Robb Stark
Lindsay Lohan as Sansa Stark
Ellen Page as Arya Stark
Ezra Miller as Bran Stark
Amber Heard as Daenerys Targaryen
Ben Whishaw as Viserys Targaryen
Russell Tovey as Theon Greyjoy
Alan Cumming as Littlefinger
Nathan Lane as Lord Varys
Cheyenne Jackson as Daario Naharis
Derek Jacobi as Grand Maester Pyecelle
Ian McKellen as Tywin Lannister

Nailed it. :o
Gayme of Thrones

Nailed it. :o

Dude, no. For one thing, you missed a key opportunity to cast straight people in the roles of Loras, Renly, Oberyn and Ellaria.

I'm thinking Tracey Morgan, Kirk Cameron, Mel Gibson and Victoria Jackson.
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It was a really boring Summer day. Too hot to do anything.

So a friend of mine and me started imagening how it would've been if a Prequel movie be made in 2001/2002/2003 instead of the LOTR ones.
So... following that pattern, we imagined what actors were at theyr best circa 2004 to play the ASOIAF characters. We came up to this:

Sean Bean as Ned Stark
Eric Bana(Hector mode) as Robert Baratheon
Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister
Brad Pitt (Achilles mode with his Tibet hair) as Rhaegar
Bill Nighy as Aerys II Targaryen
Keira Knightley or Eva green as Lyanna Stark or Ashara Dayne
Russel Crowe as Gerold Hightower
Penelope Cruz as Elia Martell
Bernard Hill(similar to Theothen but brunnete) as Lord Rickard Stark
Viggo Mortensen as Brandon Stark
Liam Neeson as Jon Arryn
Donald Sutherland (yeah, I don't know why, but in my head it fits) as Lord Hoster Tully.
Kevin McKidd as Jon Connington
Coster-Waldau as Jaime and the other actors from the show whose characters appear during the Rebellion (Tywin, Stannis, etc etc)

The ones we couldn't manage to find were Ser Arthur Dayne and Howland Reed. For some reason, Clive Owen still appears in my head as both of them. But i'm not totally convinced.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the list! :)
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@Hyde I went with Nicole Kidman over Charlize Theron as Cersei because i liked the idea of the Australians playing the twins. But Charlize would be amazing. I think Liam Neeson as Ned or Benjen Stark would be good as well.

A young Neil Patrick Harris would be excellent as Joffrey, if only the show was around in the 80s hah.
Ian McKellen as Tywin or Aerys the Mad King or Maester Aemon Targ.
Ellen Page as Arya, some other solid choices too.

@Ezio A prequel series in live action form would be a dream come true. Excellent choices. Brad Pitt as Rhaegar is perfect. The 3 movies could feature the Battle of the Summerhall in the 1st, the Battle of the Bells in 2nd, and the Battle of the Trident/Sack of King's Landing in the 3rd. Some of the events leading up to the rebellion would have to be condensed and the siege of Storm's End would have to be a background kind of thing but it could be done. Peter Jackson directing of course.
@Ezio A prequel series in live action form would be a dream come true. Excellent choices. Brad Pitt as Rhaegar is perfect. The 3 movies could feature the Battle of the Summerhall in the 1st, the Battle of the Bells in 2nd, and the Battle of the Trident/Sack of King's Landing in the 3rd. Some of the events leading up to the rebellion would have to be condensed and the siege of Storm's End would have to be a background kind of thing but it could be done. Peter Jackson directing of course.

Exactly. We even imagined how it would be called and what we would see

A Song of Ice And Fire: Game of thrones. Everything leading to the Rebellion.
-Some flashbacks from the Stark clan, from Jaime and his starting as a KG, the tourney at Harrenhall, Ned and Robert in the Eyrie, Lyanna being the knight of the laughing tree(yes, she is),
-We also imagined a scene to establish Tywin in which a new lord wants to rebel and Tywin sends a bard who plays Rains of Castamere.
- Brandon vs Littlefinger, and the movie ending with Rickard and Brandon dead.

A Song of Ice And Fire: Storm of Swords: Practically this is the 'action' movie.
-Three battles at Summerhall
-Begining of the Siege of Storm's end
- Ned rallying the North, the Arryns struglying with some bannermen
-Ned marrying Catelyn.
-All through the movie we see little skirmishes around the country.
-Tywin choosing not to move at all.
-The battle of the Bells, with Jon connington in disgrace.
-A flashabck of Aerys' abduction at Duskendale, to make him more of a 2 dimentional villain.
-And finally, the battle of the trident (the helm's deep of the movie).
- The movie could end with Tywin arriving to King's Landing

A Song of Ice and Fire: A Feast for Crows
- The movie could start with a punch like the Sack of King's Landing and the death of Aerys
-Ned arrives and sees the chaos reigning all over the city.
-Tywin presents his support to Robert and Ned gets angry and has a discussion with Robert
- Ned leaves the capital for the South and lifts the siege Storm's End.
- Then we have the Tower of Joy scene and Lyanna's death. Everything shown rather in an ambiguous way so the TV Series could surprise us.

Also, all along the movie, there are glimpses of what is happening throughout the kingdom (stannis, dorne,riverlands, etc)
-The movie could end with a montage of every character.:
-Ned arriving with Jon to Winterfell, Cat looking surprised
-Ashara Dayne "looking" at a window and crying
-Daenerys being born and later she and Viserys arriving at Pentos
-Robert sitting on the throne, unhappy, because he won the war, but lost Lyanna.
-Benjen going to the Wall
-Howland Reed arriving at Greywater watch
-Cersei marrying and Jaime looking sad and Tywin proud.
- Etc,etc....

Well, that's about it. A bit crazy, I know. Dreaming is free though.....:)
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GoT already feels like a film, certainly more so than most other TV shows. I guess certain large scale action sequences could be made more impressive but otherwise I'm not sure it would be much of an upgrade. Some good casting choices though :up:

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