[Batman 89] The History

The Empire Ape

Feb 18, 2007
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How long has he already operated when the movie started?

Did Bruce Wayne "disappear" like BB or did he just travel long times there-and-there like in the comics?

Did he have a "bat trauma" or did he just see the Bat flying through the window and used it as a symbol?

How old was Bruce when his parents were killed?

How old was he when he "donned the cape" for the first time?

Yes, I know there aren't definite answers for these question but what do you think?

Personally, I would really like a comic series set in the continuity of Batman/Batman Returns, written by Sam Hamm or Tim Burton (okay, this is unrealistic) like Singer wrote Superman.
I like your comic idea, but a mini-series cartoon would be better since Burton has a background in animation and none what so ever in comics.

Basically what we know about Bruce is that he has traveled to Japan, which is were i assume he trained, we have no idea how long for but I would probably think he has been gone for a while. We don't know about the Bat flying through the window or not. Bruce is round 8 or 9, id assume 8 since thats how it is in the comics, however it doesn't really matter as long as he is a kid when it happens.

He has been around somewhere near to a month i think Knox says the sightings start then, but don't quote me on that im not 100% sure. And to find out how old he was when he donned the cape you'd need to look at a screen cap of when Bruce is researching the files on Naiper, see if it has a date of birth or something, then you take away 15 years (since thats how old he was) from when he killed the Waynes, then add it up to the present day and take a month off, since Batman has been around roughly that long. Then take 7 years off because thats how much there is in between the Joker and Batman and you should have an answer. Not sure if i explained that right but ill try and get on the case.
How long has he already operated when the movie started?

Did Bruce Wayne "disappear" like BB or did he just travel long times there-and-there like in the comics?

Did he have a "bat trauma" or did he just see the Bat flying through the window and used it as a symbol?

How old was Bruce when his parents were killed?

How old was he when he "donned the cape" for the first time?

Yes, I know there aren't definite answers for these question but what do you think?

Personally, I would really like a comic series set in the continuity of Batman/Batman Returns, written by Sam Hamm or Tim Burton (okay, this is unrealistic) like Singer wrote Superman.

They probably did this to avoid a boring origin, since if you really wanted to see it you could just read the comics. I mean, they give you the necessary exposition, what with his parents being killed and the bat dreams, but they certainly didn't spend an hour exploring it.
How long has he already operated when the movie started?

A month or two.

Did Bruce Wayne "disappear" like BB or did he just travel long times there-and-there like in the comics?

Remember when Knox and Vale walk into that room with stuff from all over the world? And Knox starts making fun of them, even calling one "king of wicker people". Then, he sees one that has no idea what it is and Bruce pops up and says, "its Japanese."

That answers your question, sir.

Did he have a "bat trauma" or did he just see the Bat flying through the window and used it as a symbol?

We don't know. Although he tells Vicki Vale, "they are great survivors".

How old was Bruce when his parents were killed?

Under 10 and above 7.

How old was he when he "donned the cape" for the first time?

We don't know.[/QUOTE]
In the original script he says he's 35 years old, which is ten years older than the accepted continuity's starting age (Year One) and makes it pretty much impossible for Grayson, Todd, and Drake to all be Robin at some point in that universe the way they are in the comics.
He's 35, the same age his father was when he was killed. Confirmed in the novelization.

All answers shall be revealed.

The translation of that site:

It took me almost five years to make my fan film, then I realized Warner Brothers had beaten me to the punch so I decided to re-tool the entire project 5 years into development. Now, 7 years after I've started doing this film it's a giant mess and will probably never see the light of day. Oh why, why have I wasted 7 years on a film I can't make a profit on because the characters are owned by Warner Brothers?
You guys DO know that Paul J. Wares is a member here, right?
I got the sense that Bruce had stayed in Japan for quite a long while. If you'll notice, Bruce Wayne's reputation as a billionaire is not prominantely known. Vickie and Knox have to look him up in the records to even get an idea of who he is. Not many in Gotham knew Bruce's history. That's strange for a man who is so rich, unless he had disappeared for a number of years.

He would've been tabloid fodder as a child! In Gotham, it was common knowledge that his parents were murdered in front of him. That is until Bruce faded in most everyone's memory because of his long absence from Gotham.
I like the fact that they leave his past a mystery. It adds to the mystique of the 89 film. The fans, and most people, know the general origin of Batman, I think thats enough for this story. It would have been cool to see a couple of the above mentioned flashbacks tho.

As for the Prologue project. He has started working on it, I mean "actually" started working on it, has been for awhile. There are shots done. Here is the link to what he has put together so far:


This isnt 100% complete, this shot, but almost. Before people start beating PJ up on this, you should really check out the site for all the details and see exactly why it has taken this long. He is putting alot, and I mean ALOT, of time and detail into this.
doubtful...this fan film's been in development hell for awhile now...though I'd be excited if they got their act together and made it happen.


They ARE making it happen. They just recently started filming, it took years of development now it's finally off of the ground. Look at the youtube link that SHADOWBAT posted and you'll see just how nicely it's finally coming along.
The translation of that site:

It took me almost five years to make my fan film, then I realized Warner Brothers had beaten me to the punch so I decided to re-tool the entire project 5 years into development. Now, 7 years after I've started doing this film it's a giant mess and will probably never see the light of day. Oh why, why have I wasted 7 years on a film I can't make a profit on because the characters are owned by Warner Brothers?

Come on Pen, you're usually above comments like that. Look through the site and you'll see that yes, it has been in development for a while, but now it's going full steam ahead.
Mayhaps I was a bit too harsh on the guy. Securing funding for any movie is hard, let alone one with as much props and costumes as a Batman film. I suppose if it takes him 7 years to secure funding to make the film the right way, that's all that really matters.
I like the fact that they leave his past a mystery. It adds to the mystique of the 89 film. The fans, and most people, know the general origin of Batman, I think thats enough for this story. It would have been cool to see a couple of the above mentioned flashbacks tho.

As for the Prologue project. He has started working on it, I mean "actually" started working on it, has been for awhile. There are shots done. Here is the link to what he has put together so far:


This isnt 100% complete, this shot, but almost. Before people start beating PJ up on this, you should really check out the site for all the details and see exactly why it has taken this long. He is putting alot, and I mean ALOT, of time and detail into this.

That guy's voice sounds freakishly close to Jack Nicholson's! :wow:
I think, honestly, that come January 2009, Prologue will be the most talked about fan project since Dead End.
I think, honestly, that come January 2009, Prologue will be the most talked about fan project since Dead End.

And hopefully better. Dead End was SO overrated that its not even funny!
Did he have a "bat trauma" or did he just see the Bat flying through the window and used it as a symbol?

Deleted dialogue in the batcave from Hamm's script:

How'd you find this place?

Stumbled across it when I was a boy.

I don't like bats. Not that kind.

They used to terrify me. But I
forced myself to keep coming back,
and --
-- I guess I became the thing I
feared the most.
Deleted dialogue in the batcave from Hamm's script:

How'd you find this place?

Stumbled across it when I was a boy.

I don't like bats. Not that kind.

They used to terrify me. But I
forced myself to keep coming back,
and --
-- I guess I became the thing I
feared the most.

Similar to Batman Begins.
Deleted dialogue in the batcave from Hamm's script:

How'd you find this place?

Stumbled across it when I was a boy.

I don't like bats. Not that kind.

They used to terrify me. But I
forced myself to keep coming back,
and --
-- I guess I became the thing I
feared the most.

Sweet! Too bad Burton didn't work that in!
Yes. Burton should not have dropped that. With that Vickie/Batman diaologue incorporated into the script, along with the clues already in B'89, it would have made quite a sufficient origin story without becoming meticulous like BB did.
They used to terrify me. But I
forced myself to keep coming back,
and --
-- I guess I became the thing I
feared the most.

Smiling? I got Batman Forever vibes from this part. I'm sure Keaton would have pulled it off, though. I think he smiled in BR when he told Penguin "Thnigs change", right?

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