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Batman v. Superman vs Thor: The Dark World

The thing that annoyed me about The Dark World is that is basically has the same plot as Thor 1, but instead of Thor being petulant, he’s now heroic?

Thor 1 - An alien race (frost giants) attack Asgard. Thor decides to rush off to their home world to fight them after being told not to by Odin. Thor is petulant and foolish. Thor is shown to be wrong in his actions.

Thor 2 - An alien race (Dark Elves) attack Asgard. Thor decides to rush off to their home world to fight them after being told not to by Odin. Thor is being wise with a strong plan of attack. He’s breaking the laws and ignoring his king, but it’s definitely not petulance this time!

I can’t recall any other movies (and there probably are) where the same character, reacts to the same situation, in the same way, defying the same character, but his actions are attempted to be painted as on completely opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of characters traits.

Now saying all that, I’m guessing that maybe this was intentional, and this was supposed to juxtapose the different emotional states of the characters? Or something?
But it doesn’t come across particularly well in the movie.

I felt that the situations were different enough and it didn't bother me. In the first movie Asgardians clearly had an upper hand and Jotunheim wasn't a serious threat. There was little to gain and much to lose in waging war against Jotunheim. That made Thor's actions foolish.

The dark elves however were a serious threat. They pretty much destroyed everything and Odin's plan was doomed to fail. That made Thor's actions better than nothing.

Parallels are interesting though. I'm sure that Markus & McFeely intended at least to reverse the roles between Thor and Odin.

Sidenote: M&M wrote Thor in The Dark World and he was boring. They also wrote Thor in Infinity War, and he was a clear standout.
I didn't realize until recently that M&M wrote the Dark World :funny:

Not their best work.
Sidenote: M&M wrote Thor in The Dark World and he was boring. They also wrote Thor in Infinity War, and he was a clear standout.


Thor could have been a much different character in "Avengers: Infinity War" if not for "Thor: Ragnarok."

In an interview with Vulture, the "Infinity War" writers — Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely — revealed that Thor was originally supposed to be a more serious counter to the funny Guardians of the Galaxy.

But Thor actor Chris Hemsworth realized how humorous the character had become in last year's "Thor: Ragnarok," which prompted rewrites.
"We changed a few scenes early on because Hemsworth had just done 'Thor: Ragnarok' and was concerned," McFeely told Vulture. "He was like, 'Listen, guys, I've been in Australia and we're doing crazy stuff!'"

"Ragnarok" was much funnier than previous "Thor" movies, and director Taika Waititi created an almost slapstick sci-fi adventure that took full advantage of Hemsworth's comedic talents. Markus and McFeely turned to Waititi for input when rewriting Thor in "Infinity War."

According to Vulture, they "flew Waititi out for two days to pick his brain, then revamped Thor and his 'Infinity War' arc" to reflect the more comical side of the character audiences saw in "Ragnarok."

I think Thor in Infinity War struck a nice balance between Ragnarok Thor and the more serious Thor of the previous movies.
Sidenote: M&M wrote Thor in The Dark World and he was boring. They also wrote Thor in Infinity War, and he was a clear standout.

I guess the lesson was learned from TDW on how not to write him.
I felt that the situations were different enough and it didn't bother me. In the first movie Asgardians clearly had an upper hand and Jotunheim wasn't a serious threat. There was little to gain and much to lose in waging war against Jotunheim. That made Thor's actions foolish.

The dark elves however were a serious threat. They pretty much destroyed everything and Odin's plan was doomed to fail. That made Thor's actions better than nothing.

Parallels are interesting though. I'm sure that Markus & McFeely intended at least to reverse the roles between Thor and Odin.

Sidenote: M&M wrote Thor in The Dark World and he was boring. They also wrote Thor in Infinity War, and he was a clear standout.

I agree that they’re.....somewhat different. And with a different director, or a better production process, I’m sure hey could have made the parallels work better. But as it is, I just think it seems rather thin. I can see what they were probably going for, but I think they missed.

Speaking of nice Thor continuity though, I like the reveal in Ragnarok that Asgard were pretty War mongering and Odin essentially cast Hela out for this.
It adds a nice layer in Thor 1 if you watch it again. Is Odin scared that Thor is going down the warmongering path that Hela did? Is that why he so quickly cast Thor out for attacking Jotenheim?
It’s good stuff.
Saw TDW again for my MCU marathon, and it's still painfully boring.
I'm not sure whether that is better or worse than a movie that was infuriating from start to finish and then left me apathetic on my one later view.
To be fair, M&M weren’t the only writers on TDW. That’s one movie where the committee approach, which usually works out ok for Marvel, probably hurt it.
To be fair, M&M weren’t the only writers on TDW. That’s one movie where the committee approach, which usually works out ok for Marvel, probably hurt it.

TDW is a movie where I think they had a decent base story, but it was probably 2 drafts away from being ready.
I really wanted to know what Taylor turned in that had to be reworked so much in reshoots. Whedon was apparently "air-lifted in", Taylor's words, to rewrite certain scenes. Sounds like it was easily the most tumultuous Marvel production outside of Ant-man.
I think it might have been more tumultuous than Ant-Man. Yes, Wright left Ant-Man, but Jenkins left TDW. Marvel hired McKay to rewrite Ant-Man and once Reed was on board, Ant-Man seemed stable. TDW was troubled all the way through post-production!
Were fans aware that TDW's post-production was abnormal? I don't recall hearing about it at the time and didn't know until a couple years ago.
I remember hearing about tension between Marvel and Alan Taylor before the movie came out.
I think it might have been more tumultuous than Ant-Man. Yes, Wright left Ant-Man, but Jenkins left TDW. Marvel hired McKay to rewrite Ant-Man and once Reed was on board, Ant-Man seemed stable. TDW was troubled all the way through post-production!

There's a difference there though since Jenkins didn't actually do anything on TDW, while Wright had written Ant-Man and probably done other pre-production. Marvel already had a script when Jenkins came on, and then she wanted to do something else than what the script was about and Marvel didn't.

TDW was probably overall more problematic though as there was an issue with Alan Taylor, while Payton Reed seems to have worked out fine.

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