best batmobile

The "Batman Forever" Batmobile. It jsut has this rebel like edge to it. The "Batman/Returns" Batmobile was great wit a mysterious look to it.

The "Batman and Robin" Batmobile is still cool but way over the top.

The Tumbler is just stupid. It's not even bat like. I wouldn't even define it as a batmobile. It's just a big black tank like car.
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I can't believe anyone would like the neon monstrosity that was Schumacher's 'mobile.
I saw Michael Keaton's Batmobile in person many years ago when the first bat-movie came out. It was at Six Flags Great Adventure Theme Park in New Jersey. They had just built a new amusement ride, based on Batman. The car was there for publicity. It was smaller than I expected it to be, but still pretty slick.

Though the best car in my mind will always be Adam West's. I thought Val Kilmer had a nice piece of sheet metal, too.

My least favorite is Christian Bale's Tumbler. That's not a car, it's a tank. It's got no sex appeal at all.

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Anton Furst's Batmobile is still my favorite and always will be. It's so awesome. Sleek, dark, fast, perfect. It fits with the rest of the imagery in Burton's two films so well.
I still love the classic Burton Batmobile the best, but the Tumbler is very close behind for me.
My favourite Batmobiles were the '66 version and the '89 version for being the most reminiscent of a bat in their styling.

I mean look at the front end of the 1966 Batmobile and tell me that it doesn't make you think of a bat's face? The 1989 Batmobile triggers the bat look to me because of the wing shapes throughout the car, esp. the rear "tail"

Burton's Batmobile, no contest IMO. I just can't buy the Tumbler being a Batmobile. I like it, but it's just not a Batmobile. I consider it more what it's called, "a tank". Second for me has to be the BTAS Batmobile.
The batmobile that could actually turn a corner and that looked like it wouldn't be a annihilated by a high speed bump.

The Tumbler.
Difficult poll. I voted for the '89 car, cause it is just beautiful looking. Huge, dark, sleek, and sexy, it starts out sensible with the front-loaded turbine and gets more outrageous as it heads towards the fins. And the Returns model is superior, what with the steampunkish Batmissle and its locomotive wheels!

However, as many have pointed out, the Tumbler is a more technically impressive construct. The making-of Begins featurettes document a fantastic moment while test-driving an early build without the armor plating, providing proof that the rear jet is indeed an actual afterburner. To have a stunt-driver actually sing the praises of such a vehicle is probably the highest compliment (compare to the testimonies of those that had to pilot the 60's and '89 cars)

HOWEVER . . . My favorite celluloid Batmobile is hands-down the Animated Series. It really is the angriest of the bunch, with strong, confident lines and an engine that sounds like it was born in Hell. Even its idle is so strong that it vibrates the frame. It's like a giant, seething beast, a stretch limo darkened by witchcraft with the troubled soul of the most bad-ass muscle car ever built - then had its guts transplanted with James Bond's arsenal. I absolutely love it.
The ´89 Batmobile, the Batman Forever Batmobile, and The Tumbler. Just perfect.
I like the Batmobile in [Batman] & [Batman Returns]. I'm slowly getting used to the Tumbler though. Not a fancy looking car for Batman but it does have almost all the necessary tech. for Batman though.
My vote goes to the Furst Batmobile. Burton's car. I think it is the best I've seen, the creation of the car was going in the right direction. It does not mean it can be the only one, but so far it is the best car, IMO, and the best characterization of what the batmobile should be. :up:
I think I would have enjoyed a lot the "Clooney's car" without the stupid neons, and with a f**king cockpit.

Nolan's car is no batmobile at all; it is THE TUUUUUUMBLERRRRRRRR! Fear this realistic name, you realistic bad boys of the realistic underworld!
Tumbler for sure. No other car can do what it does. I hated it when i first saw it and then when i watched it in action it all made sense.

My second favourite would be the one from BTAS. I dont know why people like the Burton one (lame fins, the turbine sticking out like a penis, etc) when BTAS is clearly a step up.
Keatons batmobile is my ultimate favorite, followed by kilmers then bales, then follow the rest in no order, i like bales but it just doesent feel like the batmobile.

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