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Best CBM of 2017

Any movie with Jeff Goldblum gets my vote.
Looking at the poll results it's a little surprising WW isn't even in the top 3.
I'd personally switch Ragnarok and Wonder Woman for top 3.
WW, as good as it was, is still at the end of the day, strictly from a plot and story and character point of view, a "good" SH origin movie. Both Ragnarok and Logan went to places very few expected a SH movie to go to and therefore they are so much more liked. That is my explanation for the results being what they are.
Looking at the poll results it's a little surprising WW isn't even in the top 3.

I'm surprised as well, although I personally don't think it was top three. Not counting JL (which I haven't seen), I'd have it at #5. It was a really strong year.
I'm surprised as well, although I personally don't think it was top three. Not counting JL (which I haven't seen), I'd have it at #5. It was a really strong year.

Come on, satisfy that morbid curiosity and watch it! :hehe:
When it comes on a channel or streaming service I have, I will. I'm not paying for it though.


I'm going to end up buying because I have an addictive collector mentality, LOL! I have every available CBM on blu ray currently! At least that is Marvel and DC based.
I'm surprised as well, although I personally don't think it was top three. Not counting JL (which I haven't seen), I'd have it at #5. It was a really strong year.

You're not missing anything worthwhile.

I'm more shocked JL has 3 votes :o

I'd love to hear their reasoning why they think it stands above all the others.
You're not missing anything worthwhile.

I'd love to hear their reasoning why they think it stands above all the others.

For me it came down to a duel between Thor: Ragnarok and Justice League. They were the most ambitious since they were attempting to meld large pieces of comic book history. In the interest of full disclosure, those type of stories appeal to me more than smaller-scale stories like Logan and SM:Homecoming, both of which I really liked.

Ragnarok had good stories for most of its characters, including the best MCU villain to date in Hela. However, I was slightly disappointed in the Planet Hulk material, even moreso than I was in a goofy take on Flash, a GL-less League and Superman's weird CGI mouth. That's why I ultimately gave JL the edge, albeit a slight one.
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I don't give CBMs credit for being "ambitious" like that a.k.a. trying to bite off more than they can chew. Also in JL's case trying to take a quick and easy road to catch up to the MCU. Which we all know is what JL and BvS were all about. And failed to do so.
I don't give CBMs credit for being "ambitious" like that a.k.a. trying to bite off more than they can chew. Also in JL's case trying to take a quick and easy road to catch up to the MCU. Which we all know is what JL and BvS were all about. And failed to do so.

I look at films the same way. Either it accomplished what you wanted it to or not. You don't get a gold star for trying. Granted, certain projects and ways of doing things have a higher ceiling potential, but if you try to stack a house of cards too high and it falls down, it still fell down.
I don't give CBMs credit for being "ambitious" like that a.k.a. trying to bite off more than they can chew. Also in JL's case trying to take a quick and easy road to catch up to the MCU. Which we all know is what JL and BvS were all about. And failed to do so.

There are people who say that a movie should be judged in its merits alone, and I'm aware that not being in that camp means that those people would say that I'm unfair. I get that. However, it's ironic that you mention films biting off more than they could chew. As someone who always measured a film directly against its comic story, I'd say that is what both Logan and Thor: Ragnarok did. Despite being good in their own right, they each tried to take a specific story an use it in a different way. In that apsect, they each missed the mark.

Justice League isn't perfect and I believe even WB knows that it can't catch up to the MCU. However, by embracing elements like Mother Boxes, the Amazons/GLC/Atlantis opposing Steppenwolf, and S.T.A.R. Labs, the film hit some important details that have viewers the idea that the DC Universe's story was older and more complex that the primary events of the film. Some people would say those are irrelevant. I'd say they're invaluable.

Also, I was a huge fan of the performances in JL. Outside of Miller, everyone was at the top of their game. Cavill, Fisher, and Momoa made their respective characters come alive in ways that I once didn't think would be possible.
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Logan is the clear winner here. Well done Mangold and Jackman.

I enjoyed all 3 Marvel entries this year but none blew me away.

DC stays losing. I was looking forward to Wonder Woman, however despite being their best effort so far it was still mediocre. Will probably never bother with Justice League.
Wonder Woman is not the best comic book movie of 2017 but it does have the best comic book movie scene of 2017.

As for the best comic book movie of 2017 overall? I'll vote Thor Ragnarok. Objectively, Logan is the better film, sure, but this film injected Thor with a much needed fresh shot in the arm by doing something totally new and exciting with the character(enough to make someone like me who was previously indifferent to the Son of Odin to now someone who's eager to find out what happens next). I'm a sucker for the far-out, exotic, space fantasy designs which is why I'm a such a Kirby fan and this film more than any of the other Marvel films brought Kirby's distinctive, epic visuals to life. Logan is a powerful piece of film making, no doubt about it but I didn't quite connect with it the way most did but it's still a stunning accomplishment nevertheless and it's the best swan song for the 17 year tenure of Hugh Jackman in the role. And like Ragnarok, it is the rare third installment that is the best of the trilogy.

Guardians Vol. 2 was fun with it's wacky over-the-top goofiness and the underlying heart it had but some of it just drags and becomes quite a bore after awhile, with it's constant dosage of humor(which is pretty repetitive) minimizing some emotional beats. WW is a basic origin superhero film in the vein of Donner's Superman, but aside from that great No Man's land scene, nothing about the film truly sticks out for me. Gal Gadot is not a great actress(I struggle to call her even a good one) but thanks to the direction of Patty Jenkins and the rest of much better actors like Chris Pine for Gadot to act with she comes out okay...for the most part. Spider-Man Homecoming was..fine, but it didn't have the emotional pathos that I expect every great Spider-Man story to have and it felt overly 'cutesy' and saccharine and like most Marvel films it's cinematography is stale and bland--with a lack of truly dynamic and memorable shots that stick out(say what you will about ASM2 but it was a much better shot film, probably the most gorgeously shot Spider-Man film to date). I miss the haunting and arresting visual touches of Cinematic Spider-Man's Riami days.

And last and certainly least is Justice League--which is not a bad film per se is so much as it is bland film. JL is nothing, it's less than nothing. It's just there but to be fair the odds were already stacked heavily against it's favor; with this film being a direct sequel to the incredibly polarizing BvS(which I still maintain is underrated) and in short of delaying the film in order to get a new director this film was always going to be pretty much the definition of 'DOA'. Much has been made about the fabled 'Snyder Cut' but the reality is Justice League was never going to be Snyder's film. It stopped being his film the moment BvS was received the way it was. It was always going to be a safe, studio-mandated crowd-pleaser that was destined to fail so I'm just glad Snyder got off this ship before it hit the iceberg(the tragedy notwithstanding). If Snyder had been allowed the same carte blanche with Justice League as he was with the MOS and especially BvS then I'd venture to guess Justice League would at the very least be a more interesting movie to watch than Warners butchered theatrical cut. Granted, it still wouldn't win over any of the detracters of Snyder's previous DC entries and I wager the film would've still performed about the same(maybe even worse) but at least the film would've felt like it had a distinctive identity of it's own rather than feeling like a bubblegum Marvel-lite Avengers knockoff(ironic given who the guy that replaced Snyder was).
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1. Logan
2. Wonder Woman
3. Spider-Man Homecoming
4. Lego Batman Movie
5. Thor Ragnarok
6. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
7. Justice League

Damn good year for superhero movies for the most part
Logan is the clear winner here. Well done Mangold and Jackman.

I enjoyed all 3 Marvel entries this year but none blew me away.

DC stays losing. I was looking forward to Wonder Woman, however despite being their best effort so far it was still mediocre. Will probably never bother with Justice League.
You say DC "stays losing" but you didn't even see Justice League?
  1. Wonder Woman, visually stunning
  2. Thor: Ragnarok, too many silly humor moments
  3. Spider-Man Homecoming, didn't blow me away like the originals, but it was ok
  4. GOTG 2, I liked the first one better
  5. Logan, profanity doesn't make a movie good

Haven't bothered to see Justice League
Looking at the poll results it's a little surprising WW isn't even in the top 3.

I think if we did an Academy Award styled ballot, it might do very well (a lot #2 votes). But yeah, I think a lot of people who liked it voted for Logan (myself included) or Thor 3.
Haven't bothered to see Justice League

You made the right choice. It's really a nothing film.

Edit: I have no idea why Lego Batman is on the list. I have nothing against animation(The Incredibles is one of favorite superhero movies ever) but it's more of a parody than a 'real' comic book movie. Yeah, DP was a kind of a satire but it was still a 'real' comic book film to me. Lego Batman was a nice fun celebration of the Batman but it really shouldn't be considered along the 'real' comic book movies IMO.
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