Best Superhero Movie of 2013 (out of the 5 released)?

Man of Steel
Iron Man 3
Thor: the Dark World
The Wolverine
Iron Man 3
The Wolverine
Man of Steel/Thor: TDW.

Can't decide which I enjoyed more, guess I'll find out when I rewatch both. :)
1 - Thor: The Dark World
2 - Iron Man 3
3 - Kick Ass 2
4 - Man of Steel
5 - The Wolverine

Really 3 & 4 are interchangeable to me as I gave them the same rating.
1. The Wolverine
2. Iron Man 3
3. Thor
4. Man of Steel
I took it as the ship made the costume and got the family crest from Jor Els key

Thats exactly what I thought when watching the movie. Kal-El was on there for some time, and put the key in as soon as he entered the ship, yet before we see the suit he helped Lois, took off, dropped Lois off then travelled some more before landing. Plenty of time to make the suit, and Jor-El was in the ships computer the whole time. On 1st viewing even this is what I thought had happened.
Thats exactly what I thought when watching the movie. Kal-El was on there for some time, and put the key in as soon as he entered the ship, yet before we see the suit he helped Lois, took off, dropped Lois off then travelled some more before landing. Plenty of time to make the suit, and Jor-El was in the ships computer the whole time. On 1st viewing even this is what I thought had happened.
That ship is Kara's, if the prequel comic is to be believed (it was written by Goyer, so I believe it). The crest of the House of El being there makes sense with that taken into account.
I simply love the subtext of the corporate tested constructed boogy man villain and the re-branded military hero in Iron Man 3. The rest of the writing and improv and such is also quite good, as is the acting and action, but Iron Man 3 was definitely the superhero movie with most distinct voice and had the most to say.
I don't read the prequel comics so things like this should BE EXPLAINED IN THE MOVIE!!!!! If it isn't, I discount it. Whether the ship made the suit, it was an od old old El ship, etc. it was never explained. Thus, there is no answer and it is random. Hence my problem.
I thought the movie was pretty explanatory as to wear the suit came from, Jor-El explained that it was a scout ship from previous expeditions. The symbol on the suit is the symbol for hope as explained later and is not the exact symbol for the House of El as the Jor-El's crest on his suit is a different variation of the hope symbol.

My only problem with that scene was how it fit him, but I just assumed it likely could have formed to his body.

To me something like that can be a little nebulous and not as exact, like in The Avengers how much control Banner had over the Hulk and how that worked felt inconsistent.

Either way, I'd put Man of Steel as the best.
Personally I just assumed there was some replicator technology on board.
Man Of Steel 8/10
Kick A 2 7/10
Iron Man 3 5/10
Wolverine 4/10 Haven't finished it yet, have tried 4 different times, but the movie is just awful.
Thor: The Dark World
Iron Man 3
The Wolverine
Man of Steel
I was so tempted to say iron man 3 but man of steel just had such an ambitious scope and did some amazing things. It's a shame about the ending, it lost a lot of points because of that but ultimately I will name it 'best comic book film of the year'!
What was the explanation of Supermans suit in STM? If I remember right doesn't Clark create the Fortress of Solitude, walk in and talk to Jor El, and then he's automatically in the suit? Been a few years since I watched it so I don't completely remember.

If thats the case, I don't see how MoS is this huge stretch of the imagination compared to STM.
That ship is Kara's, if the prequel comic is to be believed (it was written by Goyer, so I believe it). The crest of the House of El being there makes sense with that taken into account.

Didnt read the prequel comics personally.

I don't read the prequel comics so things like this should BE EXPLAINED IN THE MOVIE!!!!! If it isn't, I discount it. Whether the ship made the suit, it was an od old old El ship, etc. it was never explained. Thus, there is no answer and it is random. Hence my problem.

I didnt read the prequel to MOS either, but my explanation above I came to all by myself whilst watching the movie, Jor-El was in the ship from the start, Kal-El was in it for a long time, more than enough time to make a suit, it was an advanced ship afterall and Jor-El controlled it from the moment Kal entered the drive in. I came to this conclusion within seconds while watching the movie for the 1st time, so I personally dont see how it was an issue, but thats me.
1. Man of Steel
2. Thor : The Dark World
3. The Wolverine
4. IM3
I don't read the prequel comics so things like this should BE EXPLAINED IN THE MOVIE!!!!! If it isn't, I discount it. Whether the ship made the suit, it was an od old old El ship, etc. it was never explained. Thus, there is no answer and it is random. Hence my problem.
I don't think prequel comics should be prerequisite, but it seems like you're stuck on minutiae.
I don't think prequel comics should be prerequisite, but it seems like you're stuck on minutiae.

Like I said, it's a bit of a nitpick and doesn't ruin the movie or anything, but I do think it distracts from a key moment in the film (similar to the cashier in TASM...that ridiculous cashier is unrealistic, stupid, over the top, and partially ruins the death of Uncle Ben...while not ruining the movie itself, that is a key moment hurt by something "small"). I'm also confused by elements of Jor-El's plan. Zod's I get. But, some of what Jor-El was trying to accomplish seems confusing. Especially when he said he clarified to Kal what he wanted from putting the codex in him.

I overall thought it was a fun movie, but I did have my questions when it was over.
1 - Thor: The Dark World
2 - Iron Man 3
3 - The Wolverine
4 - Man Of Steel
5 - Kick-Ass 2
What was the explanation of Supermans suit in STM? If I remember right doesn't Clark create the Fortress of Solitude, walk in and talk to Jor El, and then he's automatically in the suit? Been a few years since I watched it so I don't completely remember.

If thats the case, I don't see how MoS is this huge stretch of the imagination compared to STM.

You win.

If i remember correctly he goes from being in regular clothes to some kindof montage or something then in the next shot he just takes off while wearing the suit.

Like I said, it's a bit of a nitpick and doesn't ruin the movie or anything, but I do think it distracts from a key moment in the film (similar to the cashier in TASM...that ridiculous cashier is unrealistic, stupid, over the top, and partially ruins the death of Uncle Ben...while not ruining the movie itself, that is a key moment hurt by something "small"). I'm also confused by elements of Jor-El's plan. Zod's I get. But, some of what Jor-El was trying to accomplish seems confusing. Especially when he said he clarified to Kal what he wanted from putting the codex in him.

I overall thought it was a fun movie, but I did have my questions when it was over.

Yeah, because petty *****ebags don't exist in life :funny:
Iron Man 3 EASILY. Not only is it the best from a writing/directing/acting standpoint, but it's the only one that tried to do something fresh and original with the genre.

After that, Id rank them:

Man of Steel
The Wolverine
Kick-Ass 2
Thor: The Dark World

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