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Best Superhero Trilogy

Man, I'm jealous of you guys. I wish I had a time machine :o.
I find it funny so many people are naming BB when that movie hasn't even had a second installment. Bad things can happen in the third installment like when an inferior director takes over. Look at Batman Forever and X-Men: The Last Stand for more.
The funny thing is, at least until X3 comes out, Batman, Batman Returns, and Batman Forever is almost certainly the best superhero movie trilogy ever. Doesn't speak very highly of superhero movie trilogies.
Exactly. X3 I find to be an average summer action movie that is a huge disappointment and drop from the first two. It just chalks up another film franchise that fails to live up to the other parts of the series.

Hopefully Spidey 3 can break this swtreak though.
If you can count Superman: The Movie, II, and Returns as a trilogy, that could very well end up being the best. At least until next year.
X-men will most likely be my top favorite trilogy. For i have liked most of the things in the x-3 trailer. I am not a big spiderman fan so for Marvel it has to be the X-men. I never liked Superman. I am a Batman nut so for DC its Batman 1,2,3 and 5.
CConn said:
If you can count Superman: The Movie, II, and Returns as a trilogy, that could very well end up being the best. At least until next year.
that would cherry picking IMHO.
If we wanna count superman, Its STM, S2 and S3

If not, we can say batman, batman returns and batman begins.

or wait till we get another xemn movie on a par with x2, and use that. Much as its an inane argument, i think we need to stay with strict tilogies, and not count attempted reboots of a franchise (and yes, i know we had S4)
thealiasman2000 said:
Brian Synger HIMSELF said that "Superman Returns" ignores parts 4 and 5, and begins where part 2 ended.
There was a Superman 5? Dang, I missed that one :eek: :rolleyes:

Singer has no clue where this new film picks up.
I like how people say "Theres no way raimi can mess up Spider-Man 3 or theres no way Singer will mess up SR"...I find it amusing. That is all.
^^^lol I know.Dont get me wrong I like Spidey and all but you dont know, Spidey 3 might be the worse of the three.Especially since Raimi has been adding more charecters than the first two films had put together.

I think this thread is a little ******ed because its not making sense.
Superman Returns is not part of the Superman trilogy.Lets say 50 years from now they make a new X3 film and the director (Uwe Boll) says it takes place after part 2....I bet you people wouldnt concider it a trilogy.
DACrowe said:
I find it funny so many people are naming BB when that movie hasn't even had a second installment.

I really wish people would unclamp their jaws from Nolan, Bale, and Goyer's collective genetalia.

Yes, Batman Begins was a GREAT movie. But DAMN!! How is it, every year, a comic book movie comes out and is hailed as "The Best Comic Book Movie of All-Time!!" If you're gonna bestow such a hyberolic statement on a film, no matter how good a film the following year is, it shouldn't get that title!

2002 - Spider-Man
2003 - X2
2004 - Spider-Man 2
2005 - Batman Begins

Watch some critic call Superman Returns the best superhero movie of all-time (I can't imagine Singer screwing this up), and it won't matter, 'cause Spider-Man 3 will be out next summer, and let's face it, Raimi would have to do a multitude of really bad things for the movie to turn out bad.
X-Men is the best superhero trilogy. In spades.
I suppose X-Men won right now. Sure X-Men 3 was a huge letdown and has failed to live up to the Dark Pheonx Saga on the page (which is the DEFINITIVE X-Men story, unfortunately forever botched on screen) and on toop of that failed to live up to the set-up of the last movie and the story developments Singer had left in place (he poised both Cyclops and Rogue to have some form of a large character arc in the third and instead they get shafted)....

but the first two are solidly good and the third is an average action movie butg not a bad movie (though very disappointing) so it just BARELY displaces the Batman trilogy because at least Ratner didn't piss on the previous director's vision like Schumaucher did. Ratner just screwed it up and was crushed under the weight of it is is all.
There seems to be a "curse of the third movie" with superhero movies. By the time the third one arrives, comes a new director, the tone is changed, and it goes to hell... I think to some extend X3 breaks it cuz Ratner at least is trying to keep up with the tone and style. But he still isn´t Singer and Fox once again rushed everything. My suspicion is the first truly consistent and accomplished superhero trilogy in quality and filmmaker´s vision will be Spider-Man.
Looks like X-Men is the current winner, but Spidey returns next year..so we'll see.
maybe we can come up with this poll again after Batman and Superman are done with their respective trilogies.
DACrowe said:
I suppose X-Men won right now. Sure X-Men 3 was a huge letdown and has failed to live up to the Dark Pheonx Saga on the page (which is the DEFINITIVE X-Men story, unfortunately forever botched on screen)

Why is it so hard for poeple to separate themselves from the source material?:confused:

I do. I really enjoy Singer's X-Men films and last time I checked that wasn't their costumes, Sabretooth wasn't dead, Lady Deathstryke was not just a pawn with no relation to Logan (as with Sabretooth), Jean didn't get her Pheonex personality from her mutant powers and die trying to stop a dam and Logan and Rogue didn't have a brother sister type thing (that was Kitty Pryde)....

but they were good movies that captured the spirit of the comics and stories they were telling. X3 did not. X3 caught the visual eye candy of super battles but llittle else.
DACrowe said:

I do. I really enjoy Singer's X-Men films and last time I checked that wasn't their costumes, Sabretooth wasn't dead, Lady Deathstryke was not just a pawn with no relation to Logan (as with Sabretooth), Jean didn't get her Pheonex personality from her mutant powers and die trying to stop a dam and Logan and Rogue didn't have a brother sister type thing (that was Kitty Pryde)....

but they were good movies that captured the spirit of the comics and stories they were telling. X3 did not. X3 caught the visual eye candy of super battles but llittle else.

I guess so, but thats the thing I think ratner couldve done that if Fox let him make a 2 hour movie. ****ing Fox because if the
Xavier death scene
was any indication of how well Ratner handles the emotional aspect I think it wouldve been on par or even better than X2.

Also, you have to remember Ratner had little to no say in the script since he was pretty much hired to do the job and get the hell out once Vaughan left the project. Also ****ing Fox.
This is true. I personally did not like Vaughn's instance to just randomly throw Juggy in there who I think they really ****ed up. Then Ratner did similar stuff though with Angel, Collisto his famed "Stacy X" and so on. However, I think this blame should go first on Fox. Then on Ratner. But don't forget Penn and Kinberg who between them gave us a great warning by making such "classics" as Elektra, Inspector Gadget, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and XXX2.

We were screwed right from the start weren't we?

Oh well.
DACrowe said:
This is true. I personally did not like Vaughn's instance to just randomly throw Juggy in there who I think they really ****ed up. Then Ratner did similar stuff though with Angel, Collisto his famed "Stacy X" and so on. However, I think this blame should go first on Fox. Then on Ratner. But don't forget Penn and Kinberg who between them gave us a great warning by making such "classics" as Elektra, Inspector Gadget, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and XXX2.

We were screwed right from the start weren't we?

Oh well.

Yeah, i think ratner couldve done wonders with a better script. I dont remember seeing Stacy X, mustve missed her completely. With a 2hour and 20 minute movie. I think we couldve gotten some characters and plot more fleshed out.

Also, did you find the music incredibly cheesy?
Darthphere said:
Why is it so hard for poeple to separate themselves from the source material?:confused:
These movies are based on comic books, so why change the stories to something comepletely different?
Jakomus said:
These movies are based on comic books, so why change the stories to something comepletely different?

Because most of these stories dont translate well into the big screen and some the audience wouldnt accept. The Dark Phoenix Saga as is in the comics would be IMO at least sort of ridiculous on screen when you think about the Shiar and all that.

The most translatable X-men story IMO was God Loves Man Kills and Singer changed that to something different as well.

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