Bill & Ted Face the Music

I thought the first one was pretty clever with bringing in time travel mechanics/ theories like the whole dad's keys part

The second one I don't really like. If the movies were success and spawned more were they supposed to focus on different types of genres?

First movie was time travel
Second movie was spiritual and paranormal.

I think Bogus Journey is an incredibly imaginative film. Plenty of sequels, especially in the 70s-90s are effectively just the same movie again, only worse. Less movies like Aliens and more like Ghostbusters II. Bogus Journey was completely different in almost every regard, and the overall production design I think is great. Look at the sequence in hell, it is so creative! That is what I love about the movie. It is so unique. Really all the Bill and Ted movies are, though the newer one you can maybe say steals elements of the prior 2 films in it, but even there I thought it was creative overall.
Just saw this and had a fun time. There were some laugh out loud moments and a few chuckles here and there. I haven’t seen the first two in a looooong time so I forgot about most of the returning characters. Keanu and Alex were really great in this and the daughters were good too. Not sure if the original intention was for the daughters to take over the franchise? Anyway, it was a nice way to pass 90 minutes and to take your mind off all the awful that’s going on in this world.

Watched the first two for the first time. The second one they have two baby sons, is this brought up in the new one somehow? Or just ignored and we get the daughters etc.
It is kind of brought up.
It was ignored. Ed Solomon felt like changing it so here we are. Honestly not that big a deal.
The Princesses have been different people each movie lol

I honestly thought they was the same actresses in the second one, heh. I really liked this new one, just the right amount of cheese. The daughters stole the movie for me tho. I would watch another flick with just them time traveling.
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I’ll be seeing this in 2 weeks. Streaming option is US only apparently.
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Solid 8/10 for me. It does get a little long in the tooth around that 65 minute mark, which is I guess a common trait it shares with the other two. It also has too much of a polished, soundstage-y feel to it; doesn't have that grunge atmosphere to match the first two. That's digital photography on a budget for you, I guess.

The end of the day, I'm glad it exists and that I could pay to own it so soon. Wish more studios would allow a purchase option with these digital "Theater-at-Home" titles.

Laughed out loud when
you find out the Usses from Five Years From Now are squatting in Dave Grohl's house
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Going today to a theater to watch this. There's one late evening showing of this.
Not too bad. I was kinda creeped out by.

Dennis' makeup.
Watched it. The showing was almost empty, but I had a good time. It made me smile and even laugh sometimes, even if it's not something ambitious or even that original. Just seeing a wholesome movie was a nice change of pace. If I could change one thing, I wish they evolved personalities of Bill and Ted a bit further. Especially considering that Little Bill and Little Ted captured the originals really well.

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