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BLM Protests Across The World

You should probably do your home work better. In 2020 their where 241 black people shot by police. In same year 457 white people where shot by officers. Mind you this does not separate those who where armed and not armed. When you look at crime statics black people commit 52% of the violent crimes in this nation and yet they make up 13% of the population. White people make up 60% of the population and commit 40% of the crimes. Now based on those statics black people have far more run in with law enforcement then white people do. Yet white people where shot more then black people where.

I can take it a step further if you like. Lets do this. So do you know how many officers work around the country. When I say officer I mean beat cops. Their are approximately 700,000 officer that work around the country. Officer work 12 hour shifts usually 5 to 6 days a week. In a given 12 hours they will have any where from 10 to 12 encounters with the public. This means everything from pulling people over to answering 911 calls to everything. When you do the math going with lower number of encounters it comes out to 16,380,000,000 per year (roughly). So what this tells us is that officers make more arrest that end without some one dying then they do with some one dying or at least getting shot. Yet they are still treated like monsters that are out to get people.

Not saying there aren't problems that need to be addressed but polices officer are not nearly as bad as some one believe. There a lot of good officer out their trying to do a very thank less job and people are lumping the good officer in with the bad. All people see are the bad officers because that's all the media focus on. I have lot of friends in law enformcement who are good people and do a lot of good things for their community. They do it because they genuinely care.

Yet almost all of them are leaving the force in next year or two. Their tired and their sick of being treated like crap. For years they got up every day put on that badge and put their lives on the line. Now they are faced with the reality that they can defend themselves because if they do they could face criminal charges. Its just not worth putting their family through that. So you have a lot of good honest cops leaving the force.

Now you got city like Minneapolis who are trying to dissolved there police force when they faced with massive crime wave and murder going on. This is embolding the criminals. Chicago which made massive cuts to their police force and lost a lot of cops are facing a wave of death they haven't seen sense the mob ruled the streets.

So it's not as simple as you want it to be.
Thank you for showing us that that systemic racism still exist. While clearly not your intent, it makes our work much easier.
Probably because the police in this country are so heavily militarized anything that involves them becomes a war zone.

I would simply not be apart of a system that oppresses minorities and the low-income communities

Oh yeah? Well guess what? Those rocks, bottles, etc. aren’t even close to the state-sanctioned brutality that police impose on people any single day. I have absolutley no sympathy for anyone crying about rocks when they have tear gas at their disposal. And attacks from the public? Oh poor them, having to deal with the ramifications of their own actions for once

I don’t particularly care what you saw on TV.

Do you know why the police are so heavily armed? Remember the shooting in Nevada a few years ago. Where go got up in to the hotel room and started picking people off. Whats really scary is that every one got really lucky their. He had cameras out side door and saw them coming. If he decided to get in to a fire fight the police would have lost as he was armed to the teeth and can see them on camera. He would killed them all and went back to killing people.

Want another example this is really old school but back in early to mid 90s a couple yahoos went in robbed a bank with assualt rifles and where armored to the bone. When police showed up the tore them apart. They made the LAPD look like a laughing stock because of how poorly armed they where. These are two of thousand of examples of why police are so heavily armed.

There is not sanctioned police brutality. There are cases of police brutality their is a difference. Just because you have a few officer that are bad does not mean that every officer is bad. When you got mass of people attacking officers and trying to hurt them how does that make them any better then the officer that are hurt people.

Further more what does rioting, looting burning down your own neightborhood accomplish. All your doing is hurting yourself and the people you say your trying to protect from police brutality. That's not protesting its not even peaceful protesting. I can get behind peaceful protesting even if I don't agree with it.

At the end of the day two wrongs don't make a right. Martian Luther King did not fight for black people with violence. In fact he was against violent methods. He understood the outrage and the anger but felt that violence had the polar opposite raction to the goals he wish to achieve.

Again your lumping all police officers in the same catagory. It's like saying all white people are racist simple because their white. It's not true. Or saying that their black gang members so all black people are gang members. Your basically stero typing police officers. I'm saying that the it's not that simple. You have a lot of good cops who hate bad cops. Yet their stuck in how this system works and see the problems but no one cares to listen to them. Not once has public stopped and asked the officers what they see are the problems with law enforcement and how to fix it. Trust me you can go on youtube and find tons of cops that talk about this subject and talk about the issue they see with law enforcement and problems it faces.

Its easy to sit their from comfort of your couch and judge them when you don't really understand their job or how difficult it really is. You never had to make a life and death discussion in a matter of a split second in your entire life. I know that because if you did you realize how complicated this issue really is.

Let me offer one final point. I say this to all the people out there like you who want to just bash the police and see them as the enemy. If you think you can do better then please go join the police force. Stop sitting there judging and be a part of the solution. Every city in this country needs all the good cops it can get. If you think you can do better then those officer then go do it. Show them how it should be done.

BTW I spent almost 20 years working very closely with Law Enforcement. I know how hard their jobs I lived it first hand with out actually being a cop. I won't go in to the details of that because I can't but trust me their jobs are way harder then you think. It's also more traumatizing then you could possible understand.
Do you know why the police are so heavily armed? Remember the shooting in Nevada a few years ago. Where go got up in to the hotel room and started picking people off. Whats really scary is that every one got really lucky their. He had cameras out side door and saw them coming. If he decided to get in to a fire fight the police would have lost as he was armed to the teeth and can see them on camera. He would killed them all and went back to killing people.

Want another example this is really old school but back in early to mid 90s a couple yahoos went in robbed a bank with assualt rifles and where armored to the bone. When police showed up the tore them apart. They made the LAPD look like a laughing stock because of how poorly armed they where. These are two of thousand of examples of why police are so heavily armed.

There is not sanctioned police brutality. There are cases of police brutality their is a difference. Just because you have a few officer that are bad does not mean that every officer is bad. When you got mass of people attacking officers and trying to hurt them how does that make them any better then the officer that are hurt people.

Further more what does rioting, looting burning down your own neightborhood accomplish. All your doing is hurting yourself and the people you say your trying to protect from police brutality. That's not protesting its not even peaceful protesting. I can get behind peaceful protesting even if I don't agree with it.

At the end of the day two wrongs don't make a right. Martian Luther King did not fight for black people with violence. In fact he was against violent methods. He understood the outrage and the anger but felt that violence had the polar opposite raction to the goals he wish to achieve.

Again your lumping all police officers in the same catagory. It's like saying all white people are racist simple because their white. It's not true. Or saying that their black gang members so all black people are gang members. Your basically stero typing police officers. I'm saying that the it's not that simple. You have a lot of good cops who hate bad cops. Yet their stuck in how this system works and see the problems but no one cares to listen to them. Not once has public stopped and asked the officers what they see are the problems with law enforcement and how to fix it. Trust me you can go on youtube and find tons of cops that talk about this subject and talk about the issue they see with law enforcement and problems it faces.

Its easy to sit their from comfort of your couch and judge them when you don't really understand their job or how difficult it really is. You never had to make a life and death discussion in a matter of a split second in your entire life. I know that because if you did you realize how complicated this issue really is.

Let me offer one final point. I say this to all the people out there like you who want to just bash the police and see them as the enemy. If you think you can do better then please go join the police force. Stop sitting there judging and be a part of the solution. Every city in this country needs all the good cops it can get. If you think you can do better then those officer then go do it. Show them how it should be done.

BTW I spent almost 20 years working very closely with Law Enforcement. I know how hard their jobs I lived it first hand with out actually being a cop. I won't go in to the details of that because I can't but trust me their jobs are way harder then you think. It's also more traumatizing then you could possible understand.
Martian Luther King is very much pro-violence:

You should probably do your home work better. In 2020 their where 241 black people shot by police. In same year 457 white people where shot by officers. Mind you this does not separate those who where armed and not armed. When you look at crime statics black people commit 52% of the violent crimes in this nation and yet they make up 13% of the population. White people make up 60% of the population and commit 40% of the crimes. Now based on those statics black people have far more run in with law enforcement then white people do. Yet white people where shot more then black people where.

I can take it a step further if you like. Lets do this. So do you know how many officers work around the country. When I say officer I mean beat cops. Their are approximately 700,000 officer that work around the country. Officer work 12 hour shifts usually 5 to 6 days a week. In a given 12 hours they will have any where from 10 to 12 encounters with the public. This means everything from pulling people over to answering 911 calls to everything. When you do the math going with lower number of encounters it comes out to 16,380,000,000 per year (roughly). So what this tells us is that officers make more arrest that end without some one dying then they do with some one dying or at least getting shot. Yet they are still treated like monsters that are out to get people.

Not saying there aren't problems that need to be addressed but polices officer are not nearly as bad as some one believe. There a lot of good officer out their trying to do a very thank less job and people are lumping the good officer in with the bad. All people see are the bad officers because that's all the media focus on. I have lot of friends in law enformcement who are good people and do a lot of good things for their community. They do it because they genuinely care.

Yet almost all of them are leaving the force in next year or two. Their tired and their sick of being treated like crap. For years they got up every day put on that badge and put their lives on the line. Now they are faced with the reality that they can defend themselves because if they do they could face criminal charges. Its just not worth putting their family through that. So you have a lot of good honest cops leaving the force.

Now you got city like Minneapolis who are trying to dissolved there police force when they faced with massive crime wave and murder going on. This is embolding the criminals. Chicago which made massive cuts to their police force and lost a lot of cops are facing a wave of death they haven't seen sense the mob ruled the streets.

So it's not as simple as you want it to be.

I was mugged in June.

On a platform of one of the busy hubs of the NYC subway system at 10:30pm. Barclay's Center. A major tourist area with shopping, eateries and of course the home of the Brooklyn Nets right up top. This is a place that should at all times be crawling with police.

I was sucker punched out of nowhere and thankfully 20 years of Filipino Martial Arts, JKD and Grappling training made it so that this guy was on his back, me in full mount with my hands around his throat, immobilized after about twenty seconds.

I had to do the cops jobs for them and hold my attacker down for 15 minutes. NO COPS CAME.

I went to my job STILL after having to let this ******* go and then did an 8 hour shift. And then went back to Barclay's to report this all to police. Because that's what the working man and woman does in the USA these days. Get attacked and then still have to do their shift. Upon being brought back home I was given a very serious talking to by the police about how the reason the city is experiencing crime is because golly gosh darn, the mayor and the city council just won't let them fight crime because they want to end qualified immunity. And gee, you, know, I as a victim of crime should know that when dealing with being attacked.

Which was their way of telling me that the reason there were no cops around Barclay's Center at that time was they are choosing to not do their jobs. "Nice city you have here... Would be a shame if it was overrun with criminals, no?"

The next week as part of my job, in which as night security at a building in SoHo with very wealthy tenants I've had to do for 20 years, I had to call police to remove people at the building's front door. I've called them for the EXACT reasons on too many times to number. I call police, explain that I have people blocking the doorways and drinking or smoking weed, being loud etc. and then a cruiser comes and they get them out of there one way or the other. This time the police told me "We can't do anything because the city council and the mayor..."

The week after that my friend that owns a home with a lawn in Queens had a drunk driver spin out onto his lawn and come a few feet from crashing into his goddamned living room. My friend went to talk to the cops out front and they told him they weren't gonna hold the guy... "Gee we'd like to arrest him but see the city council and the mayor..." They gave him the same bull**** song and dance.

Your ****ing heroes were at least in June doing a work slow down because their fee-fees got hurt because people want accountability. And when they don't do their jobs criminals know it. And I doubt NYC is an outlier. Crime is up because cops don't want to be exposed for their own crimes. And when "good cops" allow that, which they obviously are, then I'm sorry, they are part of the problem, not just innocent bystanders anymore.

If you are serious about supposed Conservative/Libertarian politics then this should be a no brainer. Cops must have real oversight and consequences for their actions... But my gut is telling me those supposed principals were nothing but hot air coming out of the mouths of "Constitutionalists" for the last 60 years on the GOP/Conservative/Libertarian side as they seem to NEVER find fault with what police do against anyone they consider an "other".

So... Spare me the "poor put upon cops" narrative.

Sell that **** to the tourists.

Final note... Both of my father's brothers were cops. One in Corrections and the other Transit. So no, this isn't a reflexive anti-Police stance. It comes from being alive for over 40 years and having eyes and ears and functional empathy for others and society in general.
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Do you know why the police are so heavily armed? Remember the shooting in Nevada a few years ago. Where go got up in to the hotel room and started picking people off. Whats really scary is that every one got really lucky their. He had cameras out side door and saw them coming. If he decided to get in to a fire fight the police would have lost as he was armed to the teeth and can see them on camera. He would killed them all and went back to killing people.

Several different reasons. War profiteers, arms manufacturers, prison-industrial complex. Capitalism in general.

There is not sanctioned police brutality. There are cases of police brutality their is a difference. Just because you have a few officer that are bad does not mean that every officer is bad. When you got mass of people attacking officers and trying to hurt them how does that make them any better then the officer that are hurt people.

I don’t think you quite understand what “state sanctioned” police brutality means. So I’ll try to explain. When a cop brutalizes someone they very rarely, if ever, have to pay for that. It doesn’t matter how often it happens, the fact that it is allowed to happen either by the system or the state make it sanctioned. Again, I’ve already talked about how systemic corruption makes it so there can be no good cops.

Further more what does rioting, looting burning down your own neightborhood accomplish. All your doing is hurting yourself and the people you say your trying to protect from police brutality. That's not protesting its not even peaceful protesting. I can get behind peaceful protesting even if I don't agree with it.

Who exactly was burning down their own neighborhoods?

At the end of the day two wrongs don't make a right. Martian Luther King did not fight for black people with violence. In fact he was against violent methods. He understood the outrage and the anger but felt that violence had the polar opposite raction to the goals he wish to achieve.

My guy, people still hated MLK even then. It wasn’t about “non-violent means.” people just don’t like it when black people don’t accept their “station in life.” They were saying MLK was causing the same destruction.

Again your lumping all police officers in the same catagory. It's like saying all white people are racist simple because their white. It's not true. Or saying that their black gang members so all black people are gang members. Your basically stero typing police officers. I'm saying that the it's not that simple. You have a lot of good cops who hate bad cops. Yet their stuck in how this system works and see the problems but no one cares to listen to them. Not once has public stopped and asked the officers what they see are the problems with law enforcement and how to fix it. Trust me you can go on youtube and find tons of cops that talk about this subject and talk about the issue they see with law enforcement and problems it faces.

There’s a difference there. White people can’t choose to be white people, but cops can choose to be cops. If there’s more good cops than bad cops then why don’t they actually punish the bad cops?

Its easy to sit their from comfort of your couch and judge them when you don't really understand their job or how difficult it really is. You never had to make a life and death discussion in a matter of a split second in your entire life. I know that because if you did you realize how complicated this issue really is.

You’re right, I’ve never had to make that decision. Because I’ve decided not to be a cop. And it’s not complicated. You just don’t kill people. Easy.

Let me offer one final point. I say this to all the people out there like you who want to just bash the police and see them as the enemy. If you think you can do better then please go join the police force. Stop sitting there judging and be a part of the solution. Every city in this country needs all the good cops it can get. If you think you can do better then those officer then go do it. Show them how it should be done.

Oh I do. I do things that actually help the community. I go to community rally’s, go to donation drives. I’ve even worked as a fast food worker once, which did more good for the community than cops do.

BTW I spent almost 20 years working very closely with Law Enforcement. I know how hard their jobs I lived it first hand with out actually being a cop. I won't go in to the details of that because I can't but trust me their jobs are way harder then you think. It's also more traumatizing then you could possible understand.

Again, very little sympathy from me.
lol, only in America is “white people get killed by cops too!” A pro-cop argument. And yeah, black people are more likely to be convicted of the same crimes that white people commit. There’s a systematic bias in the justice system, I agree. And also, the fact that black people are 13% of the population and yet the death count of police on black is about half of white people killed by cops shows that they are disproportionally killed by cops.

If I had a job that ended with people dying “only sometimes” I wouldn’t have a job anymore. Police should not be killing anyone period. It doesn’t matter how many times it happens.

The fact that good cops don’t do anything about the bad ones is the problem. The “thin blue line” bull**** shows that they don’t actually care.

So their leaving their jobs knowing that their are bad cops still on the force? What do they want a bed of roses everytime they come home? Yeah work is suppose to be hard? And now that people are calling them out on it they want to ache and moan?

I’d like to see the statistics on those crime waves actually.

"lol, only in America is “white people get killed by cops too!” A pro-cop argument. And yeah, black people are more likely to be convicted of the same crimes that white people commit. There’s a systematic bias in the justice system, I agree. And also, the fact that black people are 13% of the population and yet the death count of police on black is about half of white people killed by cops shows that they are disproportionally killed by cops."

First off do you know why black people get harsher sentence then white people. It's because they keep doing the same crimes over and over. White people tend to commit various crimes so there rap sheet is all over the place. Where a black person is arrested for the same crime multiple types usually in a very short time frame.

Again your missing the part of the argument that yea they make up 13% of the population but their committing over half of the nations crimes. Not minor crimes like jay walking. Where talking Murder, Rape, Theft, Assault etc. You have small population committing over half the nations crimes this means their going to have more run ins with law enforcement. They are almost more likely to resist and be combative then white people are this increases the chance of a shooting occurring.

The fact that good cops don’t do anything about the bad ones is the problem. The “thin blue line” bull**** shows that they don’t actually care.

It's not that simple. Good cops have gone and reported bad cops and it leads to them being fire. If it doesn't lead to them being fired it could lead to much larger problems. There are so many things going on in system that it's not as simple as just going in and reporting a bad officer.

There was case about female officer who did just that and she was fired. She was later vindicated and she won a major law suite. But here something else to think about. Imagine putting your life in some one else hand some one who a bad cop. You go rat on them and nothing happens to them and you find our self need their back up and they don't show up and you die as a resault. This is why these issues exist. It's not as simple as you think. You would understand this if you actually where a cop or took the time and put aside your prejudice and learn about the flip side of the argument.

"So their leaving their jobs knowing that their are bad cops still on the force? What do they want a bed of roses everytime they come home? Yeah work is suppose to be hard? And now that people are calling them out on it they want to ache and moan?"

First off yea their leave not because bad officer but because the price their being asked to pay is much to high. Its one thing for them to put the badge on and risk their life. They die and they know their familys will be taken care of. But not now their asked to put that badge on and if they make a mistake it could land them in jail. It's just not worth the risk in many of these officers minds. They have their family to think of. They don't want to put them through that kind hell.

See the fact that you say Work is supposed to be hard. You are so utterly ignorant of how hard their jobs really are. I mean there times when they have to make a split second choice between drawing their weapon and shooting some one or not. If they don't it could lead to their death or some one else. If they do and are wrong they could land in prison. That is stress on a level I can't even being to explain. Unless you been in that situation you could never understand how stressful or hard that really is. That isn't even the worse part of their job.

The worse part is see all horrors they have to see. One of my officer friend her first year in walked on to a disturbance call to see a mother having slit her own baby throat. She has to live with the sight of that for the rest of her life. Whats even worse is that she has nightmares about it deeply effected her. She wakes up scream from nightmares and has ran in to her childrens room and cried as she held them. The public doesn't want to see cops as human. They don't to know that cops can be traumatized. So in a lot of departments their is no help. If they try it could lead them to being fired. When all they really need is to talk about it and event and work through the issue. But again public wants cops to be perfect and not human. Yet your get sit there with straight face tell me that work is supposed to be hard.

I work at a foundry and work 10 hours in grueling job. My job is hard. Their Job which I have worked with law enforcement is beyond hard. It's an impossible task. The public doesn't give a crap and doesn't want to understand their side of things or what their jobs entail. This is why ride along where created so the public could see and understand what being a cop means. But very few people do ride along any more.
lol, only in America is “white people get killed by cops too!” A pro-cop argument. And yeah, black people are more likely to be convicted of the same crimes that white people commit. There’s a systematic bias in the justice system, I agree. And also, the fact that black people are 13% of the population and yet the death count of police on black is about half of white people killed by cops shows that they are disproportionally killed by cops.

If I had a job that ended with people dying “only sometimes” I wouldn’t have a job anymore. Police should not be killing anyone period. It doesn’t matter how many times it happens.

The fact that good cops don’t do anything about the bad ones is the problem. The “thin blue line” bull**** shows that they don’t actually care.

So their leaving their jobs knowing that their are bad cops still on the force? What do they want a bed of roses everytime they come home? Yeah work is suppose to be hard? And now that people are calling them out on it they want to ache and moan?

I’d like to see the statistics on those crime waves actually.

Whatever is the "out" group that Law Enforcement can abuse without ruffling anyone else's feathers, whether the general "poor" some newly arrived group into the county, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, "Hippies" what have you...

These are alway the canary in the coal mines of society. If you are a Caucasian middle class woman thinking that's not affecting you... Just wait. Authoritarians have your number and you will be "served" as soon as they get to you.
"lol, only in America is “white people get killed by cops too!” A pro-cop argument. And yeah, black people are more likely to be convicted of the same crimes that white people commit. There’s a systematic bias in the justice system, I agree. And also, the fact that black people are 13% of the population and yet the death count of police on black is about half of white people killed by cops shows that they are disproportionally killed by cops."

First off do you know why black people get harsher sentence then white people. It's because they keep doing the same crimes over and over. White people tend to commit various crimes so there rap sheet is all over the place. Where a black person is arrested for the same crime multiple types usually in a very short time frame.

Again your missing the part of the argument that yea they make up 13% of the population but their committing over half of the nations crimes. Not minor crimes like jay walking. Where talking Murder, Rape, Theft, Assault etc. You have small population committing over half the nations crimes this means their going to have more run ins with law enforcement. They are almost more likely to resist and be combative then white people are this increases the chance of a shooting occurring.

The fact that good cops don’t do anything about the bad ones is the problem. The “thin blue line” bull**** shows that they don’t actually care.

It's not that simple. Good cops have gone and reported bad cops and it leads to them being fire. If it doesn't lead to them being fired it could lead to much larger problems. There are so many things going on in system that it's not as simple as just going in and reporting a bad officer.

There was case about female officer who did just that and she was fired. She was later vindicated and she won a major law suite. But here something else to think about. Imagine putting your life in some one else hand some one who a bad cop. You go rat on them and nothing happens to them and you find our self need their back up and they don't show up and you die as a resault. This is why these issues exist. It's not as simple as you think. You would understand this if you actually where a cop or took the time and put aside your prejudice and learn about the flip side of the argument.

"So their leaving their jobs knowing that their are bad cops still on the force? What do they want a bed of roses everytime they come home? Yeah work is suppose to be hard? And now that people are calling them out on it they want to ache and moan?"

First off yea their leave not because bad officer but because the price their being asked to pay is much to high. Its one thing for them to put the badge on and risk their life. They die and they know their familys will be taken care of. But not now their asked to put that badge on and if they make a mistake it could land them in jail. It's just not worth the risk in many of these officers minds. They have their family to think of. They don't want to put them through that kind hell.

See the fact that you say Work is supposed to be hard. You are so utterly ignorant of how hard their jobs really are. I mean there times when they have to make a split second choice between drawing their weapon and shooting some one or not. If they don't it could lead to their death or some one else. If they do and are wrong they could land in prison. That is stress on a level I can't even being to explain. Unless you been in that situation you could never understand how stressful or hard that really is. That isn't even the worse part of their job.

The worse part is see all horrors they have to see. One of my officer friend her first year in walked on to a disturbance call to see a mother having slit her own baby throat. She has to live with the sight of that for the rest of her life. Whats even worse is that she has nightmares about it deeply effected her. She wakes up scream from nightmares and has ran in to her childrens room and cried as she held them. The public doesn't want to see cops as human. They don't to know that cops can be traumatized. So in a lot of departments their is no help. If they try it could lead them to being fired. When all they really need is to talk about it and event and work through the issue. But again public wants cops to be perfect and not human. Yet your get sit there with straight face tell me that work is supposed to be hard.

I work at a foundry and work 10 hours in grueling job. My job is hard. Their Job which I have worked with law enforcement is beyond hard. It's an impossible task. The public doesn't give a crap and doesn't want to understand their side of things or what their jobs entail. This is why ride along where created so the public could see and understand what being a cop means. But very few people do ride along any more.
You've got a lot of things to think about. Thankfully, you have a month off to think about them all.

We don't have a policing problem.

We have a "Not enough people just get on their knees and lick the boots with enough gusto" according to some.

We don't have a policing problem.

We have a "Not enough people just get on their knees and lick the boots with enough gusto" according to some.

It's terrifying to think how often this happens, and there is no camera around.

I am confused about the lack of the swarm of NYPD cops over not paying the subway.
I did not understand at first why this was relevant to the case. His "dirty toenails" were no reason to murder him. Then I realized, yup, that really was a racist dog whistle. They didn't even try to hide the racist reasoning.
I had no idea, it struck me as such an odd thing to say at the time. :(
FBI once again prioritizing the wrong groups. They were all over leftist groups but completely blind to the actual threat from right wingers.

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