Bought/Thought 10/17/07

Yo, Spoons, who says BL didn't go for help. I'm guessing there will be a cavalry charge (Capt. Marvel, maybe the JSA) in the next issue. I heard a rumor that Geo-Force is going to die and I have to say it is time for the Injustice League to kill somebody and Geo-Force sure seems a likely enough candidate.

I sure as hell hope Geo doesn't die; I don't even know the character yet lol. And friggin Grodd wants to eat him already.

Supes looked like he stopped Jeff from going for help by threatening to leave w/o him.
Captain America #31 - What can be said? It's Marvel's best book and the story continues. Don't be a 'tard and pick up this series. It's now 100% Dread approved.

I'm a stamp of approval now. Awesome! :up:
I haven't been to get comics yet, actually haven't even got them from last week yet (god damn new job stealing my day) - but I have literary just started reading Avengers Forever and even though I am so little into it I can see why people have been telling me to read it for ages.
Mighty Avengers #5

Am I the only one that actually liked this issue? :huh:

Maybe its just me but I didn't see the big problem that everybody was having this month.

Case in point, I thought Dread's review was overly harsh. For example at one point you complained about Bendis writing Ultron as having sissy daddy issues. At the time I hadn't read the issue, so after seeing your review I half expected Ultron to whine to Pym like a spoiled daughter or something.

When I finally got to their confrontation within the issue, I ended up reading it a second time to see if I had missed the bit you were writing about. Ultron seemed, at least to me, to be no more sentimental (or sissy if you prefer) than he has been in previous stories; Ultron has always been quirky in regards to Hank Pym, and I don't think that his wanting to keep Pym alive so that he can see the world Ultron has in store = Ultron declaring his love for humanity.

Anyway, on the positive side, there were a bunch of highlights for me this month: The fight between the MA and the Iron Man armors continues to be pretty as was the bit between Sentry and Ultron, especially the part with Ultron reforming his face after it got craters punched into it.

Hank stepped into the limelight for a bit, certainly pulling off a better showing than he usually gets in the Bendis comic. The splash page with him as Ant-Man brought a smile to my lips.


Marvel Zombies 2 #1

I'll make this short. This story is off to a promising start. All kinds of bad mojo is going around and I expect these various plot points to be resolved in a grim and bloody manner. If you hate the Marvel Zombies obviously this isn't the book for you.

I still said it's a good comic; it's just that after 24 issues, I don't see it going anywhere. This last issue didn't give me anything new; it didn't progress the story at all. I would like to have a sense that DMZ has an ultimate resolution somewhere down the road. Otherwise, while you might laud its greatness, I believe others will get bored. Remember, The Nam was lauded when it first came out, too...but, eventually all those people who proclaimed its greatness eventually dropped it, too.
I don't know, I guess we just see DMZ differently. I don't look at it as a comic that needs an ultimate resolution. I look at it as an outlet for Wood's political commentary wrapped in thoughtful, intriguing vignettes. Matty could stay in the DMZ with the war continuing to rage outside for another 50 issues; if the stories that come out of that are as engaging as these first five or six arcs have been, I'd be content.
I haven't been to get comics yet, actually haven't even got them from last week yet (god damn new job stealing my day) - but I have literary just started reading Avengers Forever and even though I am so little into it I can see why people have been telling me to read it for ages.
Oh, just wait until you get further into it. It only gets better. :)
I sure as hell hope Geo doesn't die; I don't even know the character yet lol. And friggin Grodd wants to eat him already.

Supes looked like he stopped Jeff from going for help by threatening to leave w/o him.

Isn't Geo Force involved in the new Outsiders book?
Blackwater scares the living the **** out of me. When that stuff was all over the news, I literally finalized the decision that I am not bringing kids into this world.

Yeah, that was decided long before then.

Checkmate Vol.1 A King's Game
Checkmate Vol.2 Pawn Breaks
Brave and the Bold #7
Captain America #31


-I'm only one chapter into A King's Game,and I'm already hooked and convinced,if this comic is still as good as this debut issue is,then this is one of the best books coming out of either DC or Marvel,the story structure is flawless and exciting,and all the black ops action and suspense is on par or even better than anything Hollywood can dish out,this was money well spent and I look forward to finishing both trades and jumping on the monthly

-yet to read the others,thoughts later

A King's Game/Pawn Breaks - Tight mix of black ops,politics and action.I was surprised that this book didn't really require the reader to be deeply educated in DCU continuity,you get so drawn in sometimes that you totally forget this book is even taking place in the DCU.The second half of the first year of Checkmate is more low key and focused on certain characters like Pawn 502,Fire and Jagger.Less heavy on the politics/world affairs,but doesn't miss a beat.Anyways,I thought these were two of my "fresher" reads as of late.This book is one of a kind in today's market and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a good mix of espionage and super heroes.

Captain America #31 - No way is Faust or Sharon dead.Either the gun was loaded with a blank,Buck shot elsewhere or it was yet another simulation on Faust's part messing with Buck's head.Really looking forward to what Skull's plan for dominating America is and how the heck the new Cap fits into things 3 issues from now.

Brave and the Bold #7 - As with the previous issues,very thick reads with so many gorgeous panels packed in.Haven't really read it yet,but I bet it's good.
I agree with Corp on Checkmate. :up: It takes a slight lead over X-Factor right now.
I have yet to read 16 to 19.I hope I'm in for a blast.
I think that with Marvel Zombies two they jumped too far ahead....because now there will inevitabelly be tales told inbetween one and two...but when I read those now, I will know who doesn't I would have liked to see all that stuff in the middle....I would have loved to see them fight the imperial Guard
Dread....why the f**k are you still reading Ultimate X-Men?

1). Habit.
2). Art got better more consistantly, which was a huge improvement from the last, oh, EVERY arc of Kirkman's run after Raney split.
3). Kirkman has improved since his MAGICIAN crap, and seems to have some sort of clear idea on what he is doing. The question is whether or not that idea is very good. So far...not really.
4). Unlike some other comics, like NEW AVENGERS, I don't genuinely hate reading it.

Oh, and I was right; Kirkman has officially been on the book 21 issues (22 if you count the second annual), which is longer than Vaughan. And the book is much worse.
Justice League of America #14
It's...good. It's definitely...good.

But it's also boobs kinda empty. The most I remember out of the whole issue was Luthor making witty banter at people. A lot happens in the panels boobs and people get stuff to do, but plot-wise the issue was over practically before it even started.

And Supes and Lightning are all kinds of dumbassed for thinking boobs that they could take on the entire Injustice League by themselves. Jeff said something about calling for help, but I guess he forgot or something 'cause help certainly never came. At least the two of them were actually boobs dispatched in a pretty believable and fitting manner as opposed to, oh for example, the sorts of circumstances that the cartoon was liable to give us.

It's an acceptable issue, but I'm kinda bummed that the Wedding Special was the best that McDuffie boobs has given us and that quality has been slowly decreasing since then, where everything was so colorful and clever and fun to read. This is still that, but...less. Notably less.

(6.9 out of 10)

The Brave and the Bold #7
I've been eagerly waiting for this issue for a while. Mark Waid writing Wonder Woman, with George Perez on art? Now, don't get me wrong; in the past -- the distant past to be sure -- Waid has done some things to Wonder Woman that have been...let's just call them iffy and leave it at that. But with this he totally redeems himself in my eyes. I dunno, maybe it's just a variation on the whole theme of "You could write Diana like horsedick and it'd still be slightly better than the average this year," but he really does get to respect her in ways that make me think Perez might have thrown in a suggestion or two. She's understanding and open-minded and wise, but also fierce and direct has no patience for foolishness. She's tolerant but not vulnerable, and no one should mistake that distinction. And Waid seriously writes the second-best use of the invisible plane that anyone has ever used it for, here. All in all, I'm very happy with her in this issue, which is such an unfamiliar feeling these days.

Unfortunately, by comparison Power Girl's depiction suffers a lot. Now, I realize that this story simply wouldn't have worked if both women here were level-headed and strategic the whole way through, but turning Power Girl from a brash subcharacter known for only two things -- can you guess what they are? -- into a capable and focused leader figure was one of Geoff Johns' many great tricks of recent years, and at this point it's actually really, really jarring if she reverts to any lesser characterization. Especially when it's laid on so very damn thick here. Her whole RAARR KARA SMASH mindset just makes her feel like a completely different (and less likeable, it has to be said) character than the one we've actually been getting in continuity. And this whole series hardly needs any help feeling more out-of-continuity than it already does.

All in all, though, a great issue with a straightforward, enjoyable story.

(8.6 out of 10)

Birds of Prey #111
Heheheh, "Nerds of Prey." Best title pun ever.

So which wall did Superboy punch this time to turn Calculator from a middle-aged blue-collar stiff into a fresh-faced college TA? Don't get me wrong, I think I almost prefer this change, and it works great for the story. But it is a change, and a noticeable change at that, one that throws a cog into a lot of gears, so to speak. Calculator supposed to be the information pimp of the DCU villains, the one that plans the big evil and stages Teh Grand Schemes...and I just can't see Luthor or Deathstroke taking this bellboy very seriously.

But the story here? So good. Charming and funny and brings a smile to my internet-worn soul. Which actually suprised me, 'cause "Oracle vs Calculator" is one of those novel ideas that got denovelized around the third or fourth time they used it in a single year. The last time was in Countdown, I think, which...yeah, you can guess how that went down. But Bedard brings it around in a really clever manner that not only utilizes continuity from over a year ago in this series, but continuity from over a year ago in other series as well. And hell, they're at a computer expo! It was cute. And that ending was...cheesy, but clever. Another satisfying standalone issue from Bedard. Heheh, I just typoed his name and it came out Betard. Anyway, I get the impression that he could conceivably write this series forever and it'd be a great run...too bad he's leaving both this and Supergirl.

(8 out of 10)

Checkmate #19
Niiiice. Well, technically, it's bad news for the good guys but still, the way it was all carried across? Niiiice. I'm calling it now. I'm probably wrong, but I'm calling it now: Trautmann is J'onn.

I'm surprised that the "Fall of the Wall" arc only has one more issue to go. The series has pretty much been leading up to his point from the beginning, and there seems to be a lot of loose ends left to tie up in a single issue...especially with all the fan-smacking sht that just now got introduced. Which makes me all the more excited to see how it finally pays off.

(8.9 out of 10)
I stay away from the Luna brothers' work. I did get Suburban Glamour, but I haven't read it yet.
That was a Luna Brothers book? Damn, now I gotta go back and buy it. :mad:

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