Brock already for the Daily Bugle?!


Apr 5, 2006
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I knew I had this somewere on an old CD... It's not fake - its an auction putted up by columbia in 2004. Look a the credit of the pic... The one on the news paper LOL

By the way, heres a little teaser i made:

Wow I never saw that either. I only saw the part in Spider-Man 1 when Robbie talks about him.
good work.

ye we knew brock works for the daily bugle already, i guess you havent seen spider-man 1
klown23 said:
I knew I had this somewere on an old CD... It's not fake - its an auction putted up by columbia in 2004. Look a the credit of the pic... The one on the news paper LOL

By the way, heres a little teaser i made:


Now, that's flippin' cool. Good spot. Oh, and that teaser is pretty neat too...except for Venom. Meh. Too cartoony to me. But good stuff, klown. :up:
Too bad Raimi didn't give poor old Richard C. Everbeck a chance after his Eddie Brock test shots for the 2002 SM movie. I don't know if the guy can act, but he had the right look for Brock.
The Lizard said:
Too bad Raimi didn't give poor old Richard C. Everbeck a chance after his Eddie Brock test shots for the 2002 SM movie. I don't know if the guy can act, but he had the right look for Brock.

SsM said:
I saw the scene that he was in on the internet somewhere... it wasnt anything special

Really? I wasn't aware that the Everbeck/Brock clips were ever shown anywhere.

I tried looking around for test shots from SM1 for a long time to discover if the scene with Dr. Connors firing Peter had actually been filmed (it was in the 2000 script), but I was never able to find any evidence of actual filmed scenes with Connors or Brock from 2001.
Thats awesome. I never noticed that before.
The Lizard said:
Really? I wasn't aware that the Everbeck/Brock clips were ever shown anywhere.

I tried looking around for test shots from SM1 for a long time to discover if the scene with Dr. Connors firing Peter had actually been filmed (it was in the 2000 script), but I was never able to find any evidence of actual filmed scenes with Connors or Brock from 2001.
I'll try and find it for you. I found it from a link an another message board a long time ago.

That is awesome, I can't believe I didn't see that. :(
SsM said:
I'll try and find it for you. I found it from a link an another message board a long time ago.
Please do so and post it in here.
I noticed that a long time ago. His name is also on the page that says "he's back"
funny how no one metioned that brock was metioned in spiderman 1.

ps, i hope this makes sence, i'm slightly drunk.

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